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пособие для юристов- вечерников 1 курс (Щербако....doc
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Пособие по английскому языку для студентов очно-заочного отделения по юридической специальности

Щербакова Т.В.


Unit 1 – Legal professions

UNIT 2 – Branches of low

UNIT 3 – Legal service

UNIT 4 – Law firm

UNIT 5 – State system of UK, USA

UNIT 6 – Legislation in UK, USA

UNIT 7 – Court system


Legal professions

1. advocate

a lawyer who presents a client's case in 1. (defender) защитник;

a lawcourt 2. (lawyer) адвокат;

3. поверенный

2. agent

one who is authorized to act for or in 1. агент;

place of another___________ 2. поверенный

3. arbitrator

a neutral person chosen to resolve 1. третейский судья;

disputes between parties, especially by арбитр

means of formal arbitration

4. attorney

  1. (esp. US) a lawyer, one qualified 1. адвокат; поверен-

to act for clients in a lawcourt; ный (в суде)

  1. a person appointed to act for another 2. уполномоченный

in business or legal matters;

3. one who practises law 3. юрист

attorney-in fact - лицо, действующее по



  1. (Br.) - the chief legal officer by the 1. (англ.) генеральный

government прокурор

  1. (US) - die chief law officer of a state 2. (амер.) генеральный

or of the US, responsible for advising прокурор штата;

the government on legal matters министр юстиции

and representing it in litigation

attorney-at-law - адвокат

5. bailiff

  1. a law officer whose job is to take 1. судебный пристав

the possession or property of people

who cannot pay their debts

  1. (US) a court officer who maintains 2. судебный пристав,

order with the parties, attorneys and jury который следит за

during court proceedings порядком в суде

  1. a sheriff’s officer who executes 3. заместитель шерифа

writs and serves processes

6. Barrister

in England and Nothern Ireland барристер, адвокат,

a lawyer who is admitted to plead at который имеет право

the bar and who may try or argue in подавать в суд по иску,

superior courts а также выступать в суде

barrister-at-law адвокат высшего ранга,

___________ выступающий в суде