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Vocabulary Exercises

7.A) Find the English equivalents of the following words and phrases in the text, then make sentences using them.

например, законодательная власть, договор, жители, зарубежные страны, предложения, одобрять, уровень, победитель, торговля, избирательный участок, определять, налоги, представлять, избиратель, количество сроков полномочий, внести законопроект, установить правила, отказать, расходы.

7.B). Underline the correct words in bold.

1. Multimedia web pages with photographs, music and video make downloading slow and boring. In addition/in its turn, there is too much advertising instead of real information.

2. Village members/residents still prefer to get up early.

3. The new manager worked hard to provide/to strike down better working conditions in the hotel.

4. The thirteen American states were divided/declared independent in 1776.

5. If you want to have a happy family affairs/compromises should always be found.

6. He represents/disposes the election district in California.

8. Match a) the synonyms b) the antonyms.

to be made up




for example



a looser

a sum of money


to limit

to accept

a bill

an elector

a winner



for instance

to refuse






a voter



to widen


9. Close your books and try to complete the following sentences.

1. The legislative branch of the federal government of the USA is...

2.The USA Congress consists...

3. The Senate

a) There are 100...

b) One third of the Senators…

c) The Senators represent…

4.The House of Representatives

a) The House of Representatives…

b) They are elected…

c) They represent the population

d) The number of Representatives…

5. Congress

a) Congress makes…

b) Congress decides…

c) It regulates… and also sets rules…

d) Congress can override … and it can also refuse…

6. The President

a) The President has...

b) The President must have…

c) The President cannot…

d) He is also limited…

e) The President proposes…


10. Analyse the main differences between the English and American Constitutions in written form.

Just for fun

Listen to the song and fill in with the words below.

God, mercy, crown, grace, purple, heroes, twice, men, freedom, mountain, liberty, dream

America the beautiful

Words by *Katharine Lee Bates Melody by Samuel Ward

О beautiful for spacious skies,

For amber waves of grain,

For purple …………… majesties

Above the fruited plain!

America! America!

God shed1 his grace on thee2

And ………. thy good with brother-hood

From sea to shining sea!

О beautiful for pilgrim feet

Whose stern,3 impassioned stress

A thoroughfare4 of …………… beat

Across the wilderness!

America! America!

God mend thine every flaw,

Confirm thy soul in self-control,

Thy ……….. in law!

О beautiful for ………… proved

In liberating strife.

Who more than self the country loved

And ………… more than life!

America! America!

May God thy gold refine

Till all success be nobleness


*Katharine Lee Bates, an English professor at Wellesey College, rode in a horse-drawn wagon up Pike’s peak, a mountaintop in Colorado in 1893. She saw a view of the mountains and was inspired by her glimpse of the “spacious skies” and “purple mountains” to write a poem, which became the first verse of the song. The public loved the poem, and Miss Bates was encouraged to set it to music. She chose the music of a hymn by Samuel Ward. The words and music traveled around the world, and today Mexico, Canada, and Australia sing it with their own countries’ names instead of “America.”

nd every gain divine!

О beautiful for halcyon5 skies,

For amber waves of grain,

For ………… mountain majesties

Above the enameled6 plain!

America! America!

…… shed his grace on thee

Till souls wax fair as earth and air

And music-hearted sea!

О beautiful for glory-tale

Of liberating strife

When once and ……..,

for man's avail7

Men lavished8 precious life!

America! America!

God shed his ………. on thee

Till selfish gain no longer stain

The banner of the free!

О beautiful for patriot ……….

That sees beyond the years

Thine9 alabaster10 cities gleam

Undimmed11 by human tears!

America! America!

God shed his grace on thee

Till nobler …….. keep once again

Thy whiter jubilee!

1 toshed– проливать, распространять

2 thee – (поэт.) – тебя, тебе

3 stern – неумолимый

4 thoroughfare – оживленный поток,

главная артерия

5 halcyon – тихий, безмятежный

6 to enamel – разукрашивать

7 avail – выгода, польза

8 to lavish – расточать

9 thine – твой

10 alabaster – алебастровый

11 undimmed – незатуманенный

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