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Speech activities

  1. Answer the following questions. For this you must also read the text ‘Nurse Nicky Nears her Peak of Fitness’

  1. What is voluntary work in your opinion?

  2. What makes people volunteer?

  3. What is the range of voluntary activities of the crew members of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution?

  4. What are the rewards the volunteers get for their work?

  5. What does Iakarea Islam do to make his desire come true?

  6. What inspired Chris Baddock to visit housebound people in West London?

  7. What does Chris get out of volunteering?

  8. How did Joan Gaden happen to get involved into voluntary work? What had she been doing before?

  9. What was one of Felicity Dick’s motives behind her involvement with charity work? What does she do?

  10. Have you ever done voluntary work? Tell us about your experience.

  1. What do the following phrases tell you about? Develop the idea, comparing with your experience.

  • Voluntary activities range from rattling collection boxes in the streets to sitting as a Justice of the Peace, from improving wildlife habitat to manning telephone helplines for children and parents.

  • At the grassroots there is some disquiet about the changing culture of voluntary work..

  • Working for local authorities along the lines they prescribe could make the voluntary organizations lose what made them special in the first place.

Listening Comprehension

  1. Listen to these four charity appeals and for each of the charities say:

  • which people it tries to help;

  • why people need help;

  • how the charity tries to help them;

  • the charity’s attainments and problems.

  1. Which charity organization appeals to you most? Give your arguments.

  1. If you had $ 1000 that you wanted to give to charity, which of these four would you give to? How would you divide the money?

  1. What do you know about British, Belarusian, American charity organizations? Make use of the supplementary textUSA: Warrior Bucks in the Concrete Jungle”.

How is voluntary work promoted in your country, in the UK, in the USA?

  1. Make up dialogues.

  • Between two young people sharing their experience of voluntary work.

  • Interview a voluntary worker about the way he got involved with charity work Prepare a questionnaire beforehand.

  • Imagine that you have just visited a third world country with appalling problems. Share your views with like-minded people to start some charity work.

Share your views with like-minded people to start some charity work.

  1. Take five minutes to think of your ideas, arrange your arguments, consider your strategy. Then argue on one of the following problems.

  • Charity begins at home (English proverb).

  • We give to other people not for the good we wish to do them but for the good we wish to do for ourselves (French writer, XVIII c.).

  • Cleaning my own slate is a daily ongoing matter which I take very seriously.

  • We seem to be locked into a culture of blame.

  • Has the permissive society really become the civilised society?

  • What measures should be taken by a government to promote charity work? (make use ofthesupplementary text “USA: Warrior Bucks in the Concrete Jjungle”). What is being done in this respect in Belarus?

  • How much is moral re-armament determined by volunteering?

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