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Task 8. Fill in the empty spaces in the table.





to write

to observe






to design


Task 9. Make a difference between Gerund and Participle I arranging the following sentences according to the table columns. Underline the phrases containing suitable grammar constructions. There are 3 sentences you don’t need to use.

Sentences with Gerund

Sentences with Participle I



  1. CO2 in Earth's atmosphere keeps some of the Sun's energy from radiating back into space.

  2. Most people have a hard time determining the difference and do not realize that vehicle exhaust emits both CO and CO2.

  3. Since it is extremely difficult to detect CO and CO2 gases based on the symptoms alone, installing a gas detector is suggested.

  4. The sensitivity of the Earth system to a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide may be twice as great as scientists had thought.

  5. The world’s oceans are absorbing excess carbon dioxide emissions.

  6. The concentration of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere has been increasing at a noticeable rate for much of the past century.

  7. Carbon dioxide in solid and in liquid form is used for refrigeration and cooling.

  8. I talked to several people participating in the project.

  9. Natural gas is a natural mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons found issuing from the ground or obtained from specially driven wells.

  10. Improving the insulation of buildings, travelling in more fuel-efficient vehicles, and using more efficient electrical appliances are all ways to reduce energy consumption, and thus CO2 emissions.

  11. The quality of the land, air and water around us is becoming increasingly important with the onset of climate change.

  12. Following the initial studies an extended investigation was conducted.

Translation practice

Task 10. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the chief greenhouse gas that results from human activities and causes global warming and climate change.

  2. Carbon dioxide was identified, but not understood chemically, in about 1600 AD by a medical chemist van Helmont, who called it “gas sylvestre”, the gas produced by combustion.

  3. Carbon atoms have a great tendency to combine with themselves and form molecules containing a large number of atoms.

  4. Every time we burn fossil fuels such as gas, coal or oil, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.

  5. Trees, like other green plants, use photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into sugar and cellulose that they use for food and growth.

  6. Carbon dioxide is an inorganic compound, a colourless gas with a faint, sharp odour and a sour taste when dissolved in water.

Task 11. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Двоокис вуглецю − це безбарвний газ, що складає 0,04% атмосфери і є щільнішим за повітря.

  2. Зростання концентрації CO2 і деяких інших газів в атмосфері може призвести до істотного потепління клімату, названого тепличним ефектом.

  3. Вуглекислий газ у земній атмосфері утримує частину сонячної енергії від зворотнього випромінювання у космос.

  4. Зниження концентрації CO2 призводить до зменшення середньорічної температури планети.

  5. Взагалі явище парникового ефекту дозволяє підтримувати на поверхні Землі температуру, при якій можливе виникнення і розвиток життя.

  6. Фотосинтез − це синтез органічних речовин з вуглекислого газу й води з обов‘язковим використанням світлової енергії.