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influenced by the measurements characterizing a thermal mode of a building. In addition to outdoor temperature, heat loss is determined by such measurements as wind speed and humidity of outdoor and indoor air, solar radiation and other meteorological factors.

The main heat losses occur through:




Ventilation system,

Fencing structures.

The ways to eliminate heat loss are the following.

One of the ways to reduce heat loss is the design of residential buildings with a reduction in the area of fencing structures, as well as the use of energyefficient structures. For example, in the North countries, a multilayer thermal insulation system is widely used.

Heat loss through the windows can be reduced by the use of multi-chamber double-glazed windows or the use of thermal film.

As a rule, stone or mineral wool is used for insulation of roofs, it is also necessary to remember about the vapor barrier.

It is very important to pay attention to the choice of thermal insulation materials. They must meet a variety of requirements: durability, environmental friendliness, light weight, fire safety.

We have studied modern methods of reducing heat loss.

Experts in Germany have calculated that the rational thermal insulation of constructions power engineering equipment can be reduced by 50% or more, so new methods to reduce heat loss are constantly developing in this area.

One of these methods is dynamic thermal insulation of walls sections. The essence of the proposed method of thermal insulation is based on the flow of fresh outdoor or warm ventilation air in the core of the wall parallel to its flat area with the exit to the atmosphere or the room.

Innovative thermal insulation materials are also being developed, such as:

Foam concrete. This material has a high degree of energy efficiency comparable to mineral wool.

Foam glass. This material has the best thermal conductivity and water absorption compared to the widely used bulk material-expanded clay gravel.

Thermal insulation granular material based on liquid glass modified with sodium chloride.

The use of resource-saving products and materials in construction in combination with effective thermal insulation materials for enclosing structures will significantly reduce the material and energy consumption of construction facilities and improve the efficiency of the construction industry.


In conclusion, we can say that it is very important to calculate and prevent heat loss, as it affects the cost of the house heating and the quality of life in such a house.

Sergeeva V. V., Ageeva V. V., Korneva O.N.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


In our city sewer water is discharged into Volga, that is the main source of water pollution. But before the water will dump into the river, it must undergo mandatory biological treatment. In N. N. this treatment is done at the Nizhny Novgorod aeration station. The address: Nizhny Novgorod city, Grebnoy canal embankment, 1.

The Nizhny Novgorod aeration station is complex of constructions for complete biological treatment sewer water in Nizhny Novgorod and Bor. The total area is 270 ha. The building of the station began in 1974. The treatment facilities of first turn was built particularly. Then household, industrial, drainage water have started to act.

The water arriving for treatment contains harmful bacteria, salt of heavy metals, petroleum products, phenols and other pollutions.

On the station water passes 4 stages of biological treatment:



Additional processing

Sludge treatment

Also the stage of treatment sludge is separated.

On the stage of mechanical treatment water passes through the building grids. This is the section where large debris is removed from the water.

After that a water passes the section with sand catcher, where sand and lime larger than 0.25 mm are detained there.

Then water arrives to the primary sedimentation, where fine particles precipitate for 2 hours.

The finish stage is primary sedimentation tank. After passing this stage the name of water is clarify water. Water passes there for clarification, namely going on process of deposition of wastewater.

As a result of three stages there is the problem of huge quantity of waste and mineral precipitates. At the station debris and precipitates subjected to flotation only, then it is transported to the polygon, where it accumulates. The decision of this problem hasn’t found.


Next stage is the biological treatment of aeration tanks. The aeration tanks are reinforced concrete rectangular the size of 36*120, hole 5.2 meters deep. The quality of aeration tanks is 12. Such type of treatment is done by active slime. The active slime is cereal of aerobic microorganism. It is like the process of selfpurification in water bodies. But it is more intensive. The active slime mixed with water with help air-supply units, that works uninterrupted by electricity power. These machines were built in 1975. The quantity of active slime increases constantly by reproduction of microorganisms.

After passing the aeration tanks water is sent to the secondary sedimentation tanks, where the process of sedimentation of active slime takes place. After the formation of the precipitate the active slime goes to aeration tanks again. And the overabundant slime is sent to the slime seals by special pump and then it is sent to silt fields for drying.

So, after the third stage of biological treatment we can identify four problems:

Accumulation of large debris after the treatment stage of sand catcher. The city doesn’t have large factory for recycling.


The solution hasn’t found yet.

High energy consumption by air-supply.


Replaced aeration tanks and system of supply active slime.

After the stages of treatment water quality doesn’t follow the state standards by nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.


it is necessary to reconstruct aeration tanks to reveal nitro-denitrification


Formation of overabundant slime, stored and accumulated it.


The solution hasn’t found yet.

The main electricity consumptions are pump station, the station of decontamination of sediment and air-supply units.

First thing worker of NAS considered it necessary to replaced air-supply units with regulating supply air.

After three stages water passes extra-treatment processing. This process is done on the biological ponds. It is based on principles of self-purification of reservoir.

The next problem is cleaning of biological ponds. Since 2009 the biological ponds are closed. To solve this problem, it is necessary budgeting.

Then the water goes to station of chlorination and it is sent to river. This is finish stage.

And the forth problem is destructive of chlorine influence to the life of organisms in the river



Replacing this system to ecofriendly system. It is UV-disinfection.

The priority problems are showing at the table. Now NAS has seven ecological problems, but by 2025 three of problems will have to be resolved. These solutions are part of project «Modernization».



Descriptions of technologies



and equipment






Installation removal technology of nitrogen and phosphor by nitroy-

tanks and

system of

denitrification. This is done with help 90 dip mixers and 6 dip

supply active slime

pump. The effectiveness one of the pump 2000 cubed meters on




To set air-supply

The set air-supply units with automatic regulation supply air.

units with regulating

Regulation depends on density of air pollution and quantity of



sludge production.




1-th technological line:



UV-disinfection station; transformed substation; supply channels



and discharge channels with camera;



Extra-settlement network and their installations.



2-th technological line:



UV-disinfection station; transformed substation; supply channels



and discharge channels with camera;



Extra-settlement network and their installations




These activities are planned up to 2025.

It was compared the annual electricity consumption nowadays and electricity consumption after realization the solutions listed in this article.

Finally, the goal of our work is achieved. And we proved the positive effect of it. The saving is 8 900 160 kW/ h.


1.Zhmur N. S. The management of treatment process at the constructions with aerotenks /N. S. Zhmur. – M.: Looch, 1997. – 169 p.;

2.Calculation «Economic impact of the realization project» - access by workers of station;

3.The official site «Nizhny Novgorod Vodocanal». URL: https://nn.dk.ru/wiki/nizhegorodskaya-stanciya-aeracii;

4.The official site «Rambler». URL: https://news.rambler.ru/ecology/37276040-pasport-proekta-chistaya-volga- utverzhden-na-federalnom-urovne/?updated;

5.The official site «Nizhny Novgorod vodocanal». URL: https://www.vodokanal-nn.ru/upload/medialibrary/428/ip_modernizaciya_2014- 2023.pdf.


A.D.Durneva, O.N.Korneva

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Currently, there are a huge number of enterprises, and the competition between them is very high. Quite rarely, the work of enterprises is carried out effectively, in order to achieve success in their field it is necessary to achieve maximum quality indicators, speed of work and, accordingly, product sales. In modern society, it is necessary to process much information and perform a lot of tasks.

Russian enterprises are exposed to many factors, such as:

impact of the domestic economy

high competition

inadequate professional skills of employees

technology development

rapid change of buyers' interests.

All this leads to financial difficulties for the organization, and sometimes to its complete bankruptcy.

In order to avoid such problems, business modeling is used. Modeling business processes is an effective means of finding ways to optimize the company’s activities, which allows you to determine how the company works as a whole and how activities are organized at each workplace.

The goals of modeling business processes can be defined as:

1)Understanding of the structure of the organization and the dynamics of the processes occurring in it;

2)Understanding of the current problems of the organization and the possibilities of their solution;

3)Make sure that customers and developers equally understand the goals and tasks of the organization;

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that, on the basis of business process models, the enterprise management makes an informed decision on making changes to existing business processes and introducing automation tools, which will improve the efficiency of individual business processes in particular, and the activities of an organization or enterprise in whole.

The graphical representation of information is the most convenient for perception and analysis, because the functional dependence is quite difficult to describe verbally. An analysis of the constructed models allows us to identify bottlenecks and give recommendations for their improvement.

To identify and eliminate difficulties, business processes are optimized. Special software tools have been developed .


One of the most common methodologies for modeling business processes today is the ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information Systems) methodology and the ARIS EXPRESS software product of the CASE family of tools.

ARIS supports four types of models:

organizational models

functional models;

information models

management models

The main business model that supports ARIS is the eEPC (extended eventdriven process chain). A business process in eEPC notation is a stream of sequentially performed work (procedures, functions) arranged in the order of their implementation.

Different types of models can also be interconnected, which greatly facilitates the process of creating a business process and its optimization.

Also, speaking of business process modeling, it is necessary to mention the Oracle BPM Suite (Oracle Business Process Management Suite) software platform. Using this platform, you can increase business productivity and reduce costs, as well as provide companies with tremendous speed of response to market needs and legislative changes.

Oracle BPM has a simulation environment in which it is possible to work simultaneously between business users and IT employees, a execution server and an environment for interacting with end users. This product is intended primarily for managing interactive business processes.

ELMA BPM - this software product provides simplicity of modeling and the speed of making changes to processes and allows you to constantly monitor how these changes are displayed on the business. The system helps in finding bottlenecks, which allows you to seriously optimize the company's business processes.

Processes are modeled by business analysts based on customer requirements. Business process modeling is done in BPMN 2.0 notation.

Processes in ELMA can be continuously improved without stopping its execution. So it is possible to take into account all the features of the organization.

Another significant advantage is the ability to return to earlier versions and view the history of business process improvements - the system stores all versions. You can make changes to the processes even after the implementation of these processes in the work. You get the opportunity to quickly make adjustments to the structure of the process and immediately check the effectiveness of the changes in practice.

Bizagi BPM Suite is another important software product in business process modeling. The system gained wide popularity and popularity.

Bizagi BPM Suite consists of components that perform separate functions: 1) Bizagi Process Modeler - a designer of processes;


2)Bizagi Studio - process automation;

3)Bizagi BPM Server - process execution.

Business process modeling is done in BPMN notation. The most comprehensive BPMN compliance level is supported. But the main advantage of this product can rightfully be considered - a colorful graphic editor.

It is not difficult to create simple schemes, but as soon as their complexity increases, various kinds of problems begin to appear, for example, descriptions of events and flows may be lost, or objects “copy” to each other when copying, and in this situation only loading the previous version of the scheme helps .

In the presented software product there is the possibility of collective design. The finished process model is uploaded to Bizagi Studio, where you can determine all the information that is needed to automate the process.

Bizagi platform enables the exchange of models between applications, which means that it supports the import and export to XPDL and MS Visio formats.

Please note that Bizagi BPM Suite is a development of a Spanish company, and it does not yet have an official representative office in Russia. For this reason, it is quite difficult to introduce a software product, this can be called one of the main disadvantages of the system.

All presented software products produce:

1)Modeling business processes

2)Execution of business processes

3)Improving business processes

Management of business processes, while they have almost the same characteristics.

Based on this information and if we compare the presented software products, namely ARIS Business Architect, Oracle BPM Suite, ELMA and Bizagi BPM Suite, we can make the following recommendations to enterprises that are interested in the correct selection of technical means:

1)You need to choose ARIS, if the direction of the company is consulting, and the size of the organization is a thousand or more employees.

2)The ELMA platform is preferable to use when the company's business is sales and the size of the organization is less than a thousand employees.

Also, the existence of a free version of the ELMA system makes it the best solution for studying business process modeling at universities.

3). Oracle BPM Suite is recommended for organizations with a size of more than a thousand and if a more rapid implementation is required.

4). Bizagi is best used if the size of the organization is up to a thousand employees and you need an inexpensive solution.

Thus, having examined the market of business modeling systems, we made recommendations on the implementation of software products at various enterprises. The need to use such systems is very urgent in Russia nowadays, so all companies are trying to find the best option. The right choice of technical


means allows companies and organizations to optimize processes, identify weaknesses, and increase the efficiency of employees, departments and enterprises in general. Business modeling and optimization of business processes in conditions of high competition help enterprises to maintain a leading position.


1.Repin, Vladimir Business processes. Modeling, implementation, management / Vladimir Repin. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2017 .-- 851 c

2.Scheer Modeling of business processes / Scheer, August-Wilhelm. - M.: Silver Threads, 2015 .-- 219 p.

3.Any E.I., Zueva A.G., Noskov B.V., Kiselev S.P. Practice and problems of modeling business processes. - M.: DMK Press, 2013

4.Gromov A.I., Chebotarev V.G., Gorchakov Y.V., Boyko O.I. Analysis and modeling of business processes. - M .: MGGU, 2012

Novikova P. V., Flaksman A.A.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering)



Nowadays new types of tourism which allow people to get distracted from the rhythm of their life in the metropolis are becoming popular. Any form of tourism that showcases the rural life, art, culture and heritage at rural locations, thereby benefiting the local community economically and socially as well as enabling interaction between the tourists and the locals for a more enriching tourism experience can be termed as rural tourism. This is the topic of the project created during the student exchange in France. The aim of the project was to create a new tourist destination, to improve communications between villages and to make people stay there longer than usual. Today tourists see villages not as a final destination of a trip, but as a landmark along the way. The project is relevant because most of villages around the world with the tourist potential face the problem of insufficient popularity, or the fact that people come for one day or even for a half of a day. It’s not enough for the tourism segment to participate in economic activity of the village.

The administration of three villages in Drôme department (Sauzet, Savasse, Marsanne) asked the architectural school to create a project that would help to develop the tourism on their territory. Each village has a tourist potential: rich history, unique nature around, agriculture and traditions.


The project consists of 3 levels. In the base it was one project created by all of the studio members (Fig.1) At the 2nd level there were 3 projects for each of the villages. There were 3 spheres to work with:

1)agricultural sphere;

2)cultural heritage;

3)communications (working with a big project, which includes a huge number of small ones, it's necessary to think about the connections them).

On the 3rd level each group was separated to pairs worked with one of the villages.

The region is located in southwestern France and known for lavender and vineyard fields, olives, truffles, nougat and goat cheese. The landscape is characterized by small hilly massifs alternating with plains. Also a feature of these place is «villages perché» (villages perched at the top of a relief, most commonly found in France).

Fig.1. The project of the studio

Marsanne, the village we worked with, is located on a plain surrounded by wooded hills. The particularity of Marsanne's location near hills and valleys gives a variety of landscape, flora and fauna. The place for our project is located on a hill in the historical part of the village, not far from the church of St. Felix and the ruins of a medieval castle. We found that this place is symbolic for the village, it’s a landmark that can be seen from any part of the village and from the neighboring territory. This place is remarkable for the unity of history and nature; it’s the culmination point on the way through the old part of the village. The place opens up a wide panorama to the visitor which extends from the borders of the Rhone Valley. On the other side, there is a view to the green hills untouched by human. Today the church of St. Felix doesn’t work; it is in an abandoned state, as well as the ruins of a medieval castle. The whole hill is covered with different types of vegetation and trees. Ruins seem to be the only human interventions in


nature. The place is accessible by the road from the north side and by a hiking trail from the south.

Fig.2. The old center of Marsanne

In our opinion, the existing path isn’t accessible enough to the visitor. We came to the conclusion that the eastern slope of the hill which is now hidden and inaccessible to visitors, has greater potential for revealing the spirit of this place. That is why we decided to create a parallel path to open up new possibilities for the well-known place. We decided to create a cultural center to expand the functions of space. The Art Center project is a part of the overall strategy "Via Flora" proposed by our group for Marsanne.

The way we proposed begins at the St.Felix Church and ends at the ruins of the castle. Our path includes three architectural interventions: three pavilions that echo the «Via Flora» strategy. The main principles that were used in the project are: the creation of spaces in dialogue with nature; partial concealment between vegetation; the use of light and fine structures; fitting into relief; the use of natural light to create a sense of penetration of the environment inside the interiors. A system of thin rods-columns is used as a common element that unites all the objects. Each pavilion is located at its own level and opens a special view of the valley.

The first pavilion is the Open Art Gallery. It’s located on the east side of St. Felix Church. Its shape symbolizes the portal that invites visitors to pass through. The pavilion structure creates the effect of translucency: the vegetation penetrating inside and the effect of play of shadows and lights.

The second pavilion is the Pavilion of Aromas, it continues the passage. The space is divided into two parts with different qualities: open, illuminated and hidden, dark part. Open space is the recreation area, with the possibility to rest and enjoy the scenery, the hidden part is devoted to the richness of the aromas of Drôme's territory.

The third pavilion is the final point of the passage, it is the Pavilion of Interaction. It includes two levels that are connected by the spiral staircase. The first level is hidden by the trees and invisible. The second level has an interaction function. The forest of poles is the support of the hammocks where visitors can fit into and enjoy the view of the valley during the day and the stars during the night.


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