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Инфинитивные обороты (конструкции)

+ инфинитив

Инфинитив может выполнять функции сложных членов предложения, которые называются инфинитивными оборотами или конструкциями. При их образовании инфинитив сочетается либо с именем существительным, либо с местоимением, стоящим перед ним. Таким образом, в состав любой инфинитивной конструкции обязательно входят следующие элементы:

имя существительное


местоимение (личное или косвенное)

Следует помнить, что эти элементы имеют между собой такие же смысловые отношения как подлежащее и сказуемое (хотя в английском предложении таковыми не являются). Это даёт право передавать конструкцию на русский язык предложением (чаще всего придаточным; однако, некоторые конструкции передаются на русский язык простыми предложениями).

Существуют следующие инфинитивные обороты: сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом, сложное дополнение с инфинитивом, конструкция “for+инфинитив”. Рассмотрим их структуру и особенности перевода.

  1. Сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом.

Сложно-подчиненное предложение с главным предложением типа it is said – говорят, it is expected – ожидают, ожидается, it seems – кажется, по-видимому, it is likely – вероятно и т.п. (все они являются безличными и неопределенно-личными фразами) часто заменяется на простое предложение.

Сложно-подчиненное предложение Простое предложение

It is said that he knows history well. He is said to know history well.

Говорят, что он хорошо знает историю.

Использование простого предложения позволяет лаконичнее передавать мысль, не изменяя её содержания. Ключевая информация при этом передаётся существительным или местоимением (he) и инфинитивом (to know), а неопределенно-личное (или безличное) сказуемое сохраняется, позволяя сделать ссылку на кого-либо (is said – говорят, is expected – ожидают, ожидается) или выразить предположение (it seems – кажется, по-видимому, is likely – вероятно).

Подлежащим такого простого предложения является комплекс или оборот (конструкция) “существительное или личное местоимение + инфинитив”; сказуемое при этом является фоном высказывания, ссылкой или предположением.

П1часть Сказ П2часть

These books are known to be published in English, French and Spanish.

П Сказ

Известно, что эти книги издаются на английском, французском и испанском.

(Эти книги, как известно, издаются на английском, французском и испанском.)

They were reported to have excavated a new site.

Сообщалось, что они провели раскопки нового участка.

(Они как сообщалось, провели раскопки нового участка.)

Сказуемое таких предложений выражено либо глаголом в страдательном залоге (ссылка на кого-либо: is said, is known, was reported, was expected и т.д.), либо глаголом или глагольной фразой в действительном залоге (предположение, вероятность: is likely, is possible, seems и т.д.).

Глаголы, употребляемые в страдательном залоге:

to believe – полагать, считать

to suppose – предполагать, полагать

to think – считать, полагать

to consider– считать, полагать

to hold – считать

to take – считать

to assume – допускать, предполагать

to know – знать (известно)

to intend – иметь в виду, предполагать

to mean – полагать, считать

to expect – ожидать, предполагать, полагать

to estimate – подсчитывать

to prove – доказывать

to say – говорить

to show – показывать

to report – сообщать

to announce – объявлять

to state – утверждать. констатировать

to claim – утверждать, считать

to suffer – терпеть; допускать (чтобы)

to pronounce – объявлять, провозглашать

to find – обнаруживать, оказываться; находить

глаголы и глагольные фразы, употребляемые в действительном залоге:

to seem – казаться, по-видимому

to appear – казаться, по-видимому

to prove – оказываться

to turn out – оказываться

to come out – оказываться

to happen – случаться, случайно оказаться; доводиться

to chance – случаться, случайно оказаться; доводиться

to be likely – вероятно, может быть

to be not likely – маловероятно, не может быть

to be unlikely – вряд ли, едва ли

to be possible – возможно

to be probable – возможно, вероятно

to be certain – наверное, конечно, несомненно, обязательно

to be sure – наверное, конечно, несомненно, обязательно

Такая конструкция называется сложным подлежащим с инфинитивом; она передается на русский язык предложением, причем первая часть (существительное, личное местоимение) становится подлежащим русского предложения, а вторая часть (инфинитив) – сказуемым в соответствующем времени: выбор времени зависит от формы инфинитива и её соотнесенности с английским сказуемым.

The water is known to boil at 100°C.

Известно, что вода кипит при 100°С.

The water seems to be boiling. I’ll make tea.

Вода, кажется, кипит. Я приготовлю чай.

The water is possible to have boiled.

Возможно, вода вскипела.

Упражнение 1. Замените сложно-подчиненные предложения на простые, используя оборот “сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом”.

О б р а з е ц: It is said that he is a good student.

He is said to be a good student.

1. It is known that they will arrive tomorrow.

2. It is expected that the conference will take place in Kiev.

3. It is hoped that the new edition of this book will be of no less interest to the reader.

4. It will be noticed that these poems are of quite a different character.

5. It has been shown in the above examples that the sense of the sentence often depends on the order of words.

6. It is sometimes said that the Nile is-longer than all -the rivers in the eastern and western hemispheres.

7. It will be seen from the following tables that the sounds do not coincide in quality.

8. It was thought useful to apply this method here.

9. It has been estimated that the volume contained 220 pages.

10 It is known that dreams reflect our waking life.

11 It was thought that human soul left the body during sleep and travelled about, visiting other people in their dreams.

12. It is supposed that higher animals are capable of dreaming.

13. In early societies it was believed that prophets could foretell the future.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в предложениях оборот “сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом”. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The President is believed to be in London now. 2. She is supposed to be an experienced secretary. 3. The computer is expected to save the scientists a lot of time. 4. The material loss (материальный ущерб) was estimated to be more than 1 mln dollars. 5. This discovery is considered to be the result of a long and thorough investigation. 6. These phenomena are believed to be interdependent. 7. The expedition is reported to be moving north. 8. This man is said to be a good psychologist. 9. The talks are reported to be in progress. 10. The head of the expedition was held responsible for the accident. 11. Leonardo da Vinci is considered to be a pioneer in physiology and botany. 12. The Earth is said to have been part of the Sun. 13. The delegation is reported to have arrived in the capital already. 14. Moral perfection is considered to be one of the ideals of mankind. 15. Leonardo da Vinci is known to have studied optics. 16. His painting and sculpture are supposed to have opened up new fields of enquiry. 17. He is known to have studied the structure of the bones and muscles of the human body.

Упражнение 3. Преобразуйте следующие предложения, употребив “сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом”. Используйте глаголы, данные в скобках.

О б р а з е ц: History repeats itself. – History is known to repeat itself.

1. Leonardo da Vinci discovered and laid down immortal principles in the theory of art (to know). 2. Leonardo da Vinci designed the first parachute (to suppose). 3. Leonardo denied himself meat (отказывал себе в мясной пище) out of an aversion to the killing of animals (to say). 4. Applied science will produce a vast increase in entirely new synthetic products of all kinds (to expect). 5. Rapid expansion of industrialization leads to an exhaustion of natural resources (to believe). 6. Close cooperation between scientists and scientific institutions all over the world is one of the most striking characteristics of modern science (to consider). 7. Charles Spencer Chaplin made more people laugh than any other human being in the history of the world (to know).

Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сочетания глаголов to seem, to appear, to prove и выражения to be likely, to be certain, to be sure с инфинитивом.

a) 1. He seems to be the best person for the job. 2. The discussion proved to be too long. 3. They seem not to approve of our plan. 4. They appear to be very interested in their work. 5. At first everyone thought he was lazy, but he turned out to be a hard worker. 6. Their estimation seems to be correct. 7. His results proved to be valuable. 8. Occasionally, we all have days in which nothing seems to go right. 9. During his speech the audience appeared to be solemn.

b) О б р а з е ц: She seems to be learning a lot of things now. — Она, по-видимому, сейчас многому учится (многое узнает). She seems to have learned a lot of things recently.— Она, видимо, много узнала за последнее время

1. The administration seems to have changed their attitude to the scheme. 2. Science seems to be playing a major part in politics now. 3. Applied science appears to have produced a vast increase in new synthetic products. 4. The speaker appeared to be losing patience. 5. These ideas seem to be gaining popularity. 6. The new teacher training scheme seems to be based on entirely different grounds. 7. The standards of living in this small country appear to have been raised.

Упражнение 5. Найдите в предложениях конструкцию “сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом”. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык, учитывая разные формы инфинитива.

1. Leonardo is known to have been born near a small town of Vinci in the Tuscan countryside. 2. The art of Italian Renaissance is known to have revived the traditions of ancient Greece and Rome. 3. The school of Andrea Verroccio is known to have given the world such great artists as Leonardo, Perugino and Botticelli. 4. Florence is known to have been the main centre of Italian art in the fifteenth century. 5. Leonardo da Vinci is believed to have designed the first parachute. 6. Giotto (1267—1337) is considered to have foreshadowed the painting of the Renaissance. 7. British administration tried arresting Gandhi for his acts of civil disobedience, but every arrest seemed only to add to his popularity. 8. Gandhi seemed to his friends to be a demon of energy. 9. India seemed never to be able to overcome poverty, fear and prejudice. 10. The sense of time is known to be greatly altered in dreams. 11 Prophets were considered to have supernatural powers 12. Brain is considered to be never fully inactive. 13. Dreams were believed to be meaningful and prophetic. 14. People are known to differ in the way they dream. 15. Young children are considered to have poor memory. 16. Human character is known to be influenced both by hereditary and environmental factors. 17. Sigmund Freud's theory is known to explain a great deal in the mechanism of dreams. 18. In the Middle Ages the Earth was considered to be the centre of the Universe. 19. In medieval Italy people who dissected dead bodies in order to study anatomy were considered to have sold their souls to the devil. 20. The art of the Greek classical period is often claimed to be the first truly naturalistic art and the art of the Italian Renaissance is spoken of as a revival of naturalism. 21. Secular knowledge is known to have flourished in the Renaissance, opening new realms of thought.

Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие предложения.

Примечание: обратите внимание на то, что сочетание to be supposed + infinitive может иметь значение долженствования, которое примерно соответствует русскому «полагается».

1. A medieval artist was supposed to follow strict rules of painting and he couldn't deviate from them. 2. One's not supposed to speak ill of the dead. 3. This information is confidential. Nobody is supposed to know it.

П р и м е ч а н и е 1. при переводе предложений, содержащих конструкцию “сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом”, следует обращать внимание на наличие отрицания в английском сказуемом (does not seem, was not likely, is not expected, is unlikely и т.д.). в русских вариантах это отрицание будет содержаться в сказуемом, которое образовано при переводе инфинитива.

e.g. This student is unlikely to deliver a report at the seminar.

Вероятно, этот студент не выступит с докладом на семинаре.

Упражнение 7. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребления отрицания в некоторых из них.

П р и м е ч а н и е 2. Конструкция “сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом” встречается в предложениях с оборотом “there is”. Так как элемент “there is” не переводится на русский язык, перевод предложения начинается со сказуемого, следующего за ним.

e.g. There appears to have been more snow last winter.

По-видимому, прошлой зимой было больше снега.

1. Thousands of British students are likely to take part in the peace march. 2. He is sure to win the competitions. 3. They are sure (certain) to inform us about their plans. 4. No need to hurry. She is sure to be late. 5. These students don't work hard. Therefore they are not likely to succeed. 6. In the developed countries the automatization of industry is likely to have far-reaching social effects. 7. The application of science and technology in all fields is certain to affect the structure of society as a whole. 8. However the mental capacity of computers is unlikely to reach human level in the nearest future. 9. By the end of the century portable computers are sure to be able to solve almost any problem faster and more efficiently than we can. 10. However, the computers are not likely to communicate with us on the human level in the nearest future. 11. Science is certain to influence the solution of most important political problems. 12. The losses inflicted by a progressive exhaustion of natural resources are not likely to decrease in the nearest future.

Упражнение 8. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на сочетание конструкции “сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом” и оборота “there is (are)”.

1. There seems to be no answer to this question.

2. There appears to be a direct connection between air pollution in the region and the occurrence of respiratory diseases.

3. There appear to be various opinions concerning this issue.

4. There seems to be no fish in this river. The water has been polluted by a chemical plant.

5. There appears to be no cause-effect relationship between the two phenomena (cause-effect relationship – причинно-следственная связь).

6. There appear to be more pollutants discharged into the atmosphere every year.

Примечание 3. Если конструкция “сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом” стоит в придаточном определительном предложении с союзами who, which, that, то инфинитив переводится сказуемым придаточного предложения.

e.g. We also have a group of events which are known to belong to the XIV century.

У нас также есть ряд событий, которые, как известно, относятся к XIV столетию.

Иногда такое придаточное предложение теряет свою полную форму, и вместо него остаётся его часть, которая сохраняет функцию определения.

e.g. We shall describe some objects which are thought to belong to the same class ( thought to belong to the same class).

Такое определение переводится на русский язык полным придаточным предложением. Оба варианта переводятся одинаково. Сравните:

We shall describe some objects which are thought to belong to the same class.

We shall describe some objects thought to belong to the same class.

Мы обсудим некоторые предметы, которые, как полагают, относятся к одному и тому же классу.

Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения, учитывая в них особенности употребления конструкции “сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом” (см. примечание 3)

1. The place of discovery was a hall which appears to have been the king's throne-room.

2. In the fifth century A. D. the one country that is known to have borne the name Angeln or England, lay in the district now called Sleswick.

3. By far1 the greatest of this school of dramatists is Marlow who may well2 be said to have prepared the way for Shakespeare.

4. All the mental functions and activities, which are said to be products of mind as distinct from3 matter, are products of matter.

5. If details remain in which we disagree, they hardly can affect the general picture of this art that our different works will be found to contain.

6. Such ideas are, however, unscientific. Why? Because they assert that the processes they are supposed to be investigating take place without any cause.

7. This is one of the oldest roads in England, believed indeed to be prehistoric.

8. Cult-objects may also be identified by the peculiar form, known from other sources to belong exclusively to some group of cultic equipment.

9. Japan had the drama, said in its very beginning to have been associated with its religion.

10. The Classical Scholar will appreciate that the civilization, reputed to have furnished Greece with many myths, was very ancient and very real.

1by far — несомненно.

2well после may, might — вполне.

3as distinct from — в отличие от.

Упражнение 10. Повторите все особенности конструкции “сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом”; переведите предложения.

1. He appears to be a very intelligent man.

2. These manuscripts seem to be very old.

3. He appeared to be thinking about something very serious.

4. Some people seem to think that society owes them everything.

5. He seems to be very much concerned about his experiment.

6. The organ played and every stone of the cathedral seemed to vibrate to this wonderful music.

7. You don't seem to understand this sentence.

8. Some people never seem to be happy.

9. This method doesn't seem to be effective.

10. You are sure to understand this author better after you have read all his books.

11. You are likely to enjoy this book: it's very interesting.

12. You are likely to remember a book better if you make notes while reading it.

13. Education alone is unlikely to solve all social problems.

14. People who can't either read or write are likely to have better memories than those who can.

15. Students are unlikely to make good progress at the University unless they work out some basic methods of study.

16. We are certain to understand each other.

17. When a child goes to school, his character is certain to change in some way.

18. Some theories, which seemed to be perfectly reasonable even a short time ago, have proved to be absolutely wrong.

19. It was hoped that this experimental method would help to solve the problem, but it proved to be quite useless.

20. The discussion proved to be very useful in helping to approach the problem in a new way.

21. The new evidence proved to confirm the theory.

22. Facts that seem insignificant at first often prove later to be of vital importance.

23. From 1580—1596 appeared the plays which may be said to represent the second stage of the Drama.

24. It is very probable that other deposits of the same nature will be found in the neighbouring territory close to the same ancient lake. This seems to be indicated by the remains of fossil animals recently discovered near Ambrona.

25. The French Revolution, which may be said to have begun with the Fall of the Bastille in 1789, was the outcome of centuries of oppression in France; and the ideas of reform were in the air long before its actual outbreak.

26. Human beings likely to have had the power of speech go as far back as history can trace them.

27. There seemed to be much in common between the two classes of objects, but there didn’t appear to be evidence enough to prove that they had been of the same origin.

28. Now let us turn to the words said to have taken their origin in Latin. First, they are unlikely to have come to the language at the same time.

29. The Chinese language is not supposed to have any connection with the languages of the West. But there appear to exist many Chinese borrowings in the western languages.

30. Animals, while they can make certain limited sounds and at times give them certain limited meanings, cannot be said to possess speech in the same sense that humans possess it.

31. When a book is greatly admired and often read, the language in which it is written is likely to be imitated to some extent by those who read it.

32. Practically, all of this material does not turn out under careful scrutiny to have value in itself.

33. This reference to Greece must not, however, be taken to mean the Greek civilization of historic times, which belonged to a much later period.

34. Very often, even many English-born speakers may be heard to say that they pronounce letters, not sounds.

35. Later, Armenian and Albanese, and a few ancient languages known to us only from scant written records, proved also to belong to the Indo-European family.

Упражнение 11. Переведите предложения на русский язык, используя в каждом из них конструкцию “сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом”.

1. Известно, что наука значительно изменила условия жизни современного человека. 2. Считается, что Леонардо да Винчи сконструировал первый лифт. 3. Говорят, что этот политический деятель добился больших успехов. 4. Ожидается, что противоречия (controversy) между этими государствами будут улажены (to settle). 5. Он, по-видимому, не понимает меня. 6. Мы наверняка поймем друг друга. 7. Этот метод, кажется, очень эффективный. 8. Он очень занят, но, по всей вероятности, поможет вам. 9. Некоторые люди, по-видимому, думают, что общество обязано сделать их счастливыми. 10. Известно, что Леонардо да Винчи создал проект реконструкции Милана. 11. Имеются сведения, что переговоры уже начались. 12. Говорят, что он достаточно умен чтобы правильно оценить ситуацию. 13 Ожидается, что они возобновят испытания на следующей неделе. 14. Сообщают, что президент уже прибыл в столицу. 15. Студенты обязательно примут участие в конференции. 16. Эти ученые наверняка опубликуют результаты своих исследований в журнале. 17. Она наверняка прекрасно выполнила свою часть работы. 18. Известно, что Леонардо да Винчи изобрел паровую пушку. 19. Полагают, что это полотно принадлежит Джотто (было написано Джотто). 20 Леонардо да Винчи конечно предвосхитил технические открытия, сделанные в более поздние периоды. 21. Леонардо да Винчи считается величайшим гением всех времен. 22. Известно, что византийское искусство оказало большое влияние на итальянское. 23. Записные книжки Леонардо да Винчи не были известны до XIX века. 24. Сомнительно, что он примет участие в дискуссии. 25. Возможно, он представит (to sumbit) свой реферат только к началу конгресса. 26. Едва ли они успеют приехать к началу конференции.