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  1. Insert prepositions or particles where necessary.

  1. Robert stamped …. every suggestion we made and then decided to end the project.

  2. We aim to stamp ….. poverty in our lifetime.

  3. A reasonable proficiency ….. English is a prerequisite … the course.

  4. The electric power station is the main target …. the bombing raids.

  5. We are ….. target …. 3per cent inflation by 2010.

  6. The typical career pattern was geared …. men whose wives didn’t work.

  7. Health officials are trying to raise awareness ….. AIDS among teenagers.

  8. All the countries must pool …. their resources in order to overcome the crisis.

Speech activities

  1. Make the following statements more factually correct.

  1. In India women have been ensured equal access to education.

  2. Policy-makers believe that the problem of equal pay for equal work for women in the USA is not so important as equal access to work.

  3. Japanese women are likely to get a well-paid job easily if they have high educational attainments.

  4. The Kenya Women Finance Trust has eased women into the male-dominated world of banking by educating them.

  5. In the USA in such fields as social work and teaching women outnumber men and are frequently paid more.

  1. Give extensive answers to the following questions.

    1. What examples of blatant discrimination of women were given in the text?

    2. What is the traditional attitude towards working women in Japan?

    3. Why do many European countries study the Swedish model of reforms aimed at according women equal opportunities?

    4. What steps have been taken by international organizations world-wide to close the inequality gaps between men and women?

    5. How can you describe the present-day position of women in your country?

For more information read the supplementary texts “ A World that Seems to Hate Women”, “ An Extract from H. Clinton’s Speech at the UN Conference on Women”, “Enhancing Social Status of Women is Among National Priorities”.

  1. Give arguments for or against the following statements.

  1. In the working world women come a distant second to men.

  2. Women’s work is usually undervalued.

  3. Lower wages for women are common in many countries and work opportunities for them leave a lot to be desired.

  4. We have to overcome the myth that gender equality is won.

Work with the video programme “A Woman’s Place”

  1. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations and use them while discussing the video report.

  • an elusive goal;

  • victimization of women;

  • domestic violence;

  • HIV positive;

  • drudgery;

  • to shun;

  • to be fraught with sth;

  • to carry the burden from cradle to grave;

  • in strict obedience to sb;

  • to champion women’s freedom/ rights;

  • to trigger changes;

  • male-dominated world;

  • child custody.

  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What were the aims of the UN Conference on Women in China?

  2. What facts and figures mentioned in the video programme prove that gender equality is still an elusive goal?

  3. What is the destiny of many girls from the Third World countries ?

  4. What is the position of women in the Asian republics of the former Soviet Union?

  5. Has the attitude to women and their place in society changed over the years in Japan?

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