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4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на залог сказуемого.

1. Учёные открыли новое вещество.

2.Это вещество открыли несколько лет назад.

3. Студенты будут проходить хирургию в следующем году.

4. Хирургия будет изучаться в следующем году.

5. Учёные разработали новый метод лечения.

6. В нашей клинике разработали новый метод лечения.

7. Врач не рекомендует больному употреблять новое лекарство.

8. Больному не рекомендуют употреблять новое лекарство.

Cлова – заменители в английском языке.

1.Переведите те предложения, в которых «one -ones и that-those» выступают в роли заменителей существительных.

1. One man-no man.

2. One of my friends wants to take a post graduate course.

3. One must be always attentive while preparing for the examination session.

4. These are not my text-books, those are mine.

5. That student is the best one.

6. He treated his patients and those of Dr. Ivanov.

7. Those girls are first year students.

Неопределённо-личные и безличные предложения.

Неопределённо- личные предложения.

1. Переведите неопределённо-личные предложения и найдите в них формальное подлежащее.

1. It is thought that he is our best student.

2. It is known that skeleton is composed of bones.

3. One knows that the lower extremity is connected with the trunk by the pelvis.

4. It is known health is above wealth.

5. They say that the patient Ivanov will be discharged from the hospital soon.

6. It is estimated that blood is composed of plasma, red corpuscles, white corpuscles and platelets.

Безличные предложения.


Времена группы Perfect Active.

1.Переведите предложения со сказуемыми в Perfect Active.

1. The surgeon has already performed the operation.

2. We have just finished translating the text.

3. The students haven’t returned from the lecture yet.

4. He has never been to London.

5. Have you ever listened to the lectures of this professor?

6. Had he decided to enter our University before he finished a secondary school?

7. He will have prepared the report by 10 o’ clock tomorrow.

2. Переведите те предложения, в которых сказуемые выражены глаголами в Perfect Active.

1. The students worked in the dissecting- room yesterday.

2. I was working at my report from 7 till 10 o’ clock on Thursday.

3. Has he already returned from the meeting?

4. She hasn’t given the answer yet.

5. Will you go to the Anatomy museum tomorrow?

6. He will be listening to Professor Smirnov at this moment the day after tomorrow.

7. All of them have received only good and excellent marks at the examination in Physiology

3. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в форму Present Perfect или Past Perfect.

1.He (not yet to take) medicine today. 2. After she (to spend) 3weeks at the hospital she was allowed to be discharged. 3. The young surgeon (never to perform) any operation. 4. He (ever to do) a research work? 5. Yesterday by the end of the day the physician (already to receive) 20 patients. 6. The patient complained that he (to feel) a sharp pain in the chest the day before. 7. Scientists (already to carry out) the new experiment.

4. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в форму Present Perfect или Past Perfect.

1. I said that I (to attend) the lecture of a well-known professor. 2. After he (to take) the cough mixture his condition considerably improved. 3. She (not yet to consult) the doctor though her high temperature persists. 4. The patient's condition (not to change since) he was discharged from the hospital. 5. The nurse left the ward after she (to make) an injection. 6. He found out that the patient (to suffer from) bronchitis a year before. 7. The students (already to listen) the lecture on Anatomy. 8. She looked very pale as she (to undergo) a serious operation.