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Part IV Practice test

4.1 Which alternative is correct?

  1. Most people enjoy … to different parts of the world.

a) travel b) to travel c) travelling

  1. She worked day and night, so she succeeded in … her project on time.

a) finish b) to finish c) finishing

  1. I want … my house.

a) sell b) to sell c) selling

  1. You can make the dog … to you when you shout “come”.

a) come b) to come c) coming

  1. Mary considered … a new car but in the end she changed her mind.

a) buy b) to buy c) buying

  1. Would you like … with children?

a) work b) to work c) working

  1. We’re thinking of … to Hawaii.

a) go b) to go c) going

  1. Don’t let your dog … on my sofa!

a) sit b) to site c) sitting

  1. He explained how … the machine.

a) operate b) to operate c) operating

  1. My dad finally stopped … at the age of fifty- three.

a) smoke b) to smoke c) smoking

4.2 Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

  1. It’s so kind of your neighbour to offer … (baby-sit) tonight.

  2. I’m looking forward to … (see) you when I visit London next summer.

  3. I can’t stand it any more! She keeps … (phone) me and …(ask) how to use her washing machine. But I have never seen it!

  4. Kate was so homesick. She missed … (talk) to her mum.

  5. My wife doesn’t feel like … (cook) now, let’s … (have) a Chinese takeaway.

  6. Mary’s groupmates suggested … (have) a farewell party at a nightclub but she refused … (join) them.

  7. I hope … (become) a bestselling author when I grow up.

  8. I’m tired of … (watch) TV, going for a walk would be much better.

  9. Is there somewhere … (eat) cheaply in this town?

  10. Chris began … (train) as soon as he heard about the game.

4.3 Correct these sentences.

  1. Daniel wished changing jobs because his boss made him worked overtime.

  2. How did your daughter learn speaking Chinese so well?

  3. I am really fond of listen to those CDs you gave me. Thank you.

  4. Mike is planning going dancing with his friend Natalie next month.

  5. Don’t worry about water the plants – I’ll do it later.

  6. My husband can’t stand to do the washing.

  7. Do you mind to close the window? It’s too cold.

  8. I really apologise for break your favourite cup.

  9. I usually try to avoid to talk about personal problems.

  10. James promised to not tell anyone about my plans.

4.4 Translate into English.

  1. Мэгги очень нравится путешествовать во время отпуска.

  2. Этим летом она хотела бы отправиться в какую-нибудь экзотическую страну для разнообразия.

  3. Мэгги предложила своей семье провести две недели всем вместе.

  4. Но сестра Мэгги ненавидит осматривать достопримечательности.

  5. Ее родители отказываются ездить в жаркие страны, так как это слишком утомительно.

  6. Прошлым летом Мэгги согласилась провести свой отпуск в деревне.

  7. Это было так скучно, что она с огромным нетерпением ожидала возвращения на своё рабочее место.

  8. Сейчас Мэгги подумывает о том, чтобы отправиться в Индию со своей подругой.

  9. Её подруга Салли начала заниматься йогой в свободное время и планирует познакомиться с каким-нибудь известным учителем.

  10. Девушки надеются прекрасно отдохнуть и хорошо повеселиться.

Unit 6

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