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III. Определение

В функции определения инфинитив всегда находится за определяемым словом (существительным, прилагательным или порядковым числительным) и отвечает на вопросы какой? в каком отношении?

Таким образом, инфинитив в данной функции встречается в предложении в сочетаниях:


(какой? в каком отношении?)

+ инфинитив

мя существительное

имя прилагательное

порядковое числительное

(the first, the second, … the last)

Перевод инфинитива зависит от определяемого слова, стоящего перед ним:

1. Инфинитив, определяющий существительное, передается на русский язык следующими способами:

а) неопределенной формой глагола.

e.g. They have no plans to take part in this conference.

Они не планируют (У них нет планов) принять участие в этой конференции.

e.g. There was every reason to suppose that the seminar would be a success.

Были все основания полагать, что семинар пройдет успешно.

б) придаточным определительным предложением, с союзами кто, который, инфинитив передается глаголом-сказуемым в будущем времени.

e.g. This is the topic to be discussed at the next seminar.

Вот вопрос, который будет обсуждаться на следующем семинаре.

e.g. The expedition to start in May should combine archeologists and ethnographers.

Экспедиция, которая отправится в мае, должна состоять из археологов и этнографов.

Следует отметить, что достаточно часто инфинитив, определяющий существительное, содержит в себе оттенок модальности (должествования, необходимости, возможности), который при переводе на русский язык передается словами “должен, нужно, необходимо, следует”, а сам инфинитив передается неопределенной формой глагола.

e.g. They discussed the hypothesis to be tested by experiment.

Они обсудили гипотезу, которую нужно было проверить экспериментом.

e.g. The supervisor mentioned the book to be taken from any library.

Руководитель упомянул книгу, которую можно взять в любой библиотеке.

e.g. It was the problem not to be easily solved.

Это была проблема, которую нельзя было легко решить (было нелегко решить).

2. Инфинитив в функции определения, стоящий за именем прилагательным, передается на русский язык неопределенной формой глагола в простом предложении.

e.g. He is usually easy to deal with.

С ним обычно легко иметь дело.

e.g. Such people were not pleasant to speak to.

С такими людьми было неприятно разговаривать.

3. Инфинитив, определяющий порядковое числительное, передается на русский язык сказуемым либо простого, либо придаточного определительного предложения.

e.g. This laboratory is always the first to ask for financial support.

Эта лаборатория обычно первой просит о финансовой помощи.

e.g. That method was the last to be used in the investigation.

Этот метод использовали в исследовании последним.

Упражнение 1.Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции определения имени существительного

Примечание: Инфинитив в функции определения имеет модальные значения долженствования и возможности: I have a few books to read for my exam. — Я должен прочитать к экзамену несколько книг. Не has nothing interesting to say. — Он не может сказать ничего интересного.

1. I can't go to the theatre tonight. I have a paper to prepare for the seminar. 2. In solving this problem, we have only our own experimental results to go by. We have no one to ask, no book to consult. 3. There are in every subject elements to be memorized, but there are also some underlying principles to be understood. 4. She never had a minute to spare at the office: there were letters to write, documents to type and telephone calls to answer. 5. Studying at the University, you will have information from various sources to digest. 6. There is little useful information to be found in this book, so you needn't read it. 7. On the first day of school, the teacher has little attention to spare for individual pupils, because he has all the class to organize. 8. Schoolchildren must always have plenty of good literature to read. 9. There is a lot of work to be done, but I can do it in time. 10. We have been making the experiment for a month, but we have no substantial results to report.

Упражнение 2.Переделайте следующие предложения по данному образцу и переведите их на русский язык.

Образец: This is the thing which must be done. → This is the thing to be done (to do).

1. The secretary brought the papers that will be looked through. 2. The problems that will be discussed are vital for our work. 3. The decision which must be made is hardly an easy one. 4. This was a lucky chance that couldn't be missed. 5. These are the measures that must be urgently taken. 6. Here are some new expressions that must be learnt. 7. The people that will be invited to the conference will receive special invitations. 8. This is the issue which will be debated in the Parliament. 9. He has spoken about the new legislation which will be introduced.

Упражнение 3. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитив, относящийся к имени прилагательному или к порядковому числительному.

1. It was the first University to be established in Britain.

2. Such people are always sad to look at.

3. Peter was careless to leave the door unlocked when he went out.

4. Could you tell me who was the first to reach the South Pole?

5. Your friend was stupid to give up his job when he needed money so badly.

6. Jill is very interesting to talk to but so difficult to persuade.

7. That plane was the last to arrive at gate 4 from Buenos Aires.

8. Ann will be generous to forgive you and to land you the money.

9. Soccer is quite exciting to watch,

10. When anything goes wrong, Mary is generally the first to complain.

11. He is so careless. His writing is usually so difficult to read.

12. Do you think the water was safe to drink?

Упражнение 4. Переделайте предложения по образцу и переведите их на русский язык.

О б р а з е ц: It is difficult to understand him. – He is difficult to understand.

1. It is easy to find our house. Our house is …

2. It was very hard to open the window. The window was…

3. It is impossible to translate some words.

4. It is not very difficult to make bread.

5. It is not safe to stand on this chair.

6. It is difficult to explain some grammar rules.

7. It was hard to find a cheap restaurant in that city.

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитив.

1. When there are unpleasant matters to be discussed at home, it is sometimes advisable to wait for a suitable moment. 2. People are afraid of being alone when they have nothing to think about. 3. If they have any news, you’ll be the first to know it. 4. The experiment will be hard to observe under such conditions. 5. He is never bored because he has a lot of books to read and much work to do. 6. I am afraid you were stupid not to follow my example. 7. I have a little problem to talk to you about. 8. The Vikings had little to contribute to European culture, for their own level of cultural development was very low. 9. Sue was kind to offer help to me. 10. Some people keep worrying all the time even if they have nothing to worry about. 11. Who was the last to leave the building last night? 12.The party was extremely boring, because the people had nothing to say to each other. 13. The Dean of the faculty was astonished to hear the news. 14.Every child must have plenty of friends to play with.

Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, учитывая все особенности инфинитива в функции определения.

1. The earliest tablets to be discovered were of the native wood.

2. These printed lists contain material not to be found elsewhere.

3. The last problem to be considered is that dealing with the tablets.

4. The first European (Magellan) ever to sail across the wide Pacific was curious about the hidden worlds beneath his ship.

5. The choice of the road to be taken was not difficult. The Army was moving northwards.

6. Kyushu was the first island to be greatly affected by intercourse with Europe in the sixteenth century.

7. Evidently our power of making this comparison depends upon our knowledge of the things to be compared.

8. The Globe playhouse was opened in 1599, and it has been thought probable that «Julius Caesar» was the first Shakespeare play to be presented there.

9. It will be seen that while the idealist explanation tries to relate the phenomenon to be explained to some spiritual cause, the materialist explanation relates it to material causes.

10. Did human beings always possess the power of speech? If not, when and how did they acquire it? Are human beings the only ones to have it?

11.Only a few men in all the history of the world have had the experience of descending, alive, beyond the range of visible light (into the ocean). The first to do so were William Beeb and Otis Barton (1934).

12.Under a strange sky, where there was none to render us aid, we tossed about over the sea.

13. I suppose that there is more education to be had from that remark than from an hour's reading of Ovid.

14.The first foreign language and English word count to appear based on a scientific foundation was that of Henmon in 1924.