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грамматика ( окончательный вар.) (1).doc
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Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

1. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень данных прилагательных.

easy, bad, beautiful, big, difficult, expensive, good, hot, important, little, long, nice, old, rude, small, short, tall, strong, sunny, rainy.

2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по образцу. Переведите получившиеся предложения.

Образец: I have a thin book. And what about Bill (Tom)? Bill has a thinner book, and Tom has the thinnest book.

  1. Doctor Black is a good doctor. And what about Dr. Brown and Dr. Smith?

  2. Peter’s brother is young. And what about Bill’s and Tom’s brother?

  3. I have many friends. And what about Mary and Jane?

  4. Nick’s translation is bad. And what about Bill’s and Henry’s translation?

  5. It was cold yesterday. And what about the day before yesterday?

  6. This mountain is high. And what about Everest?

  7. English is a difficult language. And what about Chinese and Japanese languages?

  8. I have a good dictionary. And what about Mike’s and Andrew’s dictionaries?

3.Прилагательное из первого предложения поставьте в соответствующую степень (сравнительную или превосходную) во втором предложении.

Образец: I have a fast car, but my friend has a ______ car.

I have a fast car, but my friend has a faster car.

1) This is a nice cat. It's much _____ than my friend's cat.

2) Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is_____.

3) This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk (*) is the_____ exercise on the worksheet.

4) He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the _____ hobby in the world.

5) In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even_____ one last weekend.

6) This magazine is cheap, but that one is_____.

7) We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even_____ than ours.

8) Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the_____ joke I've ever heard.

9) The test in Geography was easy, but the test in Biology was_____.

10) Florida is sunny. Do you know the_____ place in the USA?

11) Stan is a successful sportsman, but his sister is_____ than Stan.

12) My mother has a soft voice, but my teacher's voice is_____ than my mother's.

13) We have only little time for this exercise, but in the examination we'll have even_____ time.

14) Have you visited the old castle? It was the_____ castle we visited during our holidays.

4. Поставьте прилагательное или наречие в соответствующую форму.

1) Every morning I get up 10 minutes_____ (early) than my sister.

2) What are the_____ (dangerous) animals in Australia?

3) I can run as_____ (fast) as my elder brother.

4) You should buy the blue sweater. It suits you_____ (good) than the red one and I think it fits_____ (perfect)

5) If you worked_____ (careful), you would make_____ (few) mistakes.

6) Joy Fielding writes the_____ (exciting) books I've ever read.

7) Caroline is the_____ (pretty) dressed girl in this room.

8) Vienna is the_____ (large) town in Austria.

9) Please, speak_____ (clear), I_____ (hard) understand the instructions.

10) Bob ran_____ (slow) than his classmates.

11) Jo is the_____ (good) footballer in my team and he plays very_____ (fair).