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regeneration. As a result, increased pedestrian traffic facilitates the development of business, which will favorably affect the development of the city’s economy. In addition, the placement of the parklet expands the pedestrian space, since transit movement remains on the sidewalks. The use of perennial and annual plants in the construction of the parklet also helps to improve the environmental situation – this is the creation of additional shade by tall plants, and the absorption of toxic gases, and humidification of the air.

To sum up, the placement of parklets will positively affect all components of the urban environment. In places with the most popular parking spaces, it is possible to create small parklets using just one car space. Bringing parklet into the urban environment can also be the key to creating a unified architectural environment. The development of a modular system for a particular street will allow you to get a unique image of the urban environment, as well as simplify the coordination of the placement of parklets, taking into account all the environmental needs.


1. San Francisco Parklet Manual by San Francisco Planning Department. Access mode: https://groundplaysf.org.

Krasnova M.A., Flaksman A.A.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Industrial Design (ID) is the professional practice of designing products and services used by millions of people around the world on a daily basis. Industrial designers usually focus on the appearance, functionality of a product, also they are often involved in the way more during a cycle of the development. Every product that you interact with every day in your home, office, school, or public setting is the result of a design process during which thousands of decisions were made by an industrial designer (and their team) to improve your life through well-executed design.

“Nice drawings!“ This is a typical comment designer can hear when a team member sees sketches laying all over desk. But these sketches are an important part of the design and development process. Sketches help to convey ideas, demonstrate functionality, visualize user flow, and illustrate anything that requires human interaction. Before sketching, you need to have a clear understanding of the problem you are solving or the business objective for something new you are designing. Research is where the initial ideas begin to build, so that you can visualize what you are designing. Sketching helps you


extract numerous ideas out quickly before you enter into a graphics editor to start designing the look and feel.

Sketching ideas are the first steps in the design process and it is something every designer should do. Sketching is not just limited to designers, it occurs in many careers that require something to get built. The beauty of sketching is that you are not required to be an artist to produce them. Sketching is only to help to explore and to explain design concepts. Sketches can be easily created using pen and paper or a whiteboard. Using something permanent like a pen or marker is best. The idea is to keep your sketches fast, rough and dirty. This helps you worry less on design aesthetics and focus more on rapid formulation of ideas.

Experimental machine shaping is an important component of design itself. In our university plenty of attention is paid to this current discipline to make students understand and highlight for themselves the importance of making new shapes, based on nature, the biomimetics. There is a simple explanation of the importance. Nature creates living organisms in such a way that it is ideally adapted for its living conditions. And exactly the appearance is the most important for a creature to survive. For example, birds have hollow bones to facilitate and speed up the flight, their body is shaped so they glide through the air without any resistance. The same physics works for sharks, dolphins and other water creatures, they have perfect aerodynamics and reaching high speed while saving energy due to the form of their body. Northern animals got a white colored fur, a thick layer of fat and strong claws and hooves to get food from under the frozen ground and snow and to be more stable on slippery surfaces like ice.

This method of designing takes an important role. Biomimicry is an innovative approach that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by emulating nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies. The goal is to create products – new ways of designing – that are well adapted over the long haul.

There are steps of making biomimicry design.

1.Brainstorming / braindrawing. People sit together and think up ideas wildly and randomly. Almost like true methods invented by Osborn and Parnes, but simplified. A brainstorm is usually carried out in the beginning of the idea generation, with the goal of producing a large number of ideas with a group of participants. In a braindrawing session ideas are not written down, but are drawn or sketched. This distinguishes braindrawing from brainstorming, which uses only words. In a braindrawing session each participant draws his/ her ideas on paper.

2.Sketching. The basis of shaping should be a kind of a living object: animal, fish, bird, plant. Their characteristics will be used by a designer. After that a designer will make sketches, lots of sketches with ideas appeared while brainstorming process. Next the sketch with the greatest potential is selected. The designer clarifies the most important details and makes a final drawing.

3.Working in collaboration with a teacher. The teacher helps a young designer to understand the actuality of the idea, to decide among few ideas, to


make the sketch better giving you important knowledge which a designer will use in future projects and improve the style and aesthetics. Experience of a teacher makes a great basis for a future designer, giving a chance to succeed.

4. Final result of the design process. This is a final sketch and making a 3D model. On this stage the designer develops the chosen idea, describing its features. The final sketch has a few drawings – different angles of view, perspective, midline incision, technical components – mechanisms, ergonometric, coloring. 3D model has a great role because it will show how a designed product will look like in real life.

There will be shown some examples of experimental machine shaping from my groupmates.

1. Polina N. City airplane. It is based on a snake and stingray. The designer loves those types of animals and has used their most valuable characteristics - aerodynamically good shape and animalistic front part of the cabin for aesthetic.

Fig.1. City airplane

2. Anastasia Y. Speed submarine. It is based on the hound dog’s scull and dolphin shapes. The designer picked dogs scull for making the shape of a submarine more aesthetic, and dolphin shape to make object more stable in water.

Fig.2. Speed submarine

3. Anastasiya R. Car on magnetic pad. It is based on turtle and falcon shapes. The designer’s choice is based on protecting abilities of turtles shell and aerodynamics of a shape of falcon.


Fig.3. Car on magnetic pad

Some extra examples from the Internet.

Fig.4. Sneakers based on whale shapes

Fig.5. Knife based on the bird’s head shape

Fig.6. Car based on the fish shape

In conclusion we can highlight the importance of the biomimicry method of design. Integrating biomimicry into your design practice can generate multiple benefits for the society. Buildings, cars, clothes, it all can be constructed to perform the same functions a natural biosystem and living being does.


Biomimicry based on respect for nature and the environment makes a deep connection between humans and nature.

A.A. Litsova, N.G. Nadezhdina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Looking at a wooden house away from bustling concrete jungle of the city, it is difficult to imagine wooden structures to be as beautiful and large - scale as in the city. Some large buildings made of wood simply boggle mind and make us admire the idea and technicality of execution. They give reason to reflect on the materials of the structures as well. Competent combination of wood with other materials will create something outstanding, attracting attention, something that not only engineers but also common people will want to look at. Therefore, it is useful to analyze advantages of wood, steel and concrete.

Concrete makes it possible to design very robust and durable buildings. There is also an increasing use of precast concrete in the construction industry, which offers advantages in terms of environmental impact, cost and speed of erection.

Steel stands out for its speed and efficiency in construction. It has small weight, steel structures are easy to assemble. This allows to reduce labor costs. Steel structures also have excellent durability.

Wood is much lighter than both concrete and steel and it is easy to work with. It is durable, it keeps heat inside the building longer than steel and concrete. Wooden structures are assembled from prefabricated elements easily. The compressive strength of wood is the same as the compressive strength of concrete and steel.

While it is used mostly in low-rise residential construction, there is an increasing interest in its use in multi-storey buildings. For example, the Oakwood Tower in London has 80 floors and it is 300 meters high.

A huge amount of CO2 is emitted into the environment during construction materials manufacturing.

The Canadian Wood Council commissioned the Athena Sustainable Materials Institute to compare the environmental impact of wood, steel and concrete structures manufacturing [2].


Table1. Comparison of environmental impact of wood, steel and concrete structures manufacturing












compared to



impact on

impact on

consumed by


air quality



























































Production of wooden structures is much more environment friendly than concrete and steel production. Finally, the possibility of using different materials together was found. An example of this is one of the unique buildings in modern architecture – the Metropol Parasol. There is a perfect combination of strength and aesthetics in this structure.

The Metropol Parasol sprang up on a rectangular area of approximately 15,000 m2, which is roughly equal to two football fields, corresponding to the old Plaza de la Encarnación in the heart of the Old Town of the city of Seville in Spain. Its size is 150 by 70 meters and it dominates the landscape of the central part of the city.

What does the Metropol Parasol look like? The waffle-like crown structure of the Metropol Parasol project was designed by J. MAYER H. Architects. It became a part of the Plaza de la Encarnacíon redevelopment.

The form of the building was inspired by the vaults of the Seville expansive cathedral. Jürgen Mayer H. wanted to create "a cathedral without walls", something "democratic"[2].

Five micro-laminated wood veneers glued together and covered with waterproof polyurethane coating are the basic elements of the Metropol Parasol. There are metal steel angle bars. Three thousand connection nodes at the intersections of the timber elements are crucial for the structure. Construction company Arup and FFM developed innovative connection details based on glued-in steel bars which were at the same time optimized for rapid erection on the site [2]. A thermal analysis revealed that the hot climate of southern Spain would be a particular challenge for the connection details. The engineers had to develop a new bonding process, specially for this climate. Pre-assembly of the connection elements of all the details was carried out in Germany, after that the 3000 elements were forwarded to southern Spain.

The columns supporting wooden structures could only be located in certain places. The 22 meter high structure of parasols is pierced with large opening

panoramic windows overlooking the






reinforced concrete trunk

supports the






game of light and shadows

is quite out of the ordinary and grabs attention


due to its architectural design. When viewed from different places, the building has a fantastic, daring, creative, sculpture-like repetitive geometric plan.

The Metropol Parasol offers numerous spaces dedicated to art, culture, trade and leisure both inside and outside.

The Antiquarium Museum is located on the first level. It conserves archaeological remains which can be seen by the public. The market on the second level is fully integrated with the Plaza de la Encarnación along with shopping malls and dining venues. The Elevated plaza, the place dedicated to cultural events is located 5 meters above the market level. On the fourth level people can walk on the top of parasols on the curved form platforms and enjoy views of the old town of Seville. Large wooden structures provide shade for the public square. The roof of the structure allows light. Trying hot air generated on the square goes up through the structures, thus excluding a shell effect.

Certainly, such a majestic building could not but attract attention of people from different parts of the world. People who were lucky enough to see one of the largest wooden buildings in the world talk about the incredible feeling of flight, the views opening from the observation deck and exclusivity of such a building. Wooden buildings are especially striking because wood appeals to people thanks to it aesthetic appearance. Moreover, the famous parasols stand out among the mass development of the city like an oasis in the middle of the dusty city.

The probability to build a structure of such magnitude in Russia is extremely small. The fundamental reason is certainly the climate. First, wood in Russian climatic conditions can’t be maintained outdoors without protection, it will be exposed to various microorganisms and then it will rot, which is unacceptable. Secondly, the snow load is too large (about two hundred kilograms per square meter) [3]. That will lead to the formation of snowdrifts, and therefore it requires measures to increase the width of the structures to carry such a load. All this affects the appearance of the structure significantly. But these disadvantages do not exclude the possibility of using wooden structures in Russia. There is always an opportunity to make a covered structure with the same beautiful wooden elements.

After analyzing the Metropol Parasol design, it can be concluded that competent combination of various materials and analysis of the stress state of structure allow to create something that will be the “icon of the city” and attract delightful glances of all generations of people.


1.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237808823_BUILDING_L IFE_CYCLE_ASSESSMENT_RESIDENTIAL_CASE_STUDY


3.1. SP 20.13330.2016 "Loads and impacts". Updated version of SNiP 2.01.07-85*, set of rules: date of publication. 06.04.2017. - Moscow: Ministry of construction of Russia, 2017-95 p.


E.I. Nagaitseva, D.A. Loshkareva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



Organic architecture idea concerning the harmonious integration into a specific natural context is very modern, despite the fact that it appeared more than a hundred years ago. Human civilization has always been in a sharp contrast to the environment. It was visually shown in the construction of cities, which confronted the environment and even destroyed it.

The organic architecture appeared in the 1890s as the opposite to functionalism. Louis Sullivan first mentioned this style, but it became popular thanks to his follower Frank Lloyd Wright. During all the time of its existence its original idea about harmony with nature and landscape has evolved cultivating its new variations.

Nowadays we can see the organic approach not only in architecture, but also in science, in modern art. Today it is vital to establish a new relationship between human and nature.

The main features of organic architecture are the following.

Firstly, it is the integration into the surrounding landscape. The house is like a natural extension of the landscape by the imitation of natural forms or nature integration into the object. (The High Desert House, USA, Kendrick Bangs Kellogg. Cliff House, Norway, Lund Hagem).

The second feature is the use of natural materials. At first, organic architecture used only one such types of materials as stone or wood, but today light constructions and heavy elements from textured materials are combined here. (Dayang Sanghoi, South Korea, TUNE planning. Amangiri Hotel, United States).

The next peculiarity is the affluence of natural light. Light forms of the interior space has a great influence on human emotions. Wright was one of the first who used ceiling glazing and panoramic windows, which are so usual for us now. Glass is also used for zoning the interior, making atmosphere of freedom and lack of borders, what is typical for organic architecture (The paradise-like house, China, Xu Fu-Ming; Hidden Pavilion, Spain, Penelas Architects).

Blurring of the lines between the interior and the environment, flowing spaces through glazing are additional architectural features. (Valentinerhof Hotel, Italy, Noa architects; The Sirdalen House, Norway, Filter Arkitekter).

In addition, you can find elements of wildlife in the interior. Greenery in the living space is combined with a minimalist interior (MM House, Mexico, Nicolas Schuybroek Architects; Magic Breeze, India, Penda).


As we have studied, Green architecture in Russia was not very popular. The first projects appeared in the mid 80s, for example, hill building with the lawn on the rooftop, but artificial coating was laid there instead of a lawn. Mestetskaya and Khazanov architects have planted real grass on the roof in the Katyn Memorial Complex. The project received an award.

We would like to reconsider the ecological principles of architectural design today. They are the following:

-Eco friendly building materials;

-Alternative sources of energy (heat pumps, solar collectors);

-Comfortable and healthy for people heating (cooling) system using radiating surfaces giving heat directly to material objects through waves;

-Correctly and carefully insulated walls to save energy;

-Interior decoration using clay stucco, wood or other natural materials;

-Rational design, compact forms.

Moreover, we would like to highlight the levels of environmental friendliness.

1.The environmental friendliness of structure depends on its engineering, economic and other features, not on architectural view.

2.A modifying level is found where the combination of environmental features has an influence on the spatial and functional solutions of the object, changing its image at the same time. Environmental friendliness gets visualized embodiment. It is engineering of solar panels on roofs or wind power batteries.

3.A transforming level creates image, functional and spatial structure of the object.

This idea is the basis of modern directions what continues to embody the organic architecture principles of the last century. Nowadays there is a number of directions created on the basis of the ecological approach.

1) Firstly, there are natural elements of the urban environment like greenhouses, landscaped terraces, lawns on roofs, etc. (Emilio Ambash and Ken Young architects).

2) Secondly, there are elements, which are invisible for the environment, mixed with air, and trees (Thomas Herzog).

3) Thirdly, it is the creation of “smart” buildings that respond to climate changes. (Microclimate optimization of the building, the physical interaction of the internal and external environment)

4) Energy efficient architecture was achieved due to engineering: energy storage surfaces of walls and roofs.

5) Finally, there are all kinds of cave houses, hill houses, having a tendency to return to natural forms. For example, NMB Bank complex near Amsterdam (Tone Albers).

These trends are micro directions and are not separated from each other as clearly as here.


The most famous trend is Bio-tech which is a direction of modern architecture where the expressiveness of structures is achieved by borrowing natural forms. This style is in the process of its active formation today. Its most serious conflict is confrontation between the conservative rectangular building construction system and curved shells. The main task of Bio-tech is economically viable and aesthetic solution to this conflict.

The organic architecture has not lost its original principles and ideas. It is developing and transforming into “green architecture”. From function to form and according to the laws of formation – this is the main way of organic architecture. It is designed not only to solve the functional architecture issues, but open perspectives in the search for the modern forms and systems.

Prototypes of spatial structural systems were presented in many cases of structural forms of nature. Such forms are successfully being applied in various fields of architecture science, construction span and high-rise buildings.

In conclusion, it is necessary to say that nowadays, specific feature of wildlife forms development in architecture is not just formal aspects of wildlife. It establishes deep connections between the laws of nature development and architecture, not just from simple repetition of forms, but also from understanding of its structure, from scientific and almost molecular nature.

I.A. Averin, D.A. Loshkareva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The problem of heat loss is particularly relevant in our country, as it is often very cold in many regions of Russia for most of the year. The purpose of this work is to identify problems in construction associated with heat loss, and ways to minimize them.

We have studied the mechanisms of heat loss described in numerous research papers. Heat transfer is carried out due to the heat transfer of building structures, as well as due to the penetration of external air through the joints, leakages in windows and doors, as well as building structures leakages.

Heat loss depends on the following factors:

geometric dimensions;

thermal properties of building structures;

indoor and outdoor temperature;

joints air leakage, length of opening parts of windows and doors. The heat transfer rate of building structures depends on the heat transfer

rate of the barrier surface. The research revealed that the heat losses are


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