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Контрольные работы Англ.doc
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І курс II семестр контрольна робота №2

1. Поставте запитання до підкреслених слів:

  1. My father worked at a large plant 2 years ago.

  2. I attended some lectures yesterday.

  3. We enjoyed our stay in the country last year.

  4. I made progress in English when I worked at the laboratory.

  5. We cooked breakfast for you yesterday.

  6. There is a nice park not fare from our house.

2. Перекладіть речення українською мовою. Випишіть із кожного з них модальні дієслова і поставте їх в Present, Past та Future:

  1. Can I read your newspaper?

  2. Every engineer must know the properties of the metals.

  3. The researchers had to use a catalyst to accelerate the reaction.

  4. Such defects may easily lead to a serious breakdown of the machine.

  5. I am to call them once I reach the airport.

  6. You shouldn’t drink and drive.

3. Випишіть і перекладіть речення, в яких дієслово вжито в пасивному стані:

  1. All the machines were looked at with great interest.

  2. In 1930 Paton organized the Research Institute of Electro – welding at the academy of Sciences.

  3. Vast amounts of money are spent on nuclear power every year.

  4. We shall sign the contract next week.

4. Поставте прикметники та прислівники у відповідному ступені порівняння. Перекладіть речення:

  1. It is the (old) institution in the English-speaking world.

  2. February is the (short) month.

  3. You must work (hard) than you do now.

  4. He did not say anything (far).

  5. The weather got (bad) and (bad) every day.

5. Заповніть пропуски прийменниками, де це необхідно (above, at, in, on, with):

1. I met her … the hospital.

2. She is … business.

3. The doctor put me … antibiotics.

4. Skill comes … practice.

5 They don’t accept children … school … the age of 10.

6. Замініть виділені слова на особові займенники в називному та об’єктному відмінку:

  1. I saw the students in the park.

  2. The books are on the shelf.

  3. The scientific film is very interesting.

  4. I am waiting for my assistant.

  5. The instructor explains the new rules.

7. Заповніть пропуски займенниками “some”, “any” та перекладіть ці речення:

1. He never puts … sugar in his coffee.

2. There is … refrigerator in the sitting room.

3. Are there … modern conveniences in your flat?

4. He asked me … questions.


People have always been interested in stars. The ancient Greeks were great watchers of the sky and also great thinkers. Watching the stars night after night, it was natural for them to think that the Earth stood still, and the stars, the planets, the Sun and the Moon were going round the Earth in space. For centuries people thought this was how the stars moved, though it was difficult to explain the movement of the planets.

Then one day, about the year 1500, a young scientist at Krakow University in Poland named Copernicus began studying the stars and the planets. Copernicus discovered that the Earth was not the centre of the stars and the planets, but the Earth itself was a planet, just like Mars and Venus, and it, together with other planets, moved round the Sun.

Not all of Copernicus' ideas were right. He thought correctly that the Moon went round the Earth, but the Earth moved round the Sun, but he thought that the stars did not move at all. Copernicus was so much afraid of what everyone would think of his new ideas, that he wrote them down only when he was almost dying. Yet he was the first man to explain correctly our solar system.

  1. Прочитайте текст. Перепишіть і письмово перекладіть 1-2 абзаци тексту.

  1. Дайте відповіді на запитання:

  1. What did the ancient Greeks think about the stars and the planets?

  2. When did Copernicus live?

  3. Who was Copernicus?

  4. What were his ideas about our solar system?

  5. Were all his ideas right? Which were wrong?

  1. Заповніть пропуски словами з тексту: moved, space, still, planets, stood.

  1. It was natural for the ancient Greeks to think that the Earth … …, and the stars, the planets, the Sun and the Moon were going round the Earth in ….

  2. Copernicus discovered that the Earth was not the centre of the stars and the ….

  3. The Earth … round the Sun.

  1. Утворіть похідні слова: science, to move, to think, to discover, to found.

Наприклад: science – scientist - scientific

  1. Перекладіть англійською мовою слова та словосполучення: нерухомий, космічний простір, зірка, рух, сонячна система, великий мислитель.