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Grammar Workbook for Beginners.rtf
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Comparison of adjectives and adverbs

Part I

The comparative degree of adjectives

Exercise 1.1

Write the comparative forms of these adjectives.

  1. happy happier

  2. young

  3. large

  4. few

  5. patient

  6. lovely

  1. bad

  2. good

  3. quiet

  4. attractive

  5. fast

  6. slow

  1. great

  2. many

  3. generous

  4. careful

  5. weak

  6. far

Exercise 1.2

Complete the sentences. Use a comparative. Add than where necessary.

  1. Ken’s car isn’t very big. He wants a bigger one.

  2. The radio wasn’t very expensive. The computer was … the radio.

  3. He wasn’t very healthy a year ago. Now he is … .

  4. The suit isn’t very cheap. The dress is … the suit.

  5. He doesn’t think New-York is exciting. He finds Paris … .

  6. I think your plan isn’t very good. My plan is … .

  7. My sister isn’t very tall. My brother is … .

  8. My exam results were very bad. They were … I expected.

  9. Brian isn’t very intelligent. Pat is … Brian.

  10. I’m not very interested in history. I’m … in art.

Exercise 1.3

Write the comparative form of the adjectives to complete the sentences.

Use much, a lot, far, a bit, a little. Add than where necessary.

  1. The book isn’t very interesting. The film is a lot more interesting than the book.

  2. Computers weren’t very complicated twenty years ago. Now they are … .

  3. In my country some drivers aren’t very careful,but in this country drivers are … .

  4. My son wasn’t so lazy before. Now he is a teenager and he is … .

  5. I don’t eat much, and I’m not fat. My husband eats … and he is … me.

  6. Mike’s life isn’t very busy. My life is … his.

  7. Jane’s sister isn’t very kind. Jane is … her sister.

  8. Her new job is very stressful. It’s … her last one.

  9. Paul isn’t very rich. His brother earns more and he is … Paul.

  10. The actors aren’t young enough, we need … actors for this film.

  11. The Thames isn’t very long. The Mississippi is … the Thames.

Exercise 1.4

Write sentences comparing the Grand Hotel and the Sea View Hotel. Use the following adjectives.













Grand Hotel

The Grand Hotel is a beautiful hotel in the centre of town. It is a big hotel with 120 rooms. The rooms are all very clean, comfortable and warm but they are quite noisy because the hotel is on a main road. I found the hotel staff polite but not very friendly.

This is not the hotel for a cheap holiday. The rooms are quite expensive at around Ј100 per person per night for bed and breakfast.

Sea View Hotel

The Sea View Hotel is a 30-room hotel about three kilometres from the centre of town. The building is not very beautiful, but the rooms have lovely views of the sea and the hotel is nice and peaceful. The rooms are not always very clean and sometimes they are a bit cold at night. But the hotel staff are always very friendly and the hotel is very cheap. It only costs Ј30 per person per night for bed and breakfast.

1. The Grand Hotel is much more beautiful than the Sea View Hotel.

2. …

Exercise 1.5

Rewrite the sentences with as … as … or not as … as ….

  1. Bill is taller than Jack. Jack isn’t as tall as Bill.

  2. The sun is hotter than the moon.

  3. Bob pays 5 bills a month, and Val pays 5 bills a month too.

  4. Jane is luckier in business than Ann.

  5. Are you and your sister the same age?

  6. Sally’s work is better than mine.

  7. Harry won more money than Andy.

  8. Their daughter is very spoilt, and their son is very spoilt too.

  9. Are the table and the desk the same size?

  10. Swedish country cottages are more primitive than their houses.

  11. The days in winter are shorter than in summer.

  12. Londoners work longer hours than the Swedes.

Exercise 1.6

Write positive or negative sentences using the same … as … . Add the right noun where necessary.

  1. Pete and John are both 30 years old. Pete is the same age as John.

  2. My birthday is 7 February. Tim’s birthday is 7 February too.

  3. You and I both have green eyes.

  4. I arrived at 7.00 and so did you.

  5. Ann’s salary is Ј100 per week and Betty’s salary is Ј100 per week too.

  6. The bedroom is as big as the living room.

  7. Her hair is a different colour from mine.

  8. Fred had beer after dinner. Kevin had beer too.

  9. Johnny works for Sea Tour Company. Sam works for Sea Tour Company too.

  10. Dave watched football and Alison watched a soap opera.

  11. Carol keeps her purse in the drawer. Mike keeps his purse in the drawer too.

Exercise 1.7

Complete the sentences with as or than.

  1. Is Steve as professional as his brother?

  2. She’s not as clever … her sister.

  3. Was John’s party better … Kate’s?

  4. I’m studying the same subject … Emma.

  5. Liz works much harder … George.

  6. I haven’t got as many cousins … you.

  7. My mum came home sooner … my dad.

  8. Let’s walk. It’s just as quick … taking the bus.

  9. Janet looks thinner … she did before.

  10. The film is funnier … the book.

  11. Jim isn’t as mad about planes now … he was before.

  12. I can’t wait longer … an hour.

  13. Paris is more romantic … Dubai.

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