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Man to Man

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health food stores. The Standard Process type, which is very good, is available only through doctor's offices.

I want you to understand that the things that I tel! you today are things that I feel very solid about based on extensive muscle testing, measuring with acupuncture instruments, and seeing clinical results.

Q: What about vitamin C poisoning?

Dr. Soram Singh: Vitamin C poisoning? People who are taking excess ascorbic acid may have side effects like diarrhea or nausea from the acid parts of ascorbic acid (usually that doesn't happen until dosages reach 10-15,000 milligrams a day). Again with the "Emergence," that is specifically avoided because the acid form of vitamin C is not used. The ascorbate is used.

Q: What about rebound scurvy?

Dr. Soram Singh; When you take a lot of vitamin C for a cold or infection, say you're taking 10,000 milligrams a day, and then you wake up one morning and you're well, don't drop your vitamin C down to zero, because you can get rebound scurvy, That is, scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency disease, and when your body is used to 10,000 milligrams a day and you suddenly withold the C, you have a relative deficiency. When you're taking those very high dosages, always taper off slowly over afew days or weeks depending on how long you've been using them.

Q: Have you had any trouble with the powdered form losing its activity when you store it?

Dr. Soram Singh: No, we haven't so far. In terms of survival needs, I don't know about long-range storing in terms of five to ten years. In terms of acute needs, six months to a year, there's been no problem.

Q: I've heard that if you have a cold, it's your body trying to get rid of the toxins or whatever, so if you take the vitamin C, it prevents this function?


Dr. Soram Singh; In my understanding it is not that way


with vitamin C. A cold can be viewed as a way for your body


to eliminate. You might say that with the use of vitamin


C perhaps the body is eliminating in another way. There


are many forms of elimination in the body. A cold is a way


through the lungs or through the respiratory system, but it


can also eliminate through the digestive system, through


the skin, and so in my personal philosophy, vitamin C

doesn't suppress, though there could be others who would

disagree with what I've said. ; .



V i t a m i n M "

Vitamin A keeps skin youthful and gives healthy mucous





B * C o m p t0 Xr-".

Vitamin B complexes are good for the nervous system, especially when balanced with magnesium. Can also be used for long-term pain management.

L e c it h in

There are quite a few qualities listed for brain and nerve tissue and the pituitary, pineal and sex glands, essential for semen production, and prevents hardening of the arteries. It is recommended to take two to three tablespoons of the liquid daily. When large dosages are taken daily, add calcium lactate to the diet to balance the excess phosphorous from the lecithin. Calcium lactate comes from dairy products or is available as a supplement.

V itm m in P

Vitamin P is rutin and the bioflavinoids. It is good for reducing blood pressure.


The last rejuvenating source from America is brewer's yeast it is rich in vitamin B-complex and is a good source of zinc. Also it is the richest natural source of nucleic acids: DNA and RNA,

This list is meant to be a resource for rejuvenating yourself. I think that Yogi Bhajan felt that the way we take care of ourselves and our knowledge about what we are eating, wasn't adequate. He wanted me to go over the basics. As you go on, you can refine it according to your own bodily needs, but this is a good basic list.

ri 359

Review of Rejuvenating Foods and R ecom m endations

Yogi Bhajan: Did you review the list of rejuvenating ideas from all over the world? Do you understand all of it?

Student: There are a few questions.

Dr. Soram Singh: The first one was about brown sugar.

Yogi Bhajan: Brown? Brown sugar is not a crystal sugar. Brown sugar is in a solid form. When you take white sugar, put molasses in it, and make it brown, that is not brown sugar. Any machine which makes white sugar contains lead, and lead is not good for the body. Period.

Dr. Soram Singh: Another question was about powdered garlic as opposed to raw.

Yogi Bhajan: Powdered garlic is 60% as potent as raw; but 60% is better than nothing.

Q: How about liquid garlic?

Yogi Bhajan: Liquid garlic is very powerful, 70%. I take it every day. Liquid garlic is good for circulatory pressures and that pump which is called the heart. It's far out. It's good for the liver, too.

Q: How about powdered onions and ginger?

Yogi Bhajan: Powdered garlic, ginger, and onion, the trinity roots, do maintain themselves, not much is lost except freshness. They lose about 30%.

Q: Rice bran syrup compared with brewer's yeast.

Yogi Bhajan: Brewer's yeast and rice bran syrup, both are okay. Brewer's yeast has a problem. Some people are called brewer's yeast freaks. I have seen a person taking scoops of cottage cheese with an equal amount of brewer's yeast. I asked him, "Can you do that?" He said, "Sir, what is wrong with it?" It is called too much.

Q: Does the antiseptic quality of honey destroy the flora of yogurt?

Yogi Bhajan: No. Honey has the quality to intermix immediately. Take the honey, mix it in the yogurt, and eat it.

Q: When you put the honey in, because honey is an antiseptic, it kills the lacto-bacilli.

Yogi Bhajan: Yes, but it takes time. What can it do when it is already in the stomach? It's okay. It's not affected that way.

Q: Liquid or powdered lecithin?

YogiBhajan: Lecithin inanyform iswonderful. The problem

is that it smells bad. There is a drink with cucumber juice, lecithin and water soluble liquid chlorophyll. It's the first drink I take in the morning. It has done me a lot of good. It takes away the fatigue.

Q: Sesame seeds, with or without the hulls?

Yogi Bhajan: Sesame seeds are a very unique thing. Sesame seeds are very difficult to blend. But there's a way to do it. Take two pounds of sesame seeds, and blend them at a low-frequency, not at a fast frequency, to make sesame butter. There are two types of blenders available. One is very fast: you put in the sesame se^ds and hot butter comes out on the other side. The other blender works with pulleys and can work very slowly. The seeds come out as butter, too, but the temperature of the butter is the temperature of the seeds.

Q: Should children eat regular sesame butter?

Yogi Bhajan: It is good for them. They can handle a tablespoon, or two tablespoons, reasonably.

Q: In the chapatis, sesame seed or sesame butter?

Yogi Bhajan: Sesame seeds will do because you have to

fry it.


Q: Hulled Or raw? White or brown?

Yogi Bhajan: Both will work. Take your choice. Actually it is the inner ingredient of the sesame seed which is important. The husk is there just for elimination.

Q: Will it hurt the sesame seeds if we roast them before hand?

Yogi Bhajan: Sesame seeds should not be roasted, but when they are roasted they maintain themselves up to 40% and they are easily digestible. If you have more money you can roast them. We are paying for something and 60% we are roasting away.

Q: Sir, about tahini. We are wondering how long it keeps?

Yogi Bhajan: I think, within a reasonable time, it will be all


right. It's not a big deal.


G: There was a question about the banyan tree milk...


Yogi Bhajan: Folks, I owe it to my grandfather, the most

saintly man I have ever met in my life. Take the banyan milk -


with yogurt and it works perfectly. There's nothing in the

vegetable world equal to it. I think now that it's April—it's


the right time to go on it for six days.


Q: Banyan and yogurt?

Yogi Bhajan: For the prostate: It regulates, it controls and it strengthens all the muscles. It's very good.

Q: You mentioned that there were three Aryuvedic remedies that the man should use. What were they?

Yogi Bhajan: Yes. We call those three triphala. The Aryuvedic names are hardada, beda and amlaa. Their Latin names are: Embellic myrobolaus, Beleric myrobolaus, and Chebuic myrobolaus. A beautiful medicine can be made using these three and the juice of a fourth called glib. A tablespoon of this in the morning with a glass of milk will be sufficient for any efficient man. It is a wonderful gift of God.

Man To Man


3H0 81, 109, 181, 237

7-year itch 32, 54

Alcohol 320

Arcline (Arc Body) 77,100,105,110,133; wearing cotton 91

Arthritis 87, 348,351,352

Astrology 34, 285

Aura (Auric Body) 15, 24,35, 47, 50, 77, 91; wearing white 14,91,105

Bana 51, 92, 105, 115, 153; and the woman 86; wearing white 14, 91, 135, 153

Blocks 71, 136, 162, 203, 209, 213, 216

Boredom 180

Breath of Fire 133, and the sexual urge 136-8

Chakras 7, 47, 75, 85, 219, 224, 326, 331

Charan Japa 298

Child rearing 5, 9, 18, 32, 46-8, 64, 67, 79, 90, 127, 132, 144-7,211, 247, 268, 297-299; and birth control 296; and diet 353, 358; uncircumcised 18; circumcision 51; death 93; and divorce 262; and masturbation17; and sex 62; and a spiritual teacher 20

Circumvent Force 79

Circumcision 17, 29, 51; female 62; and sex 295

Cocaine 133, 215

Commitment 46, 66, 77, 80, 86, 115, 117, 147, 214, 242, 267, 325; blocks and 210; duality and 205/209

Communication 11, 21, 53, 58, 65, 71, 85, 94, 113, 186, 235, 256, 268, 324; arguing 8, 21, 53, 55, 84, 88, 119, 157, 235, 262, 284, 298; and the chakras 75, 85; criticism 9; direct 13, 65, 157; honesty 114; Kriya 189, 259, 265; as intercourse 304; silence 4, 7, 10-1, 113; 72-hour rule 84; time and space 6, 47

Cycles (see also Lifecycles): 238, 243, breath (nostril) 15; menstrual 3, 66, 88; man's 30/70 cycle, 66, 72;

Dating 83, 301

Dharma 32, 37, 46, 64, 76, 250, 271, 297

Dialogue Exercises (with the Master) 216, 261, 264, 269, 277

Divorce 5, 21, 24, 36, 54, 68, 77, 80, 89, 125, 211, 256, 262; rate of 33

Eating 71, 91,105, 115, 218; meat 19, 56, 140, 354

Ego 3, 9, 29, 32, 34, 45, 51, 55, 66, 75, 81, 93, 100, 108, 127, 129, 144, 165, 182, 207, 214, 248, 260, 294, 303; as an asset 229; and children 6; and nudity 205; sexual ego 125; and the woman 325

Ejaculation 3, 29, 224, 235, 296, 30; and aging 317; alkaline, 129, 136; consistency of 29, 60; and father phobia 225; and indirect anger 141; kriya for 317; and masturbation 15; mental 60, 124; premature 74, 143, 320, 345; and the projection of the male 80, 124, 129, 211; suspension of 136-7

Emotions (commotions) 76, 86, 143, 154-9, 167, 179-180, 183, 192, 204-210, 213, 232, 242, 249, 256, kriya for 22; and rationality 220; and the woman 181, 293

Anger 141-144, 237, 242, 276, 293; exercise for 167, 235; and the woman 11, 88; as an outlet 124

Depression 65, 78, 124,183, 205, 216, 263; exercise for 313, meditation for 331, and testicles 322;

Fear 69, 74, 80, 102, 104, 144, 220, 232, 238, 247, 268-1, 304; about sex 136; kriya for 274, 280; of death 176, 183, 206; of intimacy 217; of failure 218, 225; of success 225; physical expression of 152;

Happiness 2, 34' 48, 78,114, 119, 147, 164, 180,183, 186, 242,262,285,293,304;

Jealousy 80,119, 276;

Love 4-9, 24, 30-34, 76, 93, 101-4, 108,112, 129,145, 153, 199,207,209,217,237,248,256,269,285,294; conditional 8, 107, 209, 304; and the woman 76, 92; kriya for 253

Failure 4, 48,104, 110, 140, 151, 160, 216, 220, 225, 229, 242, 248, 298; dialogue exercises and 269; and the woman 76,294

Finances 11,

16, 22, 31, 33,





192, 233,


249, 320; debt 217; temptation 198; and success 227, 262


God 30, 77, 90, 101, 110, 153, 180, 199, 205-6, 213, 224,


229,238,245,249,281,300,304; as consciousness47,110;


and fear of death 104; Infinity 40,4,210; and meditation 80,


and mistakes 79, 295; and security 10, 22; and the woman


48, 64, 80, 87, 94; as the Word 12, 77, 179, 315



Golden Milk 87, 339, 351; recipe 346





Guru Gobind Singh 28, 32, 51, 77, 110, 115, 152, 179, 214,










Guru Ram Das 106, 153, 192, 300








Hair 78, 318








Health 40,172,179,192,195, 243, 292; and acidityl 8; and









diet 55; and ejaculate 60; and weight 19; slogan 238 (See also Appendix B); kriya 307

Homosexuality 94, 294


Horny 35, 53, 58, 119, 124, 132, 140, 160, 293, 318, 324, 339; meditation for 59

Hygiene 59, 293, 295

Impotency 51, 55, 58, 62, 84, 125, 136-40, 143, 172, 210, 285, 292, 306, 322; foods for 338; kriya for 128, 131, 174, 317; and money 11, 22

Initiation 233

Insecurity 45, 83,181, 225, 237, 246,268; and the woman 6, 11, 16, 20, 48, 58, 69, 83, 119, 305, 324

Intercourse (see also Sex): 56, 142, 216, 324; and depression 18; as communication 304; during pregnancy, 18; and impotency 144; post intercourse 59, 292, 343; sexual 3, 15, 23, 47, 48, 141, 267, 349

Intuition 78, 180, 193, 198, 284; and the woman 6,77;

kriya 333

Kachera 15, 18

Karma 23, 32, 36, 102, 238, 297; meditation for 239

Kidneys 87, 320, 346, 348


Kindness 101, 103, 106, 210, 272, 284, 300

Kirtan Kriya 22, 59, 103, 116, 133-4, 328, 334

Krishna 272; and Lila 29, 62, 141

Laws: compromise 46; fake it until you make it 70, 77; the law of approach 5; law of dharma/karma 23, 102, 238; the law of nature (wishing and wanting) 210; the law of one 110; the law of polarity 12, 46; law of projection 52, law of swing 54; law of rhythm 129; sun and moon 4, 6; yamas and niyamas 164

Leadership 88, 110, 257, 268, 304; and the woman 4, 34, 67

Lifecycles 11,21, 30, 32, 45, 54, 89, 164

Magnetic Field 79, 119, 210

Male and female, differences in 76, 319; sun and moon


Man 284; appearance 151, Banana man 8, 9, 20, 87, 304; and child 204, 211; defensive 35; exercises for 131, 175, 309, 313-5; kriya for 307, 321; Nature of 15, 28, 52, 75, 88, 129, 164; needs 65, 76, 86; Nobility 8, 28, 324; as Sun 4, 36; social animal 147; weaknesses 72, 94, 232


Mantra 281, 315, 327; Ardas Bhaee 103, 106, 111, 121;

Guru Mantra 103, 167, 327; Har Hare Hari 281; Maha



Mantra 235; Mangala Cham 265; Narayan mantra 96; Panj


Shabd (Sa-Ta-Na-Ma) 22, 59, 103, 116, 133; three and a


half frequency 103























210, 262, 298, 325; to Self 207; in-laws 22; finances, 31;

arranged 145; nagging 218




























Masturbation 15,17,51,63,124,140,292; and circumcision 18, 29; healing foods 349; in women (tiding) 16, 29, 63; mental 124,136

Money 11,16, 22, 31,33, 75, T19, 125,181, 192, 233, 249, 320; debt 217; and temptation 198; and success 227, 262

Moon Centers 16

Nervous System 15, 59, 63, 70,87,91,110,124, 133,235, 303; kriya 194, 331

Neuroses 2, 64,71, 143, 208, 228, 249, 269, 320

Ojas 60, 293

OPI-OPM, (Other People's Intelligence) and (Other People's

Money) 108, 183

Orgasm 16, tidings 61

Peacock Pose 126,138

Penis 2, 74, 125, 160, 224, 292, 295, 305, 320; kriya 266

Personality 32, 62, 71, 74, 88, 107, 125, 129, 143, 154, 193, 305; and communication 113, 157, 180, 186, 192, 256; exercise for 89; and power 115; and sexuality 127; and sympathy 152

Phobias 20, 22, 74; intelligence 5, Mother phobia 4, 20, 68, 71, 225 Father phobia, 12, 21, 68, 71, 80, 87, 93

Pituitary, or master gland 56, 102, 108, 115, 125, 130, 152, 292, 320, 349; and the penis 2, 56, 119, 285; and masturbation 15, 292; and smell 126, 138

Polarity 84,156

Potency 28, 125, exercises 38-44; foods, see Appendix B

Pranayam 133, 167; kriya 168

Pratyahar 167, 257

Prayer 179, 238, 258, 324, 354; and food 70, definition of 117

Prostate Gland 60, 130, 292, 322; foods for healing 296, 355

Prostitution 107, 144, 156, 199; and the story of Joga Singh 214

Relationship 51, 77; being single 71; man and woman 4, 12, 21, 30, 34-6, 50, 53; relating to a woman 2, 32, 86;

Relaxation 55, 65,118, 129, 216, 272; and sex 23, 39,130,

136, 302; and sleep 313, 345; and meditation 39, 104; and the woman 114; kriya 128, 314

Religion 32, 52, 117, 160, 183, 199, 206, 210, 250, 320; and dharma 32; and faith 271; definition of 285

Sadhana 2, 21,23, 72, 77, 83, 89,162,192, 217, 258, 271; recuperative powers of 59

Security, and the woman 4, 6, 33, 48, 69, 112, 120

Self 2, 89, 117,125, 217, 224; higher 85, 107-8, 117, 147, 159, 161,192,198, 208, 213, 218, 232, 238, 251, 261, 269, 299; in relationship 9, 186, 324; meditations for cultivating the Self 103, 128, 179, 226,240, 244, 248, 249, 330, 331

Semen 12, 18, 29, 40, 60, 108, 219, 339, 347, 357

Service 23, 48, 50, 75, 107, 153, 308; and anger 141

Work 45, 55, 68, 87, 94, 109, 124, 181, 209, 216, 229, 232, 238, 242, 247-9, 248, 269, 286, 322; and identity 225; woman 33; and sexuality 130; story of Kabir 117; eating habits 91, 139, 356; and relationships 94; and wealth 325

Yogi, definition of 36

Yogi Tea 87, 322; recipe 344

Sex (see also Intercourse) 58, 92,130, 132,139,141,145; and creativity 124; on a full stomach 3,16,139; stimulating the woman 16,48; maturation 35; multiple ejaculations 59; perversions 61; 72-hour rule 47, 58, 140, 172;

Shakti Pad 106

Sixth Sense 74, 92, 132, 219, 285, 292, 296, 305, 318, 325

Sleep 3, 39, 58, 80,118,161, 239; 257, 272, 309,319; and sex 16, 23, 63, 108,130; and food 139, 339, 345

Smell 29, 35, 120, 126, 138, 149, 155, 267, 292-5, 303; vaginal 17

Solstice (Summer and Winter) 25, 238

Spirituality 28,35, 64, 70, 74,100,105,115,156,160,181, 186, 216, 224, 242, 248, 276, 292; and health 301

Stress 20, 92,133,193, 269, 284,295,304,353, remedies 55, 356

Success, 53,125-7,150,186,225, 233,242,256; and work 129; and the art of nursing 140; meditation for 166, 245

Teacher (spiritual) 20, 36, 103, 107, 147, 158, 261

Ten Bodies 47, 77, 101, 110

Testicles 58, 132, 138, 219, 292; temperature of 15, 322

Trust 9, 22, 36, 46, 65, 75, 80, 102, 113, 151, 164, 186, 207, 216, 221, 232, 245, 293; and children 48

Turban 318; and the woman 81, 86

Wet dreams 60, 124, 132, 350

White Tantric Yoga 22, 162

Wife 20, 32, 64, 81, 86-9, 144, 211, 262, 298; and communication 9, 55, 65, 102, 152, 210, 218, 232, 267, 306, 326; and father phobia 68; and mother phobia 225; and sex 293; and work 297; 'why and if' 34, 93, 106, 298; kriya 233

Woman 31, and child 7,18, 80, 86,181; as moon 3, 61, 66, 112, 256, 293, 298,319; fundamental nature 2, 5, 7, 33,48, 52, 64, 69, 119, 305; questioning, 5, 7; the Mother Nature 7, 11, 181, 205, 225, 273, 296, being single 83; what a woman wants 4, 9, 33, 80, 82, 305; 'wow' of the woman 29-33, 46, 297;

I I S H H To Man

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