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Figure 3. Canada's Earth Tower

"By using BC wood from sustainably managed forests as its core structure, the Canadian earth tower will contribute to the development of the industry by changing market perceptions, providing choices, and highlighting the performance and environmental impacts of construction."

Aalto University together with VTT research center of Finland have developed a new material. It is a combination of wood fibers and spider silk, superior to most modern synthetic and natural materials, providing high strength and rigidity combined with increased strength. This invention can solve the problem with the widespread use of wood in practice, it still has to compete in the market with other building materials, if previously plastic was a cheaper choice, then with the application of more restrictions on its use in order to more ecological production, it can replace this material.

Wood is a universal raw material and the only renewable building material. But on the other hand, wood extraction is directly related to deforestation, deforestation is one of the main causes of climate change, as well as the violation of the ecosystems of the area, turning wood into an unstable building material. But is that so bad? Most forests are secondary, man has already changed the entire world ecosystem, and without humans, many forests would be more prone to fire, as well as biodiversity would be much poorer than what we have now. "If we left the forest here for ourselves, it would usually turn into a stand of pure beech trees." So competent logging, at which the quantity used does not exceed that grows, will make wood steady and renewable material. In addition, the extraction of wood will Finance remote areas at the expense of jobs at woodworking enterprises. "Mass timber is not just an exciting new use of old


material, it is a way to protect the health of the forest and ensure its sustainable construction."

After analyzing the information, it is safe to say that the wood, in the future, will not the least among the construction material. If the practice of using wood in construction becomes widely used-it will not only benefit the environment, but also the economy as it will need renewable materials and energy sources, which will make the woodworking industry profitable, and the supervision of deforestation more stringent. Forest rights holders or those, who manage them, can also develop new business models by capitalizing on recycled materials through what is called "cascading use of materials".

But even without that, wood has many positive properties as a building material, which is likely to make it the material of the future.

P.S. Kasatkin, I.L. Dmitrieva

L’Université d’Etat d’Architecture et de Génie Civil de Nijny Novgorod


La raison pourquoi nous avons décidé de toucher ce thème, c’est le désire d’étudier la typologie de la construction de masse en Russie et en URSS et comprendre l’essence du phénomène des maisons-communes.

Le but est donner une courte description de typologie moderne et de typologie de la première étape de la période soviétique et les comparer.

Dans les années 1920 le gouvernement soviétique a annulé la propriété privée et a adopté les décrets du partage du logement. A l’époque, d’après les nouvelles règles, l’appartement a été considéré riche à condition que « le nombre d’habitants soit équivalent au nombre de chambres ou le nombre d’habitants dépasse le nombre de chambres dans l’appartement » et par conséquent on a dû partager le loyer.

En 1919 on a rédigé les normes sanitaires d’habitations – 9m2 pour une personne. Ce règlement, assez dur, est devenu une base idéologique et juridique du partage du logement.

Dès ce moment, sont apparus les nouveaux termes – « les excédents », « les mètres de trop » - qui déterminaient le dépassement de ces normes. Ces mètres devaient être confisqués.

Les réformes soviétiques ont été reflétées aussi dans la construction des maisons-communes. On a espéré que les habitants auraient une vie collective sans soucis ménagers. C’est pourquoi il y avait minimum en propriété – toutes les commodités, notamment la cuisine, la salle de bains et la douche ont été transformées dans l’espace commun.


Malgré les efforts d’améliorer les conditions de vie et créer un nouveau type d’aménagement, les dimensions des appartements sont restées trop petites et insuffisantes pour les grandes familles.

Le nouveau système d’aménagement est apparu en Russie après l’effondrement de l’URSS dans les années 1990. La situation en Russie a changé et donc la construction des bâtiments privés est devenue possible. Il s’agit de la nouvelle typologie de la construction, plus précisément, des espaces non limités – la surface habitable n’a plus de limites. De plus, la surface du chambre ne doit pas être moins que 14 m2. Ce sont les standards d’aujourd’hui.

Malgré la défaite des maisons-communes on peut apercevoir que paradoxallement les principes d’aménagement des communes se reflètent dans des auberges modernes où on trouve des cuisines partagées, des chambres partagées, des salles de bains partagées. C’est une transformation des maisonscommunes. En effet, ces maisons ont exigé beaucoup de changement et reconstruction pour avoir la possibilité de continuer à fonctionner, par exemple, en tant qu’un foyer d’étudiants.

A.S. Nevostruyeva, I.I. Tusheva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


In the construction and industry one has widely used gypsum binders for a long time. Availability of raw materials, simplicity of technology and low energy consumption of production make building gypsum promising, cheap and environmentally friendly binder.

Surface strength, quality and durability of the finish are ensured during the application and formation of subsequent finishing and decorative coatings. As a rule, such processing can be subject to gypsum materials used in construction, restoration of gypsum finishing elements, repair and interior decoration, having not only decorative but also structural purpose.

There are several solutions to the problem of hardening plaster:

Production of high-strength gypsum binder.

Control of the process of hardening gypsum with the introduction of special additives.

Molding products at decrease in water demand of plaster.

Surface treatment for water resistance.

Deep impregnation of the reinforcing composition.

Reinforcement of gypsum products.

Polymer-gypsum products.


Theoretically, the passage of the hardening reaction of gypsum is required to 18.6 % water by weight of the binder. Practically water is taken 3-4 times more. It is necessary for manufacturability of preparation and ensuring accuracy of various forms at plaster products and elements of plaster stucco molding. Excess water that does not participate in the hardening reaction, being removed during drying, creates pores, which leads to a decrease in the strength of the resulting stone. Depending on the water-gypsum ratio, the strength of the finished products will be different. The lower is the W/G ratio, the lower is the porosity and the greater is the strength of the casting.

Objective: to determine the possibility of hardening of plaster products by way of deep impregnation with the use of sulfate salts.

Object of research:

construction plaster of the g-6 II B brand of production of Peshelansky plaster plant (Arzamas district of the Nizhny Novgorod region)

aqueous solutions of 5% and 10% salt concentration

sodium sulfate Na2SO4 cupper sulfate CuSO4 magnesium sulfate MgSO4 iron sulfate (III) Fe2(SO4)3

All selected salts contain gypsum-related sulfate-anion - SO42-, which contributes to greater fixation of salt ions in gypsum samples.

Sulfate salts have a number of properties that allow them to be used in construction. These substances, subject to safety rules when working with them, low-toxic and not dangerous to humans. 5% and 10% solutions of crystallohydrates were used in the work.

Attention was paid to the internal structure of the applied salts. It is noted that the atomic radii of copper and magnesium are smaller than those of other metals, so it was assumed that they would be easier to be fixed in the structure of the gypsum product.

To study the prepared samples of gypsum casts in compliance with W/G relations, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0. The porosity of the obtained samples was calculated on the basis of gravimetric measurements of three samples taking into account their volume. It turned out that the maximum porosity is achieved in compliance with the W/G ratio of 1.0, and at The W/G ratio of 0.6 porosity is reduced by 20%.

It was assumed that the hardening of gypsum will occur when the porous space is saturated with sulfate salts. The occurrence of salts in the structure of gypsum to control the weight gain of samples is estimated. The greatest gain on samples with W/G ratio of 0.6 showed a solution of 10% sodium sulfate, on samples with W/G ratio of 0.8 and 1.0 – 10% magnesium sulfate solution. However, a solution of 5% sodium sulfate led to the destruction of samples with A/G ratio of 1.0, and the solution, with a concentration of 10%, led to the destruction of the sample with W/G ratio of 0.8.


It can be concluded that the porous structure is being filled depending on the atomic radius of the metal.

Note that the greater the porosity, the more salt solutions penetrate into the structure of gypsum. This is because, with greater porosity, the structure of the sample has more space to fill with solutions, so the strength will increase more than other samples.


Impregnation of gypsum products with sulfuric acid salts affects their strength

Copper sulfate gives gypsum materials along with hardening and a kind of coloring. These effects can be used in decorative works.

Magnesium sulfate can be used to strengthen gypsum materials of high porosity in the form of concentrated 10% aqueous solutions. At the same time, the color of the protected surface practically does not change.

When using Cu2+, Mg2+ and Fe3+ salts, the weight gain of gypsum samples increases with the concentration of their solutions due to the greater consolidation of salts.

The established regularities were associated with the influence of the size of the salt ion penetrating into the crystallization structure of gypsum. Having a minimum size of Cu2+ and Mg2+ ions are able to penetrate into the porous space and be fixed in a denser body of the casting, and in a more porous surface without destruction.

Iron (III) sulfate also exhibits a strengthening effect, but in castings of high porosity it was fixed less than Cu2+ and Mg2+ salts.

The destruction of gypsum samples of high porosity when impregnated with Na+ salt solutions can be explained by the possible introduction of larger ions than Ca2+ into the crystallization structure.

E. A. Chibakova, L. V. Vaganova, O. N. Korneva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Russian Orthodox churches are an amazing cultural and historical phenomenon. They determined the spiritual life of Russian cities for many centuries. Today, some churches are lost forever. One of them is the Preobrazhenskaya church in Yaransk town. Now an ordinary house is located on the place of the church. Meanwhile, this church was a part of the oldest Uspensky Cathedral and played an important role in the spiritual life of Yaransk. Therefore, the work of collecting material about the Preobrazhenskaya church seems relevant to us.


We researched the possibility to restore the history and appearance of the Preobrazhenskaya church, based on bibliographic and archival materials.

A goal is to study the history of the Preobrazhenskaya church and find the reasons for its death based on the received information.

Empirical research methods:

Observation - the study of processes and phenomena in the history of the Preobrazhenskaya church.

Comparison - a comparison of the architecture of the Preobrazhenskaya church with descriptions of Vyatka churches in printed sources.

Analysis - analysis of the facts that determined the history of the Preobrazhenskaya church.

Synthesis - restoration of a holistic picture of the history of the Preobrazhenskaya church from the revealed facts.

Conversation with respondents.

The novelty is using of previously unknown documents and receipting of new facts from the history of the Preobrazhenskaya church.

We studied the documents issued by Vyatka Bishops for the construction of churches [4]. And we concluded the Preobrazhenskaya church had existed until 1815 in wooden form and was also one of the oldest churches in Yaransk. At the end of the 18th century, Archpriest of the Uspensky Cathedral Vasily Nevolin and church elder Andrei Shevelev submitted a request for the reconstruction of a wooden church into a stone one. According to the document, a building permit was signed by Bishop Gideon on the 5th of May in 1815.

Scientific works of Anatoly Tinsky about an architect Fillimon Roslyakov and Vyatka architecture [1] were studied. These works helped to present the image of the Preobrazhenskaya church. Information about the architecture of church was found in the work of Nadezhda Nikolaeva [2], also in the dissertation of Lyudmila Bezverkhova [3].

In the "Encyclopedia Of Vyatka Land" [1] it is mentioned that the Uspensky Cathedral was built according to the project of Roslyakov. An architect of the Preobrazhenskaya church is not mentioned anywhere.

It can be assumed that the Preobrazhenskaya church is also was built according to the project of Roslyakov. What are the reasons for this?

First of all, Preobrazhenskaya church was built 25 years later than the Uspensky Cathedral. Besides, it is a part of the Uspensky Manor. Moreover, it is important to pay attention to the architecture of the church.

The works of Fillimon Roslyakov in temple construction were distinguished by the “ship” churches, when on the same axis were an altar, a cold temple, a refectory (warm temple) and a bell tower on the porch. This composition is characteristic of the Baroque churches of the mid-18th century. The light bell tower resembled an arrow, the tip of which was the dome of the completion of the tier of links, a drum and a spire.The base of the bell tower consisted of several tiers. There were light openings and niches, as well as carved


elements of white stone. There was no paint on the facades.By these signs, one can accurately identify the bell tower of Roslyakov.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Viktor Nizov, in "Essays of the Vyatka Diocese" [5] wrote that “… An ancient icon of Vladimir Mother of God is kept in the Preobrazhenskay church, donated by Vasily Nikitich Romanov. On the edge of the icon an ancient inscription "Romano" is …”.

These arguments speak about the historical value of the Preobrazhenskaya church as an architectural monument and the center of the spiritual life of the inhabitants of Yaransk in the period until the middle of the 20th century.

In 1925, the Preobrazhensky community decided to stand out from the parish of the Uspensky Cathedral and form an independent renovation parish. The reason is disagreement with the Uspensky Cathedral community, which supported Patriarch Tikhon. So the split began. The community of the Preobrazhenskaya church received at its disposal a temple and an insignificant part of liturgical supplies.

Under the section, the question of the venerated icon of the Savior which always belonged to the Preobrazhenskaya church. The property dispute intensified the split. The Preobrazhenskaya church was not supported by the Soviet government. Hard times had come, there were not enough funds for heating, lighting, repairs, and the payment of monetary taxes. Thus, began the slow fading of the Preobrazhenskaya church.

In 1935, the Preobrazhenskaya church was closed. By decision of the Presidium of the Yaran district executive committee, the church was adapted for the Pioneer Club. Then a tractor workshop was set up in the church.

In the 50s of the 20th century, the church was destroyed.

It was found out that the Preobrazhenskaya сhurch was built as a wooden church at the Uspensky Manor. And it was rebuilt in 1815-1817 as a brick church.

As it was expected, previously unused documents helped to find out the cause of the death of the temple: the split between the communities of the Uspensky Cathedral and the Preobrazhenskaya church; also lack of support for the Soviet government.


1.Tinsky A. G. the First Vyatka provincial architect F. M. Roslyakov /

/encyclopedia of Vyatka land. [Text]: - Vol. 5. Architecture. - Kirov, 1996. - from 139-144

2.Nikolaeva N. A. Architectural and town-planning development of the district cities of Vyatka province of the last third of the XVIII-early XX century [Text]: thesis: - St. Petersburg, 2002. - 296c.

3.Bezverkhova L. B. Architectural and planning development of cities of Vyatka land from antiquity to the middle of the XVIII century [Text]: thesis: - Kirov, 2001.- 236c.


4.Collection of Church-building certificates for the construction of churches in the Vyatka diocese [Text] / [collector of letters V. Shabalin]. - Vyatka: Gubern. type., 1914. - 513, VII p.

5.Nizov, Victor. "Essays on the history of the Vyatka diocese (16572007): 350 years of the Vyatka diocese": - Kirov 2008

A.K. Sitnikova, I.I. Tusheva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The modern world of a happy childhood is impossible without exciting, high-quality playgrounds. A child’s acquaintance with society begins with a playground, right here he spends most of his time, after home and kindergarten. A playground is a place for children to meet, a place where they explore the world, develop physical, coordination abilities. Moreover, this place should also develop the mental abilities of the child and his creativity. It is important, that the playground is perhaps the most massive element of improvement in the country. Parks, sports fields, recreation areas for the elderly can be neglected, but a playground must be in every yard. Let us see, what is wrong with playgrounds in Russia.

To begin with, we enumerate the qualities that a modern playground should have. Undoubtedly, safety comes first. But it's harder than it sounds. It is very important to know the border where safety turns into sterility. The playground should comply with safety standards, should exclude the possibility of serious injury, so that parents can safely let their children play and not totally control them. But it is very important that the playground should also include some degree of risk. Children need a risk for normal growing, because it is a way to learn self-preservation. Moreover, most children aged 5-10 years have an increased interest in dangerous games, therefore, the provided “dangerous” elements exclude the possibility that children will begin to use structures for other purposes, for example, climb onto roofs, climb back to front on slides, jumping from a great height, which has a much greater chance of serious injury. If you try to protect the child from all possible dangers, it will certainly affect adulthood. Studies show that many people are afraid of something that they rarely or never met in life. If the child is protected from height, darkness, pain, water, fire - then phobias can begin to develop.

The second aspect is gaming value. It consists of a variety of game functions, the possibility of various game scenarios, freedom of movement. 99% percent of playgrounds in Russia are stamped samples. Adults do not think about


what children want to see on the playgrounds. They have a set of stereotypes: children love slides, swings, sandboxes, it’s usually these positions that all are limited to. If you think about the game zone correctly, saturate it with various designs and mechanisms, children will play there for a long time, constantly inventing new stories. In the 1970s, with the support of UNESCO, Kevin Lynch and Louise Chawl conducted research, the purpose of which was to find out from the children themselves how they evaluate the space in which they live and play, and how they see it after 10 years. This study showed that children's understanding of happiness is significantly different from how adults see it. It turned out that the happiest children live in the poorest cities and areas. This is primarily due to the fact that in such places children feel most freely. Children want to walk and play on their own, to choose with whom and where to do it, to communicate with nature, to be full participants in public life. Children need free play and communication.

The third criterion is creativity. This item is really a huge problem for Russian playgrounds. Well-designed playgrounds are a rare exception. Most of them look stamped and uninteresting. The only thing that contractors are guided by is that children love bright colors, although this issue is also controversial. Good design and a variety of forms stimulate the imagination and creativity, develop a sense of taste in children. There are two types of playgrounds - universal and thematic. The first implies a neutral environment that is free for imagination, the second already implies a certain story and immerses a child in it, details are better thought out at such venues, but their minus is that it becomes boring to constantly play on such venues.

Fourth point is the relationship with natural materials and landscape. This point is also important in modern realities, when technological progress increasingly embraces our lives, and the connection with nature gradually fades away. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to contact with water, earth, wood, sand, stones and so on.

Fifth aspect. A play area should offer facilities catering to different abilities. It means that children of different ages should feel comfortable on the playground. Ideally, the playground should be such that adults can be on it and make contact with their children. This aspect also implies accessibility for children with physical and mental disabilities. It is probably impossible to create a playground that will be entirely universal, so it’s advisable to divide it into zones. However, when you design, it is important to create places of “intersection” of spaces so that children of different groups would not be isolated from each other.

These fifth points can be called the main requirements for a modern playground. Now let's take a look at typical playgrounds in the courtyards of Russian cities.


Pic.1 Typical Russian playgrounds

Photos taken from internet

In the summer of 2019, the Municipality of Nizhny Novgorod presented the program "100 playgrounds." This is a big event for the townspeople, which was actively discussed by the media, but it’s worth looking at the established playgrounds and everything falls into place. Playgrounds must be in every yard, and often authorities neglect the quality and install cheap constructions purely for the sake of formality.

But it’s unfair to say that absolutely all playgrounds are bad, there are very worthy examples, here are some of them.

Pic.2 Playground «Salut» in Gorky park, Moscow

Photo taken from the site garagemca.org

Pic.3 Playground «Fairy forest» in Gorkinsky-Ometyevsky forest, Kazan Photo by Sitnikova Anna

It is quite obvious, how much they differ from those that we used to see. This is an example of a good arrangement of a children’s play area, which

is located in the residential complex Ankudinovsky Park, not perfect, but noteworthy.


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