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Task 9. Define what parts of speech the following words from the text belong and fill in the table.

academic, curiosity, independent, beyond, provides, actions, understand, education, typically, distribute, preparations, before, enables, productive, social, knowledge, roughly, today, accomplish, general, elsewhere, industry, university, arts.





Task 10. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence in the text below.

Some people think that to have a successful life you (a. have / b. are having) to obtain university education, while others think it’s not that important. Some individuals (a. argue / b. are arguing) that people can succeed even without university education. It is true that there (a. exist / b. are existing) some successful people who have not attended university or drop out of college. This can be best illustrated with the example of the great businessman Bill Gates, who, though (a. dropping out / b. is dropping out) of Harvard, has ever become the wealthiest person in the world. However, not everyone can (a. becoming / b. become) another bill gates. As ordinary persons, we would be well-advised (a. attending / b. to attend) university to gain knowledge and skills as well as the degree and certificate that are still very essential for us to get a good job.

Task 11. Make up the questions to the underlined words in the text of the previous task (Task 10).

Translation practice

Task 12. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. University learning requires you to learn and complete assignments independently, plan your workload and organise your time.

  2. Higher education within the Ukrainian community has always been open to foreign students.

  3. Ukrainians have always shown a great concern for education.

  4. In general, higher education in the USA may be divided into two broad fields: liberal arts and professional; each of these fields may be further subdivided into un­dergraduate and graduate levels.

  5. In consistence with the Bologna Process, most Ukrainian universities now have a two-level system granting Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

  6. Many of our higher education institutions have developed joint programs with European and American universities.

Task 13. Translate the following sentences into English.

    1. Термін “вища освіта” означає сукупність загальних і спеціальних знань і навичок, що дають можливість випускнику університету виконувати наукові дослідження і вирішувати проблеми науково-технічного і економічного розвитку.

    2. Університет – це вищий заклад освіти, який здійснює підготовку фахівців багатьох напрямів науки й сприяє поширенню наукових знань.

    3. Повну вищу освіту людина здобуває тільки після успішного закінчення вищого навчального закладу.

    4. Перший в Європі університет був відкритий в італійському місті Болонья на початку XI століття.

    5. Оксфорд – це не лише університет, але й розташований на його території науково-дослідницький центр.

    6. Міждисциплінарна модель навчання дозволяє студентам побачити зв'язки між предметним галузями.