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One of the main requirements for the creation of this project is environmental friendliness, strength and durability of the materials that are presented in this project. Enough attention is paid to the creation of increased wear resistance structures, such as a gazebo, tables and chairs, benches, because a large number of people will be in contact with them every day. Therefore, it is very important the structure will not lose its strength and neat appearance for long [ Fig 3].

Figure 3. Sverdlov Park View

In conclusion it is necessary to emphasize that any urban area should pay special attention to park areas and develop them in the city to preserve natural beauty inside the city.

M.S.Goncharov, D.A. Loshkareva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Cross-platform applications trigger minds of many developers throughout the world. Since the very beginning of computer era there always have been several platforms, processor architectures and other various factors which separated developers from universality in their codebases.

The idea of application that “just works” on all major computer platforms is so tempting that there were several attempts to create such technology.


To clarify things cross-platform app in that article means it looks, feels, performs similarly on all platforms both mobile and desktop. Moreover, it supports all screen resolutions and DPIs looking great on all of them.

All computer programs are sets of keywords that are translated into CPU instructions in one or another way. Some programming languages are compiled ahead of time (AOT compilation). Compiled binaries are CPU specific and can be executed on one combination of operating system and processor architecture. C/C++, Rust and Go are perfect examples of such languages. You will have to recompile you program if it is built for another system or even change some instruction to migrate your code from Windows to Linux.

The problem of updating programs for switching to other platform was addressed by creators of Java. This programming language has virtual environment (JVM – Java Virtual Machine) that was built for many computer platforms. However, there was no way to create application that shared both logic and interface for all platforms. Moreover, you still have to use different APIs (application programing interfaces) to implement certain feature on a variety of platforms. For example, you can write a program for Android or Windows and if it is rather simple it could be executed on either platform without recompiling. This is true for all platforms that have JVM, which are nearly all operating systems on practice.

The new platform for true cross-platform applications had to be very flexible. It had to have all features included in one defined form or in other words you as a programmer had to learn only one way to make a task and it would work everywhere. The language of choice was to be universal. It means interpreted. All APIs had to be built into the platform and allow the same capabilities as all other previous competitors did.

The only real language that can do that kinds of stuff is JavaScript. Firstly, it runs in all browsers so it is completely universal. Secondly, tons of APIs are implemented in browsers nowadays so it is capable of most things native apps can do. But the problem is that you do not expect to run you CAD or triple-A game inside browser and JavaScript program is still a website. The application need to feel native and run at close to native speeds.

There PWAs come into place. They allow to use your websites with plane old HTML, CSS and JS as apps on your desktop or mobile by simply saving all markup, styles and logic locally and running them inside a container outside browser tab. On Windows the app is usually displayed in Start menu or desktop and on mobile you can also find the application list so the app looks native on all platforms.

However, it is still a website. Do we need internet to use it? Basically we do. But we can supply the application with scenarios that make your app act like a native app. It will store its files locally and if need to make something connected to the internet without actual connection, the app will postpone that action but will make it for sure, just like native app will.


Now we have a way to simulate native-like experience, but what about the speed? JavaScript is not nearly as fast as C++ or Rust. WebAssembly or WASM solves this problem. This is a specific language that is capable of running by JavaScript virtual machine or a specific VM that is built specifically for that language. However, it is faster to execute because of its static type system and capable of heavy computational tasks. The main problem of WASM is its Assembly part. It is unreadable for human and hard to write in. So this language is usually used as translation target for other high-level languages such as C++, Rust or C#. By the way, you can translate TypeScript into WASM and TypeScript is basically JavaScript with types. WASM have some issues with its ability to use web APIs as JS does but it definitely serves its purpose. But we have some workarounds to allow WebAssembly execute JS code passing some values as parameters.

With WebAssembly you can port already existing programs including PC games and professional level software such as AutoCAD and other heavy ones. For example, some enthusiasts ported one of early versions of Windows into Web using this technology and it works smoothly. The company that built one of the most popular gaming engines Unity has already compiled their engine into WebAssembly and tested a couple of games. They worked just fine in modern browsers with all their fancy graphics and artificial intelligence powering their NPCs.

Microsoft translated their .NET Framework to the web. So today we can run C# code in web just as easy as with native applications. This all proves the fact that WebAssembly is capable of a lot of serious tasks that were hard to solve using standard Web language JS.

Translators for other high-level languages and frameworks for easy development are coming soon. With their help we will be able to create immersive experiences inside web.

To sum up, the stack for creating basic PWAs is pretty short:

Standard web stack: HTML, CSS and JS

Your favorite UI framework, for example ReactJS

Some experience in adaptive layout creation with or without a CSS framework like Bootstrap

Knowledge of Web APIs

Some simple steps to define and run you PWA like native


WASM for specific situations when speed is a key factor

That is all you need to know to get started. If you are already familiar with Web platform 90% of progress has already been done.


Mishina A. A., Novikova P. V., Ugodchikova N. F

L’Université d’État d’Architecture et de Génie Civil de Nijni Novgorod


Studio Marty nous a proposé le travail sur la territoire du département de la Drôme dans les trois villages perchés: Savasse, Sauzet et Marsanne. Le but principale est de créer la destination touristique, ameliorer les connections entre les villages et faire les gens rester la. Chaque village a sa identité, sa histoire, sa disposition spécifique. L'une des richesses essentielles de ce territoire est la nature est l'agriculture. Tous les principaux donne l'opportunité pour attirer les visiteurs. C'est pourquoi il est nécessaire des éclairer et des mettre en valeur.

Le département de la Drôme est un département français situé dans le quart sud-est de la France. C'est la porte de la Provence, la césure entre le sud et le nord. La territoire de la Drôme est caractérisé par les champs de lavandes et les vignes, différents petits massifs, vallées. Si la nature est généreuse en Drôme provençale, le patrimoine culturel y est également très riche. Nombreux sont les sites médiévaux et les villages perchés. Aussi la région est connue par les produits differents: olives noires, nougats, tilleul, truffes, fromage de chèvre. Dans cette region pittoresque sont disposé trois villages perchés qu'ils ont attiré l'attention de studio. Pour le travail on a choisi Marsanne, une village a 15 km de Montélimar plus éloigné de Rhône que les autres, et se situe sur une plaine entourée de collines boisées. Les alentours de Marsanne sont aussi couverts de forêts propices aux randonnées, et de vignes. C'est bien cette commune qui à donné son nom au cépage qui entre dans la composition des vins des Côtes du Rhône septentrionales.

La première mention d’organisation de la vie dans ce village référence à X, XIIème siecle. Cette période est marqué par la construction du château au sommet d’un éperon rocheux dominant la plaine sud est et la construction de l’église Saint Félix. Pendant tout l'histoire de village Marsanne a été ruiné et reconstruit deux fois. Maintenant visitant Marsanne on peut trouver l’architecture qui raconte l’histoire de la village: les ruines de Chateau, l’Église Saint Félix, les maison sur la rue du Comte de Poitiers, la chapelle Saint-Claude, Mairie, la chapelle de Notre-Dame de Fresneau. La partie historique est bien conservé. Aujourd’hui la population du village compte approximativement 1 200 habitats. On y trouve la mairie, 2 écoles, une agence postale, un office de tourisme, la «caserne »des pompiers et celle de la gendarmerie. Mais aussi tout l'équipement commercial du village: 4 hôtels-restaurants, un restaurant et une pizzeria, une épicerie, une boulangerie-pâ tisserie, un bureau de presse, une bouquinerie, une poterie artisanale, 2 marchés hebdomadaires, et un mensuel de juin à octobre. Le secteur économique le plus important de la ville de Marsanne est celui de l'administration publique, de l'enseignement, de la santé humaine et de l'action sociale. Le second


secteur économique est celui de l'hébergement et de la restauration. La vie socialle du village inclut grand nombre des associations: culturelles, sportives, sociales, educatives. La Drôme Provençale bénéficie d’une grande variété de paysages. La particularité de disposition de Marsanne pres de collines et la vallée donne la diversité de paysage, de flore, de faune. La Forêt de Marsanne est le territoire protégé dispose dans les collines pres de Marsanne qui represent tout la richesse naturelle de la region. La Forêt de Marsanne compte de nombreuses espèces animales et végétales remarquables, ainsi que des milieux protégés. Elle est réputée pour son muguet sauvage, ses jonquilles et ses nombreux chemins de randonnée.

Le site de notre projet se situe sur une colline, dans la partie historique de la village, près d’Église Saint-Felix et les ruines de Château Médiévale. On a trouvé que ce place est très symbolique pour la village, il est point d’attractions qu’on peut voir de chaque partie de village et la territoire voisine. Ce site est remarquable par l’union d’histoire et de la nature, c’est un point culminant du long de la chemin a travers de la partie ancienne et qui domine un large panorama qui s'étend des confins de la vallée du Rhône au début des Préalpes du sud. A d’autre côte de la colline il y a panorama sur les collines verts non touché par les gens. Aujourd’hui l’É glise Saint Félix ne fonctionne pas, elle est dans un état abandonné ainsi que les ruines de Château Médiévale. Toute la colline est couverté par les différentes types des végétations et des arbres. Il semble que l’edifices anciennes sont les seules interventions dans la nature de la colline. Le site est accessible par la route de côte nord et par le chemin pour les piétons de côte sud.

À notre avis la passage existant est pas bien accessible et amenagé. On pensait que la côte est de la colline quel maintenant est caché pour les visiteurs est plus agreable pour admirer le paysage de la vallée. C’est pourquoi on a decidé de creer la passage parallèle pour decouvrir les nouvelles opportunité s du lieu existant. On a décidé de creer Centre Culturel pour é largir les fonctions d’espace. Le projet «Centre Culturel» fait partie de la stratégie globale de Marsanne «Via Flora». L’idée principale est de creer complex qui unit tous les interventions de Marsanne. La stratégie inclut trois composants: Art, Plantes, Bien-être. Chaque intervention est basé sur ces composants et leur represente. Le passage culturel commence prè s de l’É glise Saint Fé lix et se termine près de mur ruiné avec l’opportunité pour continuer le promenade par le projet suivant “Le café perché et l’atelier de dessin”. Notre passage inclut trois interventions architecturale: les trois pavillons qui sont conç us selon la straté gie globale de la Via Flora. Le principe general quel a été utilisé dans le projet c’est le creation d’espaces en dialogue avec la nature: partiellement cachette entre la vegetation, utilisation des structures légères et fins, incrustation dans le relief, utilisation du lumiè re naturelle pour creation de sentiment de penetration d’environment à l’interieur. On utilise le systeme de poteaux comme l’element generale qui unifie tous les


interventions. Chaque pavillon est disposé a son propre niveau et ouvre le vue special sur la vallée.

Le premier pavillon est Gallerie d’art ouvert (Via Flora: “Art”) se situe a côte est d’Église Saint-Felix. Sa forme symbolise le portail qui invite les visiteurs pour passer a travers. La structure de pavillon crée l’effet de demi-transparence: les vegetations penetrant a l’interieur et l’effet de jeu d'ombres et de lumières.

Le deuxieme pavillon est Pavillon d’arômes (Via Flora: «Plantes») continu le passage culturel. L’espace est divisé en deux parties avec les qualities differents: partie ouvert, éclairé et partie caché , sombre. Partie ouvert est l’espace de recreation, avec les possibilité s de se reposer, profiter le paysage, ecouter les sons de la nature (l’eau, les oiseaux, la vegetation), admirer la lumiere et se sentir la partie d’environment. La partie caché est consacré a la richesse des arômes de la territoire de Drôme. La on peut sentir les odeurs d’extrats des plantes, faire le connaissance avec tous la diversité . Tous les espaces mettent l'accent sur les caracté ristiques de lieu avec l’utilisation différent types de matériaux (pierre dans la partie caché et le verre dans la partie ouvert), la penetration d’eau, de la vegetation, de la lumière a l’interieur.

Le troixieme pavillon est le point final de passage, c’est le Pavillon d’animation (Via Flora: «Bien-être»). Il inclut deux niveaux qui sont connecté s par l’escalier spirale. Le premier niveau est caché par les arbres et invisible. A l’interieur on peut admirer les ombres des arbres grace a les murs demitransparents. Le lumière penetrant à travers des trous dans le plafond crée l’ambience specifique. Le deuxieme niveau a la fonction d’interaction. La forêt de poteaux est le support des hamacs, ou les visiteurs peuvent s’installer et profiter le paysage de la vallé e pendant la journée et les étoiles pendant la nuit.

Tous les interventions architecturels sont connecté s par le systeme d’escalier et les plateformes d’observations qui sont créé selon le topography du lieu. Une des plateformes a l’installation pour loisirs et l’union avec la nature.

Le projet «Centre culturel» basé sur le principal d'intervention delicat qui conserve le paysage et la biodiversite existants. Donnant l'accessibilite a les visiteurs de tout les ages le projet ouvre les nouvelles sensations de la paysage et l'impression revitalisante de site historique. Ca permet donner les nouveaux sens qui attire le plus grand nombres de visiteurs et augmenter la connaissance de territoire de Marsanne. Le concept du projet est cohérent avec les autres projets de Via Flora et les autres projets de la stratégie globale. Les espaces de pavillons peuvent etre utilise non seulement pour les fonctions propose mais aussi pour les activites locales.


Leontyeva A.A., Bulka N.P., PatyaevaN.V.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Today, more and more attention is paid to the development of environmentally friendly and energy-saving technologies. They reduce the environmental impact and save energy. The same situation is in the construction area. Green building is becoming more popular.

This direction is developing very actively, green houses and even skyscrapers are being built around the world.

The main objectives of "green building":

1.reducing the negative impact of construction activities on the environment and human health;

2.developing new technologies and creation of modern industrial


3.reducing power consumption,

4.decreasing the costs of construction and maintenance of buildings. This industry uses the most advanced technological developments aimed at

reducing energy costs and minimizing the harmful effects on nature.

The first “green” standards appeared in 1990 when BRE Global introduced the BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) standardization system in the UK. Currently, this system of environmental assessment of buildings is used in many countries of the world.

Later in 1998, another rating system for certification of green buildings appeared in the USA - LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

Energy Saving Technologies

One of the basic principles of environmental construction is energy conservation. So attention is paid to the development of technologies that would allow to minimize energy losses during the operation of buildings. Among the main methods of energy conservation are the following.

1. Providing effective thermal insulation.

Effective and popular materials for keeping heat in the house are:

expanded polystyrene plates which provide an opportunity to reduce construction costs, increase the speed of walling, reduce the amount of construction waste;

organic thermal insulation that is created using natural, environmentally friendly materials. For example: foam concrete, recycled wood and woodworking waste, reeds, straw, fiberboard, peat boards, etc.).

2. Ensuring the tightness of door and window openings. Modern energy-saving windows can be of several types:


double-glazed windows inside which there is a coating that reduces

heat loss;

double-glazed windows filled with inert gas, most often it is argon. 3. Reduce energy consumption with modern, economical appliances. Modern household appliances are made on the basis of energy-saving

technologies. Have you seen the inscription on the refrigerator or washing machine "energy class A"? This means that such a device consumes electricity several times less than standard models.

Reducing the energy consumption in such a house is achieved through the use of energy-saving lamps, consuming about 5 times less energy than a conventional incandescent lamp.

Using solar energy

As you know, the Sun is a huge generator, which produces a huge amount of energy. Due to the availability of this type of energy, it is actively used in construction of "green" houses. Solar panels are installed on the roofs of buildings, but recently they use special photoelectric glasses (Smart Energy Glass). Such glasses accumulate solar energy and perfectly retain heat indoors in winter.

The possibility of replacing non-renewable energy sources with solar panels, which will provide power to a wide variety of building systems, allows to save and reduce the harmful effects on the environment. That is why this technology has found its application in green construction.

Rainwater harvesting

One of the central places in “green” construction is occupied by technologies for the efficient and rational use of water resources. Each "green" building must have a system for collecting and storing rainwater.

Rainwater is usually collected from the roof of the building. Such water is not used as drinking water, as this water is dirty. Depending on the characteristics of the collection system, the obtained rainwater can be used for domestic needs: watering plants, washing cars, flushing toilets, etc.

This system can be used in case of malfunctions in the central water supply system or any interruptions in the water supply. Rainwater harvesting systems are easy to install and maintain, so the costs are small and the benefits are significant.

In conclusion, we would like to say that the development and popularity of the use of modern environmental technologies in construction will allow us to live in a safer and more comfortable, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly environment that meets the most advanced international quality standards.


I. A. Schekotilova, E.S. Kornilova

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



The development of modern society is impossible without the formation of an ecological culture which is based on certain processes of human interaction with nature. The production of goods from various types of raw materials is steadily growing every year in the world, along with it the amount of waste is growing, and accordingly, the need for their disposal is increasing.

Numerous innovations in the field of waste recycling will not solve the environmental problem until a civilized approach to sorting solid household waste becomes the norm and a mandatory practice for all residents of modern Russian cities. After all, it is important to understand that separate garbage collection is a much more efficient process than expensive and resource-intensive technologies for the processing of mixed household waste.

Unfortunately, the introduction of a separate garbage collection system for Russia is not an easy task and directly depends on the infrastructural changes of our country.

People in Europe collect garbage in separate containers not just for ease of disposal but hoping to get some economic benefit out of it.

Europeans process garbage and get valuable raw materials from it that is suitable for reuse in various industries.

The fact that glass can be turned into new bottles and plastic into various plastic products has been known to everyone for a long time. Synthetic fibers obtained from recycled garbage from landfills are a part of European clothing. And Europeans burn what cannot be recycled receiving electricity and thermal energy from household waste [3].

Unfortunately, in our city people do not see such separate containers. Even rubbish bins cannot be found everywhere. The garbage bin was invented by the French prefect Eugene Rene Poubel in the city of Seine on March 7th, 1884. It was Poubel who suggested immediately sorting the garbage and installing various bins, which were different in color and functionality. Thus, Poubel was ahead of ecologists by 100 years. And now only some countries perform waste sorting [1]. There are a lot of unusual rubbish bins in Russia that are inconvenient and it is difficult to remove garbage from them. They draw people’s attention to the place where they are installed. But they do not perform their function.

There are special requirements for the location of garbage bins in cities and towns. “Sanitary rules for maintaining territories of populated areas. SanPiN42- 1284690-88 " provide this information. In which, for example, it is indicated: in all squares and streets, in gardens, parks, public transport stops and other places,


litter bins should be exhibited in sufficient quantities. The distance between the bins is determined by the public utilities depending on the intensity of use of the highway (territory), but no more than 40 meters away on busy and 100 meters on less populated areas [2]. At each stall, it is necessary to install a litter bin with a capacity of at least 10 liters. Litter bins should be cleaned systematically as they are filled.

In Russia, there is no clear division of garbage containers by color. That is why you can see containers of various colors in our cities and towns. But some companies mark the containers with different inscriptions, for example, organic, plastic, paper, glass, etc.

Many people have already started sorting out waste thus getting economic benefits and taking care of the environment. There are some waste collection points in Nizhny Novgorod which accept and distribute different types of waste for further recycling. Also, many brand boutiques do not stay away from the recycling problem and try to help the environment. They practice special bonus programs, encouraging the customers to bring their old clothing to the shop and give them a good discount for further purchase as a reward. Some supermarkets try to help the environment by replacing plastic bags and packages with reusable fabric and eco –plastic bags. These are just our first steps to start to care of our planet.

Designers can develop different models of litter bins for special purposes. The prototypes can be made of perforated metal sheet or printed out using a 3D printer (Pic. 1).

Pic. 1. Models of special-purpose bins

This problem demands a universal concern showing our care and love for the Earth. We should understand how much we value our planet and whether we are ready to fight for it, and whether everyone is ready to do it. It is obvious that the first step should be taken on the individual level and only our joint efforts could achieve the results. In conclusion, we would like to emphasize once again that the disposal of household waste is one of the important problems of modern civilization, but only by joint efforts an environmental disaster can be prevented and natural resources can be preserved for future generations.


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