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According to the Newzoo analytical agency, over the past few years, revenues from the sale of games in the world increased by $ 70 billion (56%), and amounted to $ 109 billion by the end of 2017. [Fig. 4]

Figure 4 Gaming Market

According to Newzoo, the largest segment of the global video game market remains entertainment for mobile devices. In 2017, the total market volume amounted to $ 46 billion (42%) in this area. Game consoles account for $ 33.5 billion (31%) of total sales. Desktop apps occupy the remaining $ 29.3 billion (27%).

Today a significant share is occupied by massively multiplayer online games (MMO) in the structure of the global video game market. At the end of 2016, the volume of this segment amounted to $ 19.8 billion, or 60% of the total sales of games for the PC.

Some games use the free distribution model (Free-to-Play, F2P) and today they occupy leadership positions mainly due to its popularity in Asian markets. In 2016, the volume of the F2P market amounted to $ 17.1 billion. Also there are games that are distributed by subscription (Pay-to-pay, P2P). However, revenues from the sale of shareware games are many times higher than paid games. To date, F2P games look the most promising in terms of monetization. Based on the above, it can be understood that the popularity of platforms with this distribution model will only grow over time.

To date, the Russian gaming market is only 1.4% of the global volume. Most of the Russian games market is occupied by online games for PC. However, revenue in the field of mobile apps is growing rapidly and according to experts will soon surpass the online games segment.

Until now, MMO games remain the most popular in the Russian market. The growth trend of the MMO segment has remained positive over the past few years.

As for gamers, the study showed today 87% of Russia's audience play games more than once a month. The average age of a gamer is 33 years. Besides, the majority of the audience are specialists with higher education and students (44% of all players).


But a huge part of games from all areas of gaming industry are developed by foreign companies. In our country there are several companies that were popular 10 years ago. However, now their projects are not very popular or they are not at all.

Gaming industry development is a promising way to solve some problems. Investments and assistance in gaming companies and gaming industry development as a whole would bring the following in our country: 1) The economic growth due to the receipt of considerable profits from game development companies (on average, up to $ 5-6 billion).

2)The emergence of foreign investment in the gaming industry development.

3)With the advent of new gaming companies and the revival of old ones, additional jobs will appear in the country, which will help reduce unemployment.

4)The sphere development will entail other spheres development, related to it anyway. (For example: Advertising agencies, technology market, etc.)

To conclude, it is possible to emphasize that the game market is a new, not yet fully formed market that is constantly changing, adding something new. Based on the popularity of gaming industry which it has at the moment, we can easily say the industry development is just beginning. So, gaming industry development prospect will be relevant for a long time.


1.https://corp.mail.ru/media/files/igrovoj-rynok-v-rossiimail.ru- group2012.pdf

2.https://www.forbes.ru/tehnologii/357631-sereznye-zabavy-pochemu- videoigry-stanovyatsya-populyarnee-kino







E.V. Smirnova, E.A. Aleshugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


It is no easy matter to design a building or structure. In the process of study, we have already designed a bus station and a nine-story residential building. This article will focus on the design of a cultural and entertainment


institution, in particular on the design of a cinema. There are three types of cinemas, such as express cinema, leisure cinema and children's cinema.

The object of the research is a leisure cinema design.

The goal is to consider the features and details of cinema design.

Leisure cinema is designed for the audience with free time. In such a cinema there should definitely be a wardrobe. It is also complemented by vocal and choreographic rooms, a slot machine hall, exhibition halls and the like.

Design begins with a space-planning solution. It is include determining the composition of the premises, the norms for calculating the area, as well as the relationship of individual spaces and groups of premises. Designing an auditorium is the most difficult part of designing a floor plan, since all the proportions of the auditorium must be calculated using certain formulas. It is also necessary to calculate the visibility and select the screen size. Placement of visual places in the auditorium must comply with the standards specified in the codes of rules.

The facade should be designed at the same time as the development of the plan. The building plan and facade should be designed in conjunction with the master plan. The cinema building should organically fit into the surrounding space of urban development. The master plan indicates the projected building, roads, sidewalks, sites, landscaping, the boundaries of the development site, its size, and elevation marks. An explication of buildings and structures should also be compiled.

When designing a cinema building, longitudinal and transverse sections should be made. Section planes must be selected along the longitudinal axis of the auditorium and across the auditorium in front of the first row of seats. The floor profile of the auditorium must be such that there are no obstacles in the way of the visual ray going from the observed point to the viewer's eye. This is ensured by the fact that the line of sight must pass above the eye level of the viewer who is sitting in front. This excess should range from 0.08 to 0.14 meters.

The third section is a section along the outer wall, where it is necessary to pay attention to the construction and depth of the foundation, the composition of the floor layers, the construction of windows, the construction of the parapet and the composition of the roof.


Pic.1. Part of the leisure cinema project

As a result, we should get a building that should provide favorable conditions for staying spectators and the work of staff, should have a rational design scheme, meet the requirements of economy and industrial construction, satisfy architectural and artistic requirements.

L.M. Nikolaeva, E.A. Aleshugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The article considers "BIM-Technology. Comparative Analysis of Russia and Abroad" presents information on the introduction of BIM technologies in Russia and abroad; reasons of developmental differences and solutions to improve software complex awareness.

The relevance of the topic is that modern construction can no longer exist without innovative technologies, one of which is BIM design. Today,


construction industry is widely developing and gaining momentum. Every year software complexes allow engineers to improve quality of created projects and at the same time simplify the work at all stages of construction.

Thus, the goal of the research is to assess the effectiveness of the BIM use in Russia and Abroad.

BIM is defined as building information modeling. The abbreviation denotes a set of activities and works to manage a life cycle of the building starting from project to dismantling. BIM technologies cover design, construction, operation and repair of a building or other structure.

There are now such software as Revit, Tekla Structures, ArchiCAD and many others which are widely introduced into this field.

So what caused such a stir? Why do large companies all over the world want to switch to 3D modeling?

BIM technologies have a lot of advantages including such as:

1.3 D visualization which allows developers and investors to control the stage of development of the project, in addition, 3D model contains the most complete information about the object and reflects not only architectural solutions, but also the development of engineering systems are making communications.

2.Reduction of project documentation production time.

3.Ability to manage data by changing financial parameters of the project or labor costs in specification catalogues. Thus, engineers can adjust construction costs.

4.One of the main advantages of BIM design is to obtain a comprehensive compliance of parameters and operational characteristics of the erected building with Customer requirements.

5.The ability to automate management processes of construction equipment using machine design parameters. BIM technology allows you to calculate and determine parameters of construction process before the start of construction work on the site.

This is only a small part of the benefits of software complex.

The introduction of software systems around the world is intensive, moving to 3D modeling in Russia, but it must be compared with such developed countries as Canada, Singapore, UK and others.

Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, One Island East skyscraper in Hong Kong, the Olympic venues in Beijing are well known examples of the complex or partial BIM technology use. It leads to improve projects quality, reduce the construction of facilities cost and increase profits.

The results of a survey in the North America construction industry which was conducted by the American company McGraw-Hill Construction skyrocketed from 28% to 71% between 2007 and 2012. Three quarters of all contractors surveyed report a positive return on investment on in BIM [Fig. 1].


Figure1. The date provided information about Contractors reporting a Positive Return on Investment for BIM

However, nearly 5-7% of companies use BIM software in Russia. This is due to some factors, such as:

high cost of imported software;

high costs for training specialists in construction industry;

changing the structure of employee income distribution;

risk of knowledge loss by specialists.

Although introduction of BIM in Russia is not the most intensive pace transition to 3D modeling is inevitable. The Town Planning Code formally establishes the concept of information modeling. The corresponding law was signed in June 2019 by President Vladimir Putin. It proves that the development of BIM going on, but very slowly, is essentially local character and hasn't been stimulated from government before.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in Russia BIM technologies are much less common than in Europe and America. Russia has its own specifics and problems but introduction of new technologies holds great promise for architects and engineers. There are opportunities for designing more complex and unique objects with non-standard architectural and structural solutions.

The high cost of purchasing imported programs and training costs are not serious reasons for abandoning BIM technologies. All these costs are offset by the timing of projects and introduction of construction projects into operation.


D.E. Sergeev, S.V. Strakhov, D.A. Loshkareva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Nowadays information technology is necessary in all areas of our life and space is not an exception. We would like to consider the application of IT in space. This paper highlights the multioptional application of IT in space. IT is a very important tool for the Space and the Earth research. The relevance of the paper is determined by the opportunity to reveal the diversification of the use of IT in the study of the Earth from the Space. We would like to consider several space projects that helps to study the Earth using IT.

The first project is BioSentinel organized by NASA.

The BioSentinel mission was selected as a sole biological experiment, to fly on the Space Launch System’s first Exploration Mission (EM-1) planned to launch in 2020. The primary objective of BioSentinel is to develop a biosensor to detect and measure the impact of space radiation on living organisms over long durations beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO).

The BioSentinel biosensor utilizes the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to query the biological response to ambient deep space radiation, including the formation of double strand breaks (DSBs). DSBs are deleterious DNA lesions that are generated by exposure to highly energetic particles in the deep space radiation spectrum, and that are often repaired without errors by the cell. The biosensor contains two genetically engineered yeast strains: a wild type of strain that serves as a control for yeast health and “normal” DNA damage repair, and a rad51 deletion strain, which is defective for DNA damage repair, and will therefore undergo alterations to growth and metabolism as it accumulates radiation damage. These changes will be detected by the biosensor payload.

BioSentinel will conduct the first study of the biological response to space radiation outside LEO in almost 50 years. BioSentinel will address strategic knowledge gaps related to the biological effects of space radiation, and will provide an adaptable platform to perform humanrelevant measurements in multiple space environments in the future, including on lunar and Mars landers and orbiters. Yeast is the ideal organism for this mission because of its spaceflight heritage, well-characterized genetic tools, and its capacity to survive long periods in a desiccated state prior to rehydration and growth activation in space. Importantly, yeast’s DNA damage repair process is highly similar to that of humans, making it a robust translational model. BioSentinel’s results will be critical for interpreting the effects of space radiation exposure, reducing the risk associated with long-term human exploration, and validating existing models of the effects of space radiation on living organisms.


The BioSentinel mission is funded by the Advanced Exploration Systems program within the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters. Partner organizations include NASA Ames Research Center for the development of BioSentinel, and NASA Johnson Space Center for the LET spectrometer.

The next agency we would like to consider is SpaceX and now the most interesting project StarLink.

Starlink is a satellite constellation development project underway by American company SpaceX, to develop a low-cost, high-performance satellite bus and requisite customer ground transceivers to implement a new space-based Internet communication system. SpaceX also plans to sell satellites that use a satellite bus that may be used for military, scientific or exploratory purposes.

SpaceX has plans to deploy nearly 12,000 and later possibly up to 42,000 satellites. The additional 30,000 satellites were added to the plan in 2019 after FCC submitted an application on behalf of SpaceX with ITU. The 12,000 satellites are planned to orbit in three orbital shells by the mid-2020s: initially placing approximately 1,600 in a 550-kilometer (340 mi)-altitude shell, subsequently placing approximately 2,800 Ku-band and Ka-band spectrum satellites at 1,150 km (710 mi) and approximately 7,500 V-band satellites at 340 km (210 mi). Concerns have been raised about the long term danger of space junk resulting from placing thousands of satellites in orbits above 1000 km where orbit decay times are measured in thousands of years.

Product development began in 2015, and two prototype test-flight satellites were launched in February 2018. A second set of test satellites and the first large deployment of a piece of the constellation occurred on 24 May 2019 (UTC) when the first 60 operational satellites were launched. Initial commercial operation of the constellation could begin in 2020.

The SpaceX satellite development facility in Redmond, Washington, houses the research, development, manufacturing and on-orbit control operations for the satellite Internet project.

In addition, we would like to see is ESA and its Icarus project.

Icarus (ICARUS, International Cooperation for Animal Research Using Space) is a Russian-German program. The aim of the initiative is to study the migration of animals and birds. The complex includes an electronic unit, interfaces, as well as receiving and transmitting antennas. These antennas should be installed on the outer surface of the Zvezda service module of the Russian segment of the ISS.

Antenna unit will receive and transmit information from migrating animals. Information from sensors of chipped fauna representatives will be received around the clock by Icarus, transmitted to the control center and sent to the participants of the experiment in data processing centers.

The IKARUS antenna and the computer controlling it are located onboard the ISS. On the ground, the central role is played by small-sized radio


transmitters, the so-called "tags" ("tags"). In size, they correspond to the nail of the thumb, and their weight is only five grams. This makes it possible to supply sensors even small animals – for example, songbirds – without affecting their behavior. Labels are used to collect data on the acceleration of motion, the ambient temperature and direction relative to the Earth’s magnetic field. In addition, they register animal migration routes using satellite navigation data. All this happens in an energy saving mode. However, the tags accurately calculate the moment of flight over them by the ISS – then they “wake up” and begin to work in full force. The devices transmit the recorded data to the space station, receive new data on the ISS motion path, and can be reprogrammed. At the same time, an antenna in space is capable of simultaneously receiving data from entire flocks, that is, several hundred animals.

IKARUS is a joint project of Roscosmos State Corporation, the Max Planck Society and the DLR Space Agency, which supports the project with funds provided by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy. The labels were developed by the German company ICARUS Global Observation System GmbH (I-GOS, Immenstaad). The IKARUS antenna unit and the onboard computer were developed and manufactured by SpaceTech GmbH (Immenstaad) with the support of the Russian industrial partner RSC Energia (Korolev).

In conclusion it is necessary to mention that the amount of information we receive from different sources is incredibly awesome. But we lack greatly the projects devoted to its study. This paper emphasizes the necessity and importance of space missions because our evolution depends on space. The article touches upon just few projects but it helps to pay attention this problems and to instill interest to this topic.

A.S. Paisheva, E.A. Aleshugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


The article discusses modern green construction as a kind of construction and operation of buildings with minimal impact on the environment and its legal aspects which take place in the assessment of the compliance of the building with the prescribed requirements.

The main goal of green construction is to reduce the level of energy consumption and material resources throughout the entire building life cycle: construction, operation, and repair. Another goal of green building is to maintain or improve the quality of buildings and the comfort of their internal environment.


Undoubtedly, this is quite a topical subject today. People began to forget that despite the fact that human needs are unlimited, natural resources are limited.

Nowadays, construction has a very strong impact on nature, resources, becoming the cause of global problems. By raising skyscrapers to heaven, people violate the laws of nature, but nature requires balance.

One of the most basic principles of green building is environmental safety. This factor is very significant at all stages: construction, operation and destruction. Also an important principle is the use of natural building materials. This principle implies the use of not only natural materials, but also renewable ones.

Energy efficiency is very significant. An eco-friendly house does not have to consume much energy, that is, electric energy, heating and etc. Ideally, an ecological house should not be dependent on any type of energy.

Green building is a comprehensive knowledge structured by design and construction standards. The level of its development directly depends on the achievements of science and technology, the activity of industrial engineers and the environmental principles.

The development and implementation of green construction standards stimulates the development of business, innovative technologies and the economy, improves the quality of life and the environment. They are a tool of smart economics - save money for everyone.

In countries where ecological construction is developing, was created national standards that take into account the socio-economic and natural conditions of the country: legislation, state policy on energy resources and ecology, climatic conditions, the degree of awareness of energy efficiency and environmental issues by professional communities and population.

Among the most advanced national rating systems, it should be noted the US – LEED (The Leadership in Energy and Environmental design) and English – BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental assessment method). Let us make a further comparison.

Each rating system includes 3 rating levels:

-rating of design solutions;

-rating of construction (compliance of constructed building with the project documentation at the stage of acceptance);

-rating of operational qualities of the building (efficiency of solving environmental problems, energy saving, comfort of other indicators in the process of management and operation of the building, confirmation of achievement of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of ecological and energy efficiency).

Comparing the detailed assessment procedure, we can see that despite the fact that the English BREEAM model appeared earlier, the American LEED system is considered more common in the world.

The first step in obtaining BREEAM certification is a preliminary assessment of the building, which is performed by a BREEAM specialist.


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