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2.4.1 Упражнения для самостоятельной работы по теме

"Неопределенные и отрицательные местоимения и их



1.No student consulted a dictionary while translating this text.

2.We shall discuss some questions at the meeting

3.Usually students have no classes in summer.

4.Nowhere in the Highlands you can see such green lawns.

5.He poured some coffee into the cup.


1.This technique has some advantages.

2.One believes that the procedure will simplify the experiment.

3.Whenever we travel, by road or rail we may see wires supported on poles.

4.Will you give me some water?

5.One must observe traffic rules.


  1. Nothing special happened yesterday.

  2. Give me another example.

  3. Why didn`t you ask somebody to help you?

  4. Put some sugar in my tea, please.

  5. One must always keep one`s word.

2.5 Тренировочные упражнения по теме

" Определение видовременных форм глагола"

Задание к упражнениям: переведите следующие предложения, пользуясь таблицами13-19 и образцами выполнения. Определите ви-

довременную форму глагола и укажите его инфинитив

Образец выполнения

1.Plasma is the forth state of matter.

is (to be). Present Indefinite, Active Voice.

Плазма – это четвёртое состояние материи.

2.They made the experiments in May.

made (to make). – Past Indefinite, Active Voice.

Эти эксперименты они провели в мае.

3.They will discuss the matter at the next meeting. will discuss (to discuss). Future Indefinite, Active Voice.

Они обсудят этот вопрос на ближайшем собрании.

4.The goods arrived yesterday.

arrived (to arrive). Past Indefinite, Active Voice.

Товар прибыл вчера.

5.We shall return to Moscow in few days.

shall return (to return). Future Indefinite, Active Voice.

Мы вернёмся в Москву через несколько дней.

6.I bought this dictionary two days ago.

bought (to buy). Past Indefinite, Active Voice.

Я купил этот словарь два дня назад.

7.In summer I went for long walks after breakfast.

went (to go). Past indefinite, Active Voice.

Летом я ходил на длинные прогулки после завтрака.

8.I shall send him a telegram, if I don’t receive an answer to my letter.

shall send (to send). Future Indefinite, Active Voice.

Я пошлю ему телеграмму, если не получу ответа на своё письмо.

9.They will not see him till Monday.

will not see (to see). Future Indefinite, Active Voice.

Они не увидят его до понедельника.

10.I see a ship in the distance.

see (to see). Present Indefinite, Active Voice.

Я вижу судно вдали.


No 1

1.Agriculture is one of the largest and most important activities in Great Britain.

2.In the Middle Period the French language became the language of upper classes in England.

3.We shall have our first exams in mathematics in a week.

4.The entire country participated in the restoration of the national economy.

5.About one thousand workers work at this factory.

No 2

1.If I am not tired, I shall go somewhere.

2.The population of Great Britain totals 55 million.

3.It rained till ten o’clock in the evening.

4.He has hardly any English books.

5.You must go there at once otherwise you’ll be tired.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]