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A.S. Kovrizhnych, T.A. Sarkisian

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


I’d like to raise the problem of space planning. The purpose of any place in cities is human activity. This means that the activity for which there is a special place will be developed. For example, if there are bicycle paths on the street, then people will ride a bike. And if the lanes for public transport will be designed at the same place, then people will use buses. So, the space forms the habits of citizens and their lifestyle.

As an example, let’s consider the situation with cars in Los Angeles. This city has one of the most developed highway systems in the world, many of which are built on overpasses. But public transport lanes, sidewalks and pedestrian crossings in Los Angeles are poorly developed. Because of these problems, citizens walk a little, preferring to travel by private cars. The result is health problems, environmental degradation and traffic jams. People try to walk a little, because it is an unprofitable and irrational occupation.

So, we can say that the organization of space and location affects people's lifestyle.

Let's go back to architecture. As you can see, it is important to consider architecture in terms of philosophy and psychology. Before designing a space, we should think about its purpose. Our habits, values and lifestyle are adapted to the space around.

Then we should think what activities we want to add to our lives, and what we want to give up.

Architects should ask themselves questions such as "What skills do people need" and "Where can they develop them?", "What new type of space meets the needs of modern society?" For example, office workers who spend a lot of time at the computer need a place for gymnastics. That is why in modern offices it is necessary to provide non-standard spaces where it would be possible to do morning exercises, to warm up, to do yoga in breaks.

What about us? I think that students-architects spend a lot of time at the desk. We do very large-scale projects in which there are no short cuts. And our main task is to sit at the workplace and make drawings all the time. But we still need communication with peers. There is almost no time to meet with friends and discuss new projects. For people of especially creative professions it is important to exchange views and information with each other. I thought about it and imagined what kind of space would be suitable for us to solve this problem.

Everyone has heard of co-workings. For example, company OOLEY. They have a network of public workshops throughout Russia. In Nizhny Novgorod


region there is a camp for artisans, where people live and work on projects together. Places of this type can be taken by us as a basis.

It gave me the idea of creating a place for students, where they could not only study, but also communicate during the breaks. This is convenient for students who don’t have enough space to complete a task at home or in a student hostel, also for those who do projects in groups. Large bright classrooms, comfortable working areas, conference rooms, individual offices, places for communication and cafés. I think such spaces would be perfect for busy students. They would no longer waste time preparing and finding a place to meet friends, because they would already be in one place. They would not spend unnecessary minutes on the road.

To my way of thinking, such spaces should be located in every district of the city.

As you may see, I started the development of space with the designation of the processes that should take place there. First of all, the place is its practical purpose.

After that, the process of developing new types of spaces begins. The architect starts to think about additional conditions; about what will be this structure and where it is better to place.

In conclusion, the beginning of space design always starts with the choice of activities that the architect would like to bring to people's lives. Forming the meaning of space, we form human qualities, values and activities. This means that architects should be good not only at designing the ordered space, but also at defining the philosophy of life. Discuss with family and friends what is important for them in life. This will help you to understand the meaning.





3.https://research-journal.org/culture/vliyanie-gorodskogo- prostranstva-na-kulturnuyu-identifikaciyu-cheloveka-v-sovremennom- obshhestve/



N.M. Fedorova, T.A. Sarkisian

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Life never stands still. Along with cities and architectural structures that develop together with their population, there are architectural objects which were left for certain reasons.

Ghost cities existed in all historical areas from ancient times to the present day. The words "ex-city", "dead", "abandoned", "disappeared" city, "ghost city" reflect the sudden or rapid extinction of large settlements in the time interval. Abandoned cities of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Roman Empire and other civilizations are well known and very valuable for archeology, history, culture and sociology. But the process of the disappearance of cities has not stopped nowadays. It is necessary to study the causes and dynamics of the de-urbanization processes for territorial planning and design of new cities, to prevent and significantly reduce possible damages from unattractiveness and extinction of certain residential areas, urban-type settlements and entire cities. While exploring abandoned architectural objects, you can get information that is useful in predicting the development of cities. In other words, you can find out the time when nature will begin to “take its own.”

The causes and intensity of the city extinction are often individual, the emergence of a ghost city can initiate natural and man-made causes, social and political deformations, sanitary and epidemiological conditions. In this work I would like to describe some causes of de-urbanization.

The first one is natural extinction (group of cities affected by natural forces or climate change). The example is Krako.

In the south of Italy there is a place that has been deleted out from all tourist guides, but is widely known throughout the world. The small town of Krako, standing on a hill of limestone, does not officially exist as a toponym, but more than five hundred people, who have decided to stay in this city to the last, live here.

The date of the foundation of Krako is approximately 1060. The settlement was founded by the Greeks, far from the major trade routes. The city was supposed to be a reliable shelter from sea thieves and numerous wars of the early Middle Ages. This city led its life by agriculture. By 1891, the population of Krako reached two thousand people, despite the frequent earthquakes and landslides.

But the earthquake of 1963 became the last straw. Several powerful earthquakes caused the collapse of limestone, on which the foundation of the city was built. In a few minutes, several streets were destroyed; dozens of people were buried alive under a pile of stones and fragments of buildings. The city authorities


have announced a mass evacuation of the population and the closure of the city. Krako officially stopped to exist. But, despite the exodus of the inhabitants of the city, life in Krako continued. People returning from temporary shelters began to occupy empty houses and re-occupy them. Far from all have returned - at first it was a group of several dozen people, but gradually the hermits became much more. By the 1990s, the unofficial population of the extinct on the papers of the city of Krako was seven hundred people. Approximately the same number of people lives here today. Many of them are happy to make contact with tourists and show the surviving sights of the city.

Now the city is surrounded by a truly apocalyptic landscape - because of the earthquake on the unpaved areas, a threatening view of ravines and deep cracks in the ground have formed.

The second reason is epidemic-catastrophic death (a group of cities exposed to man-made impacts, natural disasters or epidemics); The example is Pripyat. The of construction of Pripyat began at February 4, 1970. On August 15, 1972, the first cubic meter of concrete was laid into the base of the main building of the nuclear power plant. In the mid-1980s, about 48,000 people lived in Pripyat. Each year the number of people increased at more than one and a half thousand people. The city was a major transportation hub, construction was actively going on. It seemed that everything was just beginning, like other young cities of the Soviet Union.

On April 27, 1986, residents of the city heard the message about unfavorable radiation situation is developing in connection with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the city of Pripyat and the necessity of evacuation.

Now Pripyat is a ghost town with an official population of 0 people. Pripyat could not continue its history along with those who lived in it. The city is overgrown with greenery. This is especially unusual to see in the stadium, where trees are growing right from the treadmill, breaking through the asphalt.

The next one is socio-territorial extinction (of a city with an unjustified purpose of construction) The example is Ordos. Ordos is the Chinese "city of the future", which has become the largest ghost town.

About 15 years ago, the booming coal industry prompted local authorities to invest in the development of the city, which would become a new center of culture, economy and politics. The new city of Ordos, also known as Kangbashi, was designed for one million inhabitants. Massive conceptual architectural projects, residential towers, cultural and sports facilities were constructed. The government believed that it was enough to “build a city, and the people themselves would come.”

But high property taxes and poor quality construction keep people from relocating to Ordos. About 100,000 people live in the city, but most of it is empty.


In 2010, 90% of the apartments were empty. Yet, Ordos is still far from becoming fully populated.

The last one is functional extinction (mono-cities with one or several functions, the closure of which doomed the city to extinction). Example: Gankadzhima Island.

On the west coast of Japan there is the dead island of Gankadzhim. In Nagasaki Prefecture, he was listed as one of the uninhabited islands. For a long time, it was nothing more than a small reef. In 1810, the accidental discovery of coal changed the fate of this reef. The company Mitsubishi bought Gankadzhima and began to mine coal from the bottom of the sea. The work required significant labor and labor costs. Construction began, people arrived to live and work here. Thanks to the coal industry, residential areas began to expand continuously. Residential complexes were built, and much more durable than on the mainland, in order to protect against tsunamis. By the mid-twentieth century, the island’s population density was 835 people per hectare, which is one of the largest population densities in the world. The reef turned into an artificial island with a diameter of about one kilometer (three quarters of a mile) in the perimeter, with a population of 5300 people.

Rising above the ocean, a maze of houses and industrial facilities built together appeared. From the ocean, the island’s silhouette resembled a battleship. He was like a fortress, which grew out of the sea, surrounded by high walls. The island gave the impression of a small kingdom. Over time, coal was replaced by oil, and coal deposits began to close. In 1974, one of the most densely populated islands in the world became completely deserted. Mitsubishi has officially announced the closure of the field. The city looked as if all its inhabitants suddenly disappeared overnight. Currently visited it is abandoned.

All “dead”, “abandoned” and “disappeared” cities are united by one feature - abandoned cities, as a rule, never become re-populated. Ways of reviving the city with the reconstruction of the housing stock, the "reanimation" of the infrastructure and the social sphere in order to achieve safe and comfortable living conditions are almost always individual and require the study of all the factors and causes leading to decay. It is possible that most of the settlements that have lost their purpose and functions of the city cannot be restored, primarily for socio-political and economic reasons. Although it is believed that our Earth is overpopulated, there are still places that become uninhabited. These processes have not ended, although the world has become more predictable. Recently, their number has increased due to man-made disasters and economic disadvantage. Cities are built for life, but life often leaves them before the walls collapse. Do they have a future? In the short term – they do not. In order to completely "erase" these cities from the face of the earth, no less money is required than for their construction. To solve this problem there is a more reliable instrument - time.



1.Власова Е.С., Грин И.Ю. Дезурбанизация городов. Основные типовые причины угасания и факторы влияния // Новые идеи нового века: материалы междунар. науч. конф. / Тихоокеан. гос. ун-т.Хабаровск, 2014.

Т. 2. – С. 54–59.

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постсоветского пространства [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: http://www.dead-cities.ru/geo.php?strana=32 (дата обращения: 05.04.2019).

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Молодой ученый. — 2015. — 2. — С. 414-417. — URL https://moluch.ru/archive/82/15038/ (дата обращения: 05.04.2019).

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Хабаровск, 2012. — С. 398–402.

7.Монченко, С. В. Основные причины дезурбанизации городов / С. В. Монченко // Вестник пермского национального исследовательского политехнического университета. Прикладная экология. Урбанистика. — 2014. — 3(15). — С. 147–157.

A.R. Mamrukova, E.A. Aleshugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Archtecture and Civil Engineering



The article considers prospects of Russian – European Cooperation in Machine Tool Sector. Everyone knows the Russian-German relations have a long history. Nowadays, both countries are interested not only in political cooperation but also in the economic and cultural sphere.

The object of the research is joint activities of Russia and Germany in the DMG MORI company.

DMG MORI is a worldwide leading manufacturer of machine tools with sales revenues of more than € 2.6 billion and more than 7,500 employees. DMG Mori Aktiengesellschaft was founded in 1870 and is headquartered in Bielefeld, Germany.


With 157 sales and service locations – thereof 14 production plants – it is present worldwide and deliver to more than 100,000 customers in 79 countries.

As the first international machine tool manufacturer, DMG MORI officially holds the status of “Russian manufacturer”. This allows easier access to the Russian market.

The customer benefits is fixed Ruble price and short delivery periods. Moreover it is low transport costs, elimination of customs duties, fast technical support and promoting the structural change of the Russian economy.

DMG Mori produces CNC machine tools. CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control and it is a way of controlling how machine tools operate using a computer. Know-how in the field of CNC means competitiveness. DMG MORI is an international leader when it comes to passing on CNC expertise – in industry and in educational sectors. Working closely together with schools, educational providers, and customers the DMG MORI Academy is a reliable partner offering a wide range of training courses and equipment also to the Russian market.

International training standards and CNC technology are the core aspects of the educational philosophy at the DMG MORI Academy.

The purpose of DMG Mori’s R&D is to sustainably increase the value of their products for their customers. As innovation and technology leader, they provide a forward-looking offer of machinery, technology and automation solutions, software products and services for their customers.

In the area of R&D, they will continue to advance their innovation strategy. The particular focus of their work is placed on their five strategic future topics: Automation, Digitalization, Additive manufactoring; Technology Excellence and DMG MORI Qualified Products.

For the current financial year, they are again planning a wide range of innovations and world premieres in these areas and are consistently pursuing their “First Quality” strategy.

At 2018 they used ~ 60 million Euro for R&D which was 15% above the previous year’s figure. This increase in comparison to the previous year shows the once more enhanced dynamic by which they have advanced their strategic future topicsin particular Automation and Digitalization.

Currently they own more then €600 million industrial property rights, defined by the market value method.

According to preliminary calculations of the Institute for World Economics, the global economy remained stable but it still continues to be characterized by world-wide uncertainties. The World consumption increased by +8,5%.The global machine tool market developed positively as a whole in 2018 as the global consumption of machine tools went up by +5,2%.

In Germany, the growth of the gross domestic product (GDP) of 1,5 % was lower than the previous year (+ 2,2%). This year is a declining momentum in economic growth expected (GDP growth declining + 0,5%).


The international business of DMG MORI is of course being impacted by this economic aspects.

In 2019 they increased sales revenues, results and free cash flow. Order intake of € 708.3 million (-14%; previous year’s quarter: € 821.8 million) was stable at the high level of the two last quarters in 2018 [Table 1]. Sales revenues rose by +8% to € 629.2 million. EBIT goes up significantly and made again strong gains of +23% to € 50.4 million. The free cash flow of € 31.5 million could also be improved significantly once again and is clearly above the previous year’s quarter.

Table 1. Comparison of indicators of 2018 and 2019

What do russians benefit from a german company? The opening of this machine-tool plant is a significant event for both Russia and Germany, this is a new step in the development of relations between our countries;

The project is aimed at expanding the most important state tasks: the tasks of import substitution of innovative imported products.

DMG MORI Academy has knowledge, unique educational programs and technical opportunities in the organization of modern world-class training centers.

More than 2500 educational organizations around the world are partners of the Academy.

The set of services of the Academy:

Modular training courses for customers and service professionals;

Professional qualification and cooperation with educational institutions;

Supporting young talent.

Believing the corporate motto "collaboration supports innovation", the DMG MORI affiliate program has been designed to make its global network available to a number of selected partners.

It creates win-win situations for an exceptional number of partners who collaborate in business, technology and marketing.

Summing up, I would like to say that the DMG MORI confirms its commitment to implement the most advanced machine tool technologies in Russia, develop local production and supply innovative technologies, such as automation solutions and additive manufacturing. That's why, it is important to support cooperation between Russia and Germany for future joint development.


1. http://integral-russia.ru/2018/09/07/yaponsko-nemetskij-kontsern- dmg-mori-otkryl-v-rossii-sborochnoe-proizvodstvo-stankov-s-chpu/




4.https://de.dmgmoriag.com/resource/blob/354664/5eed9528e4f5a506fa1924df9d8a8439/dmgmorij18 d-data.pdf



7.https://en.dmgmoriag.com/resource/blob/362774/f846aaafbdd797fa2b1a5684d3974e66/dmgmori119 e-data.pdf

8.https://en.dmgmori-career.com/your-entry/secondary-school-and- university-students

9.https://ru.dmgmori.com/news-and-media/magazine/technology- excellence-02-2018/dmg-mori-academy


11.https://www.rbth.com/business/2017/04/13/russian-industry-to-be- boosted-by-leading-machine-manufacturer_741765

E.N. Bespalova, E.A. Aleshugina

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



This article examines environmental factors in general: their classification, the impact on the vital activity of the organism and the nature of their effects on the organism.

The relevance of the research lies in the fact that in nature environmental factors act not in isolation from each other, but in the form of a complicated complex. A complex of environmental factors, without which the organism cannot exist, and represents the conditions for the existence of the organism. Living conditions and organisms are inseparable. A complex of environmental factors, without which the organism cannot exist, and represents the conditions for the existence of the organism. Living conditions and organisms are inseparable.

The object of the research is to study the effect of environmental factors on the vital activity of the organism.

The tasks of the study are follows:

¾define the concept of environmental factors, their classification;


¾experimentally determine the content of bacteria on the hands of a person, depending on the different degrees of cleanness and on time;

¾analyze the results.

The environmental factor is an element of the environment that can directly or indirectly influence a living organism, at least at one of the stages of its individual development. For example, the presence of mineral substances, access of oxygen, soil moisture, soil temperature, soil friability. Environmental factors that determine the possibility of the existence and normal functioning of organisms. However, very often the most creatures are exposed to not one, but several factors at the same time. This certainly has a specific effect on the ability to adapt. The impact of environmental factors on a living organism is very diverse. Some factors have a stronger effect, others act weaker; some affect all aspects of life, others affect a certain life process.

Ecological factors can act as stimuli, causing adaptive changes in physiological functions; as constraints, causing the impossibility of the existence of certain organisms in these conditions; as modifiers that determine morphoanatomical and physiological changes of organisms.

Organisms are not affected by static unchanging factors, but by their regimes - a sequence of changes for a certain time. All this variety of environmental factors is divided into two large groups. The first one is abiotic factors (of inanimate nature) are a complex of inorganic environment conditions affecting the organism. The second one is biotic factors (living nature) is a combination of the vital activity effects of some organisms on others.

Ecological environmental factors usually act on the organism not one by one, but in combination. The cumulative impact of factors (constellation) in one way or another mutually changes the nature of the impact of each individual factor.

Within the framework of this topic were conduct the analysis of the content of bacteria in the human’s hands, depending on time and on the various degrees of cleanness of the hands using the handwipes technique, followed by seeding on a nutrient medium in a Petri dish.

Take 17.5 grams of agar powder and weigh on the scales. At 17, 5 grams of agar it took 0.5 liters of glucose solution. Pour the glucose solution into the conical flask, put it on the hot plate and add the agar powder. Stir to no lumps and bring to a boil. As soon as the liquid in the flask is boiling, remove the flask from the stove and cool to + 45 and pour it into Petri dishes.

In this case, the handwipe were carried out as follows: pour 10 ml of distilled water into the test tube. A cotton swab is thoroughly carried out on the hands (especially between the fingers and close to the nails). Dip a cotton swab in a tube with distilled water and shake. We took 1 ml from this tube, transfer it to tube 2 and dilute with distilled water to 10 ml. From test tube 2 took 1 ml and seed it on a nutrient medium in Petri dishes. Each cup must be signed. Next,


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