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11. * Arrange a report on your views about civil wars on the example of the Wars of the


Keys to the exercises

Part 1

Ex. 1 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - a, 4 - a, 5 - a, 6 - d, 7 - c

Ex. 2 1 - B, 2 - D, 3 - A, 4 - C

Ex. 3 a. clergy, b. form, c. take, d. great, e. division

f. noble, g. take over, h. part

Ex. 4 natives – locals, to establish – to introduce, foreign – international, desire –

wish, plan – idea, importance – significance, popularity – fame, tradesman –

merchant, to name – to call, free – independent, gradually – step by step,

to have a good command – to master, to come – to return, to realize – to be aware

Ex. 5 1) c 2) k 3) I 4) h 5) g 6) d 7) a 8) j 9) f 10) e 11) b

Ex. 6











Of, by,



for, --

to, with


to, in,

for, in

on, at,




of, on


on, to

Ex. 7

1.Duke of Normandy was infurious when he learnt that Godwin had been chosen king of England.

2. Everybody knows that the battle at Hastings played a decisive role in the further development of the country.

3. He sent barons and knights to find out if the people had accepted the new rules.

4. The new masters didn’t know the Anglo-Saxon language and didn’t want to learn it.

5. When the people in London learnt about the defeat of the English army they decided to leave the London gates open.

6. To find out if an man was guilty or innocent, he was put to test in a battle against a skilled fighter.

7. The Danish raiders plundered the churches and monasteries as they knew that these objects were not defended.

8. When the Danes learnt about Edward’s death they started to claim for the English Crown

9. It’s not difficult to find out why the Romans built paved roads .

10. To find out the reason of the variety of the dialects, it’s necessary to study the history of the country.

M O D U L E 3

« Династия Тюдоров »

* Learn the new words

to fail

to launch -- запускать

to eliminate -- исключать возможность устранять

to break away from -- разрывать с кем-то

to pursue -- преследовать

to worsen -- ухудшать

to launch -- запускать

coexistence -- сосуществование

consent -- согласие

heir -- наследник

the latter -- последний ( из упомянутых )


1. The family were in trouble as there was no …. to succeed the Crown.

2. The space shuttle was not … on the due date because of the weather conditions.

3. His attempts to ….. the policy of friendly relations were praised .

4. The policy of peaceful ….. is the only way to save the world nowadays.

5. The living conditions of the people were …. considerably after the war.

6. He was driven by the desire to get Pope’s …. to divorce

7. It was next to impossible …. the religious contradictions in the society.

8. There were two insignificant English rulers after Henry 8 – king Edward and his sister Queen Mary; …. was called Bloody Mary.

9. …. Catholic Church was a historic event for England.

1. Read the text and divide it into passages.

So Henry 3 of Lancaster was crowned Henry 7 of England right on the field of the battle. He was a prominent man in the history of England for he contributed a lot to establishing the new monarchy. His international and home politics were reasonable and wise. Henry 7 couldn’t but realise the significance of international relationships . In the foreign affairs he tried to pursue the policy of peaceful coexistence with France and Scotland and never quarreled with them.

Henry was driven by the idea that business went first for the economy. To awaken the country’s economy he made a trade agreement with the Netherlands. That’s why Henry built a huge fleet of merchant ships . To eliminate problems with his barons the king forbade anyone to keep armed forces. In fact he was the first monarch to build good relations with the growing classes of merchants and gentry. Henry 7 created a new aristocracy from among gentry and merchants who were obliged to him because they understood that their rise was completely dependent on the crown the n.

His son Henry 8 who inherited the crown was his father’ opposite – cruel, warlike, wasteful with money. His policy was concentrated on Europe. He wanted to play a big role in European affairs. But Europe had changed a lot. France became strong and powerful, Spain was united with the Holy Roman Empire. Henry had serious problems with the Church. He strongly disliked its power in England. The Catholic Church was an international organization and he was afraid that it could work against his authority. But there was another reason for being worried. His wife Catherine of Aragon didn’t bring him a son, an heir to the throne. Henry asked the Pope to allow him to divorce Catherine. But the Pope was not free in giving his consent – he was controlled by king of Spain, who was Holy Roman Emperor and a close relative to Catherine. So for political and family reasons the Pope forbade Henry to divorce.

Henry did his best to persuade the English bishops to break away from the Catholic Church and establish a new church which would be headed by the monarch. In 1534 Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy. Now he could be free and marry his new love, Anne Boleyn. But she didn’t bring a son either. Though her daughter Elisabeth, became an outstanding person who brought glory and fame to England. He could control the Church and the latter wouldn’t interfere into the state’s life. Later Parliament passed several Acts, by which England officially became Protestant. Though the popular religion remained Catholic and most English people still believed in Catholicism. Thus a very dangerous mechanism of constant struggle was launched giving no peace to the English society. In fact it was split into two contradicting religions.

This struggle was going on in the reign of Henry’s son Edward who died at the age of 16 and Queen Mary, the Catholic daughter of Catherine of Aragon. During her five-year reign she burnt hundreds of Protestants and was called Bloody Mary.

The Tudor monarchs tried to bring Wales and Ireland to English control. They succeeded in uniting Wales with England under one administration. The local Welsh gentry were appointed magistrates and entered the English Parliament. In Ireland Henry 8 failed to persuade the parliament to recognise him as king of Ireland. The situation worsened when he tried to introduce his English Church Reformation. The Irish showed great resistance. The effect of the English politics was successful in Ulster. There many good lands were taken from the natives and sold to the English settlers.

* Complete the sentences

A. They succeeded in uniting Wales ------------------

B Though popular religion still remained Catholic ---------------------

C. The situation worsened when he tried to ------------------------------

D. Henry asked Pope to allow -------------------------------------------

E. As to the international affairs, he tried to pursue -------------------

F. In 1534 Parliament passed ---------------------------------------------

G. The effect of the English politics -------------------------------------

H. He could control the Church and --------------------------------------

I. So for political and family reasons -------------------------------------

J. Henry was driven by the idea -------------------------------------------

K. France became strong and powerful, ---------------------------------

L. To eliminate problems with his barons -------------------------------

M. There many good lands were taken ----------------------------------

N. The local Welsh gentry was --------------------------------------------

O. Now he could be free and marry -------------------------------------

P. His wife Catherine of Aragon didn’t ---------------------------------


Find in the text the phrases which mean :

* followed the policy aimed at keeping peace, * did their best to establish strict control,

* as their monarch, * was aware. * promoted the new stratum of society, * to improve the country’s economy, * international policy, * didn’t manage to persuade, * the result of the policy, * to get rid of problems *policy was focused on, * hated,

* Match the columns



1. play

a. Catherine of Aragon

2. introduce

b. good relations with merchants and gentry

3. unite

c. the Catholic Church

4. awaken

d. the English bishops

5. interfere into …

e. the significance of international relationships

6. control

f. a big role in European affairs

7. break away from …

g. the state’s life

8. divorce

h. the policy of peaceful coexistence

9. persuade

i. Wales and Ireland to English control

10. build

j. the country’s economy

11. pursue

k. the Church

12. realize

l. the English Church Reformation

13. bring

m. Wales with England

14. recognize

n. parliament

15. persuade

o. him as king of Ireland

* Change the sentences using the Passive Voice.

a). Henry 7 made a trade agreement with the Netherlands to awaken the economy .

b). The king built a huge fleet of merchant ships .

c). He pursued peaceful coexistence with France and Spain .

d). In 1534 Parliament passed a very important Act of Supremacy .

e). Elisabeth brought glory and fame to the country .

f). Queen Mary burnt hundreds of Protestants during her reign .

g). The Tudors succeeded in uniting England and Wales .

h). Ireland didn’t recognise Henry 8 as their sovereign .