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Раздел 3

to pursue преследовать цель

sin грех

to eliminate устранить

to oblige обязывать

without offending не обижая

to get rid of избавиться от

to encourage способствовать,

book of sermons книга проповедей

harbour гавань

*learn the vocabulary :

  1. Insert the proper words from the box, changing the underlined ones in the sentences.

  1. Big taxes levied on business, didn’t allow it to grow further.

B. A lot of enterprising people made fortune by developing international trade.

C. The court couldn’t afford to finance the military expeditions any longer.

D. The central idea of the war was to take back the lands inhabited by the invaders.

E. The serfs couldn’t stand oppression of their landlords because the life became unbearable.

F. Britain supplied the Great Roman Empire with wheat and wool.

Endure made a pocket imposed to wage to recapture delivered

3. Match the dates with the names

  1. Put the questions into the proper order and answer them. The reign of the Tudors

  • Check your knowledge of the words:

The Act of Supremacy

1. Pick up the synonyms

2. Enjoy the puzzle . The controlling word refers ( has something with) to the powers

1. the lack or absence of a power when nobody rules. anarchy

2. military trips or expeditions undertaken with the aim of defending the Holy Land. crusades

3. to ruin or to break .into pieces tare

4. a person who confesses a religion. christian

5. to allow and help somebody do smth. promote

6. a tradesman. merchant

7. capturing land by force. invaision

8. the royal chair, which is a symbol of the kingdom. throne

9. a successor to the throne. ??? heir

10. the upper class , the landowners. nobility o