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BREEAM offers 12 standard rating systems. For buildings that do not fit into any of the proposed schemes, a special, "individual" version is offered.

Once a suitable scheme has been identified, it is necessary to formulate targets for the building: certification level, improved processes, addition of alternative energy sources and etc.

The decision on the desired rating is made at the project stage, which allows achieving maximum results with minimal capital investments. Among the certification levels are distinguished: Pass (30%), Good (45%), Very Good (55%), Excellent (70%) and Outstanding (85%). As the rating increases, a number of additional requirements must be met to obtain the appropriate certification.

Unlike BREEAM, the role of the appraiser in LEED is more extensive and includes project management. There is also a difference in how LEED scores are calculated. Many criteria are tied to us dollar, so the overall rating of buildings may suffer from adverse currency fluctuations. Also LEED certification requires the translation of all drawings in the American metric system, which can be difficult, as well as additional costs.

The LEED certification process is automated and allows certification without leaving the country where the project is located. Online system has electronic samples of documents that need to be filled for each criterion.

When all documentation is collected and construction is completed, the report is submitted to the Institute for verification and certification. The entire LEED certification process typically takes one to five years, depending on the type and requirements for the desired level of certification.

The average cost of LEED certification is 750-3750 USD fee for project registration, 1500-7500 USD at the time of submission of documents for consideration. The cost of services of an accredited LEED specialist will be from 30 000 to 100 000 USD, plus 10 000 – 60 000 USD – the cost of adaptation of documents.

The most important fundamental difference between the two systems is the building certification process itself. BREEAM evaluators are responsible for the collection and audit of documentation, as well as the preparation of the report. For LEED, supporting documentation is prepared and collected by the project team and then assessed for compliance with the standard.

In conclusion, it should be noted that "Green standards" of construction is one of the most promising directions of development not only of the construction complex, but also of the social environment of society.

Green construction has become widespread in the last decade in the United States (LEED), in the UK (BREEAM) and more than 40 countries (Australia, Canada, India, etc.). More than 100 thousand buildings in the world are certified according to "green standards". The first pilot objects in our country are declared for certification according to this system of standards, including objects of the Sochi Olympic Games.


A.D. Mikhailova, D.M. Dominnik, E.A. Aleshugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The construction of high-rise buildings is becoming very popular. Such buildings have a high status and prestige. The infrastructure complex is at a high level.

The purpose of research is study one of the most unique structure in the Europe Lakhta-center, it concept, stage of construction, objects of the complex. The object of study is Lakhta-center. Lakhta-center is multifunctional complex in St. Petersburg. Construction began in 2012. Structure had built by 2018, but now business and public areas are improved. The building area of 400 thousand square meters, the altitude of 462 meters. Office areas will occupy “Gazprom” company. Also one third areas will occupy outdoor amphitheater, pedestrian promenade, observation deck, concert hall-transformer, children's scientific and educational center with planetarium, panoramic restaurants and galleries.

The project has its own concept. With modern eco-friendly offices, comfortable public spaces, transport and pedestrian accessibility, developed social infrastructure Lakhta-center will form a new quality of life standards. The project aims to create to create a new point of attraction of business activity outside the historic center of the city, freeing the historical St. Petersburg from the unusual functions of the business center and the accompanying transport load.

This project allows to solve the topical problems of the megalopolis. For example, to create conditions for business development, attract large companies to the city, generate new high-paying jobs. The initiators of the project are interested in the area where the Lakhta Center was built to become an alternative to the historical center and an example of the formation of a comfortable environment for people outside the historic center.

Project concept is construction of the largest business center in St. Petersburg and scientific and educational complex, sports objects, public services and service industries. Public spaces will be created here, including a unique outdoor amphitheater for city-wide mass events.

Lakhta Center can become a new St. Petersburg attraction. Each guest of St. Petersburg should visit the observation deck of the Lakhta Center to see the city from the height of the clouds. Also there is the panoramic restaurant on the 75th and 76th floors in the center.

Lakhta Center is eco-friendly project. At the stage of construction and during the operation of the complex will use environmentally sound technologies. Firstly, energy consumption in the area will be reduced. Due to the "intelligent facade" of Lakhta Center, heating and air conditioning costs will be reduced by 40% due to the following technologies: facade structures with high thermal


insulation properties, led lighting, presence detector, Natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, energy-saving lighting of the Elevator cabin, as well as turning off the lighting and ventilation, switching to standby mode in the absence of passengers and other.

The center will be adapted for people with disabilities. Visual, tactile and sound, specialized interior decoration, handrails, door handles will be provided. Also working places for people with disabilities are individually.

Lakhta Center is high tech center. There are high-speed elevators, unique system of lifting mechanisms for maintenance of glazed facades, modern fire extinguishing system, supply and exhaust ventilation, equipment with reduced noise level, silencers, smart waste management in the center. Also the main entrance to the multi-functional complex Lakhta Center is made in the form of an arch. It is construction of the complex arched shapes. The entrance arch is a largespan metal structure. In the center of Lakhta there is a glass facade of 16 505 fragments of different shapes. Its total area will be 72 500 square meters. In the construction of a skyscraper used cold-formed glass technology — in Russia, only two such buildings.

Work began with the production of construction equipment.

For its stability, the installation of powerful bored piles was required, and only then the builders erected a box-like foundation.

Lakhta Center is located in a swampy area, which is typical for most buildings in St. Petersburg, so I had to fence myself off from the swamp with a real concrete wall, which was dug 30 meters in depth. This design prevents shedding and prevents the entry of groundwater.

Deeper beneath the foundation of the future skyscraper are solid moraine rocks on which the underground wall is held firmly.

After the construction of the wall protecting against flooding, it became possible to dig a pit more than 20 meters deep. It was dug in 2014.

The builders installed 848 piles under the building and arch. 968 piles were installed for parking.

The design and construction of underground floors became a challenge, since it is necessary to correctly distribute the load on the structural elements of the floors.

This problem was overcome with the help of a dozen radial walls directed from the center to the outer perimeter.

The design of the lower floors includes horizontal outriggers that give the skyscraper strength.

Lakhta Center belongs to the so-called monolithic buildings. This means that the majority of its structures are based on a monolith made of concrete poured into a metal reinforcing mesh. Reinforcing rods give strength to the structure, and quickly hardening concrete fills it.

Foundation concreting works have attracted general attention with a new world record.


March 1, 2015 is the date of the largest continuous pouring of concrete. Within two days, the flooded volume amounted to 19624 cubic meters!

When the foundation was made, the tower began to grow in height. Construction began with a reinforced concrete core, which gradually covers the walls and floors. The core ensures the stability of the tower, and contains technical rooms and security zones. There are 34 elevators.

The main requirement for the core of the skyscraper is to ensure maximum fire safety.

Protection withstands a four-hour fire, preventing changes in the properties of concrete and steel.

The construction of the building is fast, thanks to the continuous work at the facility. The construction of the Lakhta Center employs 4 thousand builders and workers of other professions.

16 cranes manufactured by Liebher are working at a construction site. They are able to move cargo to a height of 176 meters in a minute.

The Lakhta Center project provides for the glazing of all floors below the seventieth. The facade of a skyscraper is a real kingdom of durable and beautiful glass.

Glass does not have a flat, but curved shape, because the building is a spiral. For the production of this glass near St. Petersburg, a special factory was created, working on German technology. The glass bends in a cold way, in no way impairing its properties. The area of the glass facade was 72,500 square meters, weight - 13 thousand tons.

To sum up, Lakhta Centre in Saint Petersburg is one of the most wonderful constructions of modern architecture.

D.A. Kalinina, N.G. Abraamyan, N.V. Patyaeva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Each apartment and each house should be heated in the cold season.

There are several types of heating: water, air, steam and electricity. However, each type is costly and harmful to the environment.

The costs of installation, operation and maintenance of these types of heating are very high. This is influenced by the constant rise in prices, the expensive cost of connecting and supplying the heating system itself. Ecologically, these types are also not profitable. For example, water heating. The heat carrier here is a closed loop pipeline with pipe layout, where water, circulating through it, is heated from the boiler. As a result of metal corrosion


there is a leak of pipes with dirty water which then follows on the street, gets to the soil, further reaches the world ocean. So it pollutes other water, soil, prevents the flow of nutrients for plants and animals.

On the other hand steam heating is almost environmentally friendly. Here wood, gas, coal or electricity is used as fuel. In the course of work, a small part of harmful substances enter the environment, only the use of natural material is environmentally unprofitable.

Therefore, when deciding on the development of a new type of heating, some countries use already used heat as a source of heating of buildings. This solution is economically and environmentally beneficial.

Waste heat

What is waste heat? It is heat that is produced by a machine or other process that uses energy as a byproduct of doing work. Waste heat sources include all human activities, natural systems and all organisms.

Waste heat from the London underground

In London, for example, there is the Bunhill heating network, which has been designed to heat around 700 houses. Currently, this system heats the local municipal house, schools and entertainment center.

A new «Bunhill 2» heat network is being developed. Warm air will be sent from the Northern line to the district heating system of the London Islington district, and thus provide heat to offices, entertainment centers and 1,350 houses.

This system will make London more energy independent, and will help to reduce carbon emissions and heating costs for residents. Meanwhile, passengers on the Northern line of the metro may feel that it will be noticeably cooler in tunnels and stations.


The Central source of the "Bunhill 2 heat network is the ventilation shaft, a vertical passage that is used to remove waste heat.

A heat pump traps heat from the ventilation shaft before it heats up to 70 degrees and then transfers it to Islington's heat network to supply heat and hot water to buildings.

The system is designed so that in the summer months it will be possible to direct cold air into the subway tunnels.

According to the Greater London authority, the city has enough waste heat to meet thirty-eight percent of the city's heating needs. The expansion of district heating networks, such as «Bunhill 2», could lead to an increase of up to sixtythree percent by 2050.

It is expected that the launch of the «Bunhill 2» system will take place at the end of 2019.

Unfortunately, in Russia practical use of heat pumps today is small. The other countries, for example, Germany, is considering the idea of introducing this heating system. One million heat pumps are produced annually in Japan and in the United States. And in Sweden, about half of all heating is provided by the waste heat system. However, only in London waste heat from the subway is used to heat buildings and structures.


Summing up our work, we want to say that the waste heat should not be wasted but sent to a new cycle, to a new job. Since the idea of using waste heat from the subway to heat houses proved to be very effective and obviously has much more advantages than shortcomings in all spheres of life, we think that it will become increasingly popular in the future. We hope that Great Britain, Sweden and other countries, including Russia, will take this technology to the next level. Heat pumps are the future of the economy and ecology of our planet.

O. E. Klementyeva, O. A. Fedotova, E. A. Alushugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Surely each of you knows what McDonald's is and at least once visited it. The article considers something that you may never have thought, and maybe on the contrary wondered why we all love this family restaurant junk food. And we will tell you about its uniqueness, as well as about the amazing architecture that is present in each institution.

The first thing that catches the eye inside this restaurant is a constant, endless stream of visitors. People crowd at the till, wait when the table will be


free. And it seems that this movement of people constantly takes place, like a perpetual motion machine. The question arises, with the help of which well- thought-out marketers of a well-known catering network were able to achieve such results?

In McDonald's furniture is placed as uncomfortable as possible for visitors. Tables and chairs are very close to the neighboring. This makes it difficult to pass between the tables. When you finally sit down and begin to eat, you do not leave the feeling of discomfort because of the huge crowd of people and crowding. Unconsciously, each visitor will strive to quickly finish the meal and leave. And McDonald's need it, because their goal-is to serve as many customers as possible.

Have you ever noticed that music in McDonald's is usually fast and rhythmic. Energetic music makes us faster to perform current actions, in this case

– is the intake of food. All this also happens on a subconscious level.

It sounds a little rough, you see, but the company's policy is that the work at McDonald's takes only unattractive girls. In addition, they are not allowed to use any cosmetics. All because McDonald's positions itself as a family vacation institution and involves visiting a restaurant with children, the lack of cute cashiers will only benefit the family idyll.

One of the effective tricks to attract customers is the availability of free Wifi access points. In the restaurant you can often see people working on laptops or smartphones. The same goes for the restrooms. You can easily walk into a McDonald's restaurant and use the toilet, and no one will tell you anything.

Another interesting feature of McDonald's is that in every country, the interior of the institution is similar to one another. This is necessary to that even in an unfamiliar country, you come in McDonald's, because it is the same as you have in the city where you have already been, so you feel as comfortable as possible

Not every chain of eateries can boast such a variety of architectural images as McDonald's. All because McDonald's strive to be a global franchise and have their restaurants around the world. But despite the rather similar interior style, each object must fit into the culture of the country in which it is located. And now, consider the most colorful one

1. First Restaurant

The world's fast food empire started business with a small barbecue bar in 1940 in San Bernardino, California. Brothers Richard and Maurice MacDonald called their first Cafe "McDonald's Famous Barbeque" and offered to visitors O.about forty items of fried meat. In 1948 they decided to change the way of business and made hamburgers which were cooked by conveyor. Today the restaurant in Downey is one of the oldest preserved restaurants. According to its architectural solution, the building is simple and has one floor. We can see bright Neon signs, which are illuminated with electricity. The massive volume of the curved roof is held by glazed walls - displays and curved yellow arches resembling fries.


2. Russia, Moscow, Pushkin Square.

McDonald's in Pushkin Square in Moscow became the first restaurant of this brand in Russia. It opened on 31 January 1990 and became the record holder in attendance. In those days, the restaurant was a one-storey building with a fairly simple architectural solution. A glass pyramid distinguished from the bright details, it broke slope tile roof. Now the restaurant is reconstructed, it has acquired smoother shapes, wave-shaped bends, superstructure of the second floor, it did not lose glazed walls and traditional colors of the company.

3. McDonald's restaurant airplane in Taupo, New Zealand

And this small restaurant was located in the airplane. It looks very brightly and modern. The airplane is painted in red color with silver. Inside cafes are placed tables on 2 persons, a small rack of bar and cash desk. The lunch in such McDonald's will precisely leave a bright impression in your life.

4. McDonald's in Vittoria-Emanuele's galleries, Milan, Italy

One of the most significant place in Milan is Vittorio Emanuele's gallery. There are the most elite boutiques with Italian brands, a top restaurants and luxury hotel. However, we can see here the franchise of McDonald's. Such simple cafe among richly decorated architecture. Everywhere pilasters of various warrants, marble finishing, arches, registration of windows in the form of pediments, graceful balconies with pig-iron protections, twisting eaves with a stucco molding, high overlapping by a design from glass and metal are visible.

5. McDonald's in Porto, Portugal

McDonald's in Porto was opened in 1995 on site Imperial restaurant. Inside We can feel and see the unique atmosphere of cafe in style of Art-deco: magnificent chandeliers, intricate stained-glass windows, high mirrors, geometrical ornaments and the polished surfaces. On a distant wall it is possible to observe a stained-glass window in two-piece. On the right there are collectors of coffee beans on plantations and porters in port. On the left there is a couple who drinks coffee. It looks amazing.

6. McDonald's at "Spanish Broadway," Gran Via in Madrid, Spain

The most visited "Mac" of the world is a restaurant, which located on "Madrid Broadway" on Gran Via Street in the capital of Spain. It is the emblematic building with huge glass windows and marble stairs and earlier there was a jewelry boutique Tiffany, but for more than 30 years the luxurious ancient room was occupied by a fast food restaurant. By the way, it was the first franchise of McDonald's in Spain. The entrance to the cafe is framed by marble columns of an ionic warrant and a far-protruding cornice of metal and glass, that adorns the company's name. The entrance is from the corner part of the building, which has a rounded plastic shape, which is expressed as an urban planning dominant.

7. McDonald's in Paris, France

The famous McDonald's in trendy Paris is located in a narrow house in a firewall building on Saint-Lazar Street. The building resembles a medieval tractor with large windows, faucets, columns and sculptural design of the facade. The


roof has an unusual shape, beveled on several sides. The building is multi-storey, it gave an opportunity to develop a dynamic decoration on the facade. Here you can try the original French "LeBigMac."

In conclusion it is necessary to emphasize that architecture of McDonald's restaurants is different in every country. And it is cool that cafes adapt and take looks from national culture of country or follow the prevailing style. We were very interested in studying the architecture of the McDonald's Cafe.

A.V. Mozhaewa, E.A. Aleshugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The research work entitled "How to design a secondary school in ArchiCAD" is dedicated to the design process in ArchiCAD.

This work is relevant as modern construction cannot be imagined without the use of information technology at all stages.

In the modern world there have been significant changes in the design, construction and further maintenance of the facility. Paper drawings are now replaced by virtual 3D models. At the moment there are many different programs for design. As part of the training of architects, the Institute offers us to learn how to work in a multifunctional program – ArchiCAD.

ArchiCAD allows an architect to create a project and automatically get its 3D visualization. The first version of the program appeared in 1984. When working in this program, architects create not only separate drawings, but also all the documentation for the project of the building in one file, which has all the sections, facades, floor plans, specification of products and building materials, as well as all construction documentation.

Thus, the object of the research is secondary school design. The school is a capital construction project where children study and spend a lot of time within these walls. They should be perfectly safe here. Therefore, the design of the school should be carried out by architects in accordance with the regulations.

As part of the task, we design a traditional secondary school, which is divided into 3 stages in accordance with the level of education: primary (1-4), General basic (5-9), standard secondary (10-11).

I would like to describe the design process on the example of my project "Comprehensive school for 200 people". It consists of several stages:

1) Before create a project, we should attend an introductory lecture. At the lecture, teachers give the task, explain the General requirements, the composition of the project, assign the main area and the place where the building will be


designed. Also for self-study of this topic we need to make an abstract, where we analyze the already implemented projects [Fig.1].

Figure1. School project Example

2) Next, in the classroom, we draw sketches, where we demonstrate the General idea, designate functional areas, outline the volumes [Fig.2].

Figure.2. The original sketch

3) After the sketches have been approved, the work in the program begins. This process is the most time-consuming. For several weeks we create a model with drawings, having the opportunity to consult with the teacher[Fig.3].

Figure.3. Design process

4) When the main work is done, there is time for details: the layout of drawings on the sheet, the choice of color solutions, making small adjustments. At the last stage I use an additional editing program. It can give the resulting building a more realistic look [Fig.4].


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