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Figure.4. Example "After" and "Before" improvements in a special program

5) And at the end of the review of all works, summarizing and identifying the best projects [Fig.5].

Figure.5 Finished project on the tablet

In conclusion it is necessary to note that the design should solve a lot of complex problems. The architect must always follow the basic rules of "Benefit, strength, beauty". Thanks to new technologies, today it is possible to carry out quickly and qualitatively design work, in details to work out all spaces, it is more exact, evident and allows to see many subtleties.

I.S. Zuykova, E.A. Aleshugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The system of correctional pedagogy is developing in the modern world. New methods and ways of solving problems associated with the education of the younger generation are opened. Unfortunately, the problem of orphanhood is


actual, although many services are working to solve this problem, this is not enough due to the specifics and scale of this problem.

The object of research: new method of correctional pedagogy. Purpose is to consider the new method of correctional pedagogy.

Correctional pedagogy is a part of pedagogy, which studies the necessary conditions of education for children with various psycho-physical disabilities to achieve the highest possible level of personal development, education and prepare for adult life. The main task of this pedagogy is to develop methodological and theoretical foundations of special education systems.

The object of this pedagogy are children in a difficult life situation, it is not only children with developmental delays, as well as those for whom the process of socialization is more difficult. This may include children from orphanages, children from bad families, who especially need help in the formation, education and adaptation in the modern world.

There are several technologies for special education:

1.Game technologies – it forms the personality of the child through the organization of the game activity having developing character. This technology is considered the most accessible due to the fact that every child can play the games.

2.Personality-oriented technologies, which are based on the organization of the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics and children abilities.

3.Art Therapy technologies (music therapy, phototherapy, game therapy, isotherapy, etc.). It is various kinds of art, which correct violations of psychosomatic, psycho-emotional processes and deviations in personal development through stimulating artistic and creative manifestations.

4.The different education technology is the creation of conditions for children education with different abilities and problems by distributing students into groups.

5.Individual approach is the kind of pedagogy, according to which in the process of educational work the teacher interacts with students on an individual model, taking into account their personal characteristics.

Circus pedagogy is a modern approach of special education, as an example, I would like to describe the new technology which is realized in Upsala-Circus.

Circus pedagogy is a new method of children socialization and adaptation, in which the child becomes a part of the circus team and acquires new life skills.

Circus pedagogy creates a space for creative and physical development, which helps children to determine their place in the world and society, it is easier to understand who they want to be in adult life and to build communication with people. Circus art perfectly develops the children’s potential, they acquire the skills of teamwork, have the opportunity of safe risk, as well as performances, spectators and tours.

Of course, the teacher plays the important role in this process. They have circus education and work experience with children. The pedagogical staff


includes an artistic Director and a Director, a coach, a choreographer, a social pedagogue and a social worker. The teacher should not only teach children but also accompany them on tour, spend holidays with children, organize events and holidays.

Teachers look for an individual approach to each child, because the students of Uppsala Circus are mainly from bad families and have features in the character. It is necessary to teach children to work in a team, because the circus a well-coordinated team. Also, one of the most important task for teachers is to cause great interest in children and the need to attend circus classes.

Children learn how to control their bodies through regular exercises, learning tricks and overcoming fears. The circus pedagogy is directed on the students.

Upsala circus was founded in 2000 in St. Petersburg by Acrid Shore and Larisa Afanasyeva. Their purpose was the rehabilitation of children living on the street, now Uppsala Circus has become an innovative social and cultural organization and the only "circus for hooligans" in Russia. For the organizers, the most important thing was to attract and interest children. Now it is a second home for children, where they spend every day after school.

The mission of Uppsala-Circus: to develop the creative potential and creativity in every person.

Purpose: to change the life and social status of children with the help of modern circus art.

Uppsala Circus tries to give means for socialization in society and promote their development and growth.

Uppsala circus works with children at social risk, some of whom live in their families, some in orphanages, as well as with teenagers who are out of the law.

The method of Uppsala Circus is based on the combination of two directions: modern circus art and social pedagogy, which create an environment for social, cultural and social development of children. Social pedagogy helps children to adapt to society and the world, the circus creates a space in which children can learn to be aware of themselves, develop creatively and perceive the world around them. Circus art is a modern tool for the development of the potential of children and teenagers from social risk groups, because children from disadvantaged families do not have the opportunity to develop and show their talent.

Speaking about the methods and the circus forms of work, it is important to mention that classes are held in mixed age groups. So, in one group there may be children from 7 to 17 years with different levels of training. This is done to ensure that children begin to build relationships, develop communication skills between girls and boys, learn responsibility for themselves and others. Working together, teenagers are aware of their personal boundaries. The performances represent the


result of everyone's work, embodying creativity and dialogue with the world that is very important.

In conclusion, I would like to note that Uppsala Circus copes with its tasks, children are often sent on tour to other countries, they participate in charity performances, attend cultural events and develop not only physically but also morally. Students of Uppsala circus acquire skills of teamwork, leadership, which helps them after graduation. Uppsala circus has successfully released more than one generation of children, some of whom continued circus activities, some – teaching. It is important to note that in its activities, this organization uses all the technologies of correctional pedagogy, which were mentioned earlier. Thus, it can be noted that correctional pedagogy is developing and finding new methods of successful realization at the present time.


1.The Method Of Upsala – Circus. "How to teach children to fly or take care of bullies!"Larisa Afanasyeva, Anna Eliseeva, [URL:] https://docplayer.ru/35153401-Metod-upsala-cirka-the-upsala-circus-method.html

2.Almanac No. 5 " Special psychology and correctional pedagogy. To the question of terminology," [URL:]https://alldef.ru/ru/articles/almanah- 5/korrekcionnaja-specialnaja-pedagogika

3.Article:" Social pedagogy under the circus dome " Anna Averina, ASISt. Petersburg

A.A. Juravleva, E.A. Aleshugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Today it is very actual to describe the domain knowledge with the help of language knowledge and organization of stored knowledge to develop new knowledge and combining them with existing, to derive new knowledge from existing, to find the required knowledge for elimination of obsolete knowledge for the implementation of the interface between the user and the knowledge people have learned to create models and systems of knowledge representation.

The subject of the research is knowledge representation models. Model of knowledge representation consists of data, information and knowledge. Data are in turn separate the facts that characterize objects, processes and phenomena in the subject area and their properties. Information is the result of the conversion and data analysis. Knowledge is fixed and tested in practice, processed information identified patterns domain (principles, communication, law) allowing


to solve the problems in this area. Data becomes information and information becomes knowledge. Knowledge stored in the knowledge Base, which is part of the expert system containing the subject knowledge displayed of a particular formal model, and metaknowledge.

Models of knowledge representation are divided into several classes:

formal logical model;

production model;

semantic network;


Most useful models are Semantic networks and Frames.

Semantic networks are directed graph whose vertices are concepts and arcs relationships between them. Its main advantage is that it is more consistent with modern concepts about the organization of long-term memory.

Frames is an abstract way to represent the stereotype of an object, concept or situation. This model appeared to combine the declarative knowledge about objects, events and their properties and procedural knowledge about methods to retrieve information and achieve goals. The most important property of this model is the inheritance of properties at AKO-relations. Slot AKO Frey indicates a higher level of the hierarchy, where implicitly inherited, i.e. migrated the list and values of slots.

Main objective models of knowledge representation are:

1.Finding concepts for constructing vertices in the directed graph.

2.Identification of relations between concepts for creation of arches.

3.The identification of inheritance between knowledge about objects and building slots AKO with connections.

We need to choose a subject area to build models. Such area is "School". It is possible to identify all the knowledge and just define the concepts and relationships between objects.

For the Semantic web it is necessary to choose objects that will be linked. They are: Class, Director, buildings, teachers, pupils, parents, teachers Council, Deputy Director and the like. The link looks like this: «"Concept" -> this "object"» [Fig 1.].

Next, we constructed the model Frame, which consists of the AKO slot. For each slot, specify the slot name, the properties possessed by a concept, the value of a slot and a method of producing meanings, which filled the slot, and then fill in the AKO slot, which will be one of the properties of the previous slot, and writes the name of the slot in the second header line of the slot [Fig.2].


Figure 1. Semantic network


Figure 2. The model of the Frame:

These models make it much easier to present existing knowledge and quickly acquire it to users.


I.O. Novikova, E.A. Belous

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The research work entitled “Integration of interior design, video and lighting. The future of video walls and display systems” is devoted to the study of the interior design changes.

The relevance of the work is considerable as in today’s digitally intensive world pleasure is taken both tactile materials and interactive experiences. In that regard, there is a significant increase in the use of video walls, which have become an essential element in the interior design.

Video walls transform any blank wall space into an engaging and informative digital platform. They are successfully used in communication. That option is quite profitable and effective. Video walls provide dynamic content opportunities for large stores, restaurants, shopping centers and other public places, ensuring strong and effective interaction with the audience. Video walls are sometimes found in control rooms, stadiums, airports and other large public venues. The rise of narrow pixel pitch LED made it possible to use LED video walls in interior design.

Video walls can have a large square area with completely seamless image quality. Dynamic and attention-grabbing content encourages people to stay longer in the space and imprints the experience in their memory. Video walls will undoubtedly make the interior of the house or the image of the company unique.

Video wall displays are usually made of a tiled arrangement of monitors, panels, or projection screens. Tiling multiple displays together can create an extremely large, multi-HD display surface. Video walls can be built in flat, curved, or even three-dimensional shapes. They can be small enough to be portable or large enough to fill a multi-story atrium.

Rapid advances in architectural video walls redefine interior spaces by providing endless possibilities for creative expression and by offering a dynamic new way to deliver art and information. With the help of video wall technology it is possible to make checkout area more appealing or imitation windows in a cafe with elements of virtual reality. By installing the elements of such system on the trading floor, the interior can be changed according to the season, day of the week, and advertising campaign.

For example, video walls add dynamics and artistry to the daily life of the busy town centre in San Francisco. The city image is constantly changing. The installation of two video walls in the halls of the city’s financial center indicates emerging new trends in the architectural design of buildings (Fig.1). A video wall installed on the ground floor at the entrance to the building is clearly visible from


the outside. As a result, a typical lobby in the business district turns almost into an art gallery, which people go past on their way to elevators or catering area.

Fig.1 Lobby of San Francisco Public Utility Commission

There is a unique example of the media project in Moscow, Restaurant Matryoshka, where designers have lived out a circular video wall of 96 displays, a common channelized interface, and management of all restaurant functions from a tablet, light shows, and various types of lighting with rotary scanners (Fig.2). The aim of the project was to create a multifunctional space for a comfortable rest and watching video, so that guests from different zones do not interfere with each other. Thus digital design becomes the starting point of the whole interior.

Fig.2 Restaurant Matryoshka

Technology advances both in digital displays and supporting infrastructure, along with lowered costs, are making it feasible to implement large, eye-catching video walls. Consequently, they are becoming more popular and have a different scope. According to their performance specification, these displays are significant steps forward.

In conclusion it is important to emphasize that grey and monotonous interiors no longer satisfy people’s imagination. Thanks to the newest technologies, there are fewer restrictions and more opportunities. The current


stage of interior design development with the use of technology is a turnaround in the history of design, the observation of which is so extremely surprising.

N.O. Khurtina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Architecture is an essential part of the human environment, which is formed over many centuries based on the conditions of the time, place and used building materials and construction traditions. Therefore, the problem of preserving historical buildings is of particular significance at the present stage of development of society. One of the important stages of the design and construction of a building is its relevance in time and in the construction environment, especially when it comes to construction in cities with a great historical past. Therefore, the question arises of how to create a building of modern functionality, but at the same time take into account the historical appearance of high-density development. The most likely answer to this question is the reconstruction and restoration of historic buildings.

The functioning of historical buildings in the modern architecture of the city is determined by the following factors:

-the technical condition of buildings, which directly depends on the period of construction, building materials, practical use;

-compliance of the space-planning decision with the current functional use, which is determined by the initial function of the building and the measures taken to adapt the facility to use in these conditions;

-the location of the object.

Many historical objects are residential, apartment buildings and city estates with a small number of storeys and poor engineering and technical equipment, which significantly limits the possibility of their use in modern conditions. Of course, the complete construction of a completely new building is sure to win in economic terms, but the preservation of a historical building is based on determining its value in an already formed city. For example, one of these buildings is the Mordvinov House in St. Petersburg, which is currently being reconstructed into a modern apart-hotel, but with a reconstruction of the historic facade. Builders recreate the historical appearance of the building, giving it a modern and modernized functionality and internal layout, complete the floors with the strengthening of load-bearing structures. This is done by reconstructing historical drawings in modern computer programs, taking into account changes in the internal layout. So this approach is very reasonable, since reconstruction allows you to preserve the historically important and harmonious appearance of


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