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Pic. 4 The platforms after renewal

On the first floor (at the level of 0.000), there are technical rooms, a boiler room, a luggage room, a warehouse with gates made by the roller shutter system, a ventilation chamber. On the second floor (at +5.800), there are premises of long-distance and suburban ticket offices, lobbies, several delimited waiting rooms and VIP rooms, shops. On the third level (at +10.150), there located a food court, conference rooms, mother and child rooms, shops, museums, etc. The main distinguishing feature of the project is an indoor park in the Central hall (Pic.5).

Pic. 5 The main passenger hall

The project provides for a precise separation of long-distance and suburban passenger traffic in the same building and the movement of passengers doesn't intersect.


The building itself is a girderless monolithic reinforced-concrete framework, has three floors and is divided into 2 temperature-deformation joints across the building. Building dimensions: 85 m x 146.23 m. Bearing structures are reinforced concrete columns, whose dimensions are 400x400 mm and 600x400 mm. The maximum pitch of the columns is 7.2 m. The central part of the station (in the main passenger hall), having a span of 30 meters is illuminated with a special zenithal lantern. [6] The support of this zenithal lantern is made of ten steel trusses, on which, the girders covered by translucent coatings are laid.

To ensure the rigidity and immutability of the building, it was decided to perform elevator, staircase and escalator nodes of monolithic reinforced concrete, thereby creating diaphragm stiffness.

The foundation under the columns is a columnar made of reinforced concrete and under the walls of the elevator, staircase and escalator nodes is a ribbon one.

The outer enclosing structures of the station are walls of 400 mm thick silicate blocks with 130 mm thick external insulation and plaster "Senerji".

The internal walls are made of 250 mm thick silicate block and the frame partitions are made of 120 mm thick gypsum fiber sheet.

The roof structure is flat. The project uses a modern roof membrane, the top layer of which is made of heat-treated needle-punched geotextile.

Drainage system is internal, organized through water intake funnels.

The floor slabs are 240 mm thick monolithic. The main upper reinforcement for floors has a diameter of Ø14 mm with a step of 200 mm, the main lower reinforcement has a diameter of Ø10 mm with a step of 200 mm.

The construction period of the entire building is 22 months.

The cost of 1 m3 (cubic meter) of the building is equal to 5,540 rubles. The cost of 1 m2 (square meter) is equal to 19,350.62 rubles.

The total area of the building is 40,992.21 m2 (square meter).

Thus, the question of the renewal of the railway station is the key point in the development of infrastructure of communication not only at the level of the city of Nizhny Novgorod, but also at the level of the whole state. Each state (or a city) is interested in attracting new investors, tourists or in increasing the turnover of the goods in the country, the construction of modern high-tech architectural and expressive buildings of railway stations is the first starting point to achieve these goals.

The second equally important purpose achieved in the project is to place the railway complex on the columns above the railway tracks. This solution will make it possible to simplify the infrastructure of suburban vehicles, to lay out the park, to clear the territory for the construction of other communications and, in general, to change the appearance of urban space.



1.SNiP II-85-80 Construction norms and rules, "Stations", Y.N. Pastukhov (Gosstroy of the USSR); ing. G. A. Dolgikh (Gosgrazhdanstroy), part 2, Stations/Gosstroy of the USSR. — M: Stroyizdat., 1982— 112.

2.SP 118.13330.2012 * Public buildings and structures. The updated edition of SNiP 31-06-2009 (with Amendments No. 1, 2).

3.GOST R 51631-2008 (EN 81-70:2003) Passenger elevators. Technical requirements for accessibility, including accessibility for persons with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups.

4.SP 59.13330.2012 Accessibility of buildings for people with limited mobility. The updated edition of SNiP 35-01-2001 (with Change No. 1).

5.Change No. 1 to SP 153.13130.2013 rail transport Infrastructure. Fire safety requirements.

6.SP 16.13330.2011 Steel structures. The updated edition of SNiP II-23- 81* (Change No. 1).

I.V. Gattsukova, E.B. Mikhailova

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The modern world is a world of concrete and metal. This environment is unnatural for humans, and we strive to arrange the space around us as comfortably as possible. Life in the modern cities has its peculiarities – hours of work in enclosed spaces, uncomfortable interiors of offices and public spaces. These problems can be solved by interior landscaping, but the area of a room does not always allow to do that in the traditional way. In this case designers are forced to look for new ways and pay attention to vertical gardening. So the object of this work is to consider the types of vertical gardening and its advantages.

Types of vertical gardening:

Flowall is a small vertical structure in which indoor plants grow, forming an aesthetic composition. This is a self-suffiecient system, so it can be moved. It is the most compact way of vertical gardening, so it can be used in any room to create unusual interior solutions.

Fit module is a device that allows you to form vertical gardening in the premises. It is possible to create a mobile structure for use as a partition in a room. It can also have a different shape and act as a green sculpture.

Bloomwall is a larger-scale vertical composition, which is made of individual flowalls and it is stationary. It is used for vertical gardening of large areas.


Types of construction:

1.Hydroponic type of construction is based on synthetic felt with pockets filled with a neutral substrate or moss into which plants are planted. Watering is based on the hydroponic method – this is a method of growing plants without using soil. The most environmentally friendly type of construction.

2.PVC module. The base is a plastic module where plants are planted in separate cells filled with soil. Below is a water tank and a pump that delivers water upwards. Watering is carried out through nozzles, excess moisture is collected back into the tank, a closed watering system is formed. From time to time it is necessary to add water to the tank [1].

The average lifespan of flowalls is 3 years, of fit modules – 7 years. The time period is determined by the age of the plants and the resistance of the material.

Pic.1. Hydroponic construction. Pic.2. PVC module [1].

There are also a number of rules for care:

-control of the irrigation system;

-timely pruning of wilted leaves;

-feeding plants with organo-mineral fertilizers.

Perhaps the only drawback is the need for additional lighting when installing bloomwalls in the depths of the room. LED lights are great, as they do not create additional heat that can damage plants [2].

However, these vertical gardening methods can offer many potential benefits:

-air purification and environmental improvement due to the fact that plants retain dust particles and filter the air;

-improving the aesthetic appearance of the room and creating a favorable emotional atmosphere;

-noise reduction;


-creation of new spaces;

-new opportunities for unusual interior design;

-the possibility of use in public spaces [3].

Finally, we come to the conclusion that vertical gardening is a very promising landscape direction for many reasons. Firstly, this is the creation of a favourable environment for people. Secondly, air purification problems can be solved. Thirdly, vertical gardening attracts people’s attention and makes the room more eco-friendly.

In the near future, vertical gardening should become an integral part of the interiors of both work and residential spaces and improve the quality of human life.


1.Green walls in the interior. Access mode: http://flori-da.by

2.Reflections on Lighting Phytowalls. Access mode: https://verticalsad.ru

3.The benefits of vertical gardening in offices and public spaces. Access mode: https://berso-design.ru/

Onishchenko A.N., Petrova T.I., Kartseva E.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The main feature of the architectural object is space. It is organized to meet the social, physical and spiritual needs of a person.

Architectural objects form the structural basis of the spatial environment. It interacts with a person and is updated by his behavior [1, p. 32].

In the modern world, there is a confrontation of two opposite trends:

1)the growing processes of globalization;

2)the desire of peoples to self-identification.

In architecture, the first position is expressed in the desire for versatility and innovation. the second position speaks of the adoption of regional and national characteristics, the appeal to traditions.

Until the middle of the 20th century, the architecture was dominated by a universal, unified, uniform attitude. And in the second half of the century it was replaced by a desire for a specific, local, original. [1, p. 35]

We can distinguish the following development goals of regional architecture:

- preservation and development of traditions and local principles;


- ensuring the attractiveness of the city.

In architecture, regional features include specific architectural features of a given region. These are local climatic, landscape, technical, technological and social conditions.

National features include artistic features of architecture. This is the shape, color, decorative elements and other things.

However, one cannot find an absolute example of regional architecture. There is always a mix.

With the spread of regional style in the culture of different peoples, the external differences of forms that reflect general ideas disappear, but differences in the ideas themselves are more clearly revealed.

Followers of national and regional architecture are architects such as O. Niemeyer, K. Maekawa, H. O’Gortman and others.

Regionalism is a direction in architecture in which architects are inspired by ideas of national exceptionalism and originality of development, appeal to local features and traditions in combination with modernity [2, p. 36].

We can say that regionalism in architectural terms is a system that determines the further direction of development of modern architecture in the region. This system includes a complex of features of various kinds: traditional, climatic, historical, ethnographic, national, social, political, economic, technological, social and economic.

Among the most notable structures are the Garantia Bank (Pic. 1) building on Malaya Pokrovskaya Street and the administrative building (Pic. 2) on Frunze Street in Nizhny Novgorod (built in 1995 by architects A. Kharitonov, E. Pestov and others).

Pic. 1 Bank Garantia on Malaya Pokrovskaya street in Nizhny Novgorod


Pic. 2 Administrative building on Frunze street in Nizhny Novgorod

In modern architectural practice, trends of globalization and the loss of regional identity are increasingly observed. This is due to the emergence and spread of universal architecture, which is formed without taking into account the climatic features, local traditions and social factors. The surrounding space and its uniqueness are important for a person in a modern city. It is formed precisely due to regional features.


1.Лисицына, А. В. Современные проблемы теории и истории архитектуры, градостроительства и дизайна : учеб. пособие : [крат. конспект лекций для студентов 4 курса спец. "Архитектура"] / А. В. Лисицына ; Нижегор. гос. архитектур.-строит. ун-т. - Н. Новгород : ННГАСУ, 2009. - 48 с. : ил.

2.Андреева, О. А. Памятник архитектуры объект современной эпохи : учебное пособие / О. А. Андреева. – Ульяновск : УлГТУ, 2012. – 117 с.

3.Орельская О. В. Современная зарубежная архитектура: учеб. пособие для студ. высш. учеб. заведений / О. В. Орельская. — М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2006. — 272 с.


Shishova M.A.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


A prerequisite for maintaining the competitiveness of design organizations in the global economic market is the timely and effective implementation of projects. The need for the implementation of the latter is the introduction of new management tools, among which there is development of teams which are balanced, coordinated by the goals of the project and lacking a conflict factor. Development of these teams requires an analysis of the best team building practices and their incorporation into existing company management systems.

The article presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of the “team” and “team building” concepts; the results of the team building goal determination , the stages of team building formulation, based on the study of leading scientists and specialists in the field of management; the most effective, successful practices and methods for implementing the stages of team building in projectoriented organizations.

Today, in works of various experts in the field of consulting, business modeling and management we can find many definitions of the "team" concept. In the process, the most authoritative and well-known definitions of these terms were examined (I. Salas, R. Byrd, S. Tanenbaum, D. Katzenbach, D.K. Smith, M. Armstrong). However, in one way or another, they do not stand out that team members should be connected by a common goal and the principles of interaction, therefore it is advisable to give the following definition to the concept of "team":

A team is a community of people connected by a common goal and the principles of interaction, possessing complementary skills through which they support mutual responsibility.

Accordingly: team building is a process to ensure effective interaction of specialists (team members) who solve a common problem by integrating knowledge in various professional fields according to the rules that were created together.

During the analysis of the successful teams' work, it was revealed that teams formed on the basis of the goals for which they were created were more effective than others. Thus, the goal provides an approach to team building. What methods will be chosen for creation of the team will depend on what was primarily expected from teamwork itself. [2,4]

Having analyzed the methods of foreign and Russian training companies for building teams, five fundamental approaches to this process were identified: an approach based on emotional cohesion, a role-based approach, a problemoriented approach, a dynamic approach, an approach based on the identification


of stages. [1,3] In this paper, preference is given to the approach based on the allocation of stages.

In Russian management practice, there is no single approach to the model of team formation, since there is a large number of models of various authors. Each model has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, the authors focus on one, the most important stage for them. For a more focused and efficient management of the team building process, a clear and structured approach to the stages of team building is required. In this regard, the model developed in the research process is the most effective.

Fig.1. Diagram of the team building stages for the fourth model.

In the process, essence for each stage was specified, it was revealed what its problem was, and what measures from the most effective world practices were a taken to solve it . The results are presented in table 1.

Table 1. The contents of the team building stages

Stage name

The essence



Determination of the

The goals, for the

1) Verification of compliance


project team

implementation of which the

of the project objectives


formation goals for

creation of a team is necessary,

(depending on its duration)


the implementation

are determined.

with the criteria:


of which the team is

1) Verification of compliance of

- of professors Edwin E.


going to be created.

the project objectives

Locke and Gary P. Latham



(depending on its duration) with

(for lengthy projects);



the criteria:

- SMART method (for short-



- Professors Edwin E. Locke

term projects)



and Gary P. Latham (for

2) Parallel combination of



lengthy projects);

top-down and bottom-up



- SMART method (for short-

approaches to goal setting.



term projects)




2) Parallel combination of top-




down and bottom-up





approaches to goal setting



Deciding on the

It is necessary to choose a team

Diagnostics by “4-D system”


leader of the formed

leader who will shape the




vision, set goals, objectives and




lead the team to a successful




completion of the project.



Coordination of the

Identification of

1) Use of interviews;


individual goals of

compliance/non-compliance of

2) Test-questionnaire of V.


the leader with the

the goals of the alleged leader

Gerchikov to determine the


goals of the project.

with the objectives of the

type of labor motivation


Leader Motivation




Recruitment of

Selection of team members

Questioning based on


project team

taking into account what

professional standards


members based on

functions are necessary for the


project production

implementation of the project,






and their distribution by




functional roles.



Coordination of the

Comparison of the candidate

1) Using the interview “Why


candidate goals

goals with the goals of the

am I participating in this


with the goals of the


project, how I see my role in


project team being


the project”;



2) Test-questionnaire of V.




Motivation of the


Gerchikov to determine the


project team


type of labor motivation






Distribution of duties

The distribution of roles

Team building on the


between team

between team members in

principle of a role-based


members based on

accordance with their personal



role and

characteristics. At this stage it is

-PAEI test by I. Adizes;


also necessary to identify the

- Belbin test;



characteristics, the

strengths and weaknesses of the

- Diagnostics by “4D system”


formation of a


- Leary test


business atmosphere




Establishment of

Establishment of contacts, the

Development of a corporate



formation of a single conceptual

project management culture



apparatus of the team, the

based on the corporate project


between project team

development of rules for

management standards.



interaction and work.



Ensuring the

Assessment and regulation of

To ensure efficient


effective functioning

the team’s activity.



of the team.

Correction of the previous

- Individual and team



seven stages in accordance with

assessment according to the



the changes and the project life

“4D system”;




- Feedback on the example of



AEM-technology JSC







(Atomenergomash JSC)




To develop team








Trainings for establishing




internal communication


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