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грамматика ( окончательный вар.) (1).doc
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Времена группы

Continuous Passive.

1. Выберите предложения со сказуемым в Continuous Passive.

1. Many doctors are examining patient Petrov in the consulting room № 5.

2. Surgeon N was examined by the oculist in our polyclinic last week.

3. Who is being examined by the ear, throat and nose doctor?

4. An intravenous injection is being given to my sister by the nurse.

5. The physician observed that a favorable effect was being produced on the patient’s condition after the treatment.

6. The male was coughing badly, when I entered the ward.

7. The operation had been completed by 6 p.m.

8. The child is being given cough mixture by his mother.

Парные союзы: both… and, either… or, neither… not.

1. Переведите предложения в которых употребляются парные союзы.

1. Both you and your friend must come to the meeting tomorrow.

2. You may either speak or listen to me.

3. He is interested in neither biology nor chemistry.

4. The patient complained both of the pain in the side and a bad head ache.

5. When one is healthy neither the blood analysis nor the urinalysis show abnormal findings.

6. A district doctor may go out to the calls either before or after his consulting hours at the polyclinic.

2. Переведите парные союзы.

1. Normally the layer of cellular tissue on the abdomen is (или) I am (или) 1.5 am thick.

2. The patient was in such a poor condition that he could (ни) sit up (ни) move.

3. The physician revealed (ни) the increased pulse rate (ни) crepetation.

4. The nurse on duty fills in (и) temperature charts (и) gives injections.

5. Listening to the patients lungs the theraputist did not reveal (ни) moist (ни) dry rales.

6. (и) the theraputist (и) the surgeon have come to the conclusion to treat the male at the in patient department.



1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на формы и функции причастия в предложении.

1. The student translating the article is my friend.

2. The article translated by the student is difficult.

3. Translating the article, the student used a dictionary.

4. Having translated the article, the student gave it to the teacher.

5. Having been asked to translated the article, the student translated it with great interest.

6. The article being translated is about new technologies in medicine.

2. От глаголов ,данных в скобках, употребите нужную форму причастия.

1. (To administer) intramuscular injections of antibiotics the patient was relieved of a sharp pain the stomach within several days.

2. The temperature began to decrease gradually (to persist) at a level of 38.5C for three days.

3. (To use) the most modern techniques the young scientist studied many important symptoms associated with an inflammatory process in the liver.

4. (To develop) an acute chest pain the patient was revealed a marked shadowing at the base of the left lung.

5. The surgeon (to operate) on the patient is the best specialist in cardio surgery in the clinic.

6. (To treat) for a prolonged period of time the patient was relieved of all symptoms of inflammation in his throat.