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Grammar Workbook for Beginners.rtf
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Part V Practice test

5.1 Which alternative is correct?

  1. I like your ring. Is it made of … gold?

a) a b) the c) –

  1. Mathematics isn’t my best subject, but I succeed with … hard work.

a) a b) the c) –

  1. How much time do we have before … film starts?

a) a b) the c) –

  1. I wanted to give him … advice on how to make his image better.

a) – b) a c) an

  1. What is that building? – It’s … university.

a) – b) a c) an

  1. What are you doing in the afternoon? – I’m going to … bank to get some money.

a) a b) the c) –

  1. I had to take those shoes back to the shop because they were … wrong size.

a) a b) the c) –

  1. His parents owned some land in … east of Portugal.

a) an b) the c) –

  1. Who can answer … Question 4?

a) a b) the c) –

  1. What do you do if you have … headache?

a) – b) a c) an

5.2 Use the correct article if necessary.

  1. Mum, where’s … new CD? – Sorry, I didn’t see it.

  2. He is in … bad health because of smoking and drinking alcohol.

  3. Factories and plants send hundreds of gasses into … atmosphere.

  4. Mattie took … last piece of cake from the plate and offered it to Joe.

  5. The kings of this country never built … palaces, they lived in … bungalows.

  6. Jenny isn’t at … school this week because she is in … hospital.

  7. Do you know where … Red Sea is? – I’m afraid I don’t.

  8. David has been to … most countries in Europe.

  9. The top speed on this road is 90 kilometres … hour.

  10. Whose photo is there on … wall? – My father’s.

5.3 Correct these sentences.

  1. The letter helped us to get a very useful information about the missing man.

  2. There is now car park and new shopping centre in the place of my village.

  3. Do you often go to a cinema? – Not often, only if there is a very good film on.

  4. Excuse me, how do I get to the station? – Go down the Twin Street and turn left.

  5. He could walk again on fifth day after the accident.

  6. Was Neil Armstrong the first to fly to the space? – No, he was the first to land on the moon.

  7. We never go to the beach in the wet weather, we prefer going to a pub then.

  8. I need business partner to start financial projects in your country.

  9. My dad always has a big breakfast before he goes to the work in the morning.

  10. Sylvia graduated from the Texas University and went to work in the United Kingdom.

5.4 Translate into English.

  1. Его семья долгое время жила у моря.

  2. Мой сын провел весь день в колледже.

  3. У меня хорошие новости. Я получила письмо от Майка.

  4. Мы пошли в полицию, потому что Джек оставил свою сумку в каком-то магазине.

  5. Я увидел двух мужчин. На одном были очки, а на другом шляпа.

  6. Фред пользуется машиной пять раз в неделю, а я по выходным.

  7. Наша фабрика использует только дорогую кожу для сумок и ремней.

  8. Нам нужен специалист, который говорит на иностранном языке и хотел бы работать в музее.

  9. Я окончил университет пять лет назад и начал работать в рекламе.

  10. Было очень весело, когда Синди встала и начала петь песню.

Unit 5

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