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Контрольные работы Англ.doc
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І курс II семестр контрольна робота №3

1. Поставте запитання до підкреслених слів:

  1. My brother gives lectures at the University twice a week.

  2. His wife is an engineer.

  3. Her parents live in a village.

  4. She works at a large shop.

  5. They like to spend their day-off in the park.

  6. The students are at the library now.

2. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Випишіть із кожного з них модальні дієслова і поставте їх в Present, Past та Future:

  1. You can come with us if you want.

  2. They must build a new building for our University.

  3. You may look through these documents.

  4. This plant is to begin its work in the end of the month.

  5. The engineer has to come to the shop as soon as possible.

  6. You should take these documents with you.

3. Випишіть і перекладіть речення, в яких дієслово вжито в пасивному стані:

  1. The workers attended the meeting on Saturday.

  2. The Earth is rotated by the Moon.

  3. Einstein’s theory of relativity is often referred to by a great number of researchers.

  4. There are different ways of producing electric current.

4. Поставте прикметники та прислівники у відповідному ступені порівняння. Перекладіть речення:

  1. The devouring flames were repelled by the yet (powerful) wind.

  2. Let’s go to the (far) corner of the park.

  3. The assistant did the work (badly) than the professor.

  4. She speaks English (fluently) than her students.

  5. He did the work (early) of all.

5. Заповніть пропуски прийменниками, де це необхідно (above, at, in, on, with):

1. What are you doing … the weekend?

2. The learnt to drive … three weeks.

3. There was a letter waiting … him … his return.

4. The bag was stuffed … dirty clothes.

5. The plane was flying … the clouds.

6. Замініть виділені слова на особові займенники в називному та об’єктному відмінку:

  1. A body had a motion of translation.

  2. Don’t wake up the student.

  3. Tell your sister to come.

  4. Stocker and Evans were tired.

  5. Vera put the letter on the table.

7. Заповніть пропуски займенниками “some”, “any” та перекладіть ці речення:

1. Here are … telexes for you from Ukrimpex.

2. Did you buy … stamps?

3. You may come at … time that is convenient for you.

4. … of the wheat was damaged by sea-water.


Why do plants flower in spring? How do birds know it is time to fly to the South? Why do you feel more active in certain periods of the day? Scientists are beginning to discover the mystery of Nature's built-in timepieces.

All living beings seem to be able to tell time. How, it has been a mystery for a long time. Today scientists are studying the relation between the Earth's 24-hour day-and-night cycle, the length of the day and night and the mechanisms, often called biological clocks.

French scientists made an interesting experiment. Some scientists stayed in a cave without clocks or watches for a long time. It turned out that men, who did not know time, started living according to a different cycle than the one in which we live. They worked for 36 hours and slept for 12 hours.

Even more surprising is the ability of birds and animals to navigate by the sun and the stars. Such navigation needs not only a feeling of direction, but a feeling of time because the sun and the stars are in different positions in the sky at different times of the day. A bird, navigating by the sun, must "know" the difference between a 10-o'clock-in-the-morning sun and a 2-o'clock-in-the-afternoon sun. We know very well that birds can do this, though how they do it is still a mystery.

Science has learnt much. Yet there are many important questions still to be answered. For example: where is the biological clock mechanism situated in plants and animals, and how does it work? Do the clocks work by physical or chemical means? Is it in every living cell or is it centred in some part of the body?

Further knowledge of biological clocks and what makes them go will undoubtedly help to a better understanding of the main processes of life.

  1. Прочитайте текст. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть 4-5 абзаци тексту.

  1. Дайте відповіді на запитання:

    1. What mystery are scientists beginning to discover?

    2. What experiment did French scientists do?

    3. What did they reveal?

    4. Can we explain the ability of birds’ navigation to the South?

    5. What important questions are to be answered?

  1. Заповніть пропуски словами з тексту: cave, navigate, to discover, built-in, mystery.

  1. Scientists are beginning to … the … of Nature’s … timepieces.

  2. French scientists stayed in a … without clocks or watches for a long time.

  3. Birds have the ability to … by the sun and the stars.

  1. Утворіть похідні слова: relation, to navigate, to doubt, to cycle, to understand.

Наприклад: to navigate – navigational – navigation

  1. Перекладіть англійською мовою слова: певний, розкрити, таємниця, зв’язок, виявитися, безперечно, клітина, літати, розуміння, цикл, печера.