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4. Translate the sentences using the Infinitive

  1. Константин Великий был первым, кто прекратил преследования христиан.

  2. Подчинить своей власти соседние королевства было целью каждого монарха.

  3. Обязанностью Королевского Совета было поддерживать короля и давать ему советы по вопросам государства.

  4. Папа Григорий послал Августина в Британию, чтобы обратить язычников – саксонцев в новую веру.

  5. Церковь помогала королю в укреплении его власти.

Unit 4

Ι. Write an essay ‘ The most constructive period in the history of Britain ’

ΙΙ. Answer the questions

1)How did the Danish Vikings reach Britain ?

2) Why did they choose churches and small villages for their raids ?

3) What parts of England did the Vikings manage to capture in the 9th century ?

4) Why did the State Council choose Alfred, the younger son, to be crowned king of

England ?

5) How did Alfred put an end to the Danes’ raids ?

6) What did the king do to develop the culture of his nation ?

7) What proves that Alfred rightly got the title ‘ the Great ‘ ?

8) How many Danish kings possessed the English Crown ?

9) Why were there a lot of French clergy and nobles at the English court at the beginning

of the 11th century ?

10) What kind of states man was Edward the Confessor ?

ΙΙΙ Tests

1. Match the dates with the names

The Celts

Julius Ceasar

King Alfred

The Belgs

Emperor Claudius

Edward the Confessor

The Brits

King Canute

Alfred the Great


1st c. B C

43 A D


55 B C


the 5th c. B C


7th c. B C

2. Choose the right verb-form

1). The roads built by the Romans in ancient times ------ in use.

a. remained c. has remained

b. remain d. remains

2) Before the Celts appeared in Briton they ------- the Mediterranean civilization.

a. have subdued c. were subduing

b. subdued d. had subdued

3) The Anglos, Saxons and Jutes ------- in Britain for 150 years.

a. were settling c. settled

b. have been settling d. have settled

4) There ------- few words of the Celtic origin in the English language.

a. were c. have been

b. are d. had been

5) As Edward the Confessor ------- no children there were claimants to the throne from Denmark and Normandy.

a) didn’t have c) haven’t have

b) hadn’t have d) had