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V.V. Polovinkin, E.A. Aleshugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Tourism in the national economy complex relates to the infrastructure sector, in particular, to the socio-cultural infrastructure. It provides human needs for recreation, entertainment, etc. But at the same time, as a type of economic activity, tourism cannot exist without an appropriate infrastructure supporting it.

Under the infrastructure is usually understood: the totality of certain types of auxiliary components in social production; a set of conditions that ensures favorable development of entrepreneurship in key sectors of the economy and satisfies the needs of the population; the foundation for the development of all other sectors of the economy, the base serving their functioning and development; part of national wealth, not directly related to a particular sector of the economy.

Tourism in the national economy complex relates to the infrastructure sector, in particular, to the socio-cultural infrastructure. It provides human needs for recreation, entertainment, etc. But at the same time, as a type of economic activity, tourism cannot exist without an appropriate infrastructure supporting it. The common infrastructure includes those elements that are created not only for tourism, but also for other fields of activity and industries, including roads, water supply, banks, insurance companies, etc. To ensure tourism, they are used as common resources, but tourism cannot exist without them. One should distinguish between the infrastructure created by man (vehicles, accommodation, museums, themed entertainment complexes, etc.) and the infrastructure created by nature and used for tourist purposes (seas, lakes, waterfalls, forests, etc.). The tourism infrastructure includes a variety of tourist resources, because any infrastructure includes all those service components, without which the activity in question is impossible. Tourist resources are the foundation that forms the tourist interest and provides motivation for tourists. Based on the analysis of the studied literature and documents (Regional Target Program "Development of tourism in the city of Nizhny Novgorod" for 2018 - 2020. With changes to January 21, 2019, it was concluded about the degree of development of accommodation services in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

In particular, the program for the development of inbound and domestic tourism in Nizhegorodskaya states that the infrastructure of accommodation of the Nizhny Novgorod region (according to 2018 data) is represented by 179 collective accommodation facilities with a total capacity of 9.3 thousand places. The share of the Nizhny Novgorod Region in the total number of CSRs in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF) is 2.1%. By the number of KSR Nizhny Novgorod region is on the 11th place in the Russian Federation.


The share of the Nizhny Novgorod region in the total number of CSWs and the number of places among them among the regions of the Volga Federal District is 10% and it ranks fourth[Table 1.1] and [Fig.1].

From 2017 to 2018, in the hotel industry of the region, the trend of reducing the share of hotels and similar accommodation facilities has remained. At the same time, the level of loading of the number of rooms in the region grewby an average of 10%. There was an increase in the number of people placedfrom 433 thousand in 2017 to 2018 increased by 11% (from 12.8 to 14.1

Figure 1. The utilization rate of the number of funds of the CSR of the subjects of the Russian Federation included in the Volga Federal District

Positive trends are observed in the tourist and recreational sphere: the number of comfortable accommodation facilities is increasing: the Volga business pension, the Diveevskaya Sloboda hotel complex, the Chayka country hotel, the Columbus country clubs, Aquatoria, the reconstruction of the sanatoriums "Filippovsky", "Nizhegorodsky", "Gorodetsky", "them. The AllUnion Central Council of Trade Unions and Trade Unions and the United States of America. Etc.

Among the negative trends: the need for reconstruction and refurbishment of most of the means of accommodation, the cost of consulting and marketing leads to an increase in the cost of the tourist product, which becomes uncompetitive neither in the Russian nor in the foreign market. For example, the cost of a voucher (accommodation, meals and a minimum set of procedures) for 1 week in a boarding house in the Nizhny Novgorod region, corresponding to a 2-3 * Turkish hotel in comfort, will cost $ 350. For this amount, not only a foreign,


but also a Russian tourist can relax in a 4 * hotel in Turkey, moreover, taking into account the cost of air travel and transfers.Youth tourism is temporary trips (travels) of citizens aged 15 to 24 years from a permanent place of residence with a duration of not more than six months for the purpose of rest, study, study other cultures, gain life and professional experience in the country (place). By age, five segments are distinguished: children's tourism (0–14 years old); 5% youth tourism (15–24 years old); 38% tourism active age (25–44 years old); 34% middle age tourism (45–64 years old); 21% elderly tourism (over 64 years old). 2% Based on the data presented in charts 1.2 and 1.3, it can be concluded that among the students of great importance is physical motivation, that is, rest, treatment and sport. No less important is the psychological motivation, that is, the desire to see something new, the need to change the situation. A distinctive feature of young people is the desire to communicate. Many people are looking for the necessary social contacts during the trip. Of great importance in this group is visiting friends, acquaintances, relatives. Thus, interpersonal motivation is of particular importance. Cultural motivation turned out to be less pronounced, implying acquaintance with other countries and regions, their customs, traditions and languages, interest in art, as well as religious reasons.

Figure 2 The most attractive places for youth

Figure 3. 1 Route: Nizhny Novgorod - Gorodets, sports camp "Zhdanovets" - Semenov - Nizhny Novgorod

The preferences of young people during travel are: visiting bars, excursions, shopping, passive recreation, gastronomy, trips to nature. As a result of the segmentation, we see that the youth niche of consumers is large and mainly attracts young people: the opportunity to change the situation, see new places, get acquainted with the culture of other regions, communicate with new people, have fun. The project of the combined youth tourist route Nizhny Novgorod - Gorodets


- Semenov - Nizhny Novgorod Duration of travel: 2 days Route: Nizhny Novgorod - Gorodets, sports camp "Zhdanovets" - Semenov - Nizhny Novgorod Day 1 07.00 group gathering - departure 09.30 stop in Zavolzhye - a brief excursion into the history of the city. 10.15 arrival in Gorodets 10.30 meeting with the local guide. Excursion in Gorodets, visiting planned sights 13.00 - 14.00 lunch in the dining room "Aurora" 14.00 departure to "Zhdanovets" 15.00 accommodation in the camp. After free time, playing sports. 18.00 - 19.00 dinner. After dinner free time participating in sports activities and camp life Day 2 08.00 morning exercises, running 09.00 - 10.00 Breakfast 10.15 group gathering, departure to Semenov 12.00 arrival in the city center, meeting with the local guide. City tour 15.00 - 16.00 lunch 16.00 - 17.30 free time for selfexploration of the city, buying souvenirs 17.30 departure to Nizhny Novgorod 19.00 arrival in the city. The number of participants in the tour is 42 people, also for the attendant and the bus driver, the tour is calculated and included in the cost of the tour. As a result, the cost of visiting one tourist of the combined youth route "Nizhny Novgorod - Gorodets - Semenov - Nizhny Novgorod" is 1815 rubles. And costs 76230 r. [Fig. 3]. The calculation is visible in the table on the slide. With the company's earnings, the price for a group is 92400 rubles, for a tourist - 2200 rubles.


Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The history of the new society the creation of which began in Russia after the October Revolution of 1917, was traditionally depicted in Soviet science as a successfully developing ongoing process. This was especially true of the reorganization of everyday life, family life, household system, housing, leisure which had a direct impact on the formation of the image of the “new man”.

The construction of the Automobile Plant in Nizhny Novgorod (the city of Gorky), like all the processes taking place in the Soviet State was based on an ideological decision on the importance and feasibility of developing this particular place and was based on strict legally established regulation and centralized distribution.

However, in any society there are rules that are not formally fixed anywhere. These are the norms of morality, customs and traditions. Rules of this kind form the basis of population mentality which in turn are closely related to the style of its daily life.


Along with commonality of the territorial space, a special kind of community of consciousness is gradually being created - a mentality that can be considered as the presence of people of the same culture or common features of the mentality of a national-ethnic community, mentality, expression of the sociopsychological state of people.

Each of the eight districts of Nizhny Novgorod is unique in its own way, each has its own face and, undoubtedly, its architectural appearance. The historical center and the new districts located in the river part of the city are especially different. But even against the background of other district of Nizhny Novgorod, Avtozavodsky district stands out. It is distinguished by its scale, special rhythm and atmosphere. And this is not surprising, because the district did not begin in the cramped historical building in the center of the city, and not among the semivillage type buildings, as in Sormovo, but almost from scratch, in the empty fields of the suburban village of Monastyrki on the left bank of the Oka.

A car factory ... In this word, for Nizhny Novgorod, there is a romance of a distant and unprecedented construction site, a series of trucks and cars that dominated our roads for more than half a century, a special warehouse of people who rallied around the idea of building a giant factory, and, of course, the special architecture of a socialist city, which has already become the property of history [2, p.240].

Thousands of young people came to a new construction site from all over the country and all of them needed housing and basic household services. Basically, they were immigrants from villages and villages who knew peasant work well, but had no idea who and how they would work in a construction site and factory. The mass consciousness of the peasants who arrived at the construction site was distinguished by patriarchy and a higher level of religiosity, so the enthusiasm of the 30s was more the result of a blind faith in socialism than an understanding of its meaning.

The population mentality, especially the younger generation, formed the idea of happiness as the result of martyrdom, self-denial in the name of the ideas of communism and the common good against which the life of an individual does not have a high price or significant meaning. Such concepts as religiosity, timidity, meekness, and sentimentality, servility, obedience, and peacefulness were excluded from human life. The “new man” should have possessed such qualities as discipline, courage, courage, strength, tenacity, perseverance, confidence, vigor.

The "new mass man" was to constitute the main pillar of the Soviet regime. The theorists of Marxism and the leaders of the Russian revolution considered workers the most suitable “material” for creating such a person.

The construction of a residential area of the Automobile Plant occurs simultaneously with the auto giant. The laying of the future plant took place on May 2, 1930, and already in May the first barges were settled. On the once deserted coppice appeared East, West, North and American villages.


The builders of the Automobile Plant called the erected first quarters of the working village in the spirit of the times - a socialist city. The name "Sotsgorod" has survived to the present time having long lost its ideological burden, it conveys to us the unique spirit of that era, awakens the memory of the first builders who made the impossible. In the dugouts, huts and huts among the swampy swamps, a dream of a new city was born.

The social city at the Automobile Plant was conceived as an exemplary city - a commune in which the ideal of future collectivist forms of life will be embodied. In the district, the idea of a clear zoning of the territory was realized. The plant is an industrial zone, then - a transport zone, then - a green zone - a square. Behind the green zone, the communal began. The spatial organization of urban settlements was also determined by rational principles of economic planning.

The first stone in the first residential building was laid on May 16, 1930 - the house on Zhdanov Avenue (Youth Avenue). This was the first house of the so-called “heel” - the commune’s house, which consisted of five four-story blocks, interconnected by easy transitions along the second floor. In the fall of 1931, houses began to be populated. It was supposed to build five “heels”, but construction was discontinued. The ultimate socialization of life has not paid off.

It is known that one of the tenets of socialist utopia was the creation of phalanxists - communal houses. Here it seemed possible to accustom people to collectivism, to free them from the hardships of domestic work, from family ties and, in general, from everything petty and private, which could slow down the process of forming a “new man”. In general, on Russian soil there was already a rather sad experience in creating a “phalanx”, a kind of shared housing of the future [1,p.159].

For 17 months, by November 1, 1931, the construction of the automobile plant was basically completed, in January 1, 1932 it went into operation. Behind these facts there is unbearably hard, mostly manual labor, living in temporary huts, lack of a minimum of amenities, malnutrition, enthusiasm and belief!

When the car factory was still gaining strength, in 1937 the famous sevenstory radius house was built. According to the builders of the Socialist city, each building in the city of the future should be distinguished not only by the conveniences of life and economy, but also by beauty, that is, it should have become a real masterpiece. That is what the radius house became, combining benefit, strength and beauty.

This house was originally unusual and elite. The distribution system of apartments “from above” itself excluded random people from getting here. By social status, these were a variety of people: bosses, honored workers, teachers, doctors. The apartments in the house were also different - separate, but mostly communal.

In Russian, the concept of "house" has many meanings. They can describe


the architectural structure of almost any purpose; a place where the spiritual atmosphere is most comfortable for a particular person (the expression "as at home"); a system of well-organized economy and tribal relations of people. Thus, in the sign-word “house”, certain attributes of material culture and elements of mentality are encoded [1, p.178].

The everyday life of communal apartments deprived the people living in it of even a small piece of a hidden personal life to which a person is so drawn. The most hidden side of life became the property of the entire apartment. And this could not fail to suit the state which built its policy on the principles of total personality control. Housing in Soviet Society has ceased to be just a place of rest, consumption, a rather closed sphere of private life. It turned into a social institution in which the norms of behavior were largely determined by sanitary and housing standards, as well as the structure of the home. Ideology, the core of all Soviet reality, and its materialized reality (sanitary, housing, communal and financial standards) made it possible to use an apartment, room, corner as a mechanism for educating a new Soviet person.

The number of communal apartments at the Avtozavod, like most large cities, continued to grow.

The Soviet Union won the Second World War, created an atomic bomb, launched into space the world's first artificial satellite of the Earth, and itself eventually ceased to exist, and the life of “crow's villages” remained oppressively heavy and humiliating for human dignity [1, p.202]. Up to now, communal apartments have been preserved on the ground floor of the radius house.

The development of Avtozavodsky district, not constrained by almost any existing structures, differs sharply from the reconstructed parts of the city in its grandiose, completely new scale.

And up to the present, in spite of numerous later “strata,” one can feel the scope of that time - the era of the first five-year plans, the era of historical optimism and bright hopes for the future. The streets of Avtozavodsky district are wide, houses occupy entire neighborhoods. Green spaces generously filled spacious yards, boulevards, industrial enterprises.

A car factory is a unique space, a “city in a city”, a “new city”, built in accordance with the ideas and ideology of our country in the 1920s and 1930s. It is interesting, but until now car makers feel their certain isolation from the rest of Nizhny Novgorod, especially with regard to its upland part. Many car manufacturers (especially the older generation) still say “I will go to the city” instead of “I will go to the upland part”. The older generation of the district’s inhabitants influences young people, creating a stable traditional attitude to the historical events and spiritual values of their time, causing emotional involvement





Avtozavodsky district in Nizhny Novgorod is still considered a factory "city


the city" with its own layout,

infrastructure, mentality and lifestyle.

The car factory together with the whole country experienced all stages of its life.


The time of perestroika also changed the life of the automobile manufacturers themselves. Many of the veterans painfully embraced the new trends. They can be understood: it is difficult to change the beliefs of youth, especially due to the fact that most people had sincere ones. The Gorky Automobile Plant has already entered its page in the history of our city and country, but the new time requires completely different qualities from people working in the global automotive market. The main thing here is not the romance of pioneering enthusiasts, but the competitiveness and ability to see the future development of the enterprise, the viability of which depends on the fate of thousands and thousands of car manufacturers[2,p.241].


1.Levina N.B. Everyday life of the Soviet city: Norms and anomalies. 1920-1930 / N.B. Levina.-SPb.: Because of the "Summer Garden, 1999.- 320s.

2. Naumova O.I. 100 biographies of the houses of the Lower: Each house has its own fate / O.I. Naumova.- N.Nov .: Iz-in Quartz, 2013.- 256с.

S. R. Sharifullina, K. D. Malysheva, A. A. Sokolova

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


A clear comparison of European universities with NNGASU gives us the best opportunity to learn about the life of the students community in the countries of the Bologna zone, to see and understand the differences in the culture and appearance of universities and territories of universitycampuses. It can also be an important study for the implementation of new modern ideas concerning zoning and architectural landscape organization of the space of our university.

Studying this issue we have gained new knowledge, as well as useful experience in the field of territorial arrangement of university campuses. We also made new friends who willingly helped us in finding information.

We got acquainted with the websites of universities, found fellow students on social networks, talked with students who had experience of internships in European universities. Since we did not find official information regulating the organization of the campus space our conclusions are based on visual observations, subjective impressions and information from third parties.

For comparison we took universities close in academic status, located in an urban environment.


The following ideas were proposed for improving the campus of NNGASU. Firstly, it would be a good idea to create a single architectural and landscape ensemble of the territory using and cultivating all the existing free islands of the territory. Secondly, zoning of the territory for recreation between classes (lawns, benches), for physical education (health corner) will be very useful for students, teachers and employees of the university. Of course, green spaces will also enrich the overall look of the campus and will have a beneficial effect on our health.

Prokopenko M. S.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The microclimatic (micro-weather) monitoring is becoming more and more relevant in Germany. One of such cause of the growth of concern is the increased danger of heat shock, heat shock and sunstroke, lat. apoplexia solaris. In large cities, including Cologne, this leads to the premature death of thousands of people a year, mass-media sources are regularly publish information about the need to take precautions.

In addition, among environmental problems in Germany, including Cologne, there is such problem as increased traffic in the cities. Cologne's roads have already reached their capacity limits. The growth of traffic has a detrimental effect on the well-being of citizens. According to specialists, the ‘contribution” of road transport to the atmosphere is up to 90% for carbon monoxide and 70% for nitric oxide [1].

Protection and improvement of the environment as one of the problems of urban planning is an integral part of the design planning work at all design stages, starting with the general settlement scheme in the country, region and ending with the detailed planning project and projects of individual city elements.

The most important option of the tool for solving the problems mentioned above – online monitoring air pollution produced by vehicles using traffic jam data [1]. Today one tool, which solves these problems, already exists. Its name is EcoRoutes. This tool is the Internet site, which ensures the monitoring for the urban environment on user and professional levels, using Free Internet of Things data. A test version of the tool is available at http://eco-routes.appspot.com/.

This article describes the experimental analysis of microclimatic parameters, which will serve as the next step to an attempt of adaptation and utilization of the EcoRoutes project on the territory of Germany. [1].


The following experimental locations were selected for this stage of the project: transportation hubs, tourist area, green zone, Rhine embankment. Each of the selected locations has its own characteristics, depending on the area, the perceived temperature, wind speed and air pollution indicators will be different. Therefore, we choose as an object of research places where people gather in the absence of wind, and in contrast to them, places with good cooling due to the powerful wind flow (in Cologne, north-westerly and westerly winds prevail). By determining the most optimal conditions during the analysis of microclimatic parameters, the application will be capable to develop a favorable route.

For measuring microclimatic parameters (temperature and wind speed), in selected areas the following equipment was used:

Testo 435-4 - One-channel, 4 - Multifunction indoor air quality measuring instrument (figure 1).

Figure 1. Testo 435-4

Measurements at each of the selected locations were carried out for 20 minutes, with a frequency of 1 measured in 5 seconds. Thus, in each location were obtained 240 values of temperature and wind speed. The day after carrying out of the experiment, the microclimatic data was obtained from an open Internet resource. It is important to emphasize that on June 25, 2019 extreme temperature conditions were registered in Cologne. After carrying out of experimental measurements, the microclimate parameters obtained were compared with their values from the open weather sources (figure 3).


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