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In both these examples a modal verb is used to express mild obligation or advice. What do the following verbs express?

  1. have to

  2. should/ shouldn't

  3. ought to

  4. don't have to

  5. don't need to

  6. needn't

  7. must / mustn't

  8. need to

a obligation or necessity

b advice

с absence of obligation or necessity

Exercise 5. Seven warnings signs of a danger ego out of control. What does the person need to change / not change? Write eight sentences using modal verbs of obligation.

Example: He should be competitive in some aspects of his life but he has to stop being competitive about drinking.

  1. Dominates conversations, commandeers meetings, interrupts and finishes off sentences of others. Competitive in all aspects of life, not only business but tennis, squash or drinking.

  2. Bold, doesn’t worry about going into new situations and meeting new people.

  3. Has a high opinion of himself and his abilities and he always thinks he is right.

  4. Loves pressure. He likes tight deadlines, is impatient to get ahead and does several things at once.

  5. Must be the centre of attention at meetings, parties, social gatherings, and can’t do without attention or flattery.

  6. Loves power and the trappings. Couldn’t bear to be without a chauffeur-driven car, paneled office, secretaries and trips on Concorde.

  7. Has abnormal energy levels, is always on the go, needs little sleep, and is constantly restless.

Text 15. How to motivate your employees

Successful managers know how to motivate their employees. Al­though everyone is motivated by different needs, most people will tell you that two of the most important things they look for in a company are mutual respect and personal involvement. When workers feel good about themselves, the work they do, and the company they work for, it is much easier to gain their cooperation.

To manage successfully and improve the performance of employees:

Involve employees in decision-making process. Give employees a share in decision-making. If not deciding what is to be done, then how it is to be done, or when or in what way and by whom.

Keep employees informed. Keep employees informed about changes that can directly affect them such as business policy changes, procedure or rule changes, product information changes, and perfor­mance standard changes.

Be aware of the morale level of your employees. Be sensitive to changes in morale. Know when and why it goes up or down.

Maintain an open-door policy. Be approachable, available, and in­terested, not distant.

Develop a caring attitude. A good manager trains, develops, coun­sels, guides, and supports employees.

Be sure to listen. Always listen to and try to understand what em­ployees are communicating.

Always treat your employees with respect. Be thoughtful and considerate of the person you are dealing with.

Ask for suggestions. Be sure to invite suggestions and new ideas from employees concerning work. Be willing to put good ideas into ef­fect by making changes.

Give "constructive" criticism. An effective manager gives con­structive criticism and never makes personal attacks.

Recognize your employees. Give appropriate praise and recogni­tion for a job well done.

Outline job responsibilities. Make certain employees know ex­actly what is expected of them and how their performance will be eval­uated.

Maintain high standards. By involving employees in establishing high standards of performance, you will build their pride and self-confi­dence.


Exercise 1. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.

  1. personal involvement

  2. motivate

  3. procedure

  4. to outline

  5. self-confidence

  6. morale

  7. to counsel

  8. to involve

  9. mutual respect

  10. personal attacks

  11. to put into effect

  12. to recognize

  13. business policy

  14. performance standard

  15. to communicate

  16. caring attitude

  17. performance

  18. considerate

  19. approachable (available)

  20. to develop

  21. job responsibilities

  22. to make certain

  23. business community

  24. to guide

  1. thoughtful

  2. to train

A. взаимное уважение

B. личное участие (в чем-л.)

C. мотивировать, побуждать, при­нуждать

D. процедура; методика прове­дения (административной работы)

E. выполнение, исполнение; производительность или ин­тенсивность труда

F. деловая политика; формулиров­ка целей фирмы и выбор средств для их достижения

G. доступный

H. внимательное отношение

I. вовлекать

J. обучать

K. развивать

L. советовать, рекомендовать

M. направлять, управлять, руководить

N. говорить, сообщать кому-л. о чём-л., общаться

O. нападки, резкая критика

P. осуществлять, приводить в ис­полнение, проводить в жизнь

Q. заботливый, чуткий, внимательный

R. внимательный к другим; дели­катный, тактичный

S. ценить, признавать (чьи-л. заслу­ги); отдавать должное (кому-л.)

T. обрисовать, наметить в общих чер­тах

U. должностные обязанности

V. убедиться в чем-л.

W. деловые круги

X. уровень интенсивности или эф­фективности труда; норма производительности, норма выработки

Y. моральное состояние; боевой дух

Z. уверенность в себе

Exercise 2. Write a short essay on:

  1. The difference between leadership and management.

  2. What to do to manage successfully and improve the perfor­mance of employees.

Exercise 3. Say whether these sentences are true or false and explain why.

    1. Successful managers never know how to motivate their employees.

    2. People are motivated by the same needs.

    3. Mutual respect and personal involvement are the only two things people look for in a company.

    4. It is much easier to deal with workers who don’t like their work and the company they work for.

    5. You should never involve employees in decision-making process.

    6. You should never keep employees informed about changes that can directly affect them.

    7. You should inform employees about policy or rule changes, but you can hide product information changes.

    8. A good manager shouldn’t care about the morale level of the employees.

    9. A good manager should be distant, not approachable or available.

    10. A good manager should always eavesdrop on his em­ployees.

    11. According to the author of the text employees don’t deserve respect.

    12. An effective manager should make personal attacks to get what he wants.

    13. A good manager should never praise his employees.

Exercise 4. Choose the best definition for the underlined word in the sentences.

1 The parallels between the behaviour of corporate executives and that of great apes are uncanny.

a similarities b differences с distinctions

2 The spectacular collapse of the supposed alliance of drug giants Glaxo Wellcome and Smith Kline Beecham is a textbook example.

a unusual b interesting с perfect

3 The deal gave the companies a drugs research and development budget more than twice the size of their closest rivals.

a competitors b partners с friends

4 Corporate egos cause problems but they seem to be inevitable in a business culture that prizes drive, determination and leadership above all.

a unavoidable b impossible с likely

5 Having the strength of personality and the ability to outmanoeuvre others is a fundamental prerequisite to climb to the top of the corporate ladder.

a step b problem с requirement

6 The problems only appear when they have to get together with peers in their organization who don't share their views.

a people who hold higher positions b people who hold lower positions

с people who hold similar positions.

7 Then clashes are inevitable.

a solutions b strong differences of opinion с long discussions

8 In the corporate jungle, the question is now whether the imperatives of shareholders can control the egos of managers.

a urgent demands b instructions с strong personalities

Exercise 5. Review the Grammar material «The Perfect Tense Form».

Pay special attention to the adverbs and the words denoting time. They are very often used with this Tense Form.

Present: already, just, not... yet, ever, never, recently, lately, of late, for, today, since, this (week, month), by now, etc.

Past: by (yesterday, last Friday, etc.), hardly (scarcely, barely, nearly) ... when, no sooner... than, sequence of tenses, etc.

Future: by (tomorrow, next week, etc.), etc.

Translate the following sentences into Russian.

Since the Second World War Britain's service industries, especially banking and retailing, have expanded.

He has just given a considerable part of his income to numerous acts of charity.

I have not seen him since he left our company.

People have really become better off lately, haven't they?

Joel felt that he had found a new blend of coffee.

By the 1990s, the investment had climbed to more than $400 billion, even though farms had dropped in number from 6 million to fewer that 3 million.

How long had you stayed with the firm by the time you resigned!

Hardly had they announced the dollar devaluation, when the prices started rising.

(They had hardly announced the dollar devaluation, when the prices started rising.)

By next morning, the delegation will have left.

He said (that) by the next month he would have written his final paper.

Exercise 6. Open the brackets; use the correct form of the verb. Wherever necessary, change the word order.

  1. World War 11 (to cost) Britain more than a quarter of its national wealth.

  2. Throughout the 1980s budgets (to re­duce) income tax.

  3. By the time of the Great Depression, Wall Street (to symbolize) the route to quick riches.

  4. In an attempt to stabilize farm in­come, the US Government (to pay) farmers billions of dollars.

  5. The price of the membership (to vary) considerably over the years.

  6. They said that for many years Wall Street (to be) the location of some of the chief financial institutions of the United States.

  7. The amazing productivity of Ameri­can farmers (to ensure) that much of the world will have enough to eat for the next 20 or 30 years.

  8. He thought that Wall Street as a worldwide symbol of high finance and investment (to enter) modern mythology.

  9. By next century, Britain (to enjoy) great possessions of knowledge, wealth, and communications.

  10. By the time she returns from London, he (to graduate) from the university.

Exercise 7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

  1. Долгое время Лондон является од­ним из важнейших финансовых центров мира.

  2. К началу прошлого века в Велико­британии уже появились проф­союзы.

  3. Согласно статистических данных производство возрастет к началу века.

  4. В течение многих десятилетий Ве­ликобритания была «мастерской мира».

  5. К середине 1950-х годов цены ста­билизировались.

  6. Зарплата выросла на 20% или 25%?

  7. Правительство предприняло суро­вые меры с момента девальвации фунта.

  8. Гид сказала, что туризм стал важ­ной отраслью экономики страны.

  9. Не успели владельцы закрыть шахты, как началась забастовка.

  10. Когда началась первая мировая война, США и Германия уже обо­гнали Великобританию в эконо­мическом развитии.