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Introductory exercises

I. Найдите в тексте, расшифруйте и переведите сокращения:

cbt; svc ops; ZI; TO; mil ops; CZ; admin; Com Z; trans; aprx; wpns; TOE; Avn; equip; POL; acft; ammo; amph; abn; cml; AT; apers; Spt Comd; div; admin spt; atk; obj; pers; sup; sys.

II.Найдите в тексте эквиваленты словосочетаний:

включать всю территорию страны; обеспечивать пополнение живой силой; обслуживать склады; потреблять ежесуточно в одинаковых размерах; предусматривать штатно-организационным расписанием; обеспечивать снабжение, эвакуацию и госпи­тализацию; быть непосредственно втянутым в войну; вести бое­вые действия в арктических условиях; поступать через обычные каналы снабжения; подразделять на внутреннюю зону и ТВД; поставлять предметы довольствия; подразделять на зоны; обслу­живать пункты снабжения; располагаться в районе.

III. Подберите к существительным подходящие по смыслу причастия и прилага­тельные и переведите полученные словосочетания:

существительные: support; service; base; extension; place; brigade; corps; division; equipment; affairs; point; class; force.

Причастия и прилагательные: medical; processing; logistic; independent; civil; composite; assigned; administrative; jumping- off; continental; logical; distributing; different; armed.

IV. Выпишите из текста многокомпонентные термины со словом operation и переведите их.

Учебный вопрос №4. Зрительно - устный перевод текста



Both cbt and svc ops take place in areas (theaters) of war.

The theater of war is that area of land, sea and air that is di­rectly involved in war. As a rule it is subdivided into the zone of interior and areas (theaters) of operations. The ZI comprises all national territory exclusive of theaters of operations. It is orga' nized to furnish manpower, supplies and services to the armed forces. The TO includes those areas of the theater of war on which mil ops are conducted. The TO is normally divided into the major zones; the" combat zone and the communications zone. The CZ which is designed for ground cbt ops and the immediate admin of forces operating therein, is divided into army groups, army corps and division areas. The Com Z contains areas required for admin in the theater as a whole, and is subdivided into advance, interme­diate, and base sections.

In general, large units operate such supply points as depots, railheads, truckheads, navigation heads, airheads, pipeheads, dumps, distributing points, ammunition supply points, etc., which are located in corresponding service areas.

Lines of communication are the network of railways, water­ways, airways, highways, and pipelines available for trans on an area (a theater) of war.

Classes of Supply

Class I — subsistence (rations, water, forage and post exchan­ge supplies, that are consumed at an aprx uniform daily rate).

Class II — troop issue (clothing, gas masks, trucks, wpns, organizational equipment, .including spare parts for which allo­wances are fixed by the TOE).

Class II (A) — Avn supplies and equip.

Class III — petroleum, oil and lubricants, except POL for operating acft or for use as ammo in wpns as flame throwers.

Class III (A) — Avn fuels and lubricants.

Class IV — supplies not authorized under class II, such as con­struction materials, project materials, special clothing and equip for arctic, amph, desert or abn ops.

Class V — Ammo of all types (including cml explosives, AT and A-pers mines, fuzes, detonators, and pyrotechnics).

Class V (A) — Avn ammo, bombs, rockets, etc.

Exceptional items which do not pass through regular supply channels include such items as cement, sand, gravel, and coal to the Navy.

The quantity of supplies of different classes estimated to be necessary for one day of ops of a unit is called the "day of supply," while the allowance of food for one person for one day is — "Ration." "Unit of fire" is the estimated quantity of ammo required per day to sustain ops. It is expressed in terms of rounds per wpn per day.

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