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Specialty Advertising

  • "Giveaways" are the pencils, pens, buttons, calendars and refrig­erator magnets you see everyday. They are called "Specialty Advertis­ing" in the advertising business. Businesses imprint their name on items and give them away (or sometimes sell them at very low cost) in order that:

  • You notice their name enough times on the item. So when you plan to buy something or you need some service you think of their name first.

  • You appreciate the goodwill of the company giving you the item and eventually return the favor by giving them some business.

These are long-term advertising investments that can take months or years to turn into actual sales.

Specialty advertising is a unique way to generate goodwill and put your name on items that people remember.


There is no one best way to advertise your product or service. It is important to explore the various advertising media and select those, which will most effectively convey your message to your customers in a cost-efficient manner.

Always remember, advertising is an investment in the future of your business.


Exercise 1. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.

  1. advertising medium

  2. news-stand

  3. classifieds

  1. leisure

  1. coupon

  2. on short notice

  3. to detail

  4. trade magazine

  5. consumer magazine

  6. weather report

  7. persuasive power

  1. direct-mail advertising

  2. outdoor advertising

  3. billboard

  4. to appeal

  5. goodwill

    1. журнал для массового потреби­теля

    2. прямая почтовая реклама

    3. объявления, сверстанные по те­матике, классифицированные объ­явления

    4. доброжелательность; репутация фирмы, престиж фирмы

    5. тотчас же, в короткий срок

    6. сводка погоды, прогноз погоды

    7. досуг, свободное время

    8. рекламный щит

    9. обращаться

    10. средство рекламы

    11. купон (купон дает покупателю право на скидку или вещевую премию)

    12. сила убеждения

    13. газетный киоск

    14. детализировать; подробно опи­сывать

    15. отраслевой журнал (производст­венно-технический, экономиче­ский)

    16. уличная реклама

Exercise 2. Say whether these sentences are true or false and explain why.

      1. There is an advertising medium that has no disadvantages and limitations.

      2. Reading the newspaper is a rare habit for families.

      3. People don’t expect advertising in the newspaper.

      4. People never buy the paper just to read the ads.

      5. A newspaper ad can not contain prices and telephone numbers.

      6. There few advantages of advertising in the newspaper.

      7. The print quality of newspapers is very good for photographs.

      8. The main difference between newspaper advertising and magazine advertising is the following: ads in magazines are not immediate.

      9. An ad for a monthly magazine must be prepared at least two days in advance of publication.

      10. You can find trade magazines on the average newsstand.

      11. Con­sumer magazines are publications that go to certain types of industries.

      12. Not many people listen to the radio.

      13. You can not advertise on a radio, as it offers only the following information: news, weather reports and music.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the following words.

Direct mail, behavior, medium, outdoor, future, alternative, expensive, "giveaways", television, investment.

  1. … is often called the "king" of the advertising media.

  2. TV has persuasive power in influencing hu­man ….

  3. Advertising on TV is very … .

  4. Cable advertising is a lower cost … to advertising on broadcast television.

  5. … аdvertising includes billboards, benches, posters, signs and ad­vertising on buses, subways, taxicabs and trains.

  6. … is the third largest media expendi­ture behind television and newspaper.

  7. Some companies use … to attract their potential consumers’ attention.

  8. Specialty advertising is a long-term ….

  9. There is no best advertising ….

  10. Advertising is an investment in the … of business.

Exercise 4. Translate the text into Russian.

Advertising is an important means of promoting the goods that are being produced already as well as new lines in business. There are spe­cialized firms dealing with advertising, different kinds of mass media (TV, radio, newspapers, cinema, journals, magazines, posters) are used for advertising goods. Special leaflets, booklets and other printed mat­ter about goods may be published for the same purpose. Participation in fairs and exhibitions helps to promote the goods as well. The choice of media for advertising depends on the kind of goods and on the local conditions and people's habits: sometimes TV and radio ads are best, in other cases it may be trade journals or leaflets distributed among po­tential buyers.

Exercise 5. Write a short essay on.

  1. Advertising, its benefits and disadvantages.

  2. Advertising strategies.

  3. Methods of Advertising. Their strong and weak points.

Exercise 6. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.

  1. to make an offer

  2. to accept, agree to offer

  3. to consider an offer

  4. to refuse an offer

  5. binding offer

  6. firm offer

  7. introductory offer

  8. job offer

  9. reasonable offer

  10. tempting offer

  11. tentative, trial offer

    1. предложение работы

    2. серьезное предложение

    3. делать предложение

    4. заманчивое предложение

    5. принять предложение

    6. разумное предложение

    7. отклонять предложение

    8. пробное предложение

    9. твердое предложение, твердая оферта

    10. рассматривать предложение

    11. начальное предложение

*I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. — Я предложу ему сделку, от которой он отказаться не сможет. / Я сделаю ему предложение от которого он не сможет отказаться. (Реплика мафиозного босса из романа "Крестный отец" Марио Пьюзо; стала крылатым выражением во всем мире после выхода на экраны одноименного фильма, снятого Ф.Копполой (1972), где роль крестного отца исполнил Марлон Брандо.)