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6. Find English equivalents to the following word - combinations

* но это не спасло ситуацию ; * это означало объединение двух фамилий ; * много

способствовал укреплению новой династии ; * стремился играть важную роль в европейских делах ; * был противоположностью своего отца ; * причина для беспокойства ; * осознавал важность международных отношений ; * не вторгалась бы в дела государства ; * провести реформу церкви ; * по политическим и семейным причинам ; * во время пятилетнего правления ; * были отняты у местного населения * лишая мира английскую общественность * была разорвана на две противоборствующие религии ; * его политика сконцентрировалась на Европейских делах ; * aнархия бушевала по всей стране .

Correct the wrong statements and agree with the right ones. Try to support

your ideas

A. Henry 7 did his best to develop the economy through building trade relations . B. The king’s policy was aimed at making wars with Spain .

C. Henry 7 allowed his barons to have own armed forces.

D. He welcomed the new classes and encouraged their growth .

E. His son Henry 8, had no reasons for quarrels with the Church .

F. Being controlled by King of Spain the Pope refused to give Henry 8 his consent to

divorce Catherine.

G. Henry 8 wanted the Church to be headed by the monarch .

H. England became Protestant without problems and in no time .

I. Queen Mary hated Protestants and burnt them during her reign . J. The Tudors failed to unite Wales with England.

1. В Ирландии Генриху не удалось убедить парламент признать его королем Ирландии

2 Таким образом, был запущен очень опасный механизм, не дававший покоя

английскому обществу.

3 Он желал играть большую роль в европейских делах

4. Его внешняя и внутренняя политика была разумная и мудрая.

5. Позднее парламент принял несколько законов, по которым Англия официально становилась протестантской страной.

6 Он не мог не осознавать важность международных отношений.

7. Генрих делал все, чтобы уговорить священников разорвать отношения с католичеством.

8. Ирландцы продемонстрировали сопротивление.

9. Но была еще одна причина для волнения.

10.Поэтому Генрих построил огромный торговый флот.

Unit 2. “ The Reign of Elizabeth 1

to sentence -- приговаривать Discovery --открытие

to cope with -- справиться Spices -- специи

to offend -- обижать Way out of -- выход

to oblige -- обязывать Pray -- молитва

to provide for -- зд. прокормить Refuge -- убежище

to remove -- сместить Sin -- грех

to draw into -- втянуть

to enclose -- огораживать

to behead -- обезглавить

Queen Elisabeth1, the last of the Tudors, was the daughter of Henry 8. Her reign is

1. Read the text and point to the key idea of each passage considered to be ‘a golden age ‘ of sea explorations, great discoveries of new lands and military victories. She received an excellent classical education, could read in Latin and Greek, mastered French and Italian. Her personal qualities helped her rule the country and cope with very complicated problems. Elisabeth was an intelligent, shrewd, courageous woman and determined to settle religious affairs.

When Elisabeth succeeded the throne she found herself in a bitter struggle between Catholics and Protestants. Her desire was to find a peaceful way out of the religious problems. She wanted the English society to live in agreement. She tried to gradually spread Protestant religion without offending the Catholics. But on the other hand, Elisabeth wanted to keep the Church under the state’s control. Being a wise politician she made it a ‘part of the state machine’. Elisabeth introduced the parish as a unit of state administration. The law obliged people to attend church on Sundays and listen to prayers. She also introduced a book of sermons from which people learnt that the rebellion against the Crown was a sin against God.

In the foreign affairs Elisabeth continued the policy her grandfather made – the development of foreign trade. She encouraged English merchants to explore the world, to discover new lands, to settle abroad and create colonies. During her reign England became a great sea power. This policy made Britain a great colonial empire in the 17th and 18th centuries. The most prominent seamen at that time who won fortune to England were Walter Raleigh, Francis Drake, John Hawkins. They were not only traders but also great pirates and adventurers. In their ships they brought tobacco, coffee, gold and spices to England. They challenged the Spaniards in the Atlantic making raids on Spanish colonies in America and capturing Spanish ships with treasure from the New World. In 1585 Sir Walter Raleigh founded the first colony in the New World and named it Virginia in the honour of his Queen.

In Elisabeth’s reign the country established charted companies. A charter gave a company the right to do business in a particular trade or region. In return the charted company was to give some of its profits to the Crown. Thus, the enterprises of the Levant Company, the African Company, the East India Company were established . England started to sell African slaves to work on the Spanish plantations in America.

In the 16th century the production of cloth remained the leading branch of England’s economy. The growing cloth-making industry demanded more raw material. For this purpose the landowners needed more land to breed more sheep. So they enclosed the lands that had belonged to the whole village against the law. As a result, thousands of people lost their lands, couldn’t provide for their families and became homeless and unemployed. They came to towns and became a cheap working force. Small villages were growing to industrial towns. Having learnt to burn coal instead of wood people were able to produce greatly important steel which was used to make knives, nails, watches, clocks, pins.

Elisabeth wanted England to flourish, to develop industries, trade and culture. She considered Spain the main rival in trade and, therefore, her enemy. ( The Spaniards robbed the English ships loaded with gold and silver.) Soon England was drawn into a military conflict between Spain and Holland. At that time Spain ruled the Netherlands where there were many Protestant fighting for independence. Elisabeth helped the Dutch Protestants by allowing their ships to use the English harbours for attacks on the Spanish fleet. Besides Elizabeth supplied the Dutch with money and soldiers. The Spanish king was aware that he could defeat the Dutch only by conquering England. Besides he could rely on the Catholics in England who were opposing the Protestant queen. The Spanish built a great fleet of ships, the Invincible Armada which was destroyed by Francis Drake in the English Channel.

The situation in the country remained dangerous and complicated. The home opposition didn’t leave their desire to remove Elisabeth from the throne and replace her with Marry Stuart, Queen of Scots, the closest living relative of hers. As Elisabeth had no children, Marry was an heir to the English throne. She was a Catholic; was brought up in France. When she returned to Scotland which had officially become Protestant she quarrelled a lot with her nobles and in the long run, had to escape and find refuge in England. But she was imprisoned in England as the State Council insisted on isolating Mary from possible dealing with the Catholics. Elisabeth had to keep her in the Tower as a prisoner for twenty years. During Elisabeth’s reign a lot of Catholic plots aimed at making Mary Stuart English queen were discovered. The danger of Catholic invasion made Elisabeth agree to Mary’s execution. So Queen of Scots was sentenced to death and beheaded in 1587.

The Tudor monarchs didn’t like to rule through Parliament either. They used it only for introducing new laws, or raising money for wars and for struggle with Rome. In the Tudors’ reign real power in Parliament moved from the House of Lords to the House of Commons. The problem was, the monarchs were badly in need of money and moneyed people – influential men, rich merchants -- sat in the Lower House. Its growing authority made the gentry and merchants think that they had the right to discuss more and more questions. It was obvious that sooner or later Parliament would challenge the Crown. In fact the idea of getting rid of the House of Lords (which is still discussed in British politics,) was first suggested in the 16th century.

At the beginning of the Tudor’s period English was still spoken in different ways. Since the time of Chaucer, in the 14th century , London English itself a mixture of some dialects, had become accepted as standard English. Printing made it more widely accepted in the literate population. For the first time , people started to think of London pronunciation as “correct” pronunciation. Until Tudor time the local forms of speech had been spoken by lord and peasant alike. From Tudor times onwards the way people spoke began to show the difference between them and their status. Educated people spoke correct English, while uneducated strarum spoke the local dialects.

The reign of the Tudors came to an end with the death of Elisabeth 1 in 1603. She never married and had no children. Her closest relative was Mary’s son, James 4, King of Scots. Elisabeth’s age was one of the greatest periods in English culture when the court became a centre of English musicians, poets, scholars and artists. Edmund Spenser, Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare were celebrities of that time who created great works. Shakespeare’s plays were staged in all theatres, they have not died down until our time due to their humanism.

Home policy

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Foreign policy

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