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Man to Man

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Man to Man 8

The Invincible Man

Circa 1983

You must realize that the strength in you isyou. The material world aroundyou is to supplement your strength or to complementyour strength; it is notyour strength.

■ Evergreen Exercises

The Flow of Life

Communication Is Personality

Health Is Flexibility

W h o Are You Subject To?

Man To Man

Recently Icelebrated my 54th birthday. Atthattime I realized that since coming to the United States 14 years ago, I have travelled more miles than a flight attendant. By this time I should have all the symptoms and sicknesses that they get, plus I should have become weak and contracted some complicated diseases. Eighteen hours a day I have taken work and abuse on my body by dealing with negativity, filling a role of leadership, motivating people, inspiring them, directing them. It isn't to be expected that I should look very young and enthusiastic by now. In fact, all of this should have led to burnout.

Before coming here, I sat down and reviewed my situation. I asked myself, "What is the secret?" After all that I have survived during 14 hard, intense years in this country and 18 previous years of government work in India—the answer came: A man can become invincible and evergreen if he wants to. Through certain exercises/which call upon you to command your own self and your environments, you can recuperate yourself. It doesn't matter how difficult your life is.

God has given us the power of self-recuperation, which is much stronger and much better than we expect. It is far greater than we know or feel it to be. It isthrough this power that this delicate man, called ahuman being, iscompetent to be male. I am going to cover the psychological, sociological and other weaknesses that you've created; because God never made you weak. You should have nothing to do with weakness.

Everywhere, we see that with time men get weaker. They get mildly impotent earlier, they aren't honestly impressive, and they die younger than women. Temperamentally, every strong man slowly loses ground and this is true internationally. We get eroded before we even know that we are gone. When we are very young—from our teens to our late twenties—we perform well sexually, but in reality we become very weak sexually. I don't understand it. You should be as good as an 18-year-old person untilyou are 90. After all, you don't get stretched out or shortened or anything like that. As a man you have the capacity to recuperate yourself within 72 hours. This is the real secret of a healthy life.

Your real strength is in your blood chemistry. Is your blood young or not? That is what decides it—not you. You feel that you are either young or old based on your years; I believe that is a total diversion from reality. I believe that

you are neither young nor old, but if your blood is hot and young, you are young, and if your blood is cold and weird, then you are old. We are going to work to find out how healthy you are and then we'll talk.


Evergreen E x e r c is e s

September 10, 1983

1. Stand up and stretch your arms out to your sides from your shoulders, lock your pinkies under your thumbs and lean back. Go to the maximum without losing your balance. 3 Minutes

Comments: Don’t think you are a great hero. You are assaying the final flexibility and conception of your body. >bur blood chemistry will change under this pressure. If you get dizzy, straighten your body. Any kind of dizziness in this posture means that your brain and your circulatory system are not corresponding. This indicates that you have the potential to develop problems with your blood, or worse, to develop a terminal disease at an early age.

I am warning you. Give yourself a proper test. Get into the posture and hold it. This posture is equal to thousands of capsules of Vitamin Eand Vitamin C, B12 and B6, and everything else. The last 60 seconds of this exercise are worth 60 years each. If you sweat, you are okay.

2. Immediately take your left foot in your hands and straighten out your leg, standing on your right leg. Don’t let your left leg bend. Your sense of balance is in your ears. Use it and balance steady. 4 Minutes

Comments: This posture balances your brain. To get the same effect with yoga you would have to do Tree Pose for years and years and years, if you do this exercise, you can always win a debate, no matter how dumb you are. That man who cannot talk to a woman is impotent to start with, so keep your leg straight: What else can you keep straight if you can’t even hold your leg straight? Your performance has nothing to do with how religious you are. I promise that no woman has been born on this Earth who can shake you off your feet with her conversation if you dance this simple dance. Do it by the will of your brain, not by your physical will.

3. Now stand on your left leg, and hold your right foot with both hands. Bring it in toward your buttock. From this position, bend forward from the waist and come back up. Continue going forward and back, forward and back, i Minute

. •...

4. Stand with your legs spread wide. We are going to repair the liver. Put your arms out to the sides, parallel with the floor. Twist your body to the right as you bend down and touch your right foot with your left hand. Relax your head and stay in this posture, keeping a straight line between your left and right hands. A fantastic pressure will develop. We are not here to harass our bodies but to repair them. 2 Minutes

5. In a standing posture, put your heels together and spread your toes to 60 degrees. Bring your palms to the floor, stretch and hold the posture. Inhale through the mouth, and exhale through the nose. Use a powerful breath. Put equal pressure on the hands and feet. Press with the hands. This is the secret. 5 Minutes

Comments: This exercise is very unique and very advantageous. Don’t feel it as a person. Don't feel anything as a person. Experience it as a man. This exercise can give you that experience. If you find yourself becoming dizzy while you are doing this exercise, stop and get yourself checked out by a heart specialist.

6.Bring your left foot up into your buttock and hold it with your left hand. Stretch your right hand up into the

— — air and keep it straight. Now open your mouth wide and begin to breathe in and out through the mouth, pumping the belly like a bellows. When you exhale, your belly must contract as if you have received a blow. This exercise is the best thing for impotency or partial impotency. Get rid of it now. 3 Minutes

7. Sit on your heels. Bring your arms behind you and lock the hands in Venus Lock. When you bring your forehead to the floor, lift your arms up behind you. Done to the musical version of Jaap Sahib. 3 1 Minutes

Comments: We will do a special kriya to Guru Gobind Singh’s prayer, Jaap Sahib. You will bow and come up to the rhythm of it, one complete bow to each line.

Man To Man

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8.Sit in Easy Pose. Extend your arms straight out in front of your body from your shoulders parallel with the ground. Your right arm will move up and down 90 degrees. Nothing else will move, and that arm will move faster than you think. There is no bend in the elbow. The left arm is totally balanced with the earth, while the right is in total movement. 5 Minutes

Comments: Let us go through this psychological test. It will create a balance in your nerves. That balance lies within total stillness and total movement. You don't want to have to go home to your wife and apologize, “Sorry, honey. I’m too tired tonight,” If that’s the case you should be at Jane Fonda’s Workout, you are not supposed to be a man. Keep up. I am convinced that you can make yourself into a man of steel.

9. Stand up. Come into Half Chair Pose by spreading your feet about 18 inches and bend your knees as though you wefe sitting on the edge of a high stool. Put your right hand into your left and cup them just in front of the pelvis. Now open your mouth and begin pulling your tongue in and out. Move it. Pull it in and out quickly. Breath has nothing to do with it. 2 Minutes

Comments: It will give you an experience that you have never had before. If you want intelligence, this exercise will do it It is very intelligent to control your tongue.

10.Lie down on your back. Relax with your legs straight and put both your hands beneath your lower back. Listen to M a s Bhaee. 20 Minutes

Comments: Come out of your relaxation. Check your muscles and feel how you feel. You must understand plainly and clearly that these are the exercises you must do. Within 72 hours your body and your blood cells have to change your physical body, your tissues, your total metabolism. With each hour of delay, you become more aged, nervous, and unintelligent. Five thousand years ago human beings knew that the man’s success was in the chemistry of the blood. These are very powerful exercises. They are not very strenuous, but they will bring an unbelievable change in you.

I I. Come sitting in Easy Pose. Bring both hands up with your palms flat, facing the body. Now keeping the hands very hard, like the male organ, begin to cross the hands in front of the face, right handclose to the body, left hand away. The movement is from the elbow. Concentrate on the movement. It is a very male action. 2 Minutes

Now begin to criss-cross the hands, alternating them, left in front, right in front, left in front, right in front. Move fast. Move like a weaving machine. Weave in and out. Weave your magnetic energy. Work both hands, both sides. The frequency you must build allows you to move faster than you think you can. Go beyond your capacity. Be virtuous. There is nothing more important than you. Move faster than your capacity and your thought. If you think you can move 10 times a second, then try to move 20 times a second. Keep going and close your eyes.

Visualization: As you sit there, imagine that flowers are coming out of you. Flowers, roses, marigolds, think of all the flowers you know. Every time the hands criss­ cross, you create flowers. Bunches of flowers are coming out of you. Tons of them. A heap of flowers is building around you, and you are totally merged in them.


12.Open your eyes and lift your hands straight up over your head and wave them from the wrist only. Imagine that a ship filled with your relatives is leaving the dock. You are waving to each one very affectionately. They are going to a very joyful place, a place that is beyond death. You are not going to see them again. Wave to them and give them as much love as you can. Wave your hands to all your ancestors and your ancestors’ ancestors. All of those people. Imagine a beautiful gold and silver ship. Every relative you have is boarding and you are waving goodbye to them. “ Bye-bye. Love you. I’ll be coming there one day too.” 2 Minutes

Comments: Those of you who have a fear of death can get rid of it with this exercise. This is a brain exercise. We have to bring a permanent change to your computerized material. That fluid which carries the messages from one part of the brain to another has to be recaptured completely and made absolutely new.

13. Lock your hands in an inverted Venus and extend them straight out in front of you parallel to the ground. Close your eyes and imagine that you are flying through time and space. Feel you are going through time and space. Bend forward slowly as you imagine that. Just move slowly; you are penetrating through space millimeter by millimeter. You can transform a person by changing the blood chemistry, and the nearest and dearest person to you is you.

Let the power come from your spine and let yourself penetrate through space. Penetrate through space. You are the bravest, you are the most powerful, you are the most positive, you are intelligent, you know all, God made you special, you are special. "1 am a beautiful being. I am beautifully a beautiful being. I am beautifully a beautiful being.” Hold that thought, that projection. Keep steady. Hands stretched out, perfectly extended. The Kundalini awakens and the man becomes super-intelligent. There are simple ways to do it. Energy is coming from afar. It is fresh. It is going through all of you. It is the most energetic time for you. Use it.

Inhale very deeply. Hold the breath, and project that you are beautiful, the most beautiful. Hold the breath and project “I am the most beautiful, I am the most beautiful, I am the most beautiful. Everything is happy and perfect. Everything is happy and perfect. Everything is happy and perfect.” You have to do it right. Project out that you are perfect, you are penetrating, you are invincible, you are great. Keep on holding the breath to the maximum capacity and penetrate. Relax. 5 Minutes

14. Lieon your back, pull your knees into your chest and roll up and back on your spine. Roar, roar like a lion. Roll and roar. I Minute

You have initially set yourself and now you are ready for the lecture. We will discuss the philosophy of reading beyond time and space. That's where the power of the invincible man lies. These exercises were a physical stimulation I wanted to share with you. I will be very, very grateful if you express your joy in a very controlled manner. Just imagine for yourself how you can express your happiness. Imagine the power of the man. You may think man is just useless and a sinner. But I would like to share this with you: Man can experience God and prove God's existence to all other men. How beautiful that is! Sometime in your life you may feel difficulties. But difficulties are not what they seem. They come to you only because God thinks you have the capacity to take on the challenge. We will speak more of this and magnetic vibrations and penetrations.

Man To M a n

Guru Gobind Singh's Bowing Jaap Sahib

Guru Gobind Singh never did miracles. He made his people run w ith their horses chanting Jaap Sahib.

One percent could stand w ith only their grit against 125.000 people and not lose. This is something which happened a few hundred years ago. This is not a legend from the ancients. If it could be valid

any place, in any com m unity, it can

be valid


Yoga Mudra is the redeemer of all


in the

body— on the spot. The rhythm of naad is provided by the Guru's Jaap Saiub. Through this exercise you

w ill understand the power of the bams, the Sikh prayers. You cannot be unhealthy if you do it every morning. Do it honestly. Even if someone breaks a stone on your thigh, just keep doing it. You have a right to be healthy.

Exercising to the rhythm of the Guru's word is the one way to understand it. It is the one way to become the Self. It is the one way because "in the beginning was the W ord, the W ord was w ith God, and the W ord was God.” This Word from the Guru inspires you and it can inspire the W ord in you. Plus, if the body can get into the rhythm of the naad. anything th at could kill you, make you weak, make you diseased, make you poor, or make you totally naive w ill leave you right then and there. Remember the W ord is a beginning, so it grants you a beginning each time. There's no reason for any man to say, "I am burned o u t" or ''I don't know w hat to do .” You get burned out when the blood does not feed your brain properly and when the quality of the blood is impure. It isn't that you don't know.

Intelligence is not taught in a university. Intelligence is a personal thing. To not be intelligent is to be dumb. W asting time, getting involved in worthies










bogged down,








are good















blah/'pfiittiejitK y









are 50 years old. a














years old. inte1ig€? ij<g^:










the name of the g u ifttfla ^ ll^ ^ e g




Guru can give it to: IpBSuf-jyouMf,




got to take it. It's









you can invoke in y a if | | ^ ^





be you. Everything else is false.You




are a



in a non-reality.


If you invoke the realization of that non-reality within


yourself, the non-reality of the outside can never bother


you. You need within you. inside you. the realization of


what non-reality and reality are.








No man is born to suffer. It is only through your w rong


acts— w ith o u t your own


w ith o u t





w ith o u t






suffer. Then you go to



you go


to astrologers, you go to numerologists. you go to


doctors, you go to consultants. You go. and go. and


go. >bu go for one thing, one simple thing: just to live.


Just to live you become a slave to so many professions


and professionals and situations. You become such a



to your emotions,

your com m otions,




trauma that your life becomes a drama.






Don't let your life become a drama. Don't. Life

w ill


not be w orth anything to

you. You w ill

be acting,



acting, and acting until finally you

w ill get

tired of


acting and you w ill never know

w hy you were acting.


You have come to live, not to act

ybu have come to be


because you are— you are. Everything comes from you.


Vou think you can get something from the outside. It


is not true. N othing comes


the outside. It has



proven tim e

and again.


everything from


the inside is w hat


Yoga is


about. Uncoil


yourself. Let the world know. That is the way to live.


N othing can happen to

you. You have the

right to


live. You can live. If you can't, you can

die. The m ost

im portant thing in your







to die honorably. Materially, you can lose everything


and you can gain everything, but if




reputation, you cannot



back. Lose

the whole















world, but not your reputation. You are a man forever, so be a man to yourself.


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