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Повторение функций инфинитива Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные функции инфинитива. Назовите функции инфинитива:

А. 1. It was impossible to explain what he meant. 2. To make a choice between these two proposals was quite difficult. 3. It takes him nearly an hour to get to work. 4. He advised us not to say anything about the incident. 5. He agreed to follow their example. 6. The young scientist found it difficult to speak in pub­lic. 7. He failed to make his point of view and the audience was disappointed. 8. They managed to fulfil the task. 9. He needs a place to live in. 10. They were looking for somebody to help them with the experiment. 11. There are lots of contradictions to be found in this paper. 12. There was no time to spare. 13. He was nowhere to be seen. 14. The President was the first to con-firm this information.

B. 1. Their intention is to collect funds to fight the disease. 2. The lawyer's advice was to talk as little as possible. 3. The right solution is to hold an open discussion between the parties concerned. 4. He was too excited to explain his position clearly. 5. The student was clever enough to solve any mathematical problem. 6. Their mutual respect was deep enough to encourage them for future cooperation. 7. The purpose of education is to encourage people to be individuals. 8. The student got a job to earn money for his trip to the Far East. 9. His desire was to make a career in politics. 10. The task of the City Council is to improve standards of living.

Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, учитывая все особенности инфинитива в разных функциях.

1. In 1497 King Henry VII of England hired an Italian seaman named John Cabot to explore the new lands and to look again for a passage to Asia.

2. Roger Williams, a Puritan minister, believed that church and state should be separate and that neither should interfere with the others.

3. Life in Virginia continued to be hard.

4. On their feet they wore boot-shaped leather moccasins to protect their legs against the sharp rocks and cactus plants of the desert.

5. To escape this persecution, a small group of the Puritans left England and went to Holland.

6. The group’s members came to be called the Pilgrims because they went to America to find religious freedom.

7. Cartier failed to find the way to Asia that he was looking for, but he gave France a claim to what would later become Canada.

8. In later years English governments used Cabot’s voyages to support their claims to own most of the east coast of North America.

9. The company’s purpose was to set up colonies along the Atlantic coast of North America between 34 and 38 north latitude.

10. To honour Vespucci, the scholar named the land America, using the female form of Vespucci’s first name, as the other continents had female names.

11. They even carried fire from one camp to the next. A hot ember would be sealed inside a buffalo horn filled with rotted wood. There it would smolder for days, ready to bring warmth from the old village to the new.

12. He and his men became the first Europeans to see the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River.

13. They took birch bark canoes to carry them swiftly along the rivers and lakes of their forest homeland.

14. The Puritans of Massachusets believed that governments had a duty to make people obey God’s will. They passed laws to force people to attend church and laws to punish drunks and adulterers. Even men who let their hair grow long could be in trouble.

15. His aim was to open a shorter trade route between two continents.

16. These people became America’s first farmers. They cultivated the wild grass with great care to make its seeds lager.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя в каждом из них инфинитив.

1. Ваших аргументов недостаточно, чтобы убедить преподавателя. 2. Задача школьного преподавания состоит в преподавании основ (fundamentals) как естественных, так и гуманитарных наук. 3. Люди иногда не могут объяснить простейших явлений природы. 4. Мы должны прежде всего изучать историю науки как историю человеческих достижений. 5. Колумбу предстояло открыть Америку в XV веке, но он не понял, что открыл новый континент. 6. Его объяснения были, как правило, точны и лаконичны. 7. На повестке дня было три вопроса, которые нужно было обсудить. 8. В жизни трудно избегать ошибок. 9. Ему пришлось много обдумать заново. Сделать это означало изменить отношение к жизни. 10. Эта тема слишком скучна, чтобы её так долго обсуждать. 11. С ним очень трудно иметь дело. Его сложно слушать и, практически, невозможно убедить. 12. Первое, что нужно было сделать, - это научится пользоваться справочниками. 13. Такие методы работы имеют тенденцию отвлекать внимание человека от основной задачи, которую предстоит решить. 14. Пожалуйста, назовите отделы, которым удалось выполнить задание до конца, и те, которые не сумели сделать это. 15. Прежде всего, вам следует составить общий план проекта. 16. Этот фактор достаточно важен, чтобы принять его во внимание. Мягко говоря, вы не сумели это сделать.