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5. Употребите либо as … as, либо not as … as в следующих предложениях.

Образец: Ben Nevis is __________ as Mont Blanc (not/high).

Ben Nevis is not as high as Mont Blanc.

1) The blue car is__________ the red car. (fast)

2) Peter is__________ Fred. (not/tall)

3) The violin is__________ the cello. (not/low)

4) This copy is__________ the other one. (bad)

5) Oliver is__________ Peter. (optimistic)

6) Today it's__________ yesterday. (not/windy)

7) The tomato soup was__________ the mushroom soup. (delicious)

8) Grapefruit juice is__________ lemonade. (not/sweet)

9) Nick is__________ Kevin. (brave)

10) Silver is__________ gold. (not/heavy)

Оборот “There To Be”. Безличные предложения.

1. Поставьте оборот “there to be” в нужную форму.

1. There… many interesting Latin terms in this article.

2. … there examinations in the middle of the term?

3. There … no practical training next year .

4. There … seven department in our city hospital .

5. … there a book or a medical journal on the shelf ?

6. There … some necessary chapters in that text- book .

7. There … not entrance examinations at the institute in May .

8. There … many students at the lecture in Biology next Tuesday.

2. Переведите на английский язык.

1. В нашем городе есть много красивых парков.

2. На столе лежала книга.

3. В деревне будет новая больница.

4. В хирургическом отделении есть много опытных хирургов.

5. В этой палате не было больных с гриппом.

6. На полке не было медицинских журналов.

7. В аудитории было 8 столов для студентов и один для преподавателя.

8. В группе десять девушек и четверо юношей.

3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на формальное подлежащее “it

1. It was difficult to translate this text without the dictionary.

2. It is time to begin our lesson.

3. Was it cold or warm yesterday?

4. It is necessary to work hard for any medical student.

5. Will it be warm tomorrow?

6. It was Sunday yesterday.

7. It is time to go home.

8. It is possible for you to help me?

Указательные и неопределенные местоимения.

1. Переведите предложения. Найдите в них указательные местоимения.

1. This hostel is bigger than that one.

2. These flowers are more beautiful.

3. That is your exercise book.

4. It is such an interesting medical journal.

5.They were both born in the same town.

6. Such was the result of their discussion.

7. Do the same task, please!

8. This therapeutist is more experienced than that one.

2. Постойте вопросительную, утвердительную или отрицательную форму следующих предложений, содержащих неопределенные местоимения.

  1. There are no students in the classroom.

  2. I want to go to some interesting places on Sunday.

  3. Have you got any relatives abroad?

  4. We have no scientific papers on the shelves.

  5. They often read some English newspapers.

  6. There are some students in the dissecting-room.

  7. Some scientists were present at the meeting.

  8. There was no new material in the lecture yesterday.