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4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions

A. The tribes fought severely ------ centuries .

B. The climate greatly influenced ------

the country’s development

C. The newcomers assimilated ------- the


D. Seven centuries BC were marked -------

some waves of Celtic invasions.

Unit 2

Ι. Write an essay ‘ How did the Romans affect Britain’s culture ? ‘

ΙΙ. Give full answers to the questions:

1) What is the origin of the word ‘ Britain’?

2) Why was the first arrival of the Roman troops in Britain shortened ?

3) Why did the Britons have to submit ?

4) What did the Romans build to secure peace on the northern borders ?

5) How did the new rulers govern the land ?

6) What did they construct to develop trade ?

7) What does the word ‘ village ‘ originate from ?

8) What innovations did the Romans introduce to the culture of construction ?

9) What other proofs can you give to testify the fact that Britain was turned into a civilized

place ?

10) What were the Roman baths for social life ?

11) Why did the Romans have to leave the island ?

ΙΙΙ Tests

1. Choose the right word from the box

to resist flourish hostile submit damage secure headquarters troops

a) There was no sense ------ for the English army had been killed and the tribes had to -------.

b) Barbarian and ------ people made constant raids on the peaceful villages and ------ the economy.

c) For some centuries Britain enjoyed peace, crafts ------ ,and trade grew.

d) The ------ of municipal administration were located on the main square of a town.

e) The ------ of the legioners ------- peace and order in Roman Britain.






2. Translate the sentences using the Passive Voice.

A. Римские корабли были разбиты штормом.

Б. Управления городской власти располагались на центральной площади.

В. Центры торговли соединялись мощеными доpoгами, которые строились

с большим мастерством.

Г. Современная система письма была привнесена в культуру британцев римлянами.

Д. Римские термы превратились в центры общественной жизни.

Е. Страной управляли римские губернаторы, мир охранялся легионерами.

Ж. Стена Андриана была воздвигнута для того, чтобы обезопасить

северные земли от набегов пиктов.