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Man to Man

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It is a real strength of the realperson
to avoid the foolish person and his

At one o'clock, he returned and he found that only 30 people were doing it. The rest had left the mala and left the place. He asked those who remained, "What happened to the others?"

They said, "They sat down and they did the mala japa, and they ran away. They don't want to do it because there is no interest in the work."

Kabir said, "Alright, you 30 people continue. I'll give you an extra bonus—a super bonus."

They said, "Okay.” That evening Kabir returned. All he found was the malas. The people were gone.

There's a very powerful saying:

Moorkhal naal naa lujheeai Don’t entangle with an idiot.

—Guru Nanak, Siri Guru Granth Sahib, p. 473

"Don't entangle yourself with unwise situations orwith unwise men." It's not necessary. It is a real strength of the real person to avoid the foolish person and his company. Too much company of the foolish person can make you obnoxious. Try to understand the saying, "Be in the company of the Holy (or the company of the wise)." In this

way, you will always be where you can learn something, where you can grow to be something, where you can enjoy being something. That is the real joy. It is required in our caliber that the understanding be created so that we can know who we are and what strength we have. Today we are trying to build that strength.





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Man To M a n

Your ultimate desire is a desire that uplifts you, your spirit, andyour consciousness. It is always positive to you and your surroundings andyour framework. It is afeeling within thefeeling; it deals with the innermost essence. It is a love ofselfand grace. It is a consciousness, which has nothing but radiance about it.

The Ultimate Desire

What is the ultimate desire? Tobecome desireless.

How do you find your ultimate desire? Your ultimate desire is a desire that uplifts you, your spirit, and your consciousness. It is always positive to you and your surroundings and your framework. It is a feeling within the feeling; it deals with the innermost essence. It is a love of self and grace. It is a consciousness, which has nothing but radiance about it. But, still it is a desire.

What is the ultimate desire? To become desireless. What happens when you become desireless? All your desires are automatically fulfilled. When you become desireless, then all you need—physical, mental, social, spiritual, biological, psychological—iscatered to bythe

automatic reaction of the magnetic fields of both the individual identity and the universal identity. Creating a relationship with the individual identity and the universal identity is exactly the same thing as creating a relationship between your pituitary gland andyour sexual organ. There's no difference at all between the two. One is on the physical level, the other is on the etheric level.

When you become desireless, three things will flood you: money, women, and power. They will come to serve you.

Money is what money does. Money is nothing but a storeroom of wealth controlled at acertain rate and stocked in a certain pile. You can buy services and goods with it It is a medium of exchange.

Woman is nothing but a satisfaction of your polarity. If she does not satisfy that, then she's not the woman you want. She may be only a woman to look at, Understand? Take note—the existence of a woman around you must satisfy the following conditions; if you are disturbed, she will bring you peace; if you are down, she will bring you up; if you are sad, she will bring you laughter; if you are unhappy, she will bring you happiness. She will deliver all of this without any loss or exchange of energy—that's the condition—no loss or exchange of energy.

The presence of woman within nine feet of your aura must change your mood. Her insertion into the realm of your magnetic field must bring security. Her communication in the realms of your thought form must bring hope. Her look

within the realm of your radiant magnetic field must bring you satisfaction,. Such a woman is the coordination of your magnetic field and yourself. She is desirable; she is desire; but she beams the desireless within herself. She projects divinity, dignity, and grace. Therefore, it is required of every man to work on woman and bring her to the ultimate desire. The realm of consciousness in values cannot be the flesh, or money, or sex, or this, or that. It must be desireless; the personal projection of the woman, in the reality of the magnetic field of the personality of the person she's relating to, in dealing with time, space, and circumstances through mental, physical, psyche, and spirit must be desireless.

The w o m a n


a n o th e r



freaks out

very quickly. Woman is extremely sensitive. She is nothing but a very exquisite crystal. In opposition she is fog, smog, and death. But in pursuance, she is a crystalization of all life, in radiance and in all dimensions.

Therefore, you should be very careful of the woman whose company you keep. Don't ruin your strength in a wasteland. Some women are just orphans and they will make you an orphan in their company. Some women are very negative and insecure. They will

constantly put down your security. Some women are very irrelevant to life. They will always create irrelevancy in the smooth flow of your life. Some women are like period—full stop. They won't let your life flow. Some women will chase you. They are very, very, absolutely, negatively jealous of environments and circumstances. They will suffocate you

to death.


What i'm saying is that in each aspect of a woman, you


will find a very undesirable aspect of your own life. Deal


with this in a simple way. Let her higher Self live. Cut down


communication with her lower self totally. Don't try to fight


back. Don't have a bout like a boxing match—15 rounds and


you win. You are never going to win with awoman. She's not


even a good punching bag. If people see you fighting with


a woman, they will say, "You are just a creep." Never fight


with a woman. Suffocate her with communication. Wake


up and listen. Communicate with her about everything— everything—including getting horny.


Man To Afflan

The virtues of woman are manifold but they are her virtues and she rarely shares them, When she does share them with you, then she usually likes to get feedback, which is a very costly business. Therefore, establish a relationship with your woman. Call it "unified product combination." It is everything which you and the woman share. Just let her know you value her before it is too late. The biggest mistake you make in dealing with the female polarity is that you do not let her know your values. Communicate your values to her before it is too late. Otherwise, you get trapped.

She acts in total innocence. She doesn't remember the values—this is the projected armament of a woman. She will be forgetful of your personality, forgetful of your needs, but of course, she never really forgets any of these things. She will be forgetful of your personality, forgetful of your needs, forgetful of your time and space and appointments, forgetful of your hunger, and when it comes to the bottom line, you'll find your laundry has not been done. That is the bottom line. It all boils down to maya. When it reaches the point of no laundry, you should be well-warned that the enemy is within firing range. Do you understand?

A woman shall never deny you laundry. She may deny you sex, she may deny you communication, she may deny your love of your children; nothing is very important. In the past, for example, the 30s, if a woman wouldn't give a, handkerchief to a man, he would know that divorce was just around the corner.

Another sign to be wary of is her appearance. She will want to meet afriend of yours and she will be dressed in her best; she will want you to meet her parents and she is dressed in her best. But, if she goes to meet your parents and she is not in her best, you are in trouble. It doesn't matter how obnoxious your parents are. (I'm not discussing parents or their attitudes, or their projections, or their frequency of relationship, or whether they are good or bad.) We are discussing how she dresses herself, and how she wants you to dress. Judge a woman not by her promise, judge her by her dress. If the chuni is not around her neck, it will be around your neck. I am 100% right; don't underestimate or misunderstand me.

One woman told me, "You are a very clever teacher." I said, "What did I do?"

She said, "You brought purity to every woman in America but it won't work here."

"How did I do it?"

"You make us wear turbans, chunis and churidars. Churidars are nothing but a modern chastity belt, and the turban is a death cap."

" I can't figure out what you are talking about."

She said, " In this dress a woman can't do anything wrong. It takes hours to dress and once it is messed up, it cannot be made straight, and you can get caught so there cannot be any quickies in-between.

So judge a woman by her dress, not by her words. Understand her by her board and press. When the cloth is not pressed, wrinkles are left. A woman with a wrinkled dress is nothing but a headache. Your real strength lies in wearing neat, clean, well-ironed clothes and seeing that your woman keeps them that way. If you can make your woman dress without wrinkles, you can be miles and miles away from trouble. It is a consciousness,

Further, never allow a woman to walk behind you though she will desire it most If she can be made to walk in front of you, your relationship will be very strongly grounded. But if she starts walking behind you, your relationship will only be so-so. When the woman walks in front of you she carries the projection of your aura. This creates in her a very strong, meditative personality. Her Self lives on the male smell which you emit when you walk. Therefore, the maghetic frequency of your arc body and her arc body will coincide as one. When she walks behind you, her arc body and your arc body act upon each other but they do not merge. It's a mechanical action, a 'spark,' like rubbing together of two flints. They create this sparking action, which is not merging and it doesn't mean a thing. I don't recommend walking side by side either, though it is fair.

In large crowds or hostile environments, she should be kept immediately in front of you so that you can give her protection. If you do otherwise, you are an idiot. Any man who cannot assure the woman that he can protect her cannot have her, and he will be rejected by the law of divinity, Remember, woman doesn't love your sex, nor your body, nor your money, nor your children. She doesn't love this maya. She loves the depth of security she experiences in her understanding of your wisdom to protect her through time and space, forever and ever. Otherwise, what is the father image? The father image is the image that guarantees her that she'll be taken care of. And, when you take over, you must give her that guarantee. If you can't have that attitude, you are asking for trouble.

Woman has a powerful reaction to all men around security. If you are a well put together, well-balanced, wise person, then normally, the woman will react to you to test your ground. Then she will react to you to test you against her insecurity. Thirdly, she will put up an unreasonable demand just to test your wisdom. She will point out your mistakes and will be bitchy, simply to test your patience. And, finally, she will be mean and abusive to test your grace. The only action you can take with such a woman is to ignore her faults and forgive her. Leave it to God and His wisdom.


I wishyou to be healthy, happy, and holy men ofgrace with a saintlyprojection and a soldier’ action. I hopeyou will understandall that we have shared withyou. May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You; all love surroundyou, and the pure light within you, guideyour way on.

May the hand oftheguide, theguidance and the guidingfactor ofGodtakeyou everywhere, tofulfillyour higher consciousness andyour

destiny. May the mercy ofGodand Guru awaken in you the sleeping dormant consciousness. Mayyou worship the lotusfeet ofthe Divine

in your heart. May each day bringyoupeace, tranquility, andgrace and mayyou always, always be in love and may the love ofGod protectyou always. Sat Nam.

Thankyou very much. Loveyou a lot.

Dancing Ardas Bhaee Meditation

April 1981

Posture: Sit in a very yogic manner. Eyes are not specified. Listen to the mantra in silence.


Ardas Bhaee, Amar Das Guru

Amar Das Guru, Ardas Bhaee

Ram Das Guru

Ram Das Guru

Ram Das Guru

Sachee Sahee

Breath: The breath is to be danced, sniffed through the nose, to the rhythm of the melody.

To End: After 9 'A Minutes, inhale deeply and hold the breath. Concentrate on the base of your spine and lock it, pulling the energy up, muscle by muscle and vertebra by vertebra. Mentally concentrate on the first vertebra, and lock it, pulling in and up on it, then the second, third, etc., until you have pushed the energy upward to the first vertebra in the neck— at the base of the skull. “Stretch it all the way upward; consciously do it. It will never let you grow old if you can do this little exercise.” After holding the breath for about 20-40 seconds, exhale. Repeat this process two more times. Relax.

Time: 11 Minutes.

Comments: “I wanted to let you know how you can renew your life in such a cheap way. ”

Man To Man


Man to Man 6

Sex, Success & Prosperity

Circa 1981

You must understand, thoroughly understand.\ one thing: this energy, this psyche, this creative energy, this sexual energy is totally yours and nobody can share it.

Creative Sexuality

Creative Sensitivity: The Fundamental You

Is Sex and \bur Life Span

Sex Is a Natural Thing

The Origins of Sexual Neuroses

Creative Sexuality

The inner Self, the real Self, has to befound, has to befelt, has to be touched creatively before anything in life matters.

This is how I look at life; Row long can we live with our problems? Who creates them? I did not ask you here just to gather you together, but to make you understand that if what I teach you today does not sink in, then you are going to have problems and problems and more problems.

The problem is when you do not put your energy into creativity. Sex is a creativity; for you, sex is only physical intercourse, but for me, it is a creativity. This is a concept that we must get clear in our minds. I don't want to put any taboos on your sexual behavior—that you should do this or you should do that; I am just trying to present you with one example so that you can learn from it.

You are like a samovar. We call it a hamaam. It is a large tank that sits on a tripod. Water can be heated in it and there is a tap. If you constantly fill that tank, that hamaam will eventually overflow. However, if you open the tap while you are filling it, that which enters will also flow out. But, if you don't fill it and you leave the tap open, one day the hamaam will be empty. That is how your energy works. What I'm trying to emphasize with you is that you only have "X" amount of energy-—exactly "X" amount. You can use it sexually*sensually,.meditatively, creatively, noncreatively. You can use it to harass yourself and befrustrated —or you can use it absolutely intelligently. There is no other person who can use your energy. "I gave him a lot of energy" is a totally false concept. You cannot give anyone "a lot of energy." You can give a lot of ideas, you can give a lot of thoughts, you can give a lot of initiative, you can give a lot of things; but one thing you cannot do—you cannot give your creative, sexual energy to anybody.


When you reach your optimum energy point, you discharge.


This is the way God made you and it is called 'ejaculation'.


All of you know and have experienced physical ejaculation,.


but we are going to talk about mental ejaculation. Mental


ejaculation stimulates the physical ejaculation, which in


America, India, Thailand, China and France, is called a 'wet


dream'. Ninety percent of all people have experienced it,


so it is commonly known. It uses your nervous system to


such an extent that the experience is absolutely real to

you. Within that experience, that play, the mental energy



is real; but in reality it is not real. However, that experience,


that fantasy, gives you the satisfaction of ejaculation—that


is the total sum of your life.

The play of life is not real; but in your dream stage, you



think it is totally real. This is because you do not understand

the dimensions of it; therefore, you do not understand the



success of it and you go by feelings. 'In my heart, I feel.,." "In my head, I feel..." "I feel, I think, I imagine..." All this is false. I don't want to tell you this. After all, you are mature people. But the great handicap, which keeps you from a successful life, is that you live—totally and absolutely—in that dream almost all the time. In the scriptures, it is called "mental masturbation."

Creative energy isthe same. Iam not discussing the physical level but the mental level—the creative level, the psyche— step by step. You must understand, thoroughly understand, one thing: this energy, this psyche, this creative energy, this sexual energy is totally yours and nobody can share it.

Kaam kaya ko tale, Kaam kaya ko gale.

" Lust makes the body weak."

Kaam means sexual excitement—horniness. Kaya means the physical body, gale means destroys. From time immemorial, some people have controlled their energy by masturbation. Others get this control from wet dreams and still others use anger. It is an ejaculation of energy; all of these practices are called outlets. In a simple sense, there is no such thing as anger. It is an outlet. Masturbation, the most common disease of the man, is an outlet and nobody gives it more importance than that. Both dreaming and wet dreams are nothing but subconscious outlets. And I'll tell you, in a wet dream, life is more real than in real life; and the performance in a wet dream is more real than the performance in real life.

To change this, you must start establishing contact with the subconscious psyche of your own personality. However this process doesn't begin until you are about 36. Your 30s are your years of maximum working capacity. You do your most creative work during these years. First you worry about which career you will choose, then you choose a career, then you think about that career and then you are actually in it, and you like it, then you have a middle-aged crises, all that. The whole drama is over by the time you're 36.

Until that time you are a vagabond. We call anybody under the age of 36 a psychic or spiritual vagabond. Here in the West, this person is called a 'Lone Ranger.' You may think, "I am great, I'm going to do this"; or you may experience the opposite, depression, a sense of inadequacy, feeling unfulfilled. This boasting or feeling inadequate, are the two things that bother people under 36 the most. If you do not make contact with the subconscious psyche and

overcome it, if you do not compensate for your personality and combine your psyche, integrate it, with your own personality so that it works—so that you 'work'—life will not be successful for you.

What is a successful life? I agree that money "makes the world go 'round/' but it does not mean a successful life. If you are married, marriage may bring you happiness, but that does not mean a successful marriage. Children may bring you fulfillment as a parent, but that doesn't make you a successful parent. The question is, "Who are you and what are you by the framework and flow of your mind?" In your framework and flow of mind you may not be successful at all.

I have known people who have reached the age of 80 or 90. They have large families, a lot of wealth, authority and respect but when the opportunity comes to speak to them, they deny their lives saying, "Oh my God, I wasted my life. I am miserable." This is because in the framework and flow of their minds, in the psyche of consciousness, they have not yet found their Self, The inner Self, the real Self, has to be found, has to be felt, has to be touched creatively before anything in life matters to us. Otherwise we are living like animals. We eat, we sleep, we marry, we have children, we go to work, we come home, we sleep in an air-conditioned room or a hot one, we are dopers, we are drug addicts, call it anything. But as long as you are not in touch with your inner Self, all the actions of the surrounding self are not your actions. You want to administrate the whole world around you but you do not want to administrate your own world within you. There is a very deep personality within you, much deeper [than most people seek]. If you do not find that depth, if you do not touch your dimensions, then your direction will never be complete. That is why some people start as doctors and end up as carpenters,.or they start as carpenters and end up as an attorney.

I will tell you a story about a monk I once met. He was a celibate father who decided to leave the order. Then he started marrying. When I saw him last, he was on his nineteenth marriage. Just imagine! He asked me, "Why am I not successful in marriage?" I said "Why weren't you successful as a monk? There is no difference between being a monk and marrying 19 times in 5 years." These things happen because the inner psyche is not touched, not felt, not understood. It is not yet a part of you. You are just the shell, the shell of a human being, the shell of yourself.

You are not potent all the time. The psyche of the female affects you from her Third Eye, the ajna. Her psyche projects through her ajna to your ajna, In turn, your pituitary is affected, which stimulates the glandular system, then the circulatory system, then the brain and ultimately you begin to feel a certain hardness in your lingam [penis]. Then what happens? This is something I want to emphasize with you. What happens? You use the female to masturbate yourself. This is quite accurate. There is no other action. You use the female, and then you ejaculate. You are no more a part of the female in sex than your hand is a part of you in masturbation, even though it is attached to your body. You have no sensitivity. You have not understood the woman any more than a hand. That's why your marriages are unsuccessful, your children are crazy, you are crazy and the whole world is crazy around you. Basically and totally, you have not understood the whole thing more than your hand and that, too, only up to the elbow! I have to sit here and talk to you like this and you have to listen, because you don't want to see it, you don't want to listen to it and you don't want to understand it.

You marry a woman, you love her, you take care of her, you


understand her, you go through all her ups and downs, you


experience the whole situation. For what? Just for what


your hand can do? You have an ego and you have a sexual


ego, too. When your sexual ego is not satisfied by your


woman, you want a divorce. Why do you want to divorce?


Because actually that woman, that complete human being,


which we have been trying to get you to respect, you won't.


The Christians believe that God took the rib of Adam and


created thewoman from it. I don't believe that explanation


is necessary because I don't think you can see anything


above your elbow. That's all the woman is to you. The


kissing, the intercourse, the whole paraphernalia, marrying,


being with her, hugging her, is only that portion of you from


your hand to your elbow. There's no feeling beyond that.


I am treating a man who likes to put yogurt on his wife.


He massages her with yogurt; he finds it very stimulating.


They have intercourse and then he sleeps. But his wife is


sick and tired of sleeping in yogurt. She asked me, "What

karma is this? You know God. Kindly meditate for me. Look


into God and let me know about this strange relationship I

have with yogurt." She doesn't feel that she is married to a



l jA e u 01 I H i e u

man, instead she is.married to.yogurt. I told her, "You are • lucky it is yogurt. Some people like rubber. They tune-in to the smell of rubber and they can't do a thing until they rubberize their wife."

Doyou know what is actually happening? The man's pituitary is in tune with one particular smell. All smells are not yours. You are only tuned-in to one smell, the woman who provides you with that smell is the one who will satisfy you. Your hand cannot satisfy your attunement with that smell, so it cannot satisfy your sexual ego. That is why you seek a woman; otherwise you are all just masturbators. That is your basic instinct. It's what you do in your dreams, your waking life— that's where your basic satisfaction is. God built in the sense of smell as a safeguard, thinking, "If I make everybody a masturbator, there will be no child." So He has put this very powerful projection and condition within you—that you must relate to smell, this certain "creative smell." ■

The Creative Smell; Mastering

Your Pituitary

I know a man who lives in an incredible mansion.

When I arrived in this country in 1970. his home vjas valued at 10 million dollars. Prices were normal in those days— they have gone up sinceand a good house could be purchased for as little as $40.000. I was taken there and I was very well entertained. During the evening, he asked me. very respectfully, if he could have a private session with me. Now the whole house was very normal, if not a little extravagant, with guest rooms and such: howeuer. the master bedroom was just tike a hayloft. Hay was spread everywhere and that is where he and his wife slept. The rest of the house was like a palace with silk everywhere, but his total, improvised psyche was absolutely fixated on hay. When he smelled hay. he became a man. very potent, very successful. Otherwise, he was totally impotent. He was the father of three children and they were all conceived in that hayloft. He told me he was sick of his fixation and he wanted to know if I could teach him some postures or give him any other yogic remedy for the situation.

I know you are interested in what I told him. (I know you were all imagining that big house and thinking that you should be there instead of him.) Now you will want to know the remedy. It is very common. Consider the hay. Who eats hay and who does not want to be in the hay? The cow eats hay

f want to tell you about a very fascinating situation that took place in Tokyo. A business man I know went there to negotiate a contract. The day before the negotiations were to be finalized, he called his headquarters in the U S. and said, "This contract will give us almost half a billion dollars loss and I don't think we should sign," The president told him, "You are our best negotiator. We need this contract badly so renegotiate it,"

The next day, the man went to the meeting with his mind totally set on renegotiating the contract and saving his company the loss. When he arrived, he found that the negotiating party was accompanied by a woman. The other party was very apologetic, saying that the woman needed to be with him because his English was not adequate, which was a total ruse. Within three hours, to the complete amazement of this man, he had signed the original papers. Later, he learned that the smell of rose puts him in a state

and the snake will always try to avoid it. So. of course, he should do Cow Pose and Cobra Pose. I told him that doing these two postures along with

Corpse Pose would cure him. Each of the postures is done for 11 minutes, which effectively controls all sensitivity to smell and alt creativity of the pituitary.

There is another posture, simple enough in itself, which controls the whole olfactory system. It is called Peacock Pose. In this posture, the entire body is balanced in a horizontal position on the hands.

The upper arms are brought together in front of the chest with the elbows touching each other ana pushing into the Navel Point. The tower arms form a pedestal with the hands supporting the entire body, like a plank. This posture can be mastered in 30 or 40 days, or as few as 12. It is not a very difficult posture, and it will effectively cure alt irregular sensitivity or insensitivity toward smell.

of absolute numbness.:'Not only was the woman wearing rose perfume, but also the man, and-even the carpet had been scented with rose. His faculty to negotiate, to project, and to safeguard himself was gone. When your ego and sensitivity, join together, you become totally defenseless; you can't protect yourself,

You are. born to b© successful. Success is yours and nobody can take it away from you. However, in your own framework, you have many effeciencies and deficiencies that undermine your life. All of your senses enter into this— smell, touch, sight, hearing, even your sense of creating a word are all creative senses, As we learned from this story, they are not insignificant. In fact, they actually control you because they overshadow your sensibility, your common sense.

Your success and your failure are based on your sexual creativity. Let us take the example of your projection to have a child. You think you want a child. Actually, you don't want a child, you don't love children. There is no such thing as a "child" within you, it's actually your own projection from start to end; it is your own sensitivity, your own creativity and your own projection from your own childhood that makes you want to create another childhood. But in fact, the child is nothing to you. That's why some people want children so badly and some people hate them.

Children are not a matter of sexual intercourse—no, not at all, there is no such thing. In the sensitivity of your own projection of your life, your future, your consciousness, you want to create a child, you want to raise a child, you want to make a child a man, what is that? What is this child business? Do you know? Superego—it is totally your subtle, superego. Whenever you go to a home where there is a child, the parents will present it to you. It makes no difference what your interest may be—you are not meeting the child. Do you understand? No man has a child. No man can create a child. No man gives birth to anybody. You are not meeting the child. You are meeting the subtle superego of the person you are visiting. That sexual creativity is a phenomenon in the personality and I want you to understand how it works.

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