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I. Simple sentences

§ 5. In simple sentences the synthetic forms of the Subjunctive Mood are more frequent than the analytical forms.

In simple sentences the Subjunctive Mood is used:

(f) to express wish (пожелание):

Long live the Soviet Army!

Да здравствует Советская Армия!

Success attend you!

Да сопутствует вам успех!

То express wish the analytical subjunctive with the mood auxil­iary may is also used.

May success attend you! /

Да сопутствует вам успех!

May you live long and die happy!

Желаю вам долго жить и быть счастливым до конца своих дней.

  1. to express an unreal wish:

If only he were free! (Galsworthy)

Если бы только он был свободен!

  1. in oaths and Imprecations:

Manners be hanged!

К черту всякие церемонии!

Confound these flies!

Будь они прокляты, эти мухи!

  1. in some expressions:

Suffice it to say that...

Be it so!

God forbid!

Far be it from me...

(See the translation of these examples, § 2.)

The Subjunctive Mood in pimple sentences is characteristic of literary style, except in oaths and impfecations,“ which belong to low colloquial style.

§ 6. The Snhjiinctive Mood is used in conditional sentences to express~an ufrreal condition (in the subordinate clause; ancT an ~unreal consequence (in the principal Hansel.

~prTientences of unreal condition referring to the present or iuiure the Fast Subjunctive oi the verb to be is usedTn, TEeTubordinate Clause; {with other verbs the same meaning is expressed by the Pastlndefinite of the Indicative Mood. |ln the principal clause we find the analytical subjunctive consisting of the mood auxiliary should or would and the Indefinite InfinitiveJ Should is used with the first person singular and plural, would is used with the second and third persons singular and plural.

The world would be healthier if every chemist’s shop in England were demolished. (Sliaw)

Человечество было бы здоровее, если бы все аптеки в Англии были уничтожены.

1 Should kill myself to-day if I didn’t believe that tyranny and injustice must end. (Galsworthy)

Я бы сегодня же покончила с собой, если бы не верила, что Л тирании и несправедливости придет конец.

ЧАп unreal condiiim. referring to^he future can also be expressed by the P.ast-Sobjttflct-i-ve~-af—the verb to 6c4--infinitive of the notional verb or the analytical Subjunctive with the^mood auxiliary should for all the persons. Such sentences are often translated by means of1 ‘Если бы случилось так...’, ‘Случилось так...’

If I were to offer my home..., my station..., my affections... to any one among the young women engaged in my calling, they would probably be accepted. Even readily accepted. (Dickens) Если бы случилось так, что я предложил бы свой дом, свое положение в обществе, свою любовь любой молодой женщине моей профессии, все это, вероятно, было бы принято. Даже охотно принято.

Well, Major, if you should send me to a difficult spot — with this man alone, I’d feel secure. (Heym)

Знаете, майор, если бы случилось так, что вы послали бы меня в опасное место только с одним этим человеком, я бы чувст­вовал себя в безопасности.