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Пособие по английскому языку для заочников.doc
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Profit & Loss account

отчет о доходах и расходах

home sales

отдел внутренних продаж

export sales

экспортные продажи

cost of sales

сырье + производство

gross profit

валовая прибыль

distribution costs

транспортные расходы

administrative costs

управленческие расходы

profit before tax

прибыль до уплаты налогов

profit after tax

прибыль после уплаты налогов





retained profit

прибыль, удержанная от распределения – отчисленная в резерв

Ex. 1.

Find the answer to the questions given in the first column in the second column.



увеличиваться в объеме

go up



подняться, повыситься


уменьшаться в объеме

go down

понизить, понижаться


упасть, падать

to change

меняться, изменяться

  1. What happened to the Home Sales this year?

  2. What happened to the import sales this year?

  3. What happened to the cost of sales?

  4. What about gross profit?

  5. What happened to the distribution costs this year?

  6. What about taxes?

  7. What about profit before tax?

  8. What about administrative costs?


gone up


They have decreased

It has gone down

It hasn’t



Text 2.

Read and translate an extract from CEO’s report to the shareholders.

Dear Shareholders,

Your company can look back on a year of unprecedental success, in which we far surpassed our ambitions goals.

Heading the list of outstanding achievements was the record result of EUR 3.4 billion in net income after taxes, an increase of more than 80 percent over the previous year. Dramatic growth was a further highlight of the year. New orders rose by 20 percent and sales climed by 14 percent. As a result we are increasing the dividend from EUR 1.00 to EUR 1.40 and we are distributing an extra dividend of EUR 1.00 per share. In addition we are offering our shareholders a one-time oppotunity to buy shares at a 50-percent discount to market value.

Unit 8. Lending and Borrowing.

Text 1.

Read and translate the dialogue.


A So, Mr Kwoan, you'd like to buy a flat?

B Yes. that's right.

A And how much would you like to borrow from us?

B I need a loan of £45.000.

A And what's the price of the flat?

B It's £65,000, including all the costs.

A And what about the rest of the money?

B That comes from personal savings.

A So, you have £20,000 In personal savings to invest.

B Yes. that's right.

A And when do you want to pay back the loan?

B Well, over fifteen or twenty years. It depends on the monthly repayment.

A Well, let me see.... over fifteen years the repayment would be £420 a month, and for twenty years. It would be £390.

B I think I prefer fifteen years. What interest rate can you offer?

A At the moment, the rate is 6.6%.

B OK. A Just one more question, Mr Regan. What's your monthly Income?

B It's £625 after tax.

A £6251 And does your wife work?

B No, she doesn't work at the moment - we have two young children.

B Ah.... I think we may have a little problem here, Mr Regan.