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If any shareholder has any question to put, I shall'be glad to answer it. (Galsworthy)

  1. An adverbial clause of result coming after the principal clause, which is usually the case, is often separated by a comma.

The thicket was as close as a brush; the ground very treacherous, so that we often sank in the most terrifying manner. (Stevenson)

Additional remarks

§ 18. If in a complex sentence there are two or more homo­geneous clauses, they are separated from each other by a comma.

When dusk actually closed, and when Adfele left me to go and play in the nursery with Sophie, I did not keenly desire it. (Ch. Bronte)

§ 19. At the end of every kind of declarative non-exclamatory sentence —simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex — a full stop is used.

Young Jolyon poured out the tea. (Galsworthy)

All the life and expression had gone out of his face; it was like a waxen mask. (Voynich)

They turned back towards the bridge over which the Cardinal’s carriage would have to pass. (Voynich)

§ 20. At the end of a sentence expressing a question, real or rhetorical, a note of interrogation is used.


Do you recognize that letter? (Voynich)

Is this a dagger that 1 see before me? (Shakespeare)

A note of interrogation is used at the end of sentences con­taining questions even if the order of words is that of an affir­mative sentence.

And he wants you to live on cocoa too? (Galsworthy)

You deny that it is in your writing? (Voynich)

§ 21. At the end of exclamatory sentences a note of exclama­tion is used.

It's a lie! (Voynich)

What a beautiful voice that man has! (Voynich)

§ 22. To indicate a sudden stop in the thought a dash ar two dashes are used.

Oh! how I wish — But what is the use of wishing? (Fowler)

Oh, well,” he said, “it’s such a long time since-— — ” He faltered.

He stopped. (Mansfield)

It should be noted that the use of most stops largely depends on the will of the writer.

  1. Names of persons modified by the adjective certain are used with the indefinite article.

I heard it from a certain Mr. Brown.

§ 13. Geographical names.

  1. Geographical names like all the other proper nouns are used without articles: England, France, Moscow, London.

The same holds good when a geographical name is modified by an attribute in pre-position: Soviet Russia, North America, Latin America, Central Asia.

N ote. — The word groups the Soviet Union, the United States are always used with the definite article.

  1. Geographical names modified by a particularizing attribute are used with the definite article.

The Philadelphia into which Frank Algernon Cowperwood was born was a city of two hundred and fifty thousand and more. (Dreiser)

  1. With names of oceans, seas, rivers the definite article is used: the Pacific Ocean (the Pacific), the Black Sea, the Thames, the Ohio River.

  2. Names of lakes do not take the article if the word lake is used, which is nearly always the case; if it is not. mentioned we find the definite article: Lake Windermere, Lake Ontario, the Ontario.

  3. With names of mountain chains the definite article is used: the Urals, the Alps.

With names of mountain peaks no article is used: Elbrus, Everest.

  1. With names of groups of islands the definite article is used: the Hebrides, the Bermudas.

With names of single islands there is no article: Madagascar.

  1. The names of the following towns, countries and provinces are used with the definite article: the Hague, the Netherlands, the West Indies, the Ruhr, the Riviera, the Crimea, the Ukraine, the Caucasus, the Congo. The Lebanon is generally used with the definite article, occasionally without the article.

  2. Names of streets and squares are used without articles: Oxford Street, Wall Street, Trafalgar Square, Russell Square.

There are a few exceptions: the High Street, the Strand.