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Анатомия. Английский язык.docx
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52. А) Find in the dialogue English equivalents for these words and word combinations.

Экзаменационный билет, соединяются вместе швами, неподвижный, за исключением одной кости, способная двигаться, жевание, часть носовой перегородки, парные кости, углубление, кости верхний челюсти, до рождения, волчья пасть, карман, посередине, в углу каждого глаза, переносица, слёзная железа, слёзный проток.

b) Quote the sentences in which these words are used in the dialogue.

c) Reproduce the dialogue.

53. Read the dialogue once again. What facial bones didn’t the student speak about? Describe these bones using the following phrases:

On each side of the face; to form; the high portion of the cheek; thin, single, flat bone; the lower portion of the nasal septum.

54. Make up a dialogue concerned with the cranial bones.

55. Guess the meanings of the words of Latin origin. Practice their pronunciation.

compact [kəm'pækt]

palate ['pælit]

sinus ['sainəs]

antrum ['æntrəm]

ramus ['reiməs]

coronoid ['kɔrənɔid]

condyle ['kɔndil]

molar ['məulə]

premolar [pri:'məulə]

cusp [kΛsp]

process ['prəusəs]

56. Read and translate the following words and word combinations:

Movements of the jaws; soft palate, hard palate, the floor of the antrum, an air space, a temporomandibular joint, to allow to move, at right angles, to bear teeth, an outer layer, the roof of the mouth, the muscles of mastication, the coronoid process and condyle.

57. a) Read the text, translate it and write out equivalents for the following words and word combinations:

  • значительно тоньше,

  • неподвижный,

  • отделяет от,

  • по обе стороны,

  • полый (полость),

  • иметь форму подковы,

  • ниже подбородка,

  • на верхушке,

  • дно гайморовой пазухи,

  • над корнями моляров,

  • при удалении зубов,

  • соединение тела и ветви,

  • угол нижней челюсти,

  • прикрепленные к ветви,

  • два отростка (выступа),

  • вращательные движения.

b) Find in the text sentences in which the Passive Voice is used.

The Jaws

The upper jaw is called the maxilla and the lower is called the mandible. The maxilla is fixed to the skull and is immovable. Its outer layer of compact bone is much thinner than that of the mandible. The hard palate is a part of the maxilla and forms the roof of the mouth. It separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity.

On either side of the nasal cavity the maxilla is hollow. Each hollow is known as a maxillary sinus or antrum. It is of great practical importance as the floor of the antrum lies just above the roots1 of the premolars and molar teeth. During extraction of these teeth, the floor may be perforated or a root pushed inside the antrum. As the antrum is an air space it gives resonance to the voice. The mandible is shaped like a horseshoe ['hɔ:∫∫u:] with its ends bent up at right angles. The part bearing teeth is called the body of the mandible and each vertical end of the horseshoe is called a ramus. The junction of body and ramus is called the angle of the mandible.

Attached to the ramus are the muscles of mastication which close the mouth. Muscles opening the mouth are attached to the body just below the chin.

On top of the ramus are two projections: the coronoid process in front and the condyle behind. The condyle and base of the skull form the temporomandibular joint, which allows the lower jaw to move.

Chewing2 is brought about by rotary movements of the mandible which swings from side to side, crushing food between the cusps of opposing molars and premolars. All these movements of the jaws are produced by the muscles of mastication.


1 root [ru:t] n корень

2 chewing ['t∫u:iŋ] n жевание