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Grammar Workbook for Beginners.rtf
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Part IV used to

Exercise 4.1

Match a line in A with a line in B and complete the sentences from B.

  1. When I was young, I went to the swimming-pool very often.

  2. In my childhood I liked cakes, chocolate and sweets very much.

  3. Jane always gave me good advice.

  4. She was very fit when she was young.

  5. Many years ago we didn’t go by car.

  6. In his youth he enjoyed going to the disco.

  7. When she was young, she couldn’t save money at all.

  8. In my 20s I wasn’t very sociable.

    1. … … a sweet-eater.

    2. … … very well.

    3. … … ice-skating.

    4. … … my best friend.

    5. … … by public transport.

    6. … … everything in the shops.

    7. I used to swim very well.

    8. … … at home most of the time.

Exercise 4.2

Write sentences with used to which show how things were different before.

  1. My home town looks very modern. It used to look old.

  2. There are so many stadiums. There didn’t use to be many of them.

  3. The streets are very clean.

  4. There are a lot of car parks.

  5. The air isn’t very clean.

  6. The shops are very expensive.

  7. The people always hurry.

  8. They wear fashionable clothes.

Exercise 4.3

Write these sentences putting one verb in the form of used to and the other verb in the Past Simple form.

  1. He (play) table-tennis, but he (give) it up five years ago.

He used to play table-tennis, but he gave it up five years ago.

  1. He (live) in Minsk before he (go) abroad.

  2. She (not like) her job at first, but then she (change) her mind.

  3. He (earn) a lot, but he (retire) two years ago.

  4. Before she (start) her own business, she (be) a teacher.

  5. You (travel) a lot before you (find) this job?

  6. This road (be) dangerous, but then they (build) a bridge and it (become) safe.

  7. Before we (move) to the city, we (have) a wonderful garden in the country.

  8. My father (buy) a tent in 1995, and we (go) camping for many years.

  9. Australia (be) the colony of Great Britain until it (become) independent.

  10. We (start) chatting on the Internet last year. Before that we (talk) on the phone.

  11. Jim’s parents (give) him some pocket money before he (find) a job.

Exercise 4.4

Put the verb in brackets in the Past Simple, the Past Continuous or used to.

It (1) … (be) midnight and Fred (2) … (be) alone in the house. Outside it (3) … (rain) heavily. Fred (4) … (get) ready to go to bed when he suddenly (5) … (hear) a strange noise outside his room in the corridor. Neighbours? But they never (6)… (make) any noise before. When he (7) … (look) at the door, he (8) … (notice) that someone (9) … (turn) the handle. Fred (10) … (rush) over to the door and very quickly (11) … (turn) the key in the lock. Then he (12) … (ask) in a trembling voice, “Who is it?”

Part V Practice test

5.1 Which alternative is correct?

  1. It was a boring day. I … anything.

a) didn’t b) wasn’t do c) didn’t do

  1. … your own house when you were living in Sweden?

a) Had you b) Did you have c) Were you having

  1. It … snowing for a while, then again it began to snow heavily.

a) was stopping b) was stopped c) stopped

  1. I heard someone call my name while I … the door.

a) opened b) was opening c) was opened

  1. One day last October, I … a very strange letter.

a) did get b) got c) used to get

  1. Miranda … in Australia before her parents moved there.

a) never lived b) did never lived c) didn’t never lived

  1. I … my leg while running down the hill.

a) hurted b) was hurting c) hurt

  1. Rick didn’t hear the door bell. He … to music in his headphones.

a) listened b) was listened c) was listening

  1. Where … when I called you last night?

a) did you be b) was you be c) were you

  1. Simon left work early because he … a headache.

a) was having b) was have c) had

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