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Man to Man

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Mental Aspects

What is meditation? It is a conscious effort to clean the mind, to control the mind. It is so simple.

To Man

Today we are talking about the mental aspect of success. If you understand the mental aspect, there is no way that you can even touch failure, forget about failing or being failed by this or that. You have the Negative Mind, you have the Positive Mind, and you have the Neutral Mind. On the axis of xand the axis of y, M- is the initial area of the mind, M+ is projection area of mind and M (neutral) is your initial area. Divide your mind into four parts: initial basic, elementary negative, elementary positive, projection. (See Figure 7.1 Thought/Metabolism)

What is the power of the mind? Everyone believes it is thought. No, it is not thought. When thought joins with metabolism, you feel like a human being. Nobody will tell you that. It's agreat secret. This idiotic, foolish human being has kept the secret from himself, and no human wants to admit it. But it is a metabolic necessity. For example, in Figure 7.2, your metabolism is putting pressure on the mind.

Actually the mind should be putting pressure on the metabolism. (See Figure 7.3)

That is the power of the mind. It's all in the brain—there's nothing to it. The whole thing is either sick or Sikh.

I'm being honest with you. There is nothing in this world at all. This world is all a joke. It's the biggest joke! All spirituality is the biggest joke and any spiritual teacher who doesn't know this basic information is the biggest crook. I'll state it clearly: All this paraphernalia, this and that, is just straightforward Detroit junk. Everything—yoga, religion, new techniques, old techniques, philosophy—it's all junk. It doesn't make sense.


1 6 0

If thought form is governed by the mind and the mind is under the pressure of metabolism, you will be a freak. You do things and you pretend you are not doing them. In the end you will be empty—hitting the wall. But if your mind controls your metabolism, you are divine. There are two ways to look at it: either you're divided or you are divine.

Q: What do you mean by divided?

Yogi Bhajan; Jekyll and Hyde. In the morning you look like a saint and at night, you sneak into clubs. Split. Two men living in one, like vanilla and chocolate ice cream. It's a very sick life, it is the sickest life.

Life goes like this. This (Figure 7.1) is a drawing of the male sex organ. It is divided in four ways so that you can study it very well. The shaft is the danger area. It's called the "horniness initial". You are atotal being and your metabolism has a barometer, which is a piece of meat 6 to 18 inches long, hanging between your legs. That's all it is. Your entire metabolism is located in the shaft of your sex organ. What do you call it? Your "dick" or penis? That's your God. You are totally pretending that you love God. It is totally bullshit There is absolutely no truth to it. You lie day in and day out. You're the biggest confirmed liars. This is true of all kinds of men, including yogis, swamis, priests, fathers. Every religious person is basically lying through his teeth. That's why God hates you all. Actually your God is called Penis. It goes up, you go up; it goes down, you go down. That is your barometer. It also controls your metabolism, it controls your glandular system, it controls your environments, it controls everything around it, with it, under it, and over it. Are you willing to face that truth or not? No, you are not. You can't. You

don't even experience that this six-foot-long human being is being controlled by those six inches of meat. However, if you really watch your mental capacity, you'll find that it doesn't go beyond that. In 500,000 centuries, it never has. Your wars, your territory, your country, your production, your discovery, your creativity all depends on that one thing.

What about that blonde actress, Marilyn Monro©. Everyone wanted her. Why? Because she was a sex symbol? She was a stinking old bitch, a habitual neurotic, and aflop. She started with nothing and ended with nothing. But when we look at where she was, what she was doing, we must ask how she could achieve so much fame. She could create a thought in every metabolism. Every mental thought could coordinate sensually and sexually with the metabolism because of her. Do you understand? It is this mental/metabolic, sensual/ sexual energy that produces a need for six million young white bodies to cater to the sales force of the United States of America. Every salesman is bribed, wined, dined and sexed. It is a complete industry.

That's why we rise and we fall, and we fall and we rise. It is a rhythm, a biorhythm. But you are not a biorhythm; it is your biorhythm. You are not the horniness; it is your horniness. Separate your Self from the environment. You are the master and the environment is the slave. As long as you experience yourself as the slave and the environment as the master, how can you be successful? There's no end to the playboy. All of you are either a crude playboy, a rude playboy, or you are a little sophisticated and soft Look deeply into it, don't just accept it superficially. All of this makes you unable to deal with failure. When you meet failure, it becomes a disaster

Meditation for Mental Control of the Metabolism

September 25, 1982

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose or Rock Pose.

Eyes: Closed.

Mudra: Put the right arm straight out in front of you, 45° to 60° above the horizontal, with the fingers straight. Place the palm of the left hand, with the fingers straight, onto the right arm about midway between the shoulder and the elbow. Keep the left elbow up and the head straight forward, as though you are looking at something.

Mantra: Chant Har Har Har Har Har Har Hari with the tip of the tongue, without moving the mouth, in a monotone.

Time: 11 Minutes

Man To Man


because you don't have good brakes and what car can stop without good brakes?

Your thoughts are your good brakes. You must project your Self, Your thoughts must control your metabolism. Your metabolism must not create your thoughts. When you get thoughts, they multiply with the metabolism and then they become your traumas, So you must separate your self from your metabolism. You have rented this body. You live in this body. You are not the body.

Q: Do you dream if your metabolism is in control?

Yogi Bhajan: I don't know. I can't talk on that subject because I have never dreamt. I don't know what a dream is. I have no experience on the subject at all. I sleep. I put my head down and I take my head off. Sometimes I go to sleep on the right ear and I wake up on the left. That's all.

Normally dreams are just an outlet for the subconscious. There is a network between the conscious, the supreme conscious, and the subconscious—like arteries. The conscious mind relates to the supreme conscious and the supreme conscious relates to the conscious, but sometimes the pathway gets blocked in the subconscious. We call these blocks metabolic temporal obstructions, MTOs. (See Figure 7.4.)' We bum MTOs in White Tahtric Yoga5.

do anything else, and work on our mind and metabolism. Through sadhana, you calm down the metabolism, you calm down the mind, and you create a harmony. Sadhana belongs to the Neutral Mind. In sadhana the Negative and Positive Minds become the Neutral Mind. Without the Neutral Mind, success can only be temporary. It will not be everlasting.

The cycle of life is 18 years. Consciousness is 7 years arid intelligence is 11 years. At 18 years, one cycle of life is complete. The life cycle is in proportion to both the consciousness and intelligence cycles. This is accurate to one-tenth. So the proportion of 18:11 is 1.64 and 18:7 is 2,57, (See Figure 7.5.) These proportional cycles form the circle of life, the circle of power. It is within these proportions that a successful individual will proceed. These are called rings of success, proportionate rings of success. If they are in harmony, success is guaranteed. If they are in disharmony, there shall be pain in life. This wheel is your friend and this friendship should be mutual. Every other relationship is false. Every other relationship is time and space. The relationship in your life is between your intelligence, your consciousness and you, the life cycle.

Man To Man

Looking at the figure you can see how terrible it looks. It's a glowing powerful thing, When this block exists, you can't get to your supreme conscious through your conscious, and your supreme conscious can't get to you. The release of the 'subconscious' is.-done in sadhana. That's what sadhana is.’.In sadhana we get up in the morning, before we

Q; Can you give an example of how you would know if you are in balance?

Yogi Bhajan: Yes. When I am 18 years old, I should be 2 Vi times more conscious and 1 % times more intelligent than I was at birth. But what happens to me? I grow old physically and I am dumb intelligently and my consciousness is very poor. .

5 White Tantric Yoga is a full-day meditation done with partners,- For .more information see: www.whitetantricyoga.com.

16 2

Q: In other words, you should grow in proportion so that at 36, you are that much further developed than at 18, etc. So if I was 18years old, how would I know if my life was correct at that point?

Yogi Bhajan: You don't need to know, it happens. That is the baseline. Life, your bag, will remain the same but your balloon will change, and your being will enter a different dimension.

Q: What happens to the subconscious mind when a man becomes 36?

Yogi Bhajan: There can be an overload of obstructions, MTOs. Too much overloading is not permissible. The supreme conscious is always divided into 40 triangles. The conscious is always kept clean. The subconscious consists of two connecting lines like aroadway and lanes. (See Figure 7.6) You can see the subconscious railroad. That is the way the subconscious is supposed to be. The penis-like structure is the overload.

tongue. See this guy, Figure 7.7. The subconsious releases negative thought, while the "I" releases positive thought. Perpendicular energy and parallel energy cross each other, and the net result is that life becomes a plus.

CLDoes the body actually move away from the soul as death approaches?

Yogi Bhajan: Yes. The soul has to get out of the body when the lease is up.

OrDoes thatmean thatmeditation isautomaticallyeasier as you approach old age?

Yogi Bhajan: No, it means life is easier if you meditate. If you have a habitof meditating, life becomes easier because you can balance your combination of minds and consciousness.

What is meditation? It is aconscious effort to clean the mind, to control the mind. It is so simple. When you meditate your subconscious releases thought and all you release is the

Q:,I still don't understand MTOs.



Yogi Bhajan: Let me explain it. Between axis xand axis y,


life—your life—started. (See Figure 7.8.) It started at initial

negative and then went out of initial negative. Then one


day you got up and you wanted to start working up and you

did start working up. Then you were made. This gave you

the initiative to prove to yourself that you were playing a

fair game. Repeat after me, "We are playing a fair game."


The game oflife is % you and us. ” Playfairly, play justly, and play gracefully.

Students: We are playing a fair game.

Yogi Bhajan: Always remember, nothing succeeds unless it is fair. It should be fair to me, it should be

fair to you and it should be fair t o ...

Students: Us.

Yogi Bhajan: That is the secret to all 16 aspects of success: I should be fair to me, I should be fair to you and I should be fair to us. That is the mental game you should always play. Make it a habit.

Q: What if you are counseling somebody and you know they don't think you are being fair but you know your advice is best for them?

Yogi Bhajan: Counseling does not mean telling someone what is fair to them or to you. Counseling is putting people back on the rails. Whenever a human mind or a human body or a human projection gets off the track, counseling is used to put it back on. It is always fair but sometimes the disaster is so bad and someone may be off the tracks so much that it is very difficult to put him back on. That will bother you. Some people are so sick that you don't want to deal with them. But if you have a lot of compassion and a lot of health and a lot of life, you will like bringing them back onto the track. Talking, counseling, consoling, advising, all of that is the track. But God, if you don’t know the track, and you try to put someone on the track, and there's no track, you've got hot stuff on your hands. You had better know the track.

The mind must play and you must play. The game of life is "I, you and us." Whenever you mess up something in the game, life will bring you pain. Play fairly, play justly, and play gracefully.

Q: Should that be like pratyahar, while we're doing the do, we meditate on not doing the don't?

Yogi Bhajan: No, no. You don't understand. Do the do's and do the don'ts. The don'ts have to be done, too. You act out what you're not supposed to, that's why the don'ts






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aren't done. It is atotal mental problem with all you Western people. I have seen it for 14 years. You are oriented just to

do the do's.

Q: You mean if the don'ts occur to you, you should do them?

Yogi Bhajan: Speak the truth. That is a do.

Don't tell a lie. That is a don't.

Q: So if it occurs to me to tell a lie, what should I do?

Yogi Bhajan: Don't do it because that is doing the don't. It only works that way. Doing is your nature. It is your nature to flow with life. You keep flowing, you keep doing. It is what you want to do. You want to do everything, including the don'ts.

"Thou shalt not kill." It is a commandment, so why do you kill? Because you don't do the don'ts. "Thou shalt not kill." In that case, no Christian or Jew shall eat meat, right? That is not practicing the don't. The main problem, the main mental problem of this world is that we don't do the don'ts.

Q: Is not doing the don'ts like avoiding the issue, not confronting?

Yogi Bhajan: It's avoiding the happiness of life. It's avoiding success. A Sikh shall do sadhana. A Sikh shall not miss sadhana. When both the do's and the don'ts are done, then you will have a posture. The posture of your personality is essential for life. Project your posture, not you.

Q: Sir, earlier you said project you and nothing else. How is that different from projecting your posture?

Yogi Bhajan: You have to become the posture. Your posture is that which everybody understands you to be. You will have a posture when everybody in the world knows that you do the don'ts and you do the do's. If people come to know that you only do the do's and don't do the don'ts, you won't have a posture. You are not confirmed. .

When you study to be a doctor, you must pass an examination. When you pass, you are confirmed to be a doctor; you are examined and confirmed to practice. Then what is your posture? Dr. So-and-So, or Scnand-So, D.C. This is called posture. Posture gives people general trust in you. It gives people a general public relation about you. It can tell people what you can do and what you can’t do. It gives people trust in you. You carry the trust and you deliver. Nothing else.

Don't forget to remember: you need "you" and "us". We forget it all the time. We push the "1" to the point that we create our own disasters. "I" needs "you" and "us." That is the name of the game. Play the game fairly.

The mental game. The mental reach. What is'mental-reach? It is reaching everybody mentally to create a relationship, to create mental understanding. The mental reach should be to create a mental understanding; "He's fair." "He's my friend." "He can do this." "No, it is not to be expected of him. Impossible,..forget...it. I will bet on it." Why do people do this for you? Because you have created a mental reach. Let your mental game be known. Let it be known that your mental game is fair, that it excels. Your mental reach should be genuine, and it must create an understanding. You mental profile should be just,, fair and neutral. Think these words, "He is just, fair and neutral." How does it sound? "He's just, fair and neutral." It's a mental attitude. "He's kind and he listens." Not listening is the biggest crime in the mental game. Listen more. Speak less.

Now, I'll tell you the secret. If you put the physical and the mental together, what does it give you? Professional success, everlasting professional success in every field. You didn't believe that I could cover the subject so quickly, did you?

Next time, weTI go totally into the professional foundations, such as balance sheets and how to balance them, how to balance activities, how to differentiate between-sales and supply and demand, their effects, and all those kinds of topics. Then we'll talk about economic vigilance. That's very important. Professionally, we fail primarily because we don't create economic vigilance. It is a technical area but it is essential to go through these basics,

Q: Although we only covered two topics in a list of 16, you summed it all up in the end. However, I wanted to hear more about hearing habits, number 16.

Yogi Bhajan: Well cover that. We'll go slowly, slowly, slowly to-the subject because it is not professionally right to overdose you. and-then ..try to get results. Theidea is to ' keep a successful human being. The idea is not to teach the subject, .Do you see this? .-'(See, Figure 7.9)-. If. the filament' is surrounded by a vacuum, we have light. That vacuum is the vacuum of ego. Whether or not to surround your ego with a vacuum is your choice, my friends. But when there's no vacuum, we have a heater a heater gives off very little light.

Q: Is the vacuum of ego self-control?

Yogi Bhajan: Self-illumination. -

Q: How is the vacuum created?

Yogi Bhajan: When you eat up your own ego. Now, there's one exercise for success that 1would like you to do. Reach the point where you can perfect it, and then let me know how great you are.

Q: Is there a correct and incorrect way to clear the monkey glands?

Yogi Bhajan: The correct way is to take your toothbrush, brush your teeth and the back of your tongue; rub the back of the tongue properly and you'll throw up. The whole congestion around the monkey glands will come out. It is there. ■

l a M To Man

i 165

Meditation for Success

September 25, 1982

Posture: Sit down in a yogic posture, chin in, chest out.

Mudra: Put your right hand over your left, palms down, just in front of the Heart Center. Keep the elbows up and balanced. Lock your hands in place. Don't shift your hands or your posture throughout the meditation.

Mantra: Inhale deep, look at the tip of your nose, and chant very rapidly, 12 times per breath:

Wha-hay Quroo, Wha-hay Quroo, Wha-hay Quroo, Wha-


jio should be loud and clear no matter how fast you may go.

Time: 3 1 Minutes

Comments: Practice it early in the morning when you have eaten nothing. Clear your monkey glands, then take a glass of warm water with vinegar and honey in it. (I use about half an ounce of vinegar, malt vinegar, and about a teaspoon of honey. It is about 4 :1, vinegar to honey, mixed into the warm water.) Then do this exercise.

Man To Man

Singing gurbani kirtan is very silent. You have to cut down everything to create the music and the words and the sound. Kirtan is the absolute experience ofsilence because nothing isyours.

Q: With the meditation does it matter whether it's before or after sadhana?

Yogi Bhajan: No, it's your personal choice, but you can't have eaten.

Q: Is there any pressure on the hands, up or down?

Yogi Bhajan: Nothing.

Q: If your mind is totally meditative, you've done this and you've done that and your pratyahar is good ...

Yogi Bhajan: What is pratyahar? I'll tell you what it is since you want to know. In pranayam, it is from you to God outward. In pratyahar, it is from you to God inward. (See Figure 7.10)

Q: When I do pratyahar, I take whatever emotion I'm feeling and

just attach it to the mantra. If I'm angry, I start doing Wahe Guru Wahe Guru, pretty soon the mantra neutralizes my anger and I'm gone. Is that the way I should live my whole life?

Yogi Bhajan: Well, ultimately you don't have to bother. You don't have to do things to create that neutrality. Ultimately, you'll start doing it. Habit. Habit does it. Create a habit.

Pranayam, pratyahar are habits.

Q: Sir, is silence silence?

Yogi Bhajan: Silence is not the outside silence but the inside.

Q: What about an expression of a sound, like singing out loud or doing a mantra internally.

Yogi Bhajan: That's very silent. Singing gurbani kirtan is very silent. You have to cut down everything to create the music and the words and the sound. Kirtan is the absolute experience of silence because nothing is yours.

,Q: Then there's no such thing as silence? There's only cutting down all the noise so you can hear the sound of life?

Yogi Bhajan: You are crazy. Your life atom is vibrant. (See Figure 7.11) How can it be silent? Silence happens when there is nothing that is yours.

Q: Sir, did Gurmukhi develop in trying to communicate that ex­ perience of silence?

Yogi Bhajan: Guru Angad brought it directly from God. He became a part of Guru Nanak and he manifested that as Gurmukhi. He knew what he was talking about.

Q: Sir, how did Guru Nanak pass on his essence? The gurus are all one, they're all Nanak, but what does that mean? How did Guru Nanak pass into Guru Angad,

Guru Amar Das, etc. ? What happens?

Yogi Bhajan: Hey, fool! A part of me lives in you. You don't accept the whole, that's why you cheat on me. I have passed into many. What's the difficulty?

n a M To Man

Pratyahar-Pranayam Sank Chalnee Kriya

September 25, 1982

Posture: Sit down, putting your weight on your feet, try to stand up. Slowly, slowly, there’s no hurry. Come all the way up onto your toes, and try to fly. Then come back down into the starting position.

Eyes: Keep your eyes open.

Time: It should take you one minute to get up and one minute to get back down.

Comments: Don’t do more than 52 repetitions per day. You will be flying yogis. Your breathing will be automatic after the first few minutes and then you will breathe through every pore of your skin. The breath is a very special pranic breath. It’s a man’s challenge, and it is a very, very sacred exercise. If you really want to experience life, then do it sometime.



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Note: This photo doesn’t show the final pose— up on your toes, flying. Arms are suggestive only; you can interpret flying as you like.

Q: Sir, if every atom has a soul and we as human beings

have one soul to relate t o ...

Yogi Bhajan: Every part of you is a part of that soul.

Q: Where is God?

Yogi Bhajan: I don't know where. Somewhere. Do you want to do a pratyahar-pranayam exercise? It will make you feel good.

Q: Can you cross your ankles when you get up or do you have to keep them straight?

Yogi Bhajan: Either way. It suits each metabolism, each height and each weight differently. Sank chalnee: Sank means conch and conch is the Navel Point. Chalnee means "starts it." It is a meditation and a pranayam complete within itself.

I want to conclude this course by lecturing to you about the most important part of the mental aspect. It is called mental play. Mental play is playing, mentally, that you are you; that youshould be successful, you should be powerful, you should be grabbing, you should be in control, you should be known, you should be understood, you should be loved, you should be this, you should be that. Actually that is self-defeat. Why? Because you are " I," and "I" has to have a "you," and "you" has to have something to play with. I must have you to play with, and you must have I to play with, and you and I must play, and somebody must watch the play. In that way, we are always I, you and us. If you understand this, you understand the whole thing.

I need you. You need me. And there is somebody who understands what this need is about and that is us. Therefore it is I, you and us. Anyone who lives only by "I" will live in pain and frustration. Anyone who lives by "you and I" will live in disappointment. But anyone who will live in "I, you and us" will live fulfilled, happy ancf groovy. Mental play is I, you and ...

Q: Us.

Yogi Bhajan: Us. That's the keynote.

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