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A. Good ( 3 ). 1. Common ( 7 ). B. Guarantied ( 6 ). C. Work ( 4 ). D. War ( 5 ). E. Improve ( 6 ). F. Hesitated ( 10 ). G. Cooked ( 3 ). H. Modern ( 7 ). I. Betrayal ( 7 ). J. Offend ( 8 ). K. Hot ( 4 ). L. Loose ( 3 ). M. Finish ( 5 ). N. Pick up ( 4 ). O. Girl ( 3 ). P. Stop ( 2 ) . Q. She ( 2 )

ientific method. Bacon stated that every scientific idea must be tested by experiment. The Stuarts encouraged scientific studies and founded The Royal Society which became an important centre of scientific meetings, discussions and sharing information.

In 1628 William Harvey discovered the circulation of blood making great contribution to medicine and study of the human body.

Isaac Newton, professor of mathematics at Cambridge, began to study gravity in 1666. He published his great works “Principia”, “The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” which are still considered to be the greatest books in the history of science and remained the basis of physics until Einstein’s discoveries in the 20th century.

The first newspapers appeared in the 17th c. They wre a new way of spreading all kinds of ideas, scientific, religious and literary knowledge. Many of them included advertisments. In 1660 Charles 2 advertized for his lost dog.

Most towns did not have shops before the 17th century. They had market days when farmers and manufactures sold their goods in the town squares or market places. By 1690, most town had proper shops. Shopkeepers traveled around the country to buy goods for their shops, which were new and exciting and drew people from the villages to see them.

In London there was a new class of rich “aristocrats”. Most of them belonged to the nobility, but not all. Money could buy a high position in society more easily than in other Europe. After 1650 the rich began to meet in the new coffeehouses, which quickly became the meeting places for conversation and politics. Some of the old nobility did not accept the new rich as equals. Tudor gentry started to call themselves “squires”, the ruling class of the countriside. They did not want to be confused with the new gentry.

While the rich of London visited the coffeehouses, the ordinary people went to the drinking houses, called “alehouse”. These soon became the centre of popular culture, where news and ideas could be passed on. The government had their secret informers watching the alehouses and listening for rebellious talk.

1. Can you match the dates with the events ?



1. Jamse 1

a). Defeated the Danes at sea

2. Egberth

b). Established charted companies

3. Queen Mary

c). Was executed by a sister – cousin

4. Alfred – the – Great

d). Was killed at the battle at Hastings.

5. Oliver Cromwell

e). Spent ten years in Crusades.

6. William – the - Conquerer

f). Burnt the Protestants.

7. Julius Ceasar

g). Established the first colony in America .

8. Mary Stewart

h). Broke away from Catholicism.

9. Walter Raughley

i). Started the Norman invasion.

10. Richard – the – Lionheart

j). Succeeded in uniting 7 feudal kingdoms.

11. Elisabeth 1

k). Was made Lord Protector.

12. John 2

l). Came to the British Iselands B. C.

13. Henry 8

m). Signed Magna Carta