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4. Literature

1. Ю.Б. Голицынский . Великобритания./ ЮБ. Голицынский. - С.П.б.: КАРО, 2006 - 480 с.: ил.

Стр. 36-68…..

2. Ю.Б. Голицынский. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений./ Ю.Б. Голицынский. – С.П.б. : КАРО, 2002. – с. 119, 329.

3. А.А. Ионина, И.Б. Саакян. Английская грамматика. Теория и практика.:

учебное пособие / А.А. Ионина . - М. : ТК Велби, Проспект. - 2008. - с. 28-- 329.

4. С.Б. Катенин, М.С. Зимина . История Англии в рассказах. (): Книга для чтения на английском языке с упражнениями./ Подготовка текста, упражнения и словарь М.С. Синельниковой . – СПб. : КОРОНА, - 2002. - с. 96

5. Е.Г. Лобова, И.И. Малинина, А.П. Миньяр-Белоручева. Экзаменационные тексты на английском языке по истории и культуре / Т.Г. Лобова, И.И. Малинина, А.П. Миньяр-Белоручева. – М. : Экзамен. – 2005. – с.69.

6. Т.Г. Мухина . Технологии модульного обучения как средства развития профессиональной компетентности у студентов. / Т.Г. Мухина // Психологическая наука в образовательном пространстве: сб.ст. - Нижний Новгород, 2008. - с. 23-27.

7. О.А. Письменная. Окна в англоязычный мир. / О.А. Письменная. – К: ООО « ИП Логос», 2004. – с. 23 –32, с. 23. 28, 32.

8. Christopher Gardwood, Adda Peris. Aspects of Britain and the USA..

/ Oxford University Press, 1992.- p. 20 – 22

9. David McDowall The Illustrated History of Britain \ Longman Group UK Limited 1989, p.6 - 42

10. Elizabeth Sharman. Across Cultures, \ Person Education Limited 2004, p. 22, 23

5. Keys to the exercises

Unit 1

Ex. 1 1) c, 2) d, 3) a, 4) d, 5) b, 6) d, 7) a, 8) d

Ex. 2 1). c. 2) d. 3) a. 4) b.

Ex. 3

!. to rule 2. advanced 3. ancient 4. to plough 5. to introduce 6. a tribe 7. an arrival 8. to hold 9. giant 10. to affect

11. an area 12. spectacular 13. precise 14. inhabitants

Ex . 4

A. the, an, of

B. in, after, --- , over, the

C. the, in, ---

D. the, of, a

E. at, of, the, by,

F. under, the, an G. the, of, the, by, the

H. the, of, the, in, the, around

Ex. 5 a. – 3, b – 1, c - 9, d – 5, e – 10, f – 11, g – 2,

h – 6, i– 8, j – 7, k - 4

Ex. 6

1). To subdue 2). Farming 3). Conquering 4). Spread

5). Invaded 6). Spectacular 7). Affected

Ex. 7

1. appeared, had learnt. 2. has remained. 3. took.

4. will keep. 5. reached. 6. were assimilating

7. were making. 8. have not finished. 9. were spreading.

10. were.

Ex. 8

* an important exporter of wheat, * they were called ‘ the man of the race ‘,

* remains a mystery, * hunting dogs and slaves, * gradual settlement,

* were ruled by leaders, * subdued all the Mediterranean civilization.

* joined by new arrivals from Europe, * the first wave of conquering the

island, * sunrise and sunset at different times of the year, * the history of

the country has always been connected with the sea, * attracted the people,

* grew corn and breed animals, * an advanced method of ploughing,

* refers to 1800 BC, * to cultivate heavy soil, * were spreading their lands


Unit 2

Ex. 1 1. – l, 2. – f, 3 – h, 4 – m, 5 – k, 6 – d, 7 – j,

8 – c, 9 – e, 10 – b, 11 – g, 12 – a, 13 – i

Ex. 2 1). D, 2). E, 3) F, 4) J, 5) I, 6) B, 7) G, 8) H, 9) A, 10) C

Ex. 3 late settlement; legal system; effective administration;

heavy tribute; barbarian tribes; flourishing empire; sudden arrival

Ex. 4 научились выращивать зерно и выводить животных;

сформировали развитую систему судопроизводства;

остались враждебными на века; основной поставщик шерсти и железа;

завоевали обширные территории в западном направлении;

защищаться от варваров; не смогли сопротивляться силе;

европейские поселения появились в Каменном веке;

противостоять Шотландцам; войска были умелыми и хорошо

обученными; муниципальные управы располагались на главной

площади; вынуждены были отвести войска.

Ex. 5

1). Won the southern area of Britain. 2) damaged their ships. 3) the legioners did military exercises. 4) was governed by the Roman administrators 5) the municipal offices 6) couldn’t resist their forces 7) developed into centres of trade

8) had to withdraw their legions 9) ruled the locals 10) social centre.

Ex. 6












































Ex. 7

1) The British islands were conquered by some European tribes in the pre-historic time.

2) Britain was turned into a civilized place.

3) The natives were pushed westward and to the mountain areas of the north by

the invaders.

4) The narrow sea was crossed by the European people in wooden vessels.

5) Municipal offices, a gym, shops, a law court were housed in the great building of the bath.

6) Towns and fortresses were connected with nicely paved roads.

7) Peace in Britain was secured by the Roman soldiers for nearly four centuries.

8) In ancient time leaders were chosen among the most powerful and respectful men

9) A sophisticated legal system was introduced by the new rulers.

10) Large territories and those of the Mediterranean sea were subdued by the ‘ quick-for-battle’ and ‘war-like’ men.

Unit 3

Ex. 1 1. faith, 2. crowned, 3. escaped, 4. pagan, 5. split,

6. authority, 7. secure, 8. converted, 9. throne, 10. to claim

Table 1 A – 5 B - 2 C - 1 D - 6 E - 3 F - 4

Ex. 2 !. c 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b

Ex. 3 1 – d, 2 – f, 3 – g, 4 – h, 5 – i, 6 - b, 7 – a, 8 – j, 9 – c, 10 – e

Ex. 4 1. with, --- . 2. to, by. 3. for. 4. in, on. 5. from, among.

6. over. 7. with. 8. in, of, in. 9. in, over. 10. of, on, of.

Ex. 5 1. faith 2. king’s power 3. secured 4. for supremacy

5. institutions 6. vanished 7. escaped

Ex. 6

S u b j e c t

1. To control the weaker kingdoms, to make wars were the

signs of the epoch.

2. To give advice to the king or support him on difficult

matters was its function.

O b j e c t

1. King of Wessex managed to make his kingdom strong …

2.Pope continued to spread his influence over England.

3. Saxon kings helped the Church to grow .

A t t r i b u t e

1. It was an important factor to strengthen king’s power …

A d v e r b I a l

modifier of purpose

1.For a long time the tribes were fighting to gain supremacy.

2. He sent a monk to convert the pagan Anglo-Saxons.

3. He had enough soldiers to claim for the throne.

Ex . 7

1) The Celts were the first European tribes to affect the further development

0f Britain.

  1. It took 150 years for the Angles, Saxons and Jutes to populate the island.

  2. King Egbеrth was the first to unite the seven kingdoms into a single state.

  3. The Celtic people crossed the sea and came to Britain to expand their

territories westward.

5) Native Britons fought many battles not to become slaves.

Unit 4

Ex. 1

1) … and clergy to England who were constantly opposing the English nobles.

  1. … Alfred built army and fleet.

  2. … again and continued robbing and killing the population.

  3. … in the mouths of the rivers and made raids on the eastern shores.

  4. … and knowing languages, he started a court school to educate nobles in reading and writing.

  5. … Alfred got down to restoration of education in the country.

  6. … Alfred The Great due to his great contribution to the development of the country.

  7. … and after his death there appeared three claimants to the throne.

  8. … as a prominent statesman who saved his land from destruction.

  9. … where he was in exile with his mother.

Ex 2. 1) *** throne 2) *** compete 3) *** careless 4) *** pagan

5) *** dedicate 6) *** possess 7) *** monk

Ex. 3



*An event having a great impact on


* a speech that happened to become


* a place famous in history

* a film showing real events in history

* a picture depicting a known event

* a book that narrates about some events

of the past

Ex . 4


2, 4, 6, 7,


1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10

Ex. 5

1. - D 2 - G 3 – J 4 – K 5 - B 6 - P 7 - N 8 - A

9 – E 10 – C 11 - H 12 – O 13 - I 14 - L 15 – M 16 - F

Ex 6

1. - couldn’ t but, 2. - made, 3 - helped, 4 – made, 5 - let

6 - couldn’t but , 7 - let, 8 - let, 9 - helped, 10 - made

Ex. 7

    1. The Danes continued fighting the Anglo-Saxons.

    2. Edward brought a lot of French nobles and clergy to England.

    3. Such raids took place in the reign of Egberth and his sons.

    4. He sent the monks to convert pagan Anglo-Saxons.

    5. Those who survived had to subdue and became slaves.

    6. Alfred invited scholars to teach philosophy and history.

    7. According to the Treaty Britain was divided into England

and the Danelaw .

    1. He established Code of Law based on the Bible.

    2. His peaceful reforms were as significant as the victories

in the wars.

    1. Roman Emperor Constantine the Great stopped prosecution of the


    1. Egberth succeeded in uniting the seven kingdoms under his


Ex. 8

a. How did the Vikings reach Britain ?

b. Why were the monasteries and churches plundered by the Danes ?

c. Did the Danes capture the whole England ?

d. What part of England did English kings reign ?

e. When was Alfred chosen king of England ?

f. Why did the Council choose the youngest son king of England ?

g. What happened to the kingdom after Alfred and the Danes had

signed the Treaty ?

h. Did Alfred capture London some years later ?

i. What proves that Alfred was a true statesman ?

j. How many Danish king rule England ?

k. Who was called upon by the state Council ?

l. Why were there rivals and claimants for the Crown of England after

Edward’s death ?

Ex. 9

1 – e, 2 – d, 3 – f, 4 – g, 5 – h, 6 – a, 7 – i, 8 – j, 9 – b, 10 – c

Ex. 10

    1. The tribes fought each other for power for a ling time.

    2. Christianity contributed to uniting the separate kingdoms into a single state.

    3. There were several Сeltic invasions into the British islands in the prehistoric time.

    4. As a rule the natives escaped to Wales, Scotland and Ireland to save their


    1. The locals had to subdue to the new rulers.

    2. For some decades the Danish kings possessed the English Crown.

    3. Alfred managed to put an end to the Danes raids over Wessex.

    4. Later Alfred ousted the Danes from London.

    5. There were a lot of French nobles and clergy around Edward the Confessor.

    6. Alfred did a lot to raise the culture of his kingdom.