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Exercise 7. Read and translate the text. Biology

Biology is the science of living things. The word "bio­logy" comes from two Greek words: bio — "life"' and logos — "discourse" or "study". Biology includes all the facts and principles which have been derived from a scien­tific study of living things. The special study of plants, called Botany, and of animals, called Zoology, are the two great subdivisions of the science of biology. Plants and animals are called organisms, so biology may also be defined as the science of organisms.

Life exists in many places on the earth, often in spite of very difficult conditions. In the Arctic regions, the tem­perature may fall to 60 degrees below zero, while in de­serts it may climb to over 120 degrees. Some animals live under the immense pressure of the deep seas, and ot­hers live near the tops of the highest mountains. But no matter where they exist, all living things must have certain necessary conditions. Let us see what these are: living things need oxygen, living things must have the right amount of pressure, living things must have water, living things need the proper temperature, living things must have food.

Most people think that plants are not alive in the same sense that animals are, or that there is some fundamental difference between plant and animal life. But this is not so. Plants and animals have much in common. Their more im­portant points of resemblance are: 1) The living substance of plants and animals is organized into protoplasm. Proto­plasm is the basic material of ail living systems and its general properties fundamentally the same in each system both in plants and animals. 2) The living matter is organized in both plants and animals into microscopic units called cells. 3) Certain vital processes take place in plant bodies in the same manner as in animal bodies. These processes are respiration, digestion, assimilation, growth and reproduction. 4) Both animals and plants can­not live without water, air, food, light and moderate amount of heat. They both are of different shapes, sizes and colours. In fact, the differences are not so many as the likenesses although they are more apparent, for only three are important, namely: plants are not conscious, they are unable to move about, they make their own food.

Biology is the science of life and people who are engaged in it are called biologists. They study the secrets of living things. Their discoveries are of great value to all mankind.

Biology tells us about our body: how it is constructed and how it functions. It gives us important information about other living things and how their lives affect man­kind. A knowledge of biology will help you to keep healthy. It will be your guide in solving many of everyday living and scientific problems.

Biologists have made a great contribution to science. They have increased our food supply, they have developed new and better varieties of plants and animals. Scientific methods of farming have given us much more food. Bio­logists control many diseases. They have saved millions of lives by discovering the causes of these diseases and methods of prevention and cure. Vaccines, penicillin and sulfa are products of the biological laboratory.

Biologists have solved many mysteries of the body. They have discovered how blood circulates, how food is digested and many other secrets of life. They are now working in different fields of biology and their studies may lead to a solution of many problems.

A biologist's laboratory is a fascinating place. In it you may find a variety of plants and animals, some of which are invisible to the naked eye. There are powerful micro­scopes and other instruments. One of the most important tools of a scientist is his laboratory notebook. He always keeps very complete and accurate records of his observations and experiments.

In carrying out his work biologists use the scientific method that is:

1. They find out everything that is known about the problem by reading or by discussing the matter with others.

2. They think of several possible explanations or so­lutions. Some of these will prove to be wrong. One or more of the others may be right.

3. They test all the possibilities by experiments. They repeat the experiment several times. They make every effort to prevent errors.

4. When they have reached a conclusion, they inform other scientists who may repeat the work.


Exercise 8. Write out verb forms except the verb to be and define their tense and voice forms, give the Infinitive.

Example: was given – Past Simple, Passive Voice – to be given.

Exercise 9. Find prepositions of place, direction, and cause in the text and write them in a right column.





Exercise 10. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following expressions. Find them in the text and compose your own sentences with these expressions.

  1. in spite of; _____________________________________

  2. no matter; _____________________________________

  3. to be defined as; _____________________________________

  4. in the same sense; _____________________________________

  5. much in common; ______________________________________

  6. to be the same in; ______________________________________

  7. both in; ______________________________________

  8. in the same manner; ______________________________________

  9. to be so many as; ______________________________________

  10. to be engaged in; _______________________________________

  11. to be of great value;_______________________________________

  12. to keep healthy; ________________________________________

  13. to make a great contribution; ________________________________

  14. in carrying out; _____________________________________


Exercise 11. Define the tense of the predicate and make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

  1. I’m studying biology.

  2. He has solved this difficult problem.

  3. He is a good biologist.

  4. My teacher developed a new plant.

  5. These scientists work on a very interesting problem.

  6. They began to investigate this problem last year.

  7. Animals and plants live under different conditions.

  8. Life exists in many places on the earth.

  9. Some animals can exist under the immense pressure of the deep seas.

  10. Biologists have solved many mysteries of the body.

  11. Students of the ecological faculty study different subjects.

Exercise 12. Underline the subject and the predicate of the sentences and put possible questions to all members of the sentence.

  1. Most of the animals are of great importance for man.

  2. Bodies of plants and animals contain inorganic substances.

  3. We shall consider plants and animals together.

  4. Biology has become more dependent on other sciences.

  5. Certain vital processes take place in plant body every season.

  6. These plants differ greatly in size.

Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to different meanings of the verbs “to be” and “to have”.

а) We are selecting seeds. These plants are improved by us. Variations in plants are the basis for plant improvement. They are not at the University now, but they are to meet here. The crop yields are to be increased every year (annually).

b) He has made a very good report. He has a lot of literature on this subject. He has to translate a new article so he will have to work the whole evening.

c) You must read this book. You have to read this book. You should read this book. You are to read this book.

d) We have to develop new varieties. We had to adapt the plants to new conditions. We shall have to create suitable conditions for this experiment. Our teacher is to be here at 9 o’clock. The principle of isotope analysis can also be applied to cases where a greater number of substances are to be determined. This plant has to be treated with cold. We have to read much to became good specialists. These fruits are to be crossed. You ought to plant this seed in spring. The grain had to pass through a low temperature stage.

Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. I like both of these plants.

2. He likes both the flowers and the leaves of this plant.

3. Both functions of this organ are important.

4. Both water and air are necessary for the living organists.

5. General properties of protoplasm are the same both in plants and animals.

6. Both plants and animals cannot live without water.

7. Both these plants are of the same shape and size.


Exercise 15. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is biology? Define it.

  2. What do you call the science of living organisms?

  3. What elements does living matter consist of?

  4. What do living things need?

  5. Are plants and animals similar in their fundamental composition?

  6. What are the differences and similarities both of animals and plants?

  7. What does biology tell us about our body?

  8. How can biology be defined?

  9. What do the biologists study?

  10. What does the word “biology” mean?

  11. Do plants and animals depend upon one another?

  12. How do plants or animals differ from lifeless things?

  13. What have the biologists discovered?

  14. What does he always keep very complete and accurate records of?

Exercise 16. Read, translate and retell the text.

I am a student of National Aviation University, the Ecological Safety Department. Our faculty is the largest faculty of the Ecologu and Design Institute of the University. We do different subjects: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Microbiology and many others. Besides these special subjects we study Economics, Philosophy and English. We also study English to be able to read foreign scientific books on biology and biotechnology.

There are many departments in our faculty: of chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, biology, microbiology, soil science, conservation of nature, etc. Besides the faculty has research laboratories and computer classes. Every student has the opportunity to work in modern, well-equipped laboratories, where different problems on biotechnology and biology are under investigation.

Students are acquainted with all branches of biotechnology. They are lectured in various subjects of natural science, namely: microbiology, biophysics, biochemistry, soil science, bionics, genetics. During the first two years they attend lectures on mathematics, physics, chemistry, political subjects and foreign languages. In their third year specialization begins. They have several specialized courses and carry out additional practical and research work on the subject they have chosen as their future speciality. Besides attending lectures, they may join some scientific students’ societies and choose a problem to work on according to their bents. All of them know that biotechnology is the science of glorious past and great future. They do their best to get as much knowledge as possible.

Graduates of the Ecological Safety Faculty are assigned to work at laboratories, and research institutions. Those who have a bent for research work may take a postgraduate course of study.

Exercise 17. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Біологія – це наука про живі організми.

  2. Існує багато спеціальних галузей знань і багато аспектів і законів, в яких елементарна підготовка із загальної біології є необхідною.

  3. Вивчаючи живі організми, ми вивчаємо зв`язок рослин і тварин із світом.

  4. Біологія взагалі поділяється на дві галузі – ботаніка та зоологія.

  5. Усі організми можуть реагувати на зміни в оточуючому середовищі.

  6. Елементарні знання з біології дають нам основу для розуміння нашого тіла.

  7. Визначення сутності життя – одне з головних завдань загальної біології.

Exercise 18. Make up the annotation to the following text in English.

Біологія – наука про живі організми. Вона вивчає таємниці живої природи, як створені живі організми, як вони функціонують. Результати досліджень біологів мають велике значення для розвитку багатьох галузей науки. Дослідження біологів допомагають вирішити багато проблем сучасної науки та зрозуміти взаємозв`язок між усіма організмами й навколишнім середовищем. Визначення сутності життя – одна з головних задач загальної біології.

Живі організми можуть жити в різних умовах. Деякі існують при дуже високих температурах, а інші легко переносять сильні морози. Усі вони повинні були пристосовуватися до навколишнього середовища.

Біологія вивчає життєві процеси як у тварин, так і у рослин. Ці два великі підрозділи в біології називаються ботанікою та зоологією. Як рослини, так і тварини повинні мати певні умови для існування. Як тварини, так і рослини не можуть жити без кисню, води, їжі та світла. Однакові життєві процеси мають місце як у тварин, так і у рослин. Ці процеси називаються диханням, травленням, ростом і розмноженням. Тварини реагують на зовнішні подразнення через нервову систему та органи чуттів. Рослини також пристосовуються до оточуючого середовища і реагують на зовнішній вплив. Однак механізми реакції у відповідь на подразнення у рослин дуже відрізняються від механізмів тварин.

Exercise 19. Retell the text BIOLOGY.

Exercise 20. Read and translate the article.

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