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Man to Man

28.7 Mб

Exercises for Potency and Potentiality

circa 1978



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Note: firms should clasp the knees with each repetition.


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Time: 60 Minutes

1. Lie down on your back. Bring your knees to your chest with your arms clasped about the knees, then shoot the legs out— keeping the feet together— and immediately bring them back in to the chest. When extended, the feet should be about 6 inches from the ground. Exhale as the legs extend; inhale as the knees come to the chest, clasping the hands around the knees with each repetition. 10-15 repetitions.

This exercise produces heat, adjusts and aligns the lower back and balances the magnetic field.

2. Dragon Tail. Come into Baby Pose, with the arms straight along the sides of the body with the palms up. Keep the brow relaxed on the ground as you move the hips left and right. Imagine you are swinging a 1,000-pound dragon’s tail.

If you feel you need to clear the bladder or bowel, act. Do not wait.

3. Windmill (or Alternate Toe Touch). Stand with the feet 3-feet apart and arms extended out to either side. Inhale and then exhale as you turn, elongate and bring the right hand to the left foot. Inhale back up. Exhale and continue on the other side. Continue alternating from side to side.

4. Stand with your feet about 6 inches apart. Support your hands on a chair or against the wall. As you lift one heel, transfer the weight to the opposite hip. Alternate from side to side, moving quickly and vigorously, stretching the hips. The movement is like walking in place, except only the heels lift off the floor. The toes remain firmly planted.


Man To Man


5. Standing Front Stretch. Come to a forward bend; bringing your nose as close to the knees as possible; wrap your hands around the legs and hold. Breathe long and deep. 3-5 Minutes.

6. Crow Squats. Extend your arms forward with the palms down. Let the feet be hip width apart or slightly wider. Inhale and then exhale as you drop the hips into a squat. Inhale back up and continue.

7. Shiva Dance. Bring the hands up so that the palms are facing forward and the elbows are in line with the shoulders. Dance, bringing the knees up alternately. Keep the hands high.

11-22 Minutes.

8. Seated on the floor, extend the right leg out in front. The left knee is bent so that the foot rests against the inner right thigh. Reach forward with the right hand and squeeze the toes; the left hand reaches forward and grabs the heel. Stretch for 3 Minutes. Repeat on the opposite side. 3 Minutes.

9.Stretch Pose. Lie on the back with the arms at your sides. Raise the head and the legs six inches, and the hands six inches with the palms facing each other slightly over the hips to build energy across the Navel Point. Point the toes, keep your eyes focused on the tips of the toes and hold the breath as long as possible before exhaling and repeating.

10.Sat Kriya in Lotus Pose. Bring the arms overhead and palms together. Interlace the fingers and extend the

Jupiter fingers straight up. Men cross the right thumb over the left; women cross the left thumb over the right. Chant Sat and pull the Navel Point in; chant Naam and relax the navel. Continue powerfully with a steady rhythm for 6 Minutes, then inhale, apply the Root Lock and squeeze the energy from the base of the spine to the top of the skull. Exhale; hold the breath out and apply Maha Bandha2. Inhale and Relax.

2 The Great Lock, that is, when all three locks are applied: Neck Lock (Jalandhar Bandh), Diaphragm Lock (Uddiyana Bandh) and Root Lock (Mulbandh).

Creativity of Consciousness


Creative consciousness is creative Infinity. Creative Infinity is equal to the creative polarity between male andfemale; and creativepolarity is equal to the circle ofInfinity. -

Now we go into the creativity and the consciousness and the relevance with the female—creative, creativity and consciousness. It is going to be a little difficult and very scientific.

This is said of a great man: "Man who can offer his head becomes egoless." Man who can offer one tenth of his time and one tenth of his wealth can also become egoless. One takes time, one is timeless. Remember that.

Creative consciousness is creative Infinity. Creative consciousness is creative Infinity; and creative Infinity is equal to creative polarity between male and female; and creative polarity is equal to the circle of Infinity. When you relate to the creative consciousness as creative Infinity and creative Infinity as creative polarity, then you must understand, without creative Infinity you do not enjoy the circle of Infinity, which is called life. Your life is not what you eat, what you drag around, how you sleep, how much you have, how much you don't have. Actually, to be very honest with you, nobody has anything, and everybody has everything. You take a gun and point it in the neck of a rich man and say, "I'm going to blow your head off. Give me everything," he'll give it to you in one minute. Then you go and try to yfell and scream, "Somebody give me a penny," and nobody will even look up at you. So there is nothing and there is everything. There is everything and there is nothing. All you have is only one thing: you have time and you have space. Within that space and within that time, you can experience the cycle of life.

Woman is unfit and woman is fit. If you are higher in intelligence and she's lower in intelligence, you come down. If she's higher in intelligence and you are lower in intelligence, you come up. It is the frequency of the intelligence of both that makes a fit. It is you who has to move, not her; because woman is moon, mental territory. She can reflect you. She can represent you, what your inner consciousness reflects and what your outer consciousness reflects. Therefore, your posture doesn't mean anything. Remember that law: when a man falls, an individual falls. When a woman falls, a generation falls. In your creative capacity, and in the polarity of your existence, which is life, you must adjust.

Between a male and a female, it is not just the difference in size or build or function. The inner is different, just as the outer is different. Thinking a woman is just equal to a human being is not correct. She's par excellence in certain areas and she is par minus in other areas. It is your word

and her word which must amalgamate. It is the law of amalgamation that can carry you through. Therefore, if you live at each other, you live like dogs. If you live with each other, you can be separated. If you live for each other, that is what amalgamation is.

When a woman asks a question and you do not know the answer, what'll you do? Ask her to find it out. If she asks you aquestion and you don't know the answer, you say, "Wow, I don't know anything about it. Would you find the answer for me?" You will not get a question from her for another 6 months. To match up with a woman in intelligence is a sin because she's 60 times "Miss Question". She has 32 times the doubts, 64 times the inquisitiveness. How then can you beat her? Adapt the simple l§w.

There was an attorney who was married to avery intelligent woman. He was working hard and he would come home late and she was very upset. So one day he brought home the files. He said, "Why don't you copy the important points in this file?" So she had to burn the midnight oil and work through the whole night. In the morning she gave him the data. He said, "Yeah, I know that data. But I need certain other points. I think there were 32 poirtts in all and you have only found 16. I'll leave the file home with you today and in the evening I think you will complete it." So, he started asking her to look into the work and as a result, her criticism became less and less and less until finally it totally got eliminated. In the area where she starts questioning you, ask her to participate and styft the burden of the load toward her. Two things will happen^ The questions will totally get eliminated and a friendship will develop as participation becomes equal.

This law applies to every sphere of life. Ask people to share with you. Sharing is assuring people that you want to live with them and that is the beginning of a good relationship. "Vando Chako. " Share with others. Share responsibility, share knowledge, share goodness, share work, share trust. And do it without grumbling or a painful mind; do it with the essence of a human being. Your essential essence must not represent insecurity.

The cycle of life is a creative cycle—it is called plus cycle. As much energy as you spend toward the plus, that much energy you spend toward the negative. What makes you negative? Do you know the name of the thing that makes you negative? Id—because Id defines you, and the moment you are defined you become insecure. When you become insecure, you become irrelevant. Then you create a lot of

Man To IVIan

hodgepodge to cover your own irrelevancy,: Remember one thing: there is nothing that anybody is interested in, in you, except you, All of these side interests are to pass the time. Who cares whether you are a big tennis player or a small tennis player, as long as you are a good man, as long as you are good company. Tennis may be the excuse, but what happens these days? Tennis becomes the good man and the good man becomes the tennis, Participate as you and use everything as a tool to make participation beautiful. It's not as if you have to give someone a lavish meal when he comes to your home. But if you have one piece of dry bread and tear it into two and give the one to the one and you take the other and sit and laugh and drink a glass of water, that may be the best party you have ever enjoyed, because it is a sharing.

Nothing you individually want to define or grab can be yours—even your own home. Somebody has to come and clean it. Somebody has to take care of your garden. Somebody has to do something in your body even, for example, the doctor has to cut it open for an operation. Food has to be prepared by somebody. No life is absolutely independent. Life is dependent. It's a multi-cell life. Life is dependent within itself and dependent without itself. Therefore, realize that the cycle of life is a plus cycle. The cycle of life is a creative cycle. The cycle of life—sexually, sensually, creatively, divinely, or dividedly, devil demon or angelic God—is just given to you for the purpose, the benefit, of experiencing life.

Without guidelines, positive, proper guidelines, life can become very boring, When you start thinking and re­ thinking—and thinking again, and re-thinking the re­ thinking—those questions and boundaries so much so, that you become entangled with them, then you find you need to open up to new entanglements—and new entanglements bring more entanglements. Finally your life becomes nothing but a bunch of entanglements and it is very painful, even suicidal. But if you keep the life clean, keep the life straight, it doesn't matter how much you have, how much you work, or how much you want to expand, Life can be everything. Remember, there's a certain law and that law is: you should not compromise you for anything. All of your surroundings should be made straight in relation to that you. But that you is a very compassionate, inflowing spirit—not an ego. If that you is ego, then you will have more enemies and less friends. If that you is of the flowing spirit, then you will have more friends, but hardly less enemies, because that person who'll have friends will always have enemies. The law of polarity is—equal reaction shall be there—equal and opposite.

Every action has a reaction, equal and opposite. So when you go forward you become big, you become great. A lot of people who cannot see your forward growth, your bigness, out of jealousy start pulling your leg. The more

they pull your leg, the more you push forward. The more you push forward, the more they pull your leg. This way all of you must die victoriously saying, "Oh, they couldn't pull my leg!" Adopt this posture. This is called satisfaction. Life is another name for satisfaction—and in that satisfaction we ■must live.

A family is the test of that satisfaction. You must understand that sometimes you are mistaken. You'll marry and your wife will be a challenge. Children, they'll be a challenge. The whole thing is a challenge. Creative polarity must complete its circle, and in that circle, there shall always be challenge. Because from where you start, you must end; and from where you end, you must start. You can't run away from it.

What is a woman? Woman is your Infinity. It is the 'wow' of the man. It's the 'fe' of the male. It is the nucleus from which you focus to see through the experience of creativity. That's what children are about; that's what it's all about. But in these days in the Western world there is a problem. We are talking about a normal woman, not about an abnormal, obnoxious, ill-raised, neurotic, psychotic kid in the body of a woman, Therefore, please, in the body of the woman, find the woman first. Otherwise, you are playing into the hands of a very big risk. You are relating to a woman, not to a body. These days, plastic bodies are more beautiful than the woman you are looking at If you want that, then have a huge picture of her hung in the living room, meditate on it a couple of hours and you'll be in good shape,

If there is a man in you and there's a woman in her, there cannot be a problem. Frequency adjustment in communication and dependency on trust are normal human capacities; they are part of our human caliber. Within that human caliber is the capacity of two living frequencies to adjust and tune-in to the same frequency. The goal of Infinity is possible. This is the way the God made it. It is not impossible for two people to live together. They can live together provided that the two are committed and their commitment comes from intelligence. Intelligence comes from the excellence of Infinity and that is the path of dharma, That's why in dharmic people, all is the Will of God. The Will of God is nothing but accepting the role of Infinity.

Free will is accepting the will of the finite ego. Therefore you must understand that the game must be played well, How do you play it? In the circle of life, the circle is the stimulant. The stimulant is the name of the game and the name of the game is the stimulant. What are we playing with? We are playing with the pluses, which are interrelating with the negative. They have to play with the negative because the circle must be completed. So, if male is plus and female is minus, minus and plus makes neutral. But trying to make her plus and you minus? Making her plus is just opposite. Let her be the reflector and let you be the shining star. Let this creativity continue because it has been coming from time immemorial and it shall continue to time immemorial.

Jn the sex game it must start 72 hours, ahead, somewhere outside the bedroom. If the sex game starts in the bed, it is bad. You must understand that a female is not a body. She is the inner body, the mental body, the rational body, the projective body, the physical body, the subtle body, the auric body, and the cosmic relative body. You are dealing with that many bodies in one body. And it is this relationship you are relating to, You'll hear, "I understand, I fully understand, I totally understand, but something is inside me that doesn't understand," when the inner body is out. "I do agree, it is absolutely normal but I do not see any radiance in it," when the radiant body is off. "He touches me and I shrink," means the physical body is off. "It doesn't feel good to look at," when the subtle body is off. "When we pass each other, something wrong happens," means the auric body is off. "We are not going toward that feeling of Infinity in spite of the fact that we feel good," and the cosmic body is off.

Now, you are married to one body and you are married to many bodies. How many are there? Eight. How many chakras are there? Eight. At what frequency, at what chakra is your consciousness in? If it is in the First Chakra, you are perverted. Second Chakra: you are a (sex) maniac. Third Chakra: unknown. Fourth: compassionate. Fifth: blunt. Sixth: projected, subtle, beautiful. Seventh: cosmic, spaced out, neutral. Eighth: Infinite, divine, unearthly. Which do you want? What do you want? You want in-between all. You want experience. You want to look innocent. That is what you want. You want to look innocent and you may not be innocent; and you cannot look innocent if you are not innocent. This blunder has been committed by man from time immemorial to now and it shall continue. There's one shortcoming of the man: if he's not innocent, he cannot look innocent. And there's one strength of the woman: she may be most crooked, but she can look innocent and you can't catch her. That is the polarity. Therefore, it is very essential for us to grow. We must grow in life. But how do we go about it? And how do we stimulate our consciousness in relationship and relevance to our polarity?

You know what this sign means?1(Yogi Bhajan draws on the board.) This is male and this is female; these are the most ancient signs to depict both. That is what I am going to talk about and then I'll finish, because we could go on day and night, but after all, whatever you have been told must be digested. Don't rush to know everything right away. What's best is whatever you know, practice it.

Now, this is what is called the male and this is called female. Woman is not supposed to talk back or confront. Man should never react and should always be positive. Your problems start when you start reacting. By-pass a woman, but don't react to her. It's useless. It's a waste of time, a waste of a very beautiful part of life. It will not

1We regret that the drawings from this early Man to Man course are not available.

lead you anywhere. But what do you do? First you confront her, then you challenge her, then you aggravate her. And then she ends up ruining you. The reaction of a woman can sometimes be totally out of proportion. So, don't push her, don't stimulate a reaction. In between, pad the situation with time or space. Time and space are two tools in your life. If she is willing to confront you, say, "All right, you're right. We'll discuss this later, 72 hours from this time," You've got the space. Because in one punch of the mood, when it comes to teria hut—that’s the female territory— zameen—it becomes my land, my husband, my child, my home, and so on. And in the face of that "my," there's nothing that works. From "me" to "us" is your intelligence. Teach her us, us, us; we, we, we. We can do this. It is for us to do it. If you bring "me," you will bring conflict and destruction.

It is obligatory on the part of the male to look toward the higher consciousness. It is obligatory on the part of the female to look to time and space. You cannot win your point if you will not change your direction toward higher consciousness, in other words—the simple word for that higher consciousness—God.

I remember a story, once a female and amale were husband and wife. They got into a conflict. It was almost going to be a tragedy and then he said, "Oh, my God. Let us stop it for a few minutes. Close our eyes, do the prayer and then think about what we are doing to each other. I don't think I can see you in this." In a few seconds the female totally changed. God is that Infinity toward which your woman can relate faster than the finite, because she questions the finite and she never questions the Infinite. Her capacity toward Infinity is much faster. Where there's no time and space, woman can relate so much faster than you can even imagine. Where there's time and space, she's very curious, she's very reserved, she's very questioning, and she's very intelligent; she wants to know what is going on.

Remember, if you cannot live with one woman, you have to live with another woman. If you cannot live with another, you have to live with a third. If you cannot live with a third, you cannot live with a fourth. After all, if you cannot live with one woman, or with a second, or with a third or a fourth, you cannot live with any woman. It takes the same amount of energy to live with a woman as it takes to not live with a woman. Those who have run away from woman have written books why. Those who have loved the woman have written books as to why. Both have nothing. They end up with books. The creativity of God is the subject. Don't inflate her ego and don't lean on a woman; don't inflate her ego and let her lean on you. Walk. Try to walk with woman hand in hand, on the positive road of consciousness called dharma.

If you play games with a woman, she'll play ten games with you. Every woman knows how to add zero. Remember

n m M To Man


Soplease remember, in the creativity ofconsciousness, it is always right to relate to that area ofthe woman that is called expansion. Expansion toward Infinity will always give her creativity, satisfaction, peace andjoy, and she will flow towardyou as a stimulant cosmic energy and it will bring you tremendous happiness.

Man To M a n

that. The most dumb woman, she knows how to add zero. And the moment she adds zero to you? Multiply by zero and it becomes zero. If you want a tragedy in your life, then you will try to take that risk. But if a woman wants to go to the higher path, to the path of consciousness, to the religious path, to seva (service), to simran (repetition of the name of God), to good things, encourage it. It is your insurance. It is your insurance for the relationship. Because she must look toward

time and space, you must make her look to higher consciousness. It is equally important for you to turn her to the higher consciousness because if she can be turned to higher consciousness, that is your safety. That is your security. And that is her intelligence. Remember, a woman who looks toward God shall carry you toward God. A woman who looks toward Earth, shall dig your grave and dump you in it. Therefore, do not stimulate a woman toward the earthly trip. If you always talk to woman on the earthly trip and relate to her on the earthly trip, you will always be the accountant of her loss and gain and

all that. These are your jobs: do it with privacy.

If in the essence of your insecurity, you share it with a woman, she becomes doubly insecure because she needs security from you. You are gone. Whether it is financial, social, moral, or mental, you share with woman your strength. Social, mental, moral, personal, impersonal, economic—your strength. Because remember, God made the woman a woman and you cannot make a man out of her. You are a creature of the creation of God. You will fail and in that failure, there shall be a lot of trouble you will go through. So please remember, in the creativity of consciousness, it is always right to relate to that area of the woman that is called expansion. Expansion toward Infinity will always give her creativity, satisfaction, peace and joy, and she will flow toward you as a stimulant cosmic energy and it will bring you tremendous happiness. There's a popular Christian saying, "When the church bells used to ring, families used to laugh. Since the church bells have stopped ringing, families have started crying." Why? It was a stimulant toward Infinity. Anything which is religious, anything which is Infinite, anything which determines her growth toward Infinity, is a positive direction and you should give it to her. Because once she starts looking down, she will bring you down. Also, when there are children and you are married parents, remember: children are the trust of God. Manage that trust as trustees. I will say very safely to you, in the marriage relationship, the relationship of male and female, it, too, is just a relationship in trust , If it is manifested as trustees, in the laws and bylaws of that

trust, 1/don't think there can be any trouble. Trouble is only stopped and started by conflict, conflict between the areas of life that are in conflict with the ego. To create a conflict of interest with a woman is to create a difficulty in your own life.

Remember that woman is a stimulant and she needs internal stimulant. Internal stimulant is what I'm telling you is her Infinity. She needs mental stimulant. Mental stimulant is her direction toward Infinity. She also needs physical stimulant; that is, in her sexual and sensual life, she needs to be totally brought into tides andtides and tides; inthat way you'll find in physical intercourse or in her tiding nature she will start saying, "Oh God!" Make sure her auric body and astral body are not left out. For you, when the physical trip is over, you want to turn around and run to something, to do something. This is wrong.

There needs to be companionship, more positive nature, more talking, more interrelated relationship than before. That iswhy they say, "When

you start a physical relationship somewhere, it should start weeks before and it must end up weeks after." In other words, the relationship between you and her is constant, back and forth. And this constant relationship guarantees dialogue. It guarantees trust, harmony, homogeneity.

Remember that woman is a gentle creature. Handling a woman harshly is inviting unavoidable trouble. I have yet to see any woman who has been harshly betrayed, harshly treated, harshly related to, who could ever forget that, because she conceives things. She has the capacity to conceive things. So she can conceive from you not only your spermatozoa, your seed, but also she can conceive from you the harshness, the brutality. She can conceive from you the negativity. She can conceive from you—and she will get to you. She will conceive it, sprout it, transform it into children, and she will give it back to you. Remember that. But, once she knows in her heart that you are a gentleman—and thoroughly a gentleman—there are no problems. One thing that a woman likes most is that you are a man of your word. Best of all, when she knows that you have somebody higher up, it may be a God, it may be an angel, a guiding angel, it may be a teacher, it may be a spiritual path, or it may be some spiritual tenets; but once she knows you have somebody higher than you, she feels secure and safe. These are the virtues which man has to relate to in order to have a virtuous relationship with a woman in grace.

Man to Man 3

Incentive and Invocation o fPolarities

Circa 1979

Each male andfemale relationship is notphysical at all. Thephysical relationship is the culmination of the relationship. It is initiated by invocation through the auric body.

S Incentive and Invocation of Polarities

HInvoke Don't Provo Ice

Magnetic Preference

If You Can Fake It, You Can Malce It

Incentive and Invocation of Polarities

Relationship is meant to complement and supplement each other. It’s a total service trip. I serveyou, you serve me. You serve me, I serveyou.

Man To IVIan

The idea of this course is to renew in ourselves the knowledge that is lost. In the whirlwind of our passion, we have forgotten many things. The name of this course is "Incentive and Invocation of Polarities/' It is a very simple thing to understand, but I know you know nothing about it and so that is where we shall start.

There are some special figures which represent male and female as they exist in the cosmic rhythm:

This male and this female are just like two parts that have been taken apart. Each male and female relationship is not physical at all. I emphasise, not physical at all. The physical relationship is the culmination of the relationship. It is initiated by invocation through the auric body. The auric body transforms the energy into a pattern of extension that feeds the pranic body and vice versa. You must understand the relationship: the sensitivity extends from you into the auric body, the auric body goes into the pranic body, then the pranic body goes into the cosmic body; and in the cosmic body, it envelops this subject, called the polarity, which is woman. Any relationship which does not develop from that extension will end up in argument, in frustration, and in pain.

"I got it, I grab it, I had it." This is the worst. It has no meaning in the conscious world. That's why your lives are not satisfied. That's why you feel weak after the physical, or sexual and sensual, intercourse. You don't feel together.

It doesn't give you anything and it takes everything away from you. From one system of the body to another system of the body to the cosmic body; then relay the energy through the cosmic body to the cosmic body and to the physical body through the pranic body, in that way, a situation ripens up. With the weather, it is called spring. From the cold of the winter to the spring; that's spring. Old scriptures are written just that way. We can make an analogy to the spring, the warmth returns, life begins anew: eye contact, word contact, skin contact. Feelings, signs, symptoms: this is called signaling. Out of that signaling, you invoke and provoke a direct contact, or an effort to directly contact. That is called summer. In the heat of the summer, an impulsion happens. You know that. You are all experts in that. Now, if there is imbalance in that impulsion, you can over-ejaculate or you can under-ejaculate. Still, you are not complete; and then comes fall and then winter. These four seasons are an exact transformation of sexuality and sensuality, which is called "bhog " There are two words in the scriptures: " yog" and “ bhog"}

Don't misunderstand and think that bhog is just bhog. Bhog is also a science. You have to understand that mentality of the mind which triggers this situation in order to get that "correspondence frequency" so that both frequencies of the polarities can be at the same time. It's electrifying, it's “regenerating, it's glorious, it's beautiful. But if it's not

1Yog is union; bhog is sensuality, the sensual world.

handled with a corresponding frequency, it is painful, it is frustrating, and it does not.give you relationship. There is no such thing as relationship. If you do not relay at the same frequency and signal the ships correctly, what you get is not relationship because you are not relating. Relationship must be in conjunction with the circumstances as they develop, weather-wise. What is wrong with us? We get up from the cold of the winter, pop out like a volcano, and then we go back into the winter again. I came, I got, I frustrated myself, and it is over with. That is not what woman is for; and it's not what man is for either.

After 10 years together with you, I see that even now you are immature in your relationship to marriage. Totally immature. You are immature in selecting, you are immature in talking, you are immature in valuing the values, There's so much immaturity. Why? Because you marry—or relate to anybody—out of ego. No, no, no! No relationship is meant to be ego. Relationship is meant to complement and supplement each other. It's a total service trip. I serve you, you serve me. You serve me, I serve you. It's a total relationship. The relativity of this relationship is the coordinating of it.

People, do not misunderstand what a great mental security this is—all of this. You stand out, you wear your bam (sacred dress of the Sikhs), you read your banis (sacred prayers of the Sikhs). Do you know where it comes from? Now, systematically I say, "It comes from God and Guru." Wrong. That's not true, but I should say that to save myself. I should say that; but actually your mental security comes from the cohesiveness of the relay, of the message, of each other. This is a concept which is much deeper than the total divinity surrounding us and it is called Khalsa2. "I am, I am": I am for you, you are for me. Do you understand that? You can pick up a phone and call. In a moment, somebody will say, "Sat Nam." You feel good. Ahh haaa! Correct number! You may even have dialed the wrong ashram; instead of Atlanta, Georgia, Washington may be on the line, but the moment you hear "Sat Nam/ you say, "Oh, I made it" There's an equilibrium of communicative essence: "Oh, we have ashrams all around the world. We are everywhere. We are on this planet." We are, we are; I am, I am; It is, it is; They are, they are. This all relates to the same communication, the same message. There's an invocation, an incentive of spirit, in the law of polarity—you have a reservoir.

masturbate. So came that trauma of circumcising the child to avoid the disease of masturbation. In woman, there is no masturbation. It is a tide to which she loses nothing. But with you, there is nothing which remains of you.

By nature, by nature man is impotent. Your male organ isnot hard all the time. Do you understand that? What makes the blood rush there? It is the glandular system. What triggers the glandular system? The thought. What .is thought? It is a sensory communication projection. So where lies the incentive? Where lies the incentive? In your polarity. Incentive doesn't lie in you. If you understand that—that the incentive does not lie in you—then you must understand honestly and truthfully from where the incentive comes and that incentive should be as pure as purity can be. Do you follow? Do you understand? Any incentive projected to you from a woman who is not pure in thoughts, not very religiously inclined, let us put it this way, it is a drag to have intercourse with such a woman. It will take such a heavy toll. It will take away from your youth.

I remember this experience clearly. Once, before I was to go to my athletic meet, we were doing a prayer, and in the congregation there was one woman who was sexually, sensually, very negative and low. It was a prayer before the Guru. I went onto the athletic field and I got that serious accident that I have told you of, when my side tendon was pulled. To this day I suffer from it. But I knew at that time, even in the sensitivity of the prayer, that she had got to me. My God, what if I had done something? What hell it could have been I Do you understand what I am talking to you about? You get into any bed, you get into any body, you don't care. You don't feel you are somebody. You do not understand the source. Know this: if you eat bad food, you will get sick. In exactly the same way, if the provocative incentive of the polarity is from a woman who's not very clean, psychically "clean," it's going to mess you up. I don't mean that you should be with a religious woman or a non­ religious woman (although I do not see any way that adivine woman can exist who's not a very religious woman). It is basically in your interest, totally, that the thought form—I'm not talking of the physical form only, I am talking of the

Each male does not need a woman. You can masturbate; 1don't mind that. It is the oldest sexual expression known on the planet. Masturbation. When it was realized that there was no way to force men to hold back the semen and to let the body be physically right it became spiritual to circumcise them so that they might not be in a position to

2 Khalsa means Pure Ones. Historically, it was the name given to the followers of Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th Sikh Guru.

Man To Man


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